1 Introduction

Feedback control is a common thread running through all levels of biological organisation. For example, it is needed for the production of proteins in a cell, cell-differentiation and cell-death. It is employed in signal transduction, enables fish to live in salt water, mammals to maintain body temperature, fruits to ripen, blood-pressure to be regulated, predator and prey populations to stay in balance, and any number of other biological processes. Much of this control is achieved by employing one or more of two elementary forms of feedback loops: positive or negative. It is known that the presence of a positive feedback loop is a necessary condition for a system to exhibit multi-stationarity; and a negative feedback loop is a necessary condition for it to have a point or oscillatory attractor. Broadly speaking, the wide variety of bistable switches found in biological systems (Wilhelm, 2009) need a positive feedback loop, and achieving homeostasis requires a negative feedback loop (see (Cinquin & Demongeot, 2002) for an assessment of the role of feedback in biological systems using differential equations and, more generally, see Robertson (1991) for a description of the role of feedback loops in shaping evolutionary change). So ubiquitous are these two elementary control mechanisms that it would only be a small exaggeration to say that in order to understand a biological system, we need to understand the underlying positive and negative feedback loops.

The idea that feedback control mechanisms developed by engineers for modelling physical systems should be applicable to biological systems is at least as old as the field of Cybernetics (Wiener, 1961). Early limitations on the applicability of quantitative methods developed for physical systems due to a lack of data are now being overcome by high-throughput methods in biology. However, at least three important sources of difficulty remain: (a) the lack of sufficient theoretical knowledge to be able to formulate the structure of quantitative models; (b) the data, although increased in volume, continue to be very noisy, making accurate parameter estimation difficult; and (c) the high precision of values employed by continuous models can obscure the basic biological principles.

The seminal work by René Thomas on the development of Kinetic Logic (Thomas and D’Ari, 1990) was principally motivated by two considerations. First, to move system understanding in Biology from the level of verbal descriptions to mathematical ones which were still comprehensible to biologists (Thomas, 1977). Secondly, the (still) prevalent description of systems in the form of differential equation models of continuous variables was seen both to be overly precise and yet not to represent accurately the non-linear dynamics of certain kinds of regulatory networks. Kinetic Logic is a qualitative representation that is suitable for systems that satisfy the following assumptions: (a) a system variable has little or no effect on other variables until its value reaches a threshold; and (b) at high values, the effect of a system variable reaches a plateau. These two assumptions have been shown to be sufficient to model adequately the dynamic effects of positive and negative feedback. In effect, a sigmoid-shaped change in concentration is approximated using a step-function, in which the regulator acts as a 2-way switch. That is, at concentrations below some (lower) threshold, the effect is 0, and above some (upper) threshold, the effect stays at a maximum.Footnote 1

Kinetic Logic is, in effect, a sequential logic for describing the behaviour of asynchronous automata. That is, variables do not necessarily change values simultaneously (although this possibility is not precluded). Changes in values of variables are controlled by time-delays. An example, from Thomas (1991), describes the situation thus: “The signal which has switched on the gene functions as a command or order whose effective realization will take place only after a time \(t_x\) ...unless a counter order—gene off—has taken place before the expiration of the delay.”

There is a natural fit between this kind of time-dependent behaviour of system-variables and that of fluents in the Event Calculus (Mueller, 2008). In this paper we show that Kinetic Logic can be implemented as domain-axioms in an Event Calculus. Since the Event Calculus is readily implemented as a logic program, our formulation of Kinetic Logic is also implemented as a logic program.Footnote 2 This also allows us to examine methods for the automatic identification of system-representations in Kinetic Logic. The main contributions of this paper are:

  • A formal specification of Kinetic Logic with a declarative implementation in an Event Calculus. To the best of our knowledge this is the first time such a specification and implementation have been proposed. We also provide a proof of correctness of the implementation for the case of feedback without asynchronous change;

  • The formulation of data-driven identification of systems represented in Kinetic Logic. This is implemented using methods developed in Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) and special-purpose methods for abduction to deal with the requirements of identifying feedback loops with delays and asynchronous change;Footnote 3 and

  • Empirical results supporting our approach on 9 simple loops identified in the literature as building blocks for larger systems; and on 2 classic biological systems (immune-response and phage-infection). Together, the data cover systems ranging from 1 to 7 positive or negative feedback loops, containing 2–10 interactions.

