
In the past decade, machine learning (ML) for healthcare has been marked by particularly rapid progress. Initial groundwork has been laid for many healthcare needs that promise to improve patient care, reduce healthcare workload, streamline healthcare processes and empower the individual1. In particular, ML for healthcare has been successful in the translation of computer vision through the development of image-based triage2 and second readers3. There has also been rapid progress in the harnessing of electronic health records4,5 (EHRs) to predict the risk and progression of many diseases6,7. A number of software platforms for ML are beginning to make their way into the clinic8. In 2018, iDX-DR, which detects diabetic retinopathy, was the first ML system for healthcare that the United States Food and Drug Administration approved for clinical use8. Babylon9, a chatbot triage system, has partnered with the United Kingdom’s National Healthcare system. Furthermore, Viz.ai10,11 has rolled out their triage technology to more than 100 hospitals in the United States.

As ML systems begin to be deployed in clinical settings, the defining challenge of ML in healthcare has shifted from model development to model deployment. In bridging the gap between the two, another trend has emerged: the importance of data. We posit that large, well-designed, well-labelled, diverse and multi-institutional datasets drive performance in real-world settings far more than model optimization12,13,14, and that these datasets are critical for mitigating racial and socioeconomic biases15. We realize that such rich datasets are difficult to obtain, owing to clinical limitations of data availability, patient privacy and the heterogeneity of institutional data frameworks. Similarly, as ML healthcare systems are deployed, the greatest challenges in implementation arise from problems with the data: how to efficiently deliver data to the model to facilitate workflow integration and make timely clinical predictions? Furthermore, once implemented, how can model robustness be maintained in the face of the inevitability of natural changes in physician and patient behaviours? In fact, the shift from model development to deployment is also marked by a shift in focus: from models to data.

In this Review, we build on previous surveys1,16,17 and take a data-centric approach to reviewing recent innovations in ML for healthcare. We first discuss deep generative models and federated learning as strategies for creating larger and enhanced datasets. We also examine the more recent transformer models for handling larger datasets. We end by highlighting the challenges of deployment, in particular, how to process and deliver usable raw data to models, and how data shifts can affect the performance of deployed models.

Deep generative models

Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are among the most exciting innovations in deep learning in the past decade. They offer the capability to create large amounts of synthetic yet realistic data. In healthcare, GANs have been used to augment datasets18, alleviate the problems of privacy-restricted19 and unbalanced datasets20, and perform image-modality-to-image-modality translation21 and image reconstruction22 (Fig. 1). GANs aim to model and sample from the implicit density function of the input data23. They consist of two networks that are trained in an adversarial process under which one network, the ‘generator’, generates synthetic data while the other network, the ‘discriminator’, discriminates between real and synthetic data. The generative model aims to implicitly learn the data distribution from a set of samples to further generate new samples drawn from the learned distribution, while the discriminator pushes the generator network to sample from a distribution that more closely mirrors the true data distribution.

Fig. 1: Roles of GANs in healthcare.
figure 1

a, GANs can be used to augment datasets to increase model performance and anonymize patient data. For example, they have been used to generate synthetic images of benign and malignant lesions from real images183. b, GANs for translating images acquired with one imaging modality into another modality51. Left to right: input CT image, generated MR image and reference MR image. c, GANs for the denoising and reconstruction of medical images184. Left, low-dose CT image of a patient with mitral valve prolapse, serving as the input into the GAN. Right, corresponding routine-dose CT image and the target of the GAN. Middle, GAN-generated denoised image resembling that obtained from routine-dose CT imaging. The yellow arrows indicate a region that is distinct between the input image (left) and the target denoised image (right). d, GANs for image classification, segmentation and detection39. Left, input image of T2 MRI slice from the multimodal brain-tumour image-segmentation benchmark dataset. Middle, ground-truth segmentation of the brain tumour. Right, GAN-generated segmentation image. Yellow, segmented tumour; blue, tumour core; and red, Gd-enhanced tumour core. e, GANs can model a spectrum of clinical scenarios and predict disease progression66. Top: given an input MR image (denoted by the arrow), DaniGAN can generate images that reflect neurodegeneration over time. Bottom, difference between the generated image and the input image. ProGAN, progressive growing of generative adversarial network; DaniNet, degenerative adversarial neuroimage net. Credit: Images (‘Examples’) reproduced with permission from: a, ref. 183, Springer Nature Ltd; b, ref. 51, under a Creative Commons licence CC BY 4.0; c, ref. 184, Wiley; d, ref. 39, Springer Nature Ltd; e, ref. 66, Springer Nature Ltd.

