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Depth and edge auxiliary learning for still image crowd density estimation

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Pattern Analysis and Applications Aims and scope Submit manuscript


Crowd counting plays a significant role in crowd monitoring and management, which suffers from various challenges, especially in crowd-scale variations and background interference issues. Therefore, we propose a method named depth and edge auxiliary learning for still image crowd density estimation to cope with crowd-scale variations and background interference problems simultaneously. The proposed multi-task framework contains three sub-tasks including the crowd head edge regression, the crowd density map regression and the relative depth map regression. The crowd head edge regression task outputs distinctive crowd head edge features to distinguish crowd from complex background. The relative depth map regression task perceives crowd-scale variations and outputs multi-scale crowd features. Moreover, we design an efficient fusion strategy to fuse the above information and make the crowd density map regression generate high-quality crowd density maps. Various experiments were conducted on four main-stream datasets to verify the effectiveness and portability of our method. Experimental results indicate that our method can achieve competitive performance compared with other superior approaches. In addition, our proposed method improves the counting accuracy of the baseline network by \(15.6\%\).

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Fig. 1
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Fig. 9
Fig. 10
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
Fig. 14


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This work is supported by the Equipment Pre-Research Foundation of China under grant No.61403120201.

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Supplementary Material

Supplementary Material

1.1 Network architecture

Fig. 15
figure 15

The detailed network structure of the well-designed network model called FENet based on our multi-task framework DEAL. We directly label the number of convolution kernels in different convolutional layers

To validate the difference against transferred learning models, we design a new CNN model from scratch. The new model is named FENet as shown in Fig. 15, which contains multiple FEM modules to extract multi-scale crowd features. The FEM module consists of multiple columns of ordinary convolution and dilated convolution with different dilation rates. We adopt a pyramid fusion method to separately integrate the features output from each FEM module. Next, the proposed relative depth map task and the crowd edge regression task supervise the network to learn multi-scale crowd features and crowd head edge features. Finally, we concatenate the crowd head edge features and the multi-scale crowd features to generate a high-quality crowd density map.

1.2 Experiment results

We conducted various experiments to evaluate the performance of the designed FENet on four public datasets including ShangTech_Part_A(Part_A), UCF_CC_50, ShangTech_Part_B(Part_B) and UCF-QNRF. In Table 9, “FENet(DEAL)” represents that our multi-task method is applied on FENet and “FENet(W/O)” stands for FENet with our multi-task method removed. Compared with “FENet(W/O)”, the MAE of the designed “FENet(DEAL)” is reduced by 8.3, 1.3, 23.32 and 16.9 on Part_A, Part_B, UCF_CC_50 and UCF-QNRF, respectively. We also show the performance of the VGG-based models, including the “ours(DEAL)” as shown in Fig. 4, and the “Ours(W/O)” that removes our multi-task method. As shown in Table 9, the MAE of “Ours(DEAL)” is decreased compared with “Ours(W/O)” on the four public datasets. Moreover, we compare the computational complexity between “FENet(DEAL)” and “Ours(DEAL)”, which shows that “FENet(DEAL)” needs fewer FLOPs.

In summary, the proposed multi-task method is both effective on FENet and VGG [12]. FENet has lower computational complexity than the model designed based on the VGG [12], but the performance is not as good as the model based on VGG [12]. To achieve accurate crowd counting results, we use a higher accuracy model in this paper as shown in Fig. 4.

Table 9 Performance comparisons of different methods on four datasets

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Peng, S., Yin, B., Hao, X. et al. Depth and edge auxiliary learning for still image crowd density estimation. Pattern Anal Applic 24, 1777–1792 (2021).

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