The rest of the paper is organised as follows. In Sect. 2 we present two canonical examples of biological feedback (differentiation and homeostasis). In Sect. 3, we introduce Kinetic Logic, developed by Rene Thomas and colleagues as a means of representing and reasoning with biological feedback. The biological descriptions up to the end of Sect. 3.2 are known in the relevant literature. Readers familiar with them can proceed directly to Sect. 3.3, where we present a formalisation of Kinetic Logic as a transition-based system. The Event Calculus and an implementation of the formalised Kinetic Logic is in Sect. 4. In Sect. 5 we address the problem of learning Kinetic Logic models using the Event Calculus implementation. Section 6 demonstrates the performance of the learning methods using some canonical feedback loops, and two well-known biological systems. Section 7 summarises related work, and Sect. 8 concludes the paper.

2 Biological feedback loops

The principle underlying feedback is that a change in the value of some variable x, say \(\varDelta x\), directly or indirectly results in a (re-)adjustment of the value of x. At the outset, we clarify a distinction between individual interactions between variables, which can be positive or negative, and feedback loops, which denote cycles consisting of positive or negative interactions. An individual interactionFootnote 4 between variables x and y is said to be positive if an increase (or decrease) in the value of x results in turn in an increase (respectively, a decrease) in the value of y (usually after some delay). Similarly, the interaction is negative if an increase (decrease) in x results in a decrease (respectively, an increase) in the value of y, again after some delay. That is, x is an activator of y in the former case, and an inhibitor of y in the latter. In this paper, a feedback loop is a closed loop, or cycle, comprised of several such activators and inhibitors (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Feedback loops formed from simple positive and negative interactions

It is evident from Fig. 1 that the number of distinct loops possible grows rapidly with the number of edges. Despite this, it is remarkable that each variable in the loop only affects itself positively or negatively. This is obvious enough if all interactions in the loop are positive or negative, but is slightly less so if the interactions are mixed. With a single negative interaction, for example, the accumulated effect up to the negative edge is inverted by the (negative) edge, and that inverted effect is amplified further by the subsequent (positive) edges. The net effect over a single traversal of the loop starting at any variable is thus negative. The result is a negative feedback loop. More generally, any loop consisting of an odd number of negative interactions results in negative feedback, and a loop consisting of an even number of negative interactions results in positive feedback. Positive and negative feedback loops form the basis of regulatory control in a very wide variety of biological phenomena.

Two classic examples are homeostasis and differentiation. In homeostasis, feedback control is used to maintain the value of a variable at, or close to, some optimal value (that is, the biological equivalent of a thermostat). For example, the production of an amino acid may be activated at low levels of concentration, and inhibited at high levels. If the amino acid’s concentration is initially high but is reducing then its production is initially inhibited but is later activated once its concentration levels fall below a threshold. The level of the amino acid thus tends to oscillate around some level. A simple example of differentiation is evident when a gene’s expression is dependent on its own product. Thus, the gene continues in one of two states, “on” or “off”, depending on whether the product is present or absent. More complex situations arise in cases of cell-differentiation: although all cells have the same set of genes, some are “on” in one cell-line (heart, for example), and “off” in another (intestine, for example). Each of these can be understood abstractly as an instance of a stable-state in a system with multiple stable-states.

Homeostasis and differentiation are instances of two well-known consequences of negative- and positive-feedback loops. That is: the presence of negative feedback is necessary for oscillatory behaviour (as exhibited in homeostasis); and the presence of positive feedback is necessary for multi-stationary behaviour (as exhibited in cell-differentiation).