Over the years, a multitude of GANs have been developed to overcome the limitations of the original GAN (Table 1), and to optimize its performance and extend its functionalities. The original GAN23 suffered from unstable training and low image diversity and quality24. In fact, training two adversarial models is, in practice, a delicate and often difficult task. The goal of training is to achieve a Nash equilibrium between the generator and the discriminator networks. However, simultaneously obtaining such an equilibrium for networks that are inherently adversarial is difficult and, if achieved, the equilibrium can be unstable (that is, it can be suddenly lost after model convergence). This has also led to sensitivity to hyperparameters (making the tuning of hyperparameters a precarious endeavour) and to mode collapse, which occurs when the generator produces a limited and repeated number of outputs. To remedy these limitations, changes have been made to GAN architectures and loss functions. In particular, the deep convolutional GAN (DCGAN25), a popular GAN often used for medical-imaging tasks, aimed to combat instability by introducing key architecture-design decisions, including the replacement of fully connected layers with convolutional layers, and the introduction of batch normalization (to standardize the inputs to a layer when training deep neural networks) and ReLU (rectified linear unit) activation. The Laplacian pyramid of adversarial networks GAN (LAPGAN26) and the progressively growing GAN (ProGAN27) build on DCGAN to improve training stability and image quality. Both LAPGAN and ProGAN start with a small image, which promotes training stability, and progressively grow the image into a higher-resolution image.

Table 1 Popular GANs for medical imaging

The conditional GAN (cGAN28) and the auxiliary classifier GAN (AC-GAN29) belong to a subtype of GANs that enable the model to be conditioned on external information to create synthetic data of a specific class or condition. This was found to improve the quality of the generated samples and increase the capability to handle the generation of multimodal data. The pix2pix GAN30, which is conditioned on images, allows for image-to-image translation (also across imaging modalities) and has been popular in healthcare applications.

A recent major architectural change to GANs involve attention mechanisms. Attention was first introduced to facilitate language translation and has rapidly become a staple in deep-learning models, as it can efficiently capture longer-range global and spatial relations from input data. The incorporation of attention into GANs has led to the development of self-attention GANs (SAGANs)31,32 and BigGAN;33; the latter scales up SAGAN to achieve state-of-the-art performance.

Another primary strategy to mitigate the limitations of GANs involves improving the loss function. Early GANs used the Jensen-Shannon divergence and the Kullback-Leibler divergence as loss functions to minimize the difference in distribution between the synthetic generated dataset and the real-data dataset. However, the Jensen-Shannon divergence was found to fail in scenarios where there is no overlap (or little overlap) between distributions, while the minimization of the Kullback-Leibler divergence can lead to mode collapse. To address these problems, a number of GANs have used alternative loss functions. The most popular are arguably the Wasserstein GAN (WGAN34) and the Wasserstein GAN gradient penalty (WGAN-GP35). The Wasserstein distance measures the effort to minimize the distance between dataset distributions and has been shown to have a smoother gradient. Additional popular strategies that have been implemented to improve GAN performance and that do not involve modifying the model architecture include spectral normalization and varying how frequently the discriminator is updated (with respect to the update frequency of the generator).

The explosive progress of GANs has spawned many more offshoots of the original GAN, as documented by the diverse models that now populate the GAN Model Zoo36.

Augmenting datasets

In the past decade, many deep-learning models for medical-image classification3,37, segmentation38,39 and detection40 have achieved physician-level performance. However, the success of these models is ultimately beholden to large, diverse, balanced and well-labelled datasets. This is a bottleneck that extends across domains, yet it is particularly restrictive in healthcare applications where collecting comprehensive datasets comes with unique obstacles. In particular, large amounts of standardized clinical data are difficult to obtain, and this is exacerbated by the reality that clinical data often reflects the patient population of one or few institutions (with the data sometimes overrepresenting common diseases or healthy populations and making the sampling of rarer conditions more difficult). Datasets with high class imbalance or insufficient variability can often lead to poor model performance, generalization failures, unintentional modelling of confounders41 and propagation of biases42. To mitigate these problems, clinical datasets can be augmented by using standard data-manipulation techniques, such as the flipping, rotation, scaling and translation of images43. However, these methods can lead to limited increases in performance and generate highly correlated training data.

GANs offer potent solutions to these problems. GANs can be used to augment training data to improve model performance. For example, a convolutional neural network (CNN) for the classification of liver lesions, trained on both synthetically and traditionally augmented data, boosted the performance of the model by 10% with respect to a CNN trained on only traditionally augmented datasets18. Moreover, when generating synthetic data across data classes, developing a generator for each class can result in higher model performance20,44, as was shown via the comparison of two variants of GANs (a DCGAN that generated labelled examples for each of three lesion classes separately and an AC-GAN that incorporated class conditioning to generate labelled examples)18.

The aforementioned studies involved class-balanced datasets but did not address medical data with either simulated or real class imbalances. In an assessment of the capability of GANs to alleviate the shortcomings of unbalanced chest-X-ray datasets20, it was found that training a classifier on real unbalanced datasets that had been augmented with DCGANs outperformed models that were trained with the unbalanced and balanced versions of the original dataset. Although there was an increase in classification accuracy across all classes, the greatest increase in performance was seen in the most imbalanced classes (pneumothorax and oedema), which had just one-fourth the number of training cases as the next class.

