Issue 39, 2021

Hydrophilic polymer driven crystallization self-assembly: an inflammatory multi-drug combination nanosystem against Alzheimer’s disease


The hydrophobic polymer driven crystallization of self-assembled micelles is usually sufficient for their purposes in materials chemistry studies. However, with the state of smart drug delivery research, micelles alone are not enough. The principles of the self assembly driven by hydrophilic dextran brushes together with charged poly(3-acrylamidophenyl boronic acid) (PPBA) are uncovered in this study. A series of poly(ε-caprolactone)-block-poly(3-acrylamidophenyl boronic acid)-dextran (PCL-b-PPBA-Dex) micelles and vesicles are investigated as potential Alzheimer’s disease (AD) treatments. Three inflammatory microenvironment responsive micelles, including celecoxib drug-loaded micelles (CEL), ibuprofen drug-loaded micelles (IBU) and telmisartan drug-loaded micelles (TEL), are developed. In vivo, CEL/IBU (mixture of CEL and IBU) and CEL/TEL (mixture of CEL and TEL) suppress the activation of glia and reduce the levels of inflammatory mediators through eliminating cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) signals. The CEL/TEL combination nanosystem is better at correcting neuroinflammation and improving the spatial memory ability of a senescence-accelerated mouse prone 8 model (SAMP8). We consider that the inflammation responsive combination nanosystem provides a new potential treatment for AD clinical patients.

Graphical abstract: Hydrophilic polymer driven crystallization self-assembly: an inflammatory multi-drug combination nanosystem against Alzheimer’s disease

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Article information

Article type
07 Apr 2021
20 Aug 2021
First published
21 Aug 2021

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2021,9, 8272-8288

Hydrophilic polymer driven crystallization self-assembly: an inflammatory multi-drug combination nanosystem against Alzheimer’s disease

H. Hu, J. Wang, J. Ren, X. Li, B. Zhang, Z. Lv and F. Dai, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2021, 9, 8272 DOI: 10.1039/D1TB00762A

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