Issue 23, 2021

Dual roles of bisphosphines and epoxides: Rh-catalyzed highly chemoselective and diastereoselective (3 + 2) transannulations of 1,2,3-thiadiazoles with cyanoepoxides


A highly diastereoselective and chemoselective (3 + 2) transannulation of 1,2,3-thiadiazoles with cyanoepoxides has been discovered. The use of sterically larger DPEPhos allows the preparation of cis-epoxyl isothiazoles from cis-cyanoepoxides in up to 95% yields and 100 : 0 dr, while the use of sterically smaller DPPF allows the synthesis of trans-products from cis- or trans-cyanoepoxides in up to 95% yields and 100 : 0 dr. Bisphosphines and epoxides play dual roles. Bisphosphines serve not only as ligands, but also as catalysts to catalyze the isomerization of cis-epoxides to trans-isomers. The diastereoselectivity is controlled by the kinetic competition between the direct transannulation of cis-cyanoepoxides and the bisphosphine-catalyzed isomerization of cis-products. The epoxy group's large steric hindrance guarantees excellent chemoselectivity toward the (3 + 2) annulation, and its electron-withdrawing ability significantly improves the reactivity of the adjacent cyano group. To address the controversy over the organorhodium intermediates, we suggest the resonation between Lee's umpolung 1,3-dipoles, Bao's cyclometalated Rh(III) complexes, and our thioacyl-coordinated Rh(I) carbenes. Stereospecific access to isothiazole-fused γ-lactone is also developed.

Graphical abstract: Dual roles of bisphosphines and epoxides: Rh-catalyzed highly chemoselective and diastereoselective (3 + 2) transannulations of 1,2,3-thiadiazoles with cyanoepoxides

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Article information

Article type
Research Article
16 Aug 2021
16 Oct 2021
First published
18 Oct 2021

Org. Chem. Front., 2021,8, 6687-6698

Dual roles of bisphosphines and epoxides: Rh-catalyzed highly chemoselective and diastereoselective (3 + 2) transannulations of 1,2,3-thiadiazoles with cyanoepoxides

Z. Dong, C. Chen, J. Wang, J. Xu and Z. Yang, Org. Chem. Front., 2021, 8, 6687 DOI: 10.1039/D1QO01220G

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