Counting r-graphs without forbidden configurations rights and content


One of the major problems in combinatorics is to determine the number of r-uniform hypergraphs (r-graphs) on n vertices which are free of certain forbidden structures. This problem dates back to the work of Erdős, Kleitman and Rothschild, who showed that the number of Kr-free graphs on n vertices is 2ex(n,Kr)+o(n2). Their work was later extended to forbidding graphs as induced subgraphs by Prömel and Steger.

Here, we consider one of the most basic counting problems for 3-graphs. Let E1 be the 3-graph with 4 vertices and 1 edge. What is the number of induced {K43,E1}-free 3-graphs on n vertices? We show that the number of such 3-graphs is of order nΘ(n2). More generally, we determine asymptotically the number of induced F-free 3-graphs on n vertices for all families F of 3-graphs on 4 vertices. We also provide upper bounds on the number of r-graphs on n vertices which do not induce iL edges on any set of k vertices, where L{0,1,,(kr)} is a list which does not contain 3 consecutive integers in its complement. Our bounds are best possible up to a constant multiplicative factor in the exponent when k=r+1. The main tool behind our proof is counting the solutions of a constraint satisfaction problem.


For an r-uniform hypergraph (r-graph) F, let ex(n,F) denote the maximum number of edges in an F-free r-graph on n vertices. One of the central questions in extremal combinatorics is to determine the extremal number ex(n,F). For r=2, the extremal number is well-understood for all non-bipartite graphs, see [15] and [38]. However, determining the extremal number for general r-graphs is a well-known and hard problem. The simplest and still not answered question posed by Turán asks to determine the extremal number of K43, the complete 3-graph on 4 vertices. It is widely believed thatex(n,K43)=(59+o(1))(n3). In a series of papers, different K43-free 3-graphs on n vertices and 59(n3)+o(n3) edges were constructed by Brown [11], Kostochka [23] and Fon-der-Flaass [17] and Razborov [34]. In 2008, Frohmader [19] showed that there are Ω(6n/3) non-isomorphic r-graphs which are conjectured to be extremal. This is believed to be one of the reasons of the difficulty of this problem. For other related papers, see [3], [30], [34].

The problem of determining the extremal number can also be extended to families of induced r-graphs. For a family of r-graphs F, let exI(n,F) denote the maximum number of edges in an induced F-free r-graph on n vertices. In 2010, Razborov [34] used the method of flag algebras to determine exI(n,{K43,E1}), where E1 denotes the 3-graph with 4 vertices and 1 edge. In his paper, he showed thatexI(n,{K43,E1})=(59+o(1))(n3). Later, this result was extended by Pikhurko [30], who obtained the corresponding stability result and proved that there is only one extremal induced {K43,E1}-free 3-graph on n vertices, up to isomorphism. Sometimes referred to as Turán's construction and here denoted by Cn, the extremal induced {K43,E1}-free 3-graph on [n] is obtained as follows. Let V1V2V3 be a partition of [n] with ||Vi||Vj||1 for all i,j[3]. An edge is placed in Cn if it intersects each of the classes V1, V2 and V3, or if for some i[3] it contains two elements of Vi and one of Vi+1, where the indices are understood modulo 3. See Fig. 1 for an illustration of Cn.

In this paper, we first consider the problem of counting induced {K43,E1}-free 3-graphs on n vertices, which is the counting problem related to the results of Razborov [34] and Pikhurko [30]. Recently, Balogh and Mubayi [7] observed that a standard application of the hypergraph container method [4], [35] shows that the number of induced {K43,E1}-free graphs on n vertices is 2O(n8/3). From the other side, we can construct a family Q(n) with 2Ω(n2logn) subgraphs of Cn which are induced {K43,E1}-free. A 3-graph is in Q(n) if it is obtained from a complete tripartite 3-graph with classes V1,V2,V3 by removing a linear4 3-graph with the additional property that every edge contains one element from each of the classes V1, V2 and V3. It is not hard to show that every 3-graph in Q(n) is in fact induced {K43,E1}-free and that |Q(n)|=2Ω(n2logn) (see the proof of Theorem 1.2 in Section 4). Balogh and Mubayi [7] conjectured that almost all induced {K43,E1}-free 3-graphs are in this family, up to isomorphism.