Differential equations describing positive and negative feedback can be found in Thomas and D’Ari (1990). Here we present instead the simple Boolean characterisation from Thomas and D’Ari (1990). In principle, a 2-element loop suffices as an abstraction of more complex loops consisting of even- and odd-numbers of negative interactions. Figure 2 shows two such abstract loop structures along with their state-transition diagrams for asynchronous updates of the values of variables. In this formulation (Thomas, 1983) the dynamics of the system (i.e., the exact sequence of states) is determined by the delays associated with the change of value of a variable (here from 0 to 1, or vice versa).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Simple feedback loops and their state-transition diagrams (from Thomas and D’Ari, 1990). The loop on the left is a negative feedback loop and the one on the right is a positive feedback loop. States are represented by values for variables in the loops: here the variables are Boolean-valued, and 00 represents \(x=0, y=0\) and so on. For the diagram on the right, we note state-transitions are possible from 00 to either of the stable states 01 or 10 (similarly, two state-transitions are possible from 11). The actual transition that does occur will depend on system-delays, which results in an asynchronous update of values of the state-variables. The exact meaning of this will be clarified later

Let us denote by \(d^{+}_v\) the time delay for the variable v to increase from one value to the next larger one (here from 0 to 1, but in general the values of v may be discretised into several bins), and \(d^{-}_v\) to decrease from one value to the next smaller one (here from 1 to 0). Then, in the state-transition diagram on the left in Fig. 2, assuming we start in state 00, state 10 is reached after \(d^{+}_x\), 11 after a further \(d^{+}_y\), 01 after \(d^{-}_x\), and 00 after \(d^{-}_y\). After this the system behaviour repeats: that is, it oscillates with period \(d^{+}_x + d^{+}_y + d^{-}_x + d^{-}_y\). The system with the positive feedback on the right has two stable states. Starting from 00, if \(d^{+}_x > d^{-}_y\) the system transits to state 10. If \(d^{+}_x < d^{+}_y\) then it transits to 01 (for the present, we resolve the case of \(d^{+}_x = d^{+}_y\) by an arbitrary choice). Similarly, if the system starts at 11, it will transit to 10 or 01 depending on the relative values of \(d^{-}_y\) and \(d^{-}_x\). The system thus exhibits bistable behaviour, depending on the initial conditions and the values of the delays involved. More general interaction networks will involve several variables, and include logical constraints on the interaction. For example, the presence of x or y could act as an inhibitor for z, and so on. Kinetic Logic, initially proposed in the 1970s, and described in detail in Thomas and D’Ari (1990), provides a unified treatment of feedback systems consisting of logical combinations of positive and negative interactions with delays. In essence, it is a sequential logic that deals with asynchronous changes in the state of a system.

3 Kinetic logic

Thomas and his co-workers have provided several accounts of Kinetic Logic in the literature. Here, we present only the main concepts, starting from the simplest form of Kinetic Logic (“Naive” Kinetic Logic), in which all quantities are Boolean-valued, and then proceeding to the multi-valued variant (“Generalised” Kinetic Logic). Both forms are motivated by attempting to arrive at qualitative abstractions of differential equations for a system consisting of variables \(x_1,x_2,\ldots ,x_n\). It is assumed that the rate of change in the value of each variable is given by an equation of the form:

$$\begin{aligned} \dot{x_i} = F_i(x_1,x_2,\ldots x_n) - k_i x_i \end{aligned}$$

(This is a standard “stock-flow” model, with the negative term denoting a spontaneous decay in the value of the \(x_i\))

3.1 Simple kinetic logic

The simplified (or Naive) form of Kinetic Logic (see Chapter 6 of Thomas (1977)) is a qualitative formulation of Eq. 1, resulting from the following assumptions:


The values of \(x_i\) are 0 or 1. Correctly the “value of the variable \(x_i\)” stands for the value of the Boolean function \(x_i(t)\) but we will often use them interchangeably. Practically 0 or 1 here denotes “absent or present in sufficient amount”. The \(F_i\)’s are taken to be Boolean functions of \(x_1,x_2,\ldots x_n\). Correctly we mean that the values of \(F_i(t)\), which is \(F_i(x_1(t),x_2(t)\dots ,x_n(t))\), are 0 or 1. The value of the constant \(k_i\) is taken to be 1. In the Kinetic Logic literature, the symbol \(X_i\) is used interchangeably to denote both the function \(F_i(x_1,x_2,\dots ,x_n)\) and it’s value at a particular time instant t. We will adopt the convention that \(X_i(t)\) denotes \(F_i(t)\) which is \(F_i(x_1(t),x_2(t),\dots ,x_n(t))\).Footnote 5