Protecting patient privacy

The protection of patient privacy is often a leading concern when developing clinical datasets45. Sharing patient data when generating multi-institution clinical datasets can pose a risk to patient privacy46. Even if privacy protocols are followed, patient characteristics can sometimes be inferred from the ML model and its outputs47,48. In this regard, GANs may provide a solution. Data created by GANs cannot be attributed to a single patient, as they synthesize data that reflect the patient population in aggregate. GANs have thus been used as a patient-anonymization tool to generate synthetic data for model training9,49. Although models trained on just synthetic data can perform poorly, models trained on synthetic data and fine-tuned with 10% real data resulted in similar performance to models trained on real datasets augmented with synthetic data19. Similarly, using synthetic data generated from GANs to train an image-segmentation model was sufficient to achieve 95% of the accuracy of the same model trained on real data49. Hence, using synthetic data during model development can mitigate potential patient-privacy violations.

Image-to-image translation

One exciting use of GANs involves image-to-image translation. In healthcare, this capability has been used to translate between imaging modalities—between computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) images21,49,50,51, between CT and positron emission tomography (PET)52,53,54, between MR and PET55,56,57, and between T1 and T2 MR images58,59. Transfer between image modalities can reduce the need for additional costly and time-intensive image acquisitions, can be used in scenarios where imaging is not possible (as is the case for MR imaging in individuals with metal implants) and to expand the types of training data that can be created from image datasets. There are two predominant strategies for image-to-image translation: paired-image training (with pix2pix30) and unpaired training (with CycleGAN60). For example, pix2pix was used to generate synthetic CT images for accurate MR-based dose calculations for the pelvis61. Similarly, using paired magnetic resonance angiography and MR images, pix2pix was modified to generate a model for the translation of T1 and T2 MR images to retrospectively inspect vascular structures62.

Obtaining paired images can be difficult in scenarios involving moving organs or multimodal medical images that are in three dimensions and do not have cross-modality paired data. In such cases, one can use CycleGAN60, which handles image-to-image translation on unpaired images. A difficulty with unpaired images is the lack of ground-truth labels for evaluating the accuracy of the predictions (yet real cardiac MR images have been used to compare the performance of segmentation models trained on synthetic cardiac MR images translated from CT images49). Another common problem is the need to avoid geometric distortions that destroy anatomical structures. Limitations with geometric distortions can be overcome by using two auxiliary mappings to constrain the geometric invariance of synthetic data21.


In the context of clinical datasets, GANs have primarily been used to augment or balance the datasets, and to preserve patient privacy. Yet a burgeoning application of GANs is their use to systematically explore the entire terrain of clinical scenarios and disease presentations. Indeed, GANs can be used to generate synthetic data to combat model deterioration in the face of domain shifts63,64, for example, by creating synthetic data that simulate variable lighting or camera distortions, or that imitate data collected from devices from different vendors or from different imaging modalities. Additionally, GANs can be used to create data that simulate the full spectrum of clinical scenarios and disease presentations, from dangerous and rare clinical scenarios such as incorrect surgery techniques63, to modelling the spectrum of brain-tumour presentation19, to exploring the disease progression of neurodegenerative diseases65,66.

However, GANs can suffer from training instability and low image diversity and quality. These limitations could hamper the deployment of GANs in clinical practice. For example, one hope for image-to-image translation in healthcare involves the creation of multimodality clinical images (from CT and MR, for example) for scenarios in which only one imaging modality is possible. However, GANs are currently limited in the size and quality of the images that they can produce. This raises the question of whether these images can realistically be used clinically when medical images are typically generated at high resolution. Moreover, there may be regulatory hurdles involved in approving ML healthcare models that have been trained on synthetic data. This is further complicated by the current inability to robustly evaluate and control the quality of GANs and of the synthetic data that they generate67. Still, in domains unrelated to healthcare, GANs have been used to make tangible improvements to deployed models68. These successes may lay a foundation for the real-world application of GANs in healthcare.

Federated learning

When using multi-institutional datasets, model training is typically performed centrally: data siloed in individual institutions are aggregated into a single server. However, data used in such ‘centralized training’ represent a fraction of the vast amount of clinical data that could be harnessed for model development. Yet, openly sharing and exchanging patient data is restricted by many legal, ethical and administrative constraints; in fact, in many jurisdictions, patient data must remain local.

Federated learning is a paradigm for training ML models when decentralized data are used collaboratively under the orchestration of a central server69,70 (Fig. 2). In contrast to centralized training, where data from various locations are moved to a single server to train the model, federated learning allows for the data to remain in place. At the start of each round of training, the current copy of the model is sent to each location where the training data are stored. Each copy of the model is then trained and updated using the data at each location. The updated models are then sent from each location back to the central server, where they are aggregated into a global model. The subsequent round of training follows, the newly updated global model is distributed again, and the process is repeated until model convergence or training is stopped. At no point do the data leave a particular location or institution, and only individuals associated with an institution have direct access to its data. This mitigates concerns about privacy breaches, minimizes costs associated with data aggregation, and allows training datasets to quickly scale in size and diversity. The successful implementation of federated learning could transform how deep-learning models for healthcare are trained. Here we focus on two applications: cross-silo federated learning and cross-device federated learning (Table 2).

