Research paper
Classical multiseparable Hamiltonian systems, superintegrability and Haantjes geometry rights and content


  • A new geometric approach to the classical theory of separation of variables based on the theory of ωH manifolds is proposed.

  • A class of deformed Drach-Holt-type systems is analyzed and their separability properties established.

  • A detailed study of Hamiltonian multiseparable systems in terms of their semisimple abelian ωH structures is presented.

  • Several examples of superintegrable models in two and three space dimensions are studied; their multiseparability properties are formulated in terms of the existence of Darboux-Haantjes coordinates.


We show that the theory of classical Hamiltonian systems admitting separating variables can be formulated in the context of (ω,H) structures. They are symplectic manifolds endowed with a compatible Haantjes algebra H, namely an algebra of (1,1)tensor fields with vanishing Haantjes torsion. A special class of coordinates, called Darboux-Haantjes coordinates, will be constructed from the Haantjes algebras associated with a separable system. These coordinates enable the additive separation of variables of the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi equation.

We shall prove that a multiseparable system admits as many ωH structures as separation coordinate systems. In particular, we will show that a large class of multiseparable, superintegrable systems, including the Smorodinsky-Winternitz systems and some physically relevant systems with three degrees of freedom, possesses multiple Haantjes structures.


The prominence of integrable models in many areas of pure and applied mathematics and theoretical physics has motivated, in the last decades, a resurgence of interest in the algebraic and geometric structures underlying the notion of integrability. The study of the geometry of Hamiltonian integrable systems has a long history, dating back to the classical works by Liouville, Jacobi, Stäckel, Eisenhart, Arnold, etc. The approaches proposed in the literature are intimately related with the problem of the determination of suitable coordinate systems guaranteeing the additive separation of the Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) equation.

Recently, many new ideas coming from differential and algebraic geometry, topology and tensor analysis, have contributed to the formulation of important approaches such as the theory of bi-Hamiltonian systems [23], the Lenard-Nijenhuis geometry [30] and the theory of Dubrovin-Frobenius manifolds [10]. These theoretical developments shed new light on the multiple connections among integrability, topological field theories, singularity theory, co-isotropic deformations of associative algebras, etc. Besides, several integrable models, both classical and quantum ones, have recently been discovered, in particular in the domain of superintegrability.

Superintegrable systems are a special class of integrable systems which possess surprisingly rich algebraic and geometric properties [32], [33], [38], [42], [52], [53]. Essentially, they possess more independent integrals of motion than degrees of freedom. If a system with n degrees of freedom admits 2n1 functionally independent integrals of motion (the maximal number allowed), it is said to be maximally superintegrable; if it admits n+1 integrals, then is minimally superintegrable.

Among the most famous examples of superintegrable models we mention the classical harmonic oscillator, the Kepler potential, the Calogero-Moser potential, the Smorodinsky-Winternitz systems and the Euler top. The presence of “hidden” symmetries, expressed by integrals which are second (or higher) degree polynomials in the momenta, usually allows us to determine the dynamical behaviour of superintegrable models. In the maximal case, the bounded orbits are closed and periodic [38]. As is well known, the phase space topology is also very rich: it can be described in terms of a symplectic bifoliation, determined by the standard Liouville-Arnold invariant fibration [1] of Lagrangian tori, and complemented by a co-isotropic polar foliation [14], [38].

Although the present work focuses on classical systems, we point out that quantum superintegrable systems also possess many relevant properties. Exact quantum solvability of a Hamiltonian system, related to the existence of suitable Lie algebras of raising and lowering operators, could be regarded as the quantum analogue of the classical notion of maximal superintegrability [52].

A fundamental class of integrable models is the separable one: these models are characterized by the fact that one can find at least a system of canonical coordinates in which the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi equation takes the additively separated formW=k=1nWk=k=1npk(qk;H1,,Hn)Hi=aidqk.

The problem of finding separating variables for integrable Hamiltonian systems has been extensively investigated. In 1904, Levi-Civita proposed a test which permits to establish whether a given Hamiltonian separates in an assigned coordinate system [22]. Another important result, due to Benenti [3], states that a family of Hamiltonian functions {Hi}1in are separable in a set of canonical coordinates (q,p) if and only if they are in separable involution, i.e. they satisfy the relations{Hi,Hj}|k=HiqkHjpkHipkHjqk=0,1knwhere no summation over k is understood. However, such theorem as well as the Levi–Civita test are not constructive, and do not allow us to determine a complete integral of the Hamilton–Jacobi equation.

A constructive approach for the determination of separating variables was given by Sklyanin [47] within the framework of Lax systems. The Hamiltonian functions {Hi}1in are separable in a set of canonical coordinates (q,p) if there exist n suitable equations, called the Jacobi-Sklyanin separation equations for {Hi}1in, having the formΦi(qi,pi;H1,,Hn)=0det[ΦiHj]0,i=1,,n.These equations allow us to construct a solution of the HJ equation. In fact, by solving Eq. (3)with respect to pk=Wkqk, we get the additively separated form (1).