With these assumptions, the net rate of change \(\dot{x_i}(t)\) is \(X_i(t) - x_i(t)\). There is no change in the value of \(x_i\) when \(X_i(t) - x_i(t) = 0\). Of the two other cases, if \(X_i(t) = 1\) and \(x_i(t) = 0\) (i.e., \(X_i(t) - x_i(t) > 0\)), then the net rate of change is \(+1\). In this case, \(x_i\) increases by 1 after delay \(d^{+}_i\), unless \(X_i(t') - x_i(t') = 0\) at some instant \(t' \in (t,t+d^{+}_i)\). Similarly, if \(X_i(t) = 0, x_i = 1\), then \(X_i(t) - x_i(t) < 0\). The net rate of change is \(-1\) and \(x_i\) decreases by 1 after delay \(d^{-}_i\), unless \(X_i(t') - x_i(t') = 0\) at some instant \(t' \in (t,t+d^{-}_i)\).

Example 1

(Simple Kinetic Logic: Representation) For the positive feedback loop in Fig. 2, let x and y denote proteins. The loop expresses the conditions that the presence of x inhibits the synthesis of y, and the presence of y inhibits the synthesis of x. A simple formulation of this in Kinetic Logic is the following:

  1. 1.

    x and y are binary valued variables taking values 0 or 1. It is understood that although we will use the terms “absent” and “present” for these values, this will mean that the concentrations are below or above some threshold.

  2. 2.

    Boolean functions X(t) and Y(t) denote the conditions under which the genes coding for the proteins x and y are expressed (“switched on”) at time t. Thus, \(Y(t) = \overline{x(t)}\) denotes that the presence of x at time t (\(x(t) = 1\)) will result in the inhibition of the gene for y at time t (\(Y(t) = 0\)) . Similarly, \(X(t) = \overline{y(t)}\) denotes that the presence of y at time t (\(y(t)=1\)) will suppress the expression of the gene for x at time t (that is, \(X(t) = 0\)).

  3. 3.

    We will take the state of the system to be the tuple (x(t), y(t), X(t), Y(t)), although sometimes it is useful to distinguish the values of (x(t), y(t)) and (X(t), Y(t)).

  4. 4.

    Delays \(d^{+}_x, d^{-}_x, d^{+}_y, d^{-}_y\) denote the time (in a simulation, time-steps) for a change to occur. For example, at \(t=t_1\) let protein x be absent and corresponding gene be expressed. That is, \(x(t_1)=0\) and \(X(t_1)=1\). Then \(d^{+}_x\) denotes that \(x(t_1+d^+_x)=1\) provided \(X(t)=1\) for all \(t \in (t_1,t_1+d^+_x)\) (there is a little more complexity in the kinetic logic formulation arising from asynchronous changes in the values of x and y which we ignore until later in the paper).

Example 2

(Simple Kinetic Logic: Dynamics) For the previous example, let us assume the following values for delays: \(d^{+}_x = 1, d^{-}_x = 2, d^{+}_y = 2, d^{-}_y = 2\). Let \(x=0,y=0\) at \(t=0\):

  1. 1.

    \(x(0) = 0\), \(y(0) = 0\). Since \(X(t) = \overline{y(t)}\) and \(Y(t)= \overline{x(t)}\), \(X(0) = 1\) and \(Y(0) = 1\). The state of the system at \(t=0\) is (0, 0, 1, 1).

  2. 2.

    Since \(X(0) = 1\) and \(x(0) = 0\), we have \(x(t) = 1\) at time \(t=0+d^{+}_x = 1\), unless X changes value in the interval (0, 1). Since \(Y(0)= 1\) and \(y(0)= 0\), \(y(t) = 1\) at time \(t=0+d^{+}_y = 2\), unless Y changes value in the interval (0, 2). So at \(t=1\), \(x=1\) and \(y=0\), \(X(1) = \overline{y(1)} = 1\) and \(Y(1) = \overline{x(1)} = 0\). So the state at \(t=1\) is (1, 0, 1, 0).

  3. 3.

    However, \(Y(1) = 0\) overrides \(y(2) = 1\) which was imposed by \(Y(0) = 1\) with delay \(d^{+}_y = 2\). Further, since \(X(1) = x(1)\) and \(Y(1) = y(1)\), there will be no change in the values of xy, and the system reaches a stable state (1, 0, 1, 0).

