Issue 80, 2021

Visible light bromide catalysis for oxazoline, pyrrolidine, and dihydrooxazine syntheses via Csp3–H functionalizations


A catalytic benzylic Csp3–H functionalization protocol is described here. This visible light-mediated process is centered on the utilization of a bromide catalyst and oxidant to generate a nitrogen (N)-centered radical for a site-selective hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) process. This strategy enabled the unconventional syntheses of a number of N-heterocycles dependent on the amide identity. We also discovered a nucleophilicity-dependent kinetic resolution for stereochemical differentiation of Csp3–H bonds that enabled the stereoselective synthesis of cis- and trans-oxazolines.

Graphical abstract: Visible light bromide catalysis for oxazoline, pyrrolidine, and dihydrooxazine syntheses via Csp3–H functionalizations

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
19 Aug 2021
14 Sep 2021
First published
14 Sep 2021

Chem. Commun., 2021,57, 10387-10390

Visible light bromide catalysis for oxazoline, pyrrolidine, and dihydrooxazine syntheses via Csp3–H functionalizations

N. Kaur, E. C. Ziegelmeyer, O. N. Farinde, J. T. Truong, M. M. Huynh and W. Li, Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 10387 DOI: 10.1039/D1CC04588A

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