Nevertheless, the three above-mentioned criteria of separability are not intrinsic: in order to be applied, they require the explicit knowledge of the local chart (q,p). To overcome such a drawback, in the last decades the modern theory of separation of variables (SoV) has been conceived in the context of symplectic and Poisson geometry; in particular, the bi-Hamiltonian theory has offered a fundamental geometric insight into the theory of integrable systems [13], [30].

The main purpose of the present work is to establish a novel relationship between the theory of separable Hamiltonian systems and the geometry of an important class of tensor fields, the Haantjes tensors, introduced in [19] as a relevant, natural generalization of the notion of Nijenhuis tensors [40], [41]. The class of Nijenhuis tensors plays a significant role in differential geometry and the theory of almost-complex structures, due to the celebrated Newlander-Nirenberg theorem [39].

Our approach is based on the notion of ωH manifolds, introduced in [51] by analogy with the theory of ωN manifolds [13], [30] for finite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems (see also [15], [27] and [28] for a treatment of integrable hierarchies of PDEs). Essentially, an ωH manifold is a symplectic manifold endowed with an algebra H of (1,1) tensor fields with vanishing Haantjes torsion, which are compatible with the symplectic structure. Under the hypotheses of the Liouville-Haantjes (LH) theorem proved in [51], a non-degenerate Hamiltonian system is completely integrable in the Liouville-Arnold sense if and only if it admits a ωH structure.

In our context, Haantjes chains represent in the Haantjes framework the generalization of the notion of Lenard-Magri chain [24] and of generalized Lenard chain [12], [26] defined previously for quasi-bi-Hamiltonian systems [36], [37]. By means of these structures, one obtains a complete description of the integrals of the motion of a system in terms of the associated Haantjes operators.

The problem of SoV can also be recast and studied in our approach. Precisely, as stated in Theorem 2 below, if an integrable system admits a semisimple ωH structure, one can derive a set of coordinates, that we shall call the Darboux-Haantjes (DH) coordinates, representing separation coordinates for the Hamilton-Jacobi equation associated with the system. In these coordinates, the symplectic form takes a Darboux form, and the operators of the Haantjes algebra take all simultaneously a diagonal form. As we will show in Theorem 3, and in the examples of Sections 8 and 10, multiseparable systems possess different Haantjes structures associated in a nontrivial way with their separation coordinates.

In the study of separable Hamiltonian systems, the theory of ωN manifolds has proved to be a powerful tool. Since any semisimple Haantjes algebra admits a Nijenhuis generator, we deduce that the DH coordinates in the Haantjes scenario are also Darboux-Nijenhuis (DN) coordinates of the ωN theory.

In the semisimple case, we shall prove that there is a one-to-one correspondence between a given ωH manifold and an equivalence class of ωN structures (see Section 3.7). Interestingly enough, given a semisimple ωH manifold, one can find Nijenhuis generators which fulfill both the algebraic and the differential compatibility conditions, required by the ωN theory.

However, from a general, theoretical point of view, the two theories are not equivalent. Indeed, in the non-semisimple case, there are integrable systems, as the Post-Winternitz system (discussed in [51]), which admit a non-Abelian ωH structure endowed with three Haantjes generators. In other words, there exist ωH manifolds with several generators. In these cases, an alternative description in terms of a standard ωN structure is not available, since in the ωN approach the existence of a unique Nijenhuis tensor N is assumed.

This article is organized into two parts. In the first one, including Sections 2 and 3, for the sake of self-consistency we briefly summarize the notions necessary for the study of multiseparable systems. Precisely, in Section 2, the basic definitions concerning Nijenhuis and Haantjes tensors are proposed; in Section 3, the Haantjes geometry is reviewed. In particular, the notions of Haantjes algebras, ωH manifolds and Darboux-Haantjes coordinates are revised. In the second part, starting from Section 4, we shall propose the original results of our work. In Section 4, we propose the main theorem concerning the existence of Haantjes structures for separable systems. In Section 5, as a direct application of the theory previously developed, we solve the problem of SoV for a family of Drach-Holt type systems, that were previously considered to be non-separable. Interestingly enough, the new separating variables we found are defined in the full phase space. In Section 6, this theorem is extended to the case of multiseparable (and superintegrable) models. We propose in Section 7 a novel geometric construction: a lift of operators from the configuration space Q of dimension two to T*Q, which generalizes the standard Yano lift [58]. By means of our procedure, a Haantjes operator can be lifted into another Haantjes operator (unlike the Yano lift, which only preserves Nijenhuis operators, but not the Haantjes ones). Section 8 is devoted to the study of the Haantjes structures for the Smorodinsky-Winternitz systems in the plane, whereas Section 9 deals with the study of the anisotropic oscillator. In Section 10, the ωH manifolds associated with certain important multiseparable systems in three dimensions are determined. Future research perspectives are discussed in the final Section 11.