Fig. 2: Cross-silo federated learning for healthcare.
figure 2

Multiple institutions collaboratively train an ML model. Federated learning begins when each institution notifies a central server of their intention to participate in the current round of training. Upon notification, approval and recognition of the institution, the central server sends the current version of the model to the institution (step 1). Then, the institution trains the model locally using the data available to it (step 2). Upon completion of local training, the institution sends the model back to the central server (step 3). The central server aggregates all of the models that have been trained locally by each of the individual institutions into a single updated model (step 4). This process is repeated in each round of training until model training concludes. At no point during any of the training rounds do patient data leave the institution (step 5). The successful implementation of federated learning requires healthcare-specific federated learning frameworks that facilitate training, as well as institutional infrastructure for communication with the central server and for locally training the model.

Table 2 Federated learning

Cross-silo federated learning

Cross-silo federated learning is an increasingly attractive solution to the shortcomings of centralized training71. It has been used to leverage EHRs to train models to predict hospitalization due to heart disease72, to promote the development of ‘digital twins’ or ‘Google for patients’73, and to develop a Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) chest-CT lesion segmenter74. Recent efforts have focused on empirically evaluating model-design parameters, and on logistical decisions to optimize model performance and overcome the unique implementation challenges of federated learning, such as bottlenecks in protecting privacy and in tackling the statistical heterogeneity of the data75,76.

Compared with centralized training, one concern of federated learning is that models may encounter more severe domain shifts or overfitting. However, models trained through federated learning were found to achieve 99% of the performance of traditional centralized training even with imbalanced datasets or with relatively few samples per institution, thus showing that federated learning can be realistically implemented without sacrificing performance or generalization77,78.

Although federated learning offers greater privacy protection because patient data are no longer being transmitted, there are risks of privacy breaches79. Communicating model updates during the training process can reveal sensitive information to third parties or to the central server. In certain instances, data leakage can occur, such as when ML models ‘memorize’ datasets80,81,82 and when access to model parameters and updates can be used to infer the original dataset83. Differential privacy84 can further reinforce privacy protection for federated learning70,85,86. Selective parameter sharing87 and the sparse vector technique88 are two strategies for achieving greater privacy, but at the expense of model performance (this is consistent with differential-privacy findings in domains outside of medicine and healthcare80,89).

Another active area of research for federated learning in healthcare involves the handling of data that are neither independent nor identically distributed (non-IID data). Healthcare data are particularly susceptible to this problem, owing to a higher prevalence of certain diseases in certain institutions (which can cause label-distribution skew) or to institution-specific data-collection techniques (leading to ‘same label, different features’ or to ‘same features, different label’). Many federated learning strategies assume IID data, but non-IID data can pose a very real problem in federated learning; for example, it can cause the popular federated learning algorithm FedAvg70 to fail to converge90. The predominant strategies for addressing this issue have involved the reframing of the data to achieve a uniform distribution (consensus solutions) or the embracing of the heterogeneity of the data69,91,92 (pluralistic solutions). In healthcare, the focus has been on consensus solutions involving data sharing (a small subset of training data is shared among all institutions93,94).

Cross-device federated learning to handle health data from individuals

Smart’ devices can produce troves of continuous, passive and individualized health data that can be leveraged to train ML models and deliver personalized health insights for each user1,16,39,95,96. As smart devices become increasingly widespread, and as computing and sensor technology become more advanced and cheaper to mass-produce, the amount of health data will grow exponentially. This will accentuate the challenges of aggregating large quantities of data into a single location for centralized training and exacerbate privacy concerns (such as any access to detailed individual health data by large corporations or governments).

Cross-device federated learning was developed to address the increasing amounts of data that are being generated ‘at the edge’ (that is, by decentralized smart devices), and has been deployed on millions of smart devices; for example, for voice recognition (by Apple, for the voice assistant Siri97) and to improve query suggestions (by Google, for the Android operating system98).

The application of cross-device federated learning to train healthcare models for smart devices is an emerging area of research. For example, using a human-activity-recognition dataset, a global model (FedHealth) was pre-trained using 80% of the data before deploying it to be locally trained and then aggregated99. The aggregated model was then sent back to each user and fine-tuned on user-specific data to develop a personalized model for the user. Model personalization resolves issues arising from the highly different probability distributions that may arise across users and the global model. This training strategy outperformed non-federated learning by nearly 5.3%.

Limitations and opportunities

In view of the initial promises and successes of federated learning, the next few years will be defined by progress towards the implementation of federated learning in healthcare. This will require a high degree of coordination across institutions at each step of the federated learning process. Before training, medical data will need to undergo data normalization and standardization. This can be challenging, owing to differences in how data are collected, stored, labelled and partitioned across institutions. Current data pre-processing pipelines could be adapted to create multi-institutional training datasets, yet in federated learning, the responsibility shifts from a central entity to each institution individually. Hence, methods to streamline and validate these processes across institutions will be essential for the successful implementation of federated learning.

Another problem concerns the inability of the developer of the model to directly inspect data during model development. Data inspection is critical for troubleshooting and for identifying any mislabelled data as well as general trends. Tools (such as Federated Analytics, developed by Google100) that use GANs to create synthetic data that resemble the original training data101 and derive population-level summary statistics from the data, can be helpful. However, it is currently unclear whether tools that have been developed for cross-device settings can be applied to cross-silo healthcare settings while preserving institutional privacy.