3.2 Generalised kinetic logic

A generalised form of Kinetic Logic (Thomas, 1991) removes the restriction to Boolean-valued variables and functions. Informally, the generalised form of Kinetic Logic is the following:


The \(x_i(t)\)’s are multi-valued and the corresponding \(X_i(t) = F_i(x_1(t),\ldots ,x_n(t))\) is a function.


The net rate of change of a variable will be \(+1\), 0 or \(-1\), depending on the value of \(X_i(t) - x_i(t)\) (\(+1\) if this difference is \(> 0\); 0 if the difference is 0; and \(-1\) if the difference is \(< 0\)).

There is no change in the value of \(x_i\) when \(X_i(t) - x_i(t) = 0\) (that is, the net rate of change is 0). Of the two other cases, if \(X_i(t) - x_i(t) > 0\) then \(x_i\) increases by 1 after some delay \(d^{+}_i\) unless \(X_i\) changes value in \((t,t+d^{+}_i)\).Footnote 6 Similarly, if \(X_i(t) - x_i(t) < 0\), then \(x_i\) decreases by 1 after some delay \(d^{-}_i\), unless \(X_i\) changes value in \((t,t+d^{-}_i)\).

figure a

Example 3

(Generalised Kinetic Logic: Representation) Consider the connected feedback loops from Thomas and D’Ari (1990), annotated slightly differently here:

  1. 1.

    x is a 2-valued variable (with values 0, 1) and y is a 3-valued variable (with values 0, 1, 2). The corresponding functions X and Y are 2- and 3-valued respectively.

  2. 2.

    The label on a directed edge (ij) is the pair \((l_{ij},s_{ij})\) where \(l_{ij}\) denotes a level and \(s_{ij}\) the sign of the interaction. So \((1,-)\) on the edge (yx) denotes that y inhibits x once \(y \ge 1\); \((1,+)\) on the edge (xy) denotes that x activates y once \(x \ge 1\); and \((2,+)\) on the edge (yy) denotes that y auto-activates itself once \(y \ge 2\).

  3. 3.

    The tabulation:





























    specifies the functions:

    $$\begin{aligned} X(t) = F_1(x(t),y(t)) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} K_{12},&{} \text {if}~\overline{y(t) \ge 1}\\ 0, &{} \text {otherwise} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$


    $$\begin{aligned} Y(t) = F_2(x(t),y(t))= {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} K_{22},&{} \text {if } {\overline{x(t) \ge 1} \wedge y(t) \ge 2}\\ K_{21},&{} \text {if } {x(t) \ge 1 \wedge \overline{y(t) \ge 2}} \\ K_{21+22} &{} \text {if } {x(t) \ge 1 \wedge y(t) \ge 2} \\ 0, &{} \text {otherwise} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

    Here, \(K_{12} \in ~\{0,1\}\) and \(K_{21}, K_{22}, K_{21+22} ~\in \{0,1,2\}\) are constants denoting sets of values, with the actual value in each case to be specified by the choice of logical function. Although it is easier to write \(\overline{y(t) \ge 2}\) simply as \(y(t) < 2\), we have continued to use the “negated” form to allow Simple Kinetic Logic to be a special case of generalised kinetic logic. That is \(y(t)=0\) will be represented as \(\overline{y(t) \ge 1}\). The Ks are scaled versions of the rate parameters of the differential representations: The details can be found in Thomas (1991) and Snoussi (1989).

  4. 4.

    As before, the state of the system at time t is the tuple (x(t), y(t), X(t), Y(t)).

  5. 5.

    Delays \(d^{+}_x, d^{-}_x, d^{+}_y, d^{-}_y\) that denote the time (or time-steps, for simulation). Here \(d^{+}_x\) denotes the delay for increasing the value of x by 1 (level-)unit, and \(d^{-}_x\) denotes the delay in decreasing the value of x by 1 (level-)unit. Similarly for y.

Example 4

(Generalised Kinetic Logic: Dynamics) For the previous example, let us assume the following specification of x(t) and y(t). From now onward, we will remove reference to the time whenever it is clear from the context.





























The diagram on the left assumes \(d^-_x < d^+_y\) and on the right \(d^-_x > d^+_y\). For clarity, we include the values of X and Y in parentheses next to each state.

figure b

3.3 Specification

In this subsection, we provide a formal specification for a variant of a Kinetic Logic that is consistent with the informal description above.

