Issue 8, 2022

Microwave-assisted depolymerization of lignin with synergic alkali catalysts and a transition metal catalyst in the aqueous system


In this study, synergic alkali catalysts (NaOH + NaAlO2) and Ni/ZrO2 were used for microwave-assisted lignin depolymerization. The effect of temperature, alkali dosage, Ni/ZrO2 dosage, and solid-to-liquid mass ratio was studied to improve the catalytic degradation efficiency and the yield of phenolic compounds. The results showed that more than 87.7% of lignin was converted and more than 0.582 mmol g−1 total phenolic hydroxyl concentration was obtained at 180 °C. Furthermore, the characterization results of FT-IR, UV-VIS, TG-DSC, GPC and 1H-NMR clearly demonstrated that the synergistic system of an alkali and Ni/ZrO2 effectively improved the degradation efficiency and inhibited the formation of char, and resulted in a series of compounds with low molecular weight (<1000). In addition, the GC-MS results showed that the selectivity of the phenolic monomer product (68.2%) significantly improved after degradation. The lignin depolymerization mechanisms involved demethoxylation, dealkylation and decarbonylation.

Graphical abstract: Microwave-assisted depolymerization of lignin with synergic alkali catalysts and a transition metal catalyst in the aqueous system

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Article information

Article type
09 Mar 2022
28 Apr 2022
First published
03 May 2022

React. Chem. Eng., 2022,7, 1750-1761

Microwave-assisted depolymerization of lignin with synergic alkali catalysts and a transition metal catalyst in the aqueous system

H. Li, Y. Huang, X. Lin, Y. Liu, Y. Lv, M. Liu and Y. Zhang, React. Chem. Eng., 2022, 7, 1750 DOI: 10.1039/D2RE00091A

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