Furthermore, federated learning will require robust frameworks for the implementation of federated networks. Many such software is proprietary, and many of the open-source frameworks are primarily intended for use in research. The primary concerns of federated learning can be addressed by frameworks designed to reinforce patient privacy, facilitate model aggregation and tackle the challenges of non-IID data.

One main hurdle is the need for each participating healthcare institution to acquire the necessary infrastructure. This implies ensuring that each institution has the same federated learning framework and version, that stable and encrypted network communication is available to send and receive model updates from the central server, and that the computing capabilities (institutional graphics processing units or access to cloud computing) are sufficient to train the model. Although most large healthcare institutions may have the necessary infrastructure in place, it has typically been optimized to store and handle data centrally. The adaptation of infrastructure to handle the requirements of federated learning requires coordinated effort and time.

A number of ongoing federated learning initiatives in healthcare are underway. Specifically, the Federated Tumour Segmentation Initiative (a collaboration between Intel and the University of Pennsylvania) trains lesion-segmentation models collaboratively across 29 international healthcare institutions102. This initiative focuses on finding the optimal algorithm for model aggregation, as well as on ways to standardize training data from various institutions. In another initiative (a collaboration of NVIDIA and several institutions), federated learning was used to train mammography-classification models103. These efforts may establish blueprints for coordinated federated networks applied to healthcare.

Natural language processing

Harnessing natural language processing (NLP)—the automated understanding of text—has been a long-standing goal for ML in healthcare1,16,17. NLP has enabled the automated translation of doctor–patient interactions to notes5,104,105, the summarization of clinical notes106, the captioning of medical images107,108 and the prediction of disease progression6,7. However, the inability to efficiently train models using the large datasets needed to achieve adept natural-language understanding has limited progress. In this section, we provide an overview of two recent innovations that have transformed NLP: transformers and transfer learning for NLP. We also discuss their applications in healthcare.


When modelling sequential data, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) have been the predominant choice of neural network. In particular, long short-term memory networks109 and gated units110 were staple RNNs in modelling EHR data, as these networks can model the sequential nature of clinical data111,112 and clinical text5,104,105,113. However, RNNs harbour several limitations114. Namely, RNNs process data sequentially and not in parallel. This restricts the size of the input datasets and of the networks, which limits the complexity of the features and the range of relations that can be learned114. Hence, RNNs are difficult to train, deploy and scale, and are suboptimal for capturing long-range patterns and global patterns in data. However, learning global or long-range relationships are often needed when learning language representations. For example, sentences far removed from a word may be important for providing context for the word, and previous clinical events that have occurred can inform clinical decisions that are made years later. For a period, CNNs, which are adept at parallelization, were used to overcome some of the limitations of RNNs115, but were found to be inefficient when modelling longer global dependencies.

In 2017, a research team at Google (the Google Brain team) released the transformer, a landmark model that has revolutionized NLP116. Compared with RNN and CNN models, transformers are more parallelizable and less computationally complex at each layer, and thus can handle larger training data and learn longer-range and global relations. The use of only attention layers for the encoders and decoders while forgoing the use of RNNs or CNNs was critical to the success of transformers. Attention was introduced and refined117,118 to handle bottlenecks in sequence-to-sequence RNNs110,119. Attention modules allow models to globally relate different positions of a sequence to compute a richer representation of the sequence116, and does so in parallel, allowing for increased computing efficiency and for the embedding of longer relations of the input sequence (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3: Transformers.
figure 3

a, The original transformer model performs language translation, and contains encoders that convert the input into an embedding and decoders that convert the embedding into the output. b, The transformer model uses attention mechanisms within its encoders and decoders. The attention module is used in three places: in the encoder (for the input sentence), in the decoder (for the output sentence) and in the encoder–decoder in the decoder (for embeddings passed from the encoder). c, The key component of the transformer block is the attention module. Briefly, attention is a mechanism to determine how much weight to place on input features when creating embeddings for downstream tasks. For NLP, this involves determining how much importance to place on surrounding text when creating a representation for a particular word. To learn the weights, the attention mechanism assigns a score to each pair of words from an input phrase to determine how strongly the words should influence the representation. To obtain the score, the transformer model first decomposes the input into three vectors: the query vector (Q; the word of interest), the key vector (K; surrounding words) and the value vector (V; the contents of the input) (1). Next, the dot product is taken between the query and key vector (2) and then scaled to stabilize training (3). The SoftMax function is then applied to normalize the scores and ensure that they add to 1 (4). The output SoftMax score is then multiplied by the value vector to apply a weighted focus to the input (5). The transformer model has multiple attention mechanisms (termed attention heads); each learn a separate representation for the same word, which therefore increases the relations that can be learned. Each attention head is composed of stacked attention layers. The output of each attention mechanism is concatenated into a single matrix (6) that is fed into the downstream feed-forward layer. d,e, Visual representation of what is learned185. Lines relate the query (left) to the words that are attended to the most (right). Line thickness denotes the magnitude of attention, and colours represent the attention head. d, The learned attention in one attention-mechanism layer of one head. e, Examples of what is learned by each layer of each attention head. Certain layers learn to attend to the next words (head 2, layer 0) or to the previous word (head 0, layer 0). f, Workflow for applying a transformer language model to a clinical task. Matmul, matrix multiplication; (CLS), classification token placed at the start of a sentence to store the sentence-level embedding; (SEP), separation token placed at the end of a sentence. BERT, bidirectional encoder representations from transformers; MIMIC, multiparameter intelligence monitoring in intensive care.

