
In the context of the rapid development of wireless communication and information technology, the network has greatly shortened the actual spatial distances around the world. Multimedia technology and wireless communication, as an important branch of information technology, can better connect people and the network, exploding very powerful energy in the field of education. This research analyzes the cultural communication function of wireless communication and multimedia network technology in university teaching, especially English teaching. At this stage, almost all universities in our country are using multimedia technology to assist teaching, and even many teachers believe that multimedia has become a necessary foundation for the in-depth development of the “teaching-learning” interaction in colleges and universities in the information age. The demand for English talents in the Chinese labor market is dominated by application-oriented talents, but the purpose of English teaching in many schools is still in the reality of traditional research-based teaching. It is concluded that the root of this contradiction lies in the disconnection between the cultivation of talents in universities and the needs of society. The experimental results show that if the advantages of wireless communication and multimedia network technology can be fully utilized, the teaching efficiency of cultural communication in college English teaching can be increased by 22%. This article also analyzes, discusses, and summarizes the methods and approaches of cultural dissemination to enrich academic research results.

1. Introduction

The most remarkable is the highlight of the cross-cultural attribute of English teaching [1, 2]. In the course of teaching, the differences between English culture and local culture and the improvement of this kind of teaching are increasingly emphasized. Meanwhile, the teaching mode of English is becoming more and more diversified. This requires that we choose and develop English teaching types and gradually take cultural differences as one of the core elements [3, 4]. Because of the many research results on English teaching, most of them come from overseas. In other words, most of the mainstream linguistics theory, psychology theory, and pedagogy theory in the world are based on English teaching. Therefore, we must combine the cultural background and relevant linguistic context of literary works when we teach English in colleges and universities [57]. The tradition of isolating literary works has lagged behind the times.

As one of the most widely used languages in the world, English teaching has become a common concern in the world. Bhattacharyya and Raj believe that English teaching is closely related to cultural communication. In recent years, English has been trained since primary school [8, 9]. Liu et al. propose that the influence of intercultural communication on human society is becoming more and more profound, and the significance of intercultural communication in English teaching is becoming more and more important. As an important part of English culture teaching, the cultivation of language view has been put in the first place [10, 11]. But the results of the two studies are not accurate because of the error in their experimental process. By combining many monographs of linguistics, we find that at present, it is mainly from the perspective of system, tool, and national culture. The different angle of development also causes the changes of English teaching in the content and purpose. In particular, the importance of the establishment of language learning concept is undoubted. Similar to the development of linguistics, different learning paradigms should be adopted, and the matching of learning methods should be emphasized. Only in this way can students’ investment be strengthened, and passive learning can be changed into active learning.

Combined with the new characteristics of the times reflected in English cross-cultural communication, this study adopts to a new perspective. Students can build their own knowledge system, culture system, and value system by absorbing different languages and cultures and master the ability of correct application of English through simulation teaching of different real situations. In order to enhance students’ comprehensive quality in foreign language learning and achieve the purpose of foreign language learning, it is necessary to carry out the teaching of cultural communication.

2. English Teaching on Wireless Communication and Multimedia Network

2.1. English Teaching Background

In the new era, the cultivation of students’ communicative competence has become one of the most important goals of English teaching. Teaching is no longer concerned with the mastery of knowledge, but with the improvement of practical ability. English is more of a communicative tool but also serves as a bridge between English culture and non-English culture. As we all know, intercultural communication must be based on mutual respect for each other’s cultural traditions. In other words, in order to achieve effective communication, people in two cultural contexts should not only have equal cultural literacy, but also have a certain understanding of each other’s cultural system. In this context, intercultural communication ability has become an indispensable part of foreign language teaching system all over the world. This puts forward higher requirements for foreign language teachers. Among them, whether teachers have cultural consciousness and can scientifically convey it to students in teaching, respect students’ personality development in the dynamic teaching environment and actively choose appropriate teaching methods according to the changes of external factors have become the important yardsticks to measure excellent teachers. Supported by information technology, contemporary college English classrooms generally introduce multimedia devices, and through MOOCs and rain classrooms, the way for students to acquire English knowledge is expanded, and students can choose a learning method that is more suitable for them.

Although the cross-cultural conscious English paradigm has been paid more and more attention, its practice is not close. Its success and popularization cannot be separated from the corresponding theoretical guidance and practice path exploration. For English teachers, the following points must be done to clear the way for the development of cross-cultural conscious English teaching paradigm. First, we must insist on the attitude of cultural consciousness to English teaching; secondly, realize the unified development of knowledge teaching and ability improvement in English teaching; thirdly, practice English teaching with scientific values; fourthly, adhere to the cultural and ability objectives of English teaching; fifth, we should adhere to the integration of knowledge and culture of English teaching content; sixth, adhere to the diversity of forms and methods in the process of English teaching; seventh, ensure the diversity and three-dimensional evaluation of English teaching. This function can be used to design an effective algorithm in the cultural communication of English teaching, as shown in the following Formulas (1)–(3).

The calculated value of the cultural transmission efficiency of English teaching is as follows:

The test shall use the following formula:

2.2. College English Application

This is the dilemma of our English teaching, but this situation also provides us with an opportunity to carry out bold reform. Teaching mode is approaching the front of the times. More and more teachers and scholars are also involved in the theoretical research and practical exploration of teaching reform.

Generally speaking, the attempt to reform the new teaching mode has some characteristics and trends. The most striking of them is the constructivism teaching concept as the leading. It emphasizes the instrumental nature of English and advocates that the meaning of language is more than the form of language. Instead of taking English as a narrow perspective of subject, in fact, it is regarded as a powerful communication tool, which can cultivate students’ ability to use language appropriately and restore the essence of English communication tools. To achieve this goal, English teaching should take “use” as one of the core, from sentence teaching to the transmission of cultural beauty, and we should strive to achieve the unity of teaching content and teaching objectives in the context. Since English is a tool language, students should have the ability to communicate and communicate with them and even work after learning.

3. Teaching Paradigm of Wireless Communication and Multimedia Network

3.1. English Teaching Paradigm

Since the research of English teaching paradigm has been approved by the industry, it has been playing an important guiding role in specific English teaching. It not only provides the development goal for English teaching, but also brings the methods and models of English education into its own orbit. Because of this, the change of English teaching method as the guiding ideology will inevitably lead to the corresponding deviation of teaching objectives and teaching methods. This shows that English teaching cannot be conducive to social development stage. From the perspective of China’s English education function, it is carried out with new ways for teenagers’ English application ability and lays the foundation for their future social work. As the basic way of school education, school teaching naturally comes into being for the purpose of education.

3.2. Teaching Paradigm under Wireless Communication and Multimedia Technology

From the spontaneity of cultural communication to the awakening of cultural communication: the rise of online social communication has caused great changes in traditional social communication. A person who is silent in reality may talk aloud and endlessly on the Internet. Because in the network communication, there is no traditional social must abide by the concerns and rigorous, and optional space is also very broad. On this ground, more and more students join the ranks of online communication. However, the biggest drawback of this “double-edged sword” is that it may weaken students’ oral ability and cause students’ confusion in English grammar. This is contrary to the strict grammar teaching that we have always emphasized in the past. At present, some English paragraphs appearing on the Internet often use English which is similar to Chinese expression habit in order to express clearly and easily. This situation will cause great trouble to students’ English learning. If we want to guide students to understand these problems correctly, we cannot solve them by simple preaching.

Interview method. Through structural interviews with teachers and students of English teaching and education major, this paper is aimed at understanding the relevant information such as the ability training program of English teaching and education major, as well as their opinions and suggestions. With the emergence of daily learning, the research on teaching ability emerges as the times require. It is considered to be the product of the mutual penetration of humanistic quality and English. English learning is not limited to a certain subject or field, but open. The specific results are shown in Table 1.

Through the application of multimedia in college English classrooms, teachers have constructed a more open and interactive teaching system, using multimedia technology to create teaching situations and achieve immersive teaching. At the same time, the application of multimedia has also enhanced the appeal of teaching materials, breaking through the rigidities and limitations of traditional paper teaching materials, giving students more choices.

4. Cultural Communication on Wireless Communication and Multimedia Network

4.1. Cultural Communication Background

The background of cultural communication research in today’s increasingly developed science and technology, the development of “science and technology development, economic globalization, the development of the border culture of immigrants worldwide, and the end of supranational and affiliated national identity” has brought us into the era of cultural communication and communication. The development of science, technology, and information technology has promoted the progress of transportation and information. People can learn about the conditions and changes in all parts of the world without leaving their homes, and they can also travel across the east and west of the earth or the northern and southern hemispheres in one day; thoughts and information of the spread has also crossed national borders. The cultural communication exchange itself requires two-way cultural communication, and language itself is produced and developed in the exchange. Therefore, the process of cultural communication foreign language teaching should be an interactive process, and students’ enthusiasm for learning and participation must be fully brought into play. The specific results are shown in Figure 1. English-teaching schools generally have a higher level of education than ordinary colleges and universities and can reasonably arrange the progress of foreign language teaching.

4.2. Cultural Communication under Wireless Communication and Multimedia

Multimedia network technology enables more and more face-to-face communication between people from different cultures. The development of science and technology has connected businesses and markets around the world and has become increasingly international; the economic development of a region requires economic cooperation in other regions of the world. The interdependence of world economic development reflects the importance of cultural communication. Learning to understand mutual understanding between cultures is becoming an essential factor in global business. Communication in cultural communication requires knowledge and ability in both language and cultural communication. The development of cultural communication ability needs to be investigated from both aspects of language and cultural communication, but without exception, and cultural communicationists usually neglect to develop language skills, while language teachers often ignore the task of developing cultural communication capabilities. The specific results are shown in Table 2.

Computer multimedia teaching has its unique advantages: optimizing the structure of English classroom teaching: it is beneficial to mobilize students’ diverse senses, emotional participation in the teaching process, and improve students’ attention. The Internet can connect the world together, shorten the distance between people and culture, allow English learners to roam the online English world, and even participate in activities in English-speaking countries through the Internet, so as to feel the real language environment and get the real cultural materials and practice the ability to apply language in a real language environment. This is an advantage that any other classroom can match. The specific results are shown in Figure 2. Most of the students in both schools A and B chose to focus on English, accounting for 78.49% and 54.98%, respectively. In addition, 17.16% of the students in school B chose the whole English language.

4.3. Analysis of Communication Strategy under Wireless Communication and Multimedia

As an important symbol of culture, language is an integral part of it. From the use of language, we can observe the characteristics and many attributes of this culture. On the contrary, language cannot survive independently without its culture; otherwise, it will become rootless duckweed. Multimedia technology provides a strong support for our traditional cultural behavior in English teaching. But it does not mean that everything is going well. We must follow the law of education and teaching step by step.

The first is to use multimedia technology to retrieve information and make courseware to help students establish intuitive feelings, that is, to “reproduce” the relevant cultural scenes in front of students’ eyes. This model greatly expands the students’ horizons and makes the boring English teaching become a vivid cultural appreciation. It contains the characteristics of inclusiveness. With the blessing of multimedia technology, every student has become a connoisseur and disseminator of culture. This change of identity makes the whole classroom a real English cultural scene, and the cultural stimulation students receive is particularly strong. It will make students have a deep memory of this part of the relevant content, so as to help us better complete the teaching objectives.

The second is teachers’ rational use of multimedia technology in classroom teaching, which is one of the biggest challenges for teachers. In the process of cultural communication, the bridge role of college English teachers is particularly obvious, how to combine the mission of cultural communication in classroom teaching with the knowledge teaching required by the syllabus, so that the two can complement each other, how to strive to upgrade their knowledge system, so that classroom teaching can keep pace with the development of the times, and so on.

The third is to ingeniously combine the knowledge learned with the cultural background and use multimedia to form a novel and effective review system to help students better master the knowledge they have learned. One of the biggest difficulties faced by Chinese students in learning English is the differences between cultures. Facing some knowledge points, they can only adopt hard memory methods. This method consolidates the knowledge level of students and has very limited help in improving their English proficiency. With the help of multimedia, students can compare the cultural differences between the two sides more intuitively, thus forming an image memory.

5. Conclusions

The main objective of this study is how to adjust the intercultural communication of college English in the context of multimedia development. Firstly, it systematically analyzes the evolution of cultural communication teaching in college English teaching from two aspects of English education and cultural communication. Second, the demand for English talents in China’s labor market focuses on application-oriented talents, but the purpose of English teaching in many schools remains in the reality of traditional research-oriented teaching. The experimental results show that the teaching efficiency of cultural communication in college English teaching can be greatly improved. But there are also some shortcomings. For example, the updating of college English teaching content cannot keep up with the development of the times, and the lack of interpretation of network catchwords in the classroom is also a problem that we urgently need to solve. There are still many steps in the research of college English teaching, which cannot be involved because of space and personal ability. In addition, the practical application effect of cultural communication-related experiments can only be compared with the traditional model from the theoretical and simulation level.

Data Availability

Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analyzed during the current study.

Conflicts of Interest

The author declares no conflicts of interest.


This work was supported by the Shaanxi Social Science Fund Project (A Study on Improving Shaanxi’s Foreign Cultural Communication Ability) (2019M013).