Conjecture 1.1 Balogh and Mubayi [7]

Almost all induced {K43,E1}-free 3-graphs on [n] are in Q(n), up to isomorphism.

The motivation behind this conjecture comes from similar results. In particular, Person and Schacht [29] proved that almost all Fano-plane free 3-graphs are bipartite, and Balogh and Mubayi [6] proved that almost all F5-free triple systems are tripartite, where F5 is the 5-vertex 3-graph with edge set {123,124,345}. See also [5] for results along the same line.

The problem of counting r-graphs which are free of forbidden structures dates back to the work of Erdős, Kleitman and Rothschild [14] in the context of graphs. They showed that the number of Ks-free graphs on n vertices is 2(1+o(1))ex(n,Ks). Their work was later extended to all non-bipartite graphs by Erdős, Frankl and Rödl [13] using the Szemerédi regularity lemma. For other related results, see [8], [9], [13], [16], [21], [28], [36]. In a sequence of papers [31], [32], [33], Prömel and Steger studied the corresponding problem for induced graphs. Their results were stated in terms of a different notion of extremal number, which was latter generalized by Dotson and Nagle [12] as follows. Given a family of r-graphs F, let M and N be r-sets5 in [n]:={1,,n} with the following properties: (i) MN=; and (ii) for G([n]r)(MN), the r-graph GM is induced F-free. The notation ([n]r) stands for {S[n]:|S|=r}. The ⁎-extremal number ex(n,F) is defined asex(n,F):=(nr)minM,N(|M|+|N|), where the minimum is over all r-sets M,N[n] satisfying (i) and (ii). In 1992, Prömel and Steger [32] showed that the number of induced F-free graphs on n vertices is 2ex(n,F)+o(n2). This result was later extended by Alekseev [1] and Bollobás and Thomason [10] for families of graphs, and by Kohayakawa, Nagle and Rödl [22] for 3-graphs. In 2009, Dotson and Nagle [12] generalized these results, showing that for all families of r-graphs F the number of induced F-free r-graphs is 2ex(n,F)+o(nr).

For a family F of r-graphs such that ex(n,F)=o(nr), the counting results mentioned above are not precise. In the case of graphs, Alon, Balogh, Bollobás and Morris [2] obtained a more refined result. They showed that the number of induced F-free graphs on n vertices is 2ex(n,F)+O(n2ε), where ε>0 depends only on the family F. Terry [37] generalized this result to finite relational languages which in particular covers r-graphs. For a family of r-graphs F, her result says that the number of induced F-free 3-graphs is either 2Θ(nr) or there exists ε>0 such that for all large enough n, the number of induced F-free 3-graphs is at most 2nrε.

Our first theorem determines the number of induced {K43,E1}-free graphs up to a constant factor on the exponent, making progress towards Conjecture 1.1.

Theorem 1.2

The number of induced {K43,E1}-free 3-graphs on n vertices is 2Θ(n2logn).

More generally, we also determine the number of induced F-free 3-graphs on n vertices for all families F of 3-graphs on 4 vertices. Since every 3-graph on 4 vertices is determined by its number of edges, our result is stated in terms of forbidden number of edges. For a set L{0,1,2,3,4}, let f(n,3,4,L) be the number of 3-graphs on n vertices which do not induce iL edges on any set of 4 vertices. Our result can be stated as follows, where we do not attempt to optimize the constants in the exponent.

Theorem 1.3

Let L{0,1,2,3,4} be a set. Then, the following holds for n13.

  • (a)

    If {0,4}L or {1,2,3}L, then f(n,3,4,L){0,1,2};

  • (b)

    If L={0,2,3} or L={1,2,4}, then f(n,3,4,L)=n+1;

  • (c)

    If L={0,1,3} or L={1,3,4}, then f(n,3,4,L)=2Θ(nlogn);

  • (d)

    If L={1,3}, then f(n,3,4,L)=2(n12);

  • (e)

    If L{,{0},{1},{3},{4},{0,1},{3,4}}, then f(n,3,4,L)=2Θ(n3);

  • (f)

    For all the remaining cases, we have f(n,3,4,L)=2Θ(n2logn).

Note that some of the statements in Theorem 1.3 are trivial and others are known. We included those for the sake of completeness. For a list L{0,1,2,3,4}, define Lc={4i:iL}. It is not hard to check that if a list L belongs to item (f), then some T{L,Lc} satisfies T={1,4} or {2}T{0,1,2}. See Table 1 for a detailed list with the bounds on f(n,3,4,L) and the references of statements which proves each of them.