Transfer learning for NLP

Simultaneous and subsequent work following the release of the transformer resolved another main problem in NLP: the formalization of the process of transfer learning. Transfer learning has been used most extensively in computer vision, owing to the success of the ImageNet challenge, which made pre-trained CNNs widely available120. Transfer learning has enabled the broader application of deep learning in healthcare17, as researchers can fine-tune a pre-trained CNN adept at image classification on a smaller clinical dataset to accomplish a wide spectrum of healthcare tasks3,37,121,122. Until recently, robust transfer learning for NLP models was not possible, which limited the use of NLP models in domain-specific applications. A series of recent milestones have enabled transfer learning for NLP. The identification of the ideal pre-training language task for deep-learning NLP models (for example, masked-language modelling, predicting missing words from surrounding context, next-sentence prediction or predicting whether two sentences follow one another) was solved by universal language model fine-tuning (ULM-FiT123) and embeddings from language model (ELMo124). The generative pre-trained transformer (GPT125) from Open AI and the bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT126) from Google Brain then applied the methods formalized by ULM-FiT and ELMo to transformer models, delivering pre-trained models that achieved unprecedented capabilities on a series of NLP tasks.

Transformers for the understanding of clinical text

Following the success of transformers for NLP, their potential to handle domain-specific text, specifically clinical text, was quickly assessed. The performances of the transformer-based model BERT, the RNN-based model ELMo and traditional word-vector embeddings127,128 at clinical-concept extraction (the identification of the medical problems, tests and treatments) from EHR data were evaluated106. BERT outperformed traditional word vectors by a substantial margin and was more computationally efficient than ELMo (it achieved higher performance with fewer training iterations)129,130,131,132. Pre-training on a dataset of 2 million clinical notes (the dataset multiparameter intelligence monitoring in intensive care132; MIMIC-III) increased the performance of all NLP models. This suggests that contextual embeddings encode valuable semantic information not accounted for in traditional word representations106. However, the performance of MIMIC-III BERT began to decline after achieving its optimal model; this is perhaps indicative of the model losing information learned from the large open corpus and converging to a model similar to the one initialized from scratch106. Hence, there may be a fine balance between learning from a large open-domain corpus and a domain-specific clinical corpus. This may be a critical consideration when applying pre-trained models to healthcare tasks.

To facilitate the further application of clinically pre-trained BERT129 to downstream clinical tasks, a BERT pre-trained on large clinical datasets was publicly released. Because transformers and deep NLP models are resource-intensive to train (training the BERT model can cost US$50,000–200,000133; and pre-training BERT on clinical datasets required 18 d of continuous training, an endeavour that may be out of the reach of many institutions), openly releasing pre-trained clinical models can facilitate widespread advancements of NLP tasks in healthcare. Other large and publicly available clinically pre-trained models (Table 3) are ClinicalBERT130, BioBERT134 and SciBERT135.

Table 3 Publicly available clinical BERT models

The release of clinically pre-trained models has spurred downstream clinical applications. ClinicalBERT, a BERT model pre-trained on MIMIC-III data using masked-language modelling and next-sentence prediction, was evaluated on the downstream task of predicting 30 d readmission130. Compared with previous models136,137, ClinicalBERT can dynamically predict readmission risk during a patient’s stay and uses clinical text rather than structured data (such as laboratory values, or codes from the international classification of diseases). This shows the power of transformers to unlock clinical text, a comparatively underused data source in EHRs. Similarly, clinical text from EHRs has been harnessed using SciBERT for the automated extraction of symptoms from COVID-19-positive and COVID-19-negative patients to identify the most discerning clinical presentation138. ClinicalBERT has also been adapted to extract anginal symptoms from EHRs139. Others have used enhanced clinical-text understanding for the automatic labelling and summarization of clinical reports. BioBERT and ClinicalBERT have been harnessed to extract labels from radiology text reports, enabling an automatic clinical summarization tool and labeller140. Transformers have also been used to improve clinical questioning and answering141, in clinical voice assistants142,143, in chatbots for patient triage144,145, and in medical-image-to-text translation and medical-image captioning146.

Transformers for the modelling of clinical events

In view of their adeptness to model the sequential nature of clinical text, transformers have also been harnessed to model the sequential nature of clinical events147,148,149,150,151. A key challenge of modelling clinical events is properly capturing long-term dependencies—that is, previous clinical procedures that may preclude future downstream interventions. Transformers are particularly adept at exploring longer-range relationships and were recently used to develop BEHRT152, which leverages the parallels between sequences in natural language and clinical events in EHRs to portray diagnoses as words, visits as sentences and a patient’s medical history as a document152. When used to predict the likelihood of 301 conditions in future visits, BEHRT achieved an 8–13.2% improvement over the existing state-of-the-art EHR model152. BEHRT was also used to predict the incidence of heart failure from EHR data153.