Remark 1

(Time) Although not required by Kinetic Logic, we will adopt a discrete-time model, in which time is treated as a discrete variable that takes values from a set T. For convenience, we assume T is the set of natural numbers \({{\mathbb {N}}}\) (\(\{0,1,2,\ldots \}\).

Definition 1

(System) A system \(\sigma \) is a structure \((Xs,Vs,Fs,Ps,Ds,\succ )\). Here:

  1. (a)

    \(Xs = \{x_1,x_2,\ldots ,x_n\}\) is a set of identifiers denoting system variables for some \(n \in {\mathbb {N}}.\)

  2. (b)

    \(Vs = \{V_1,V_2,\dots ,V_n\}\) where for each \(i=1,2,\dots ,n\), \(V_i=\{0,1,\dots ,n_i\}\) for some \(n_i\in {\mathbb {N}}\).

  3. (c)

    \(Fs = \{F_1,F_2,\ldots ,F_n \}\) is a set of functions of the system-variables. For each \(i=1,2,\dots ,n\), \(F_i\) denotes a function from \(V_1 \times V_2 \times \cdots \times V_n\) to \(V_i\).

  4. (d)

    Ps is a set of identifiers \(\{p_1, p_2, \ldots , p_k\}\) denoting labels for some \(k\in {\mathbb {N}}\).

  5. (e)

    Ds is a function from \(Ps\times Xs\) to \(\mathbb {Z^+} \times \mathbb {Z^+}\) denoting system delays.

  6. (f)

    \(\succ = \bigcup _{p,t}\succ _{p,t}\) where \(\succ _{p,t} \subseteq Xs\times Xs\).

Informally, Ps is a set of identifiers that allows us to capture the notion of multiple pathways in a (biological) system. For convenience, we will use a set notation for the function Ds, and say \((x,p,d^+,d^-) \in Ds\) iff \(Ds(x,p) = (d^+,d^-)\), for \(x \in Xs\), \(p \in Ps\) and \(d^+,d^- \in \mathbb {Z^+}\). In the biological context, if \((p,x,d^+,d^-)\) in Ds, \(d^+\) is the time to increase x by 1 unit and \(d^-\) is the time to decrease x by 1 unit in the pathway identified with p. The relation \(\succ \) is intended to capture the asynchrony inherent in Kinetic Logic, which forces at most 1 variable to change value at any time-instant on a pathway. Again for convenience we will use \((p,t,x_i) \succ (p,t,x_j)\) to denote that \((x_i,x_j) \in \succ _{p,t}\).

Definition 2

(States) Let \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,Fs,Ps,Ds,\succ )\) be a system. The state-space of the system \(\sigma \) is the set \(\mathcal{S}_\sigma = \{(v_1,\ldots ,v_n,v_1',\ldots ,v_n'): \text{ for } \text{ each } i=1,\dots ,n, v_i, v_i' \in V_i, ~{\mathrm {and}}~F_i(v_1,\ldots ,v_n) = v_i'\}\). Elements in \(\mathcal{S}_\sigma \) are called the states of the system \(\sigma \).

Let s be a state in \(\mathcal{S}_\sigma \). For each \(i=1,2,\dots ,n\), the notation \((x_i = v_i) \in s\) is used to denote there exists \(v_1,v_2,\dots , v_{i-1},v_{i+1},\dots ,v_n\) and \(v'_1,\dots v'_n\) such that \(s=(v_1,\dots ,v_n,v'_1,\dots ,v'_n)\). Similarly for each \(i=1,\dots ,n\), the notation \((X_i = v_i') \in s\) is used to denote there exists \(v_1,\dots ,v_n\) and \(v'_1,\dots ,v'_{i-1},v'_{i+1},\dots ,v'_n\) such that \(s=(v_1,\dots , v_n, v'_1,\dots ,v'_n).\) In order to describe the dynamic behaviour of a system, we introduce the notion of a configuration.

Definition 3

(Configurations) Let \(\sigma \) be a system and \(S_\sigma \) be the state space of the system \(\sigma \). A configuration \(\gamma \) of \(\sigma \) is an element of \(T \times \mathcal{S}_\sigma \). We denote the set of all configurations of \(\sigma \) as \(\varGamma _\sigma \