Before we state our next theorem, we need some notation. Let k,rN and L{0,1,,(kr)} be a set, which we refer to as a list. We say that an r-graph G is (L,k)-free if for all iL there is no set of k vertices in G inducing exactly i edges. By generalizing our previous notation, we denote by f(n,r,k,L) the number of (L,k)-free r-graphs on n vertices. Our next theorem extends Theorem 1.2 to r-graphs and 3-good lists. We say that a list L is 3-good if {i,i+1,i+2}L for all i{0,1,,(kr)2}. That is, the complement of L does not contain three consecutive integers. Throughout this paper, all logarithms are in base 2.

Theorem 1.4

Let nk>r2 be integers and L{0,1,,(kr)} be a list. If L is 3-good, thenf(n,r,k,L)22knr1+nr1logn.

The main tool behind the proof of Theorem 1.4 is a lemma which counts the solutions of a certain constraint satisfaction problem, see Lemma 3.1. For L={2,3,,r+1}, we observe that f(n,r,r+1,L) is equal to the number of r-graphs such that, for every pair of edges, the size of their intersection is not r1. This is related to the problem of counting designs, a heavily studied object in combinatorics, see [20], [24], [25].

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we discuss the sharpness of Theorem 1.4; in Section 3 we present the proof of Theorem 1.4; in Section 4 we prove Theorem 1.2, Theorem 1.3.

Section snippets

Sharpness discussion of Theorem 1.4

In this section, we provide three examples which show that Theorem 1.4 is sharp for k=r+1. Our first lemma shows that there is a 3-good list that achieves the upper bound given by Theorem 1.4.

Lemma 2.1

For r2 we havef(n,r,r+1,{2,3,,r+1})=2Θ(nr1logn).


The list L:={2,3,,r+1} is 3-good and therefore Theorem 1.4 can be applied, which gives the upper bound. Now, let M(n,r) be the set of r-graphs on [n] such that every (r1)-subset of [n] is contained in at most one edge. Note that the number of (L,r+1)

Proof of Theorem 1.4

We will start by proving a combinatorial lemma. To state it we use the language of constraint satisfaction problems (CSP). Let P be the family of all subsets of {0,1}×{0,1}. We refer to the elements of P as constraints. A CSP on [m] is a pair ([m],f), where f:([m]2)P is a function assigning a constraint for each pair of vertices. An assignment on [m] is a function g:[m]{0,1} which assigns for every vertex v[m] an integer (or color) from {0,1}. We say that an assignment g:[m]{0,1} is

Proof of Theorems 1.2 and 1.3

In this section we prove Theorem 1.3, that is, we determine f(n,3,4,L) asymptotically for all possible L. In particular, we prove Theorem 1.2. For simplicity, we denote f(n,L)=f(n,3,4,L) and assume that n4 throughout this section.

For a list L{0,1,2,3,4}, recall that Lc={4i:iL}. Observe that f(n,L)=f(n,Lc), as a 3-graph G does not induce i edges on 4 vertices if and only if its complement Gc does not induce 4i edges on 4 vertices. In light of this, to prove Theorem 1.3 it is sufficient to

Concluding remarks

When analyzing the proof of Theorem 1.4 in the case where L={1,4}, k=4 and r=3, it can be observed that it actually givesf(n,3,4,{1,4})m=1n1m!=G(n+1)=2n22logn(1+o(1)), where G is the Barnes G function. On the other hand, we have seen in the proof of Theorem 1.2 thatf(n,3,4,{1,4})|Q(n)|=2n227logn(1+o(1)). Towards solving Conjecture 1.1, it would be interesting to first determine the constant in front of the main term of the exponent.


We thank the anonymous referees for their careful reading and many helpful suggestions.

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    Research is partially supported by NSF grants DMS-1764123 and RTG DMS-1937241, the Arnold O. Beckman Research Award (UIUC Campus Research Board RB 18132), the Langan Scholar Fund (UIUC RB 18132), and the Simons Fellowship.


    Research is partially supported by the Arnold O. Beckman Research Award (UIUC Campus Research Board RB 18132).


    Research is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy – The Berlin Mathematics Research Center MATH+ (EXC-2046/1, project ID: 390685689).

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