Data-limiting factors in the deployment of ML

The past decade of research in ML in healthcare has focused on model development, and the next decade will be defined by model deployment into clinical settings42,45,46,154,155. In this section, we discuss two data-centric obstacles in model deployment: how to efficiently deliver raw clinical data (Table 4) to models, and how to monitor and correct for natural data shifts that deteriorate model performance.

Table 4 Commonly used clinical datasets

Delivering data to models

A main obstacle to model deployment is associated with how to efficiently transform raw, unstructured and heterogeneous clinical data into structured data that can be inputted into ML models. During model development, pre-processed structured data are directly inputted into the model. However, during deployment, minimizing the delay between the acquisition of raw data and the delivery of structured inputs requires an adept data pipeline for collecting data from their source, and for ingesting, preparing and transforming the data (Fig. 4). An ideal system would need to be high-throughput, have low latency and be scalable to a large number of data sources. A lack of optimization can result in major sources of inefficiency and delayed predictions from the model. In what follows, we detail the challenges of building a pipeline for clinical data and give an overview of the key components of such a pipeline.

Fig. 4: Data pipeline.
figure 4

Delivering data to a model is a key bottleneck in obtaining timely and efficient inferences. ML models require input data that are organized, standardized and normalized, often in tabular format. Therefore, it is critical to establish a pipeline for organizing and storing heterogeneous clinical data. The data pipeline involves collecting, ingesting and transforming clinical data from an assortment of data sources. Data can be housed in data lakes, in data warehouses or in both. Data lakes are central repositories to store all forms of data, raw and processed, without any predetermined organizational structure. Data in data lakes can exist as a mix of binary data (for example, images), structured data, semi-structured data (such as tabular data) and unstructured data (for example, documents). By contrast, data warehouses store cleaned, enriched, transformed and structured data with a predetermined organizational structure.

The fundamental challenge of creating an adept data pipeline arises from the need to anticipate the heterogeneity of the data. ML models often require a set of specific clinical inputs (for example, blood pressure and heart rate), which are extracted from a suite of dynamically changing health data. However, it is difficult to extract the relevant data inputs. Clinical data vary in volume and velocity (the rate that data are generated), thus prompting the question of how frequently data should be collected. Furthermore, clinical data can vary in veracity (data quality), thus requiring different pre-processing steps. Moreover, the majority of clinical data exist in an unstructured format that is further complicated by the availability of hundreds of EHR products, each with its own clinical terminology, technical specifications and capabilities156. Therefore, how to precisely extract data from a spectrum of unstructured EHR frameworks becomes critical.

Data heterogeneity must be carefully accounted for when designing the data pipeline, as it can influence throughput, latency and other performance factors. The data pipeline starts with the process of data ingestion (by which raw clinical data are moved from the data source and into the pipeline), a primary bottleneck in the throughput of the data through the pipeline. In particular, handling peaks of data generation may require the design and implementation of scalable ways to support a variable number of connected objects157. Such data-elasticity issues can take advantage of software frameworks that scale up or down in real time to more effectively use computer resources in cloud data centres158.

After the data enters the pipeline, the data-preparation stage involves the cleansing, denoising, standardization and shaping of the data into structured data that are ready for consumption by the ML system. In studies that developed data pipelines to handle healthcare data156,159,160, the data-preparation stage was found to regulate the latency of the data pipeline, as latency depended on the efficiency of the data queue, the streaming of the data and the database for storing the computation results.

A final consideration is how data should move throughout the data pipeline; specifically, whether data should move in discrete batches or in continuous streams. Batch processing involves collecting and moving source data periodically, whereas stream processing involves sourcing, moving and processing data as soon as they are created. Batch processing has the advantages of being high-throughput, comprehensive and economical (and hence may be advantageous for scalability), whereas stream processing occurs in real time (and thus may be required for time-sensitive predictions). Many healthcare systems use a combination of batch processing and stream processing160.

Established data pipelines are being harnessed to support real-time healthcare modelling. In particular, Columbia University Medical Center, in collaboration with IBM, is streaming physiological data from patients with brain injuries to predict adverse neurological complications up to 48 h before existing methods can161. Similarly, Yale School of Medicine has used a data pipeline to support real-time data acquisition for predicting the number of beds available, handling care for inpatients and patients in the intensive care unit (such as managing ventilator capacity) and tracking the number of healthcare providers exposed to COVID-19 161. However, optimizing the components of the data pipeline, particularly for numerous concurrent ML healthcare systems, remains a challenging task.

Deployment in the face of data shifts

A main obstacle in deploying ML systems for healthcare has been maintaining model robustness when faced with data shifts162. Data shifts occur when differences or changes in healthcare practices or in patient behaviour cause the deployment data to differ substantially from the training data, resulting in the distribution of the deployment data diverging from the distribution of the training data. This can lead to a decline in model performance. Also, failure to correct for data shifts can lead to the perpetuation of algorithmic biases, missing critical diagnoses163 and unnecessary clinical interventions164.