Section snippets

Nijenhuis and Haantjes operators

In this Section, we review some basic algebraic results concerning the theory of Nijenhuis and Haantjes tensors. For a more complete treatment, see the original papers [19], [40] and the related ones [17], [41].


In order to formulate our approach to separability, we shall review the relationship between Haantjes geometry and integrability. A more detailed treatment as well as the proofs of the statements reviewed here are available in Refs.[50], [51].

We start recalling that a reference frame is a set of n vector fields {Y1,,Yn} satisfying the following property: given an open set UM, xU the frame represents a basis of the tangent space TxU. Given two frames {X1,,Xn} and {Y1,,Yn}, assume that n

Main theorem

The next theorem represents our main result concerning the existence of separation variables in the theory of ωH manifolds.

Theorem 2 Jacobi-Haantjes

Let M be an Abelian semisimple ωH manifold of class n and {H1,H2,,Hn} be a set of C(M) functions belonging to a Haantjes chain generated by a function HC(M) via a basis of operators {K1,,Kn}H. Then, each set (q,p) of DH coordinates provides us with separation variables for the Hamilton–Jacobi equation associated with each function Hj.

Conversely, if M is a symplectic

Separation of variables for a Drach-Holt type system

The approach proposed in this paper offers an effective procedure to construct algorithmically separating variables admitted by Hamiltonian integrable systems. As a paradigmatic example, we shall study the case of a system showing an irrational dependence on its coordinates. Precisely, we shall consider a three-parametric deformation of the Holt potential, that has been introduced in [8]:H1=12(px2+py2)+k14x2+3y2y2/3+k2xy2/3+k3y2/3.It is integrable in the manifold M=T*(E2{y=0}), with a

Multiseparable systems and Haantjes geometry

A particularly interesting instance of the previous theory is represented by the case of multiseparable systems. They are Hamiltonian systems that can be separated in more than one coordinate system in their phase space. Fundamental physical examples of multiseparable systems are the n-dimensional harmonic oscillator and the Kepler system. Another important class is represented by the four Smorodinsky-Winternitz systems, which are the only systems in the Euclidean plane admitting orthogonal

Construction of Haantjes operators in T*Q: A novel geometric lift

The problem of constructing Haantjes operators on an n-dimensional manifold M is, in general, a hard one, as it entails solving a system of (n2(n1)/2) nonlinear PDE of first order in the n2 unknown components of the operators we wish to determine.

However, when MT*Q, being Q the configuration space of a given mechanical system, one can plan to simplify the problem of constructing a (T*Q,ω,H) manifold by means of a geometric procedure which allows us to lift a Haantjes operator A:TQTQ to a

Haantjes structures for multiseparable systems in E2

The Smorodinsky-Winternitz (SW) systems are a family of superintegrable systems defined in the Euclidean plane E2, which were introduced first as quantum-mechanical systems in [16], [31], [59] and later studied from a group theoretical point of view in [46], [52]. They are all multiseparable in E2 and admit three independent integrals of motion, expressed in terms of second-degree polynomials in the momenta. Also, they are separable in at least two different orthogonal coordinate systems in

Anisotropic oscillator with Rosochatius terms

We shall determine now the ωH structures of an important physical model: the two-dimensional anisotropic oscillator with Rosochatius terms [45]. This system in the general case with n degrees of freedom has been studied in [43], [44], [60], where its maximal superintegrability was established. In particular, in [43] the higher-order (missing) integral was determined by means of a geometric approach based on the Marsden-Weinstein reduction procedure. The anisotropic oscillator on curved spaces

ωH structures for multiseparable systems in E3

We shall study in detail three relevant examples of multiseparable systems in the Euclidean space E3, in the context of Haantjes geometry. One of them is maximally superintegrable, the other two are minimally superintegrable ones [11]. For a different treatment, in the framework of the Killing-Stäckel theory, see [4], [9]. In the following analysis, Lx, Ly, Lz denote the components of the angular momentum in the Cartesian frame.

Future perspectives

The problem of finding separating variables for integrable Hamiltonian systems is certainly among the most relevant ones of Classical Mechanics. The theory of ωH manifolds offers a twofold contribution to this fundamental problem, being of both conceptual and applicative nature.

From a conceptual point of view, we have shown that the existence of semisimple ωH structures ensures that of separating variables. Precisely, as stated in Theorem 2, if an integrable system admits a semisimple Abelian ωH

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Daniel Reyes Nozaleda: Conceptualization, Writing – original draft. Piergiulio Tempesta: Conceptualization, Writing – original draft. Giorgio Tondo: Conceptualization, Writing – original draft.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


The research of D. R. N. has been supported by the Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (CEX2019-000904-S), Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spain. The research of P. T. has been supported by the research project PGC2018-094898-B-I00, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spain, and by the Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (CEX2019-000904-S), Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spain.

The research of G. T. has

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