Issue 11, 2022

Biogenetic and biomimetic synthesis of natural bisditerpenoids: hypothesis and practices


Covering: up to March 2022

Bisditerpenoids, or diterpenoid dimers, are a group of natural products with high structural variance, deriving from homo- or hetero-dimeric coupling of two diterpenoid units. They usually possess complex architectures resulting from the diversity of monomeric diterpenoids as building blocks and the dimerization processes. These compounds have attracted the attention of synthetic and biological scientists owing to the rarity of their natural origin and their significant biological activities. Herein, we provide a review highlighting some of the interesting bisditerpenoids reported since 1961 and showcase the chemical diversity in both their structures and biosynthesis, as well as their biological functions. This review focuses on the biosynthetic dimerization pathways of interesting molecules and their biomimetic synthesis, which may act as useful inspiration for the discovery and synthesis of more bisditerpenoids and further pharmacological investigations.

Graphical abstract: Biogenetic and biomimetic synthesis of natural bisditerpenoids: hypothesis and practices

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
Review Article
09 Jun 2022
First published
19 Aug 2022

Nat. Prod. Rep., 2022,39, 2030-2056

Biogenetic and biomimetic synthesis of natural bisditerpenoids: hypothesis and practices

Y. Chang, C. Sun, C. Wang, X. Huo, W. Zhao and X. Ma, Nat. Prod. Rep., 2022, 39, 2030 DOI: 10.1039/D2NP00039C

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