In healthcare, data shifts are common occurrences and exist primarily along the axes of institutional differences (such as local clinical practices, or different instruments and data-collection workflows), epidemiological shifts, temporal shifts (for example, changes in physician and patient behaviours over time) and differences in patient demographics (such as race, gender and age). A recent case study165 characterizing data shifts caused by institutional differences reported that pneumothorax classifiers trained on individual institutional datasets declined in performance when evaluated on data from external institutions. Similar phenomena have been observed in a number of studies41,163,166. Institutional differences are among the most patent causes of data shifts because they frequently harbour underlying differences in patient demographics, disease incidence and data-collection workflows. For example, in an analysis of chest-X-ray classifiers and their potential to generalize to other institutions, it was found that one institution collected chest X-rays using portable radiographs, whereas another used stationary radiographs41. This led to differences in disease prevalence (33% vs 2% for pneumonia) and patient demographics (average age of 63 vs 45), as portable radiographs were primarily used for inpatients who were too sick to be transported, whereas stationary radiographs were used primarily in outpatient settings. Similarly, another study found that different image-acquisition and image-processing techniques caused the deterioration of the performance of breast-mammography classifiers to random performance (areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.4–0.6) when evaluated on datasets from four external institutions and countries163. However, it is important to note that the models evaluated were trained on data collected during the 1990s and were externally tested on datasets created in 2014–2017. The decline in performance owing to temporal shifts is particularly relevant; if deployed today, models that have been trained on older datasets would be making inferences on newly generated data.

Studies that have characterized temporal shifts have provided insights into the conditions under which deployed ML models should be re-evaluated. An evaluation of models that used data collected over a period of 9 years found that model performance deteriorated substantially, drifting towards overprediction as early as one year after model development167. For the MIMIC-III dataset132 (commonly used for the development of models to predict clinical outcomes), an assessment of the effects of temporal shifts on model performance over time showed that, whereas all models experienced a moderate decline over time, the most significant drop in performance occurred owing to a shift in clinical practice, when EHRs transitioned systems164 (from CareVue to MetaVision). A modern-day analogy would be how ML systems for COVID-19 (ref. 168) that were trained on data169 acquired during the early phase of the pandemic and before the availability of COVID-19 vaccines would perform when deployed in the face of shifts in disease incidence and presentation.

Data shifts and model deterioration can also occur when models are deployed on patients with gender, racial or socioeconomic backgrounds that are different from those of the patient population that the model was trained on. In fact, it has been shown that ML models can be biased against individuals of certain races170 or genders42, or particular religious171 or socioeconomic15 backgrounds. For example, a large-scale algorithm used in many health institutions to identify patients for complex health needs underpredicted the health needs of African American patients and failed to triage them for necessary care172. Using non-representative or non-inclusive training datasets can constitute an additional source of gender, racial or socioeconomic biases. Popular chest-X-ray datasets used to train classifiers have been shown to be heavily unbalanced15: 67.6% of the patients in these datasets are Caucasian and only 8.98% are under Medicare insurance. Unsurprisingly, the performance of models trained with these datasets deteriorates for non-Caucasian subgroups, and especially for Medicare patients15. Similarly, skin-lesion classifiers that were trained primarily on images of one skin tone decrease in performance when evaluated on images of different skin tones173; in this case, the drop in performance could be attributed to variations in disease presentation that are not captured when certain patient populations are not adequately represented in the training dataset174.

These findings exemplify two underlying limitations of ML models: the models can propagate existing healthcare biases on a large scale, and insufficient diversity in the training datasets can lead to an inadequate generalization of model outputs to different patient populations. Training models on multi-institutional datasets can be most effective at combating model deterioration15, and directly combating existing biases in the training data can also mitigate their impact171. There are also solutions for addressing data shifts that involve proactively addressing them during model development175,176,177,178 or retroactively by surveilling for data shifts during model deployment179. A proactive attitude towards recognizing and addressing potential biases and data shifts will remain imperative.


Substantial progress in the past decade has laid a foundation of knowledge for the application of ML to healthcare. In pursuing the deployment of ML models, it is clear that success is dictated by how data are collected, organized, protected, moved and audited. In this Review, we have highlighted methods that can address these challenges. The emphasis will eventually shift to how to build the tools, infrastructure and regulations needed to efficiently deploy innovations in ML in clinical settings. A central challenge will be the implementation and translation of these advances into healthcare in the face of their current limitations: for instance, GANs applied to medical images are currently limited by image resolution and image diversity, and can be challenging to train and scale; federated learning promises to alleviate problems associated with small single-institution datasets, yet it requires robust frameworks and infrastructure; and large language models trained on large public datasets can subsume racial and ethnic biases171.

Another central consideration is how to handle the regulatory assessment of ML models for healthcare applications. Current regulation and approval processes are being adapted to meet the emerging needs; in particular, initiatives are attempting to address data shifts and patient representation in the training datasets165,180,181. However, GANs, federated learning and transformer models add complexities to the regulatory process. Few healthcare-specific benchmarking datasets exist to evaluate the performance of these ML systems during clinical deployment. Moreover, the assessment of the performance of GANs is hampered by the lack of efficient and robust metrics to evaluate, compare and control the quality of synthetic data.

Notwithstanding the challenges, the fact that analogous ML technologies are being used daily by millions of individuals in other domains, most prominently in smartphones100, search engines182 and self-driving vehicles68, suggests that the challenges of deployment and regulation of ML for healthcare can also be addressed.