Correction to: Osteoporos Int

In the Antifracture Treatment in Men with Osteoporosis section of this article, the sentence that begins: "Medications currently FDA approved for osteoporosis treatment in men," should have excluded "abaloparatide," which is not FDA approved for prevention or treatment of osteoporosis in men.

In the Administration section for Alendronate, the sentence that begins "Oral alendronate (generic and Fosamax®) tablets" should state that tablets must be taken at least 30 min before the first food, beverage, or medication of the day with plan water only.

In the Administration section for Risedronate, the sentence that begins "After taking risedronate," should state that patients must remain upright and wait at least 30 min before eating, drinking, or taking any other medication.

In the Administration section for Risedronate, the sentence that begins “As with standard-release risedronate," should read “Oral delayed-release risedronate (Atelvia®) is taken not on an empty stomach, but directly after breakfast with ≥ 4 oz of plain water (no other liquid).”

The original article has been corrected.