Issue 37, 2021

A carbon-based material with a hierarchical structure and intrinsic heteroatom sites for sodium-ion storage with ultrahigh rate and capacity


The storage of sodium ions with carbon materials has huge potential for large-scale application due to its resource-rich and environmental advantages. However, how to realize high power density, high energy density and long cycle life are the bottlenecks restricting its development. Herein, by using a facile synthesis strategy, a carbon-based framework with a hierarchical structure and intrinsic heteroatom sites which are the characteristics contributing to ultrahigh rate and capacity has been achieved. As a result, the hierarchical carbon-based material exhibits excellent performance when used as both the anode and cathode for sodium-ion capacitors (SICs), which can deliver a high energy density of 224 W h kg−1 (at 180 W kg−1), an ultrahigh power density of 17 160 W kg−1 (at 128 W h kg−1) and ultralong cycle life (91% capacity retention after 10 000 cycles at 2 A g−1), outperforming most of the previously reported SICs with other configurations.

Graphical abstract: A carbon-based material with a hierarchical structure and intrinsic heteroatom sites for sodium-ion storage with ultrahigh rate and capacity

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Article information

Article type
09 Jul 2021
22 Aug 2021
First published
23 Aug 2021

Nanoscale, 2021,13, 15731-15742

A carbon-based material with a hierarchical structure and intrinsic heteroatom sites for sodium-ion storage with ultrahigh rate and capacity

X. Cui, X. Lin, Y. Wang, P. Xu, X. Fan, M. Zheng, J. Chen and Q. Dong, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 15731 DOI: 10.1039/D1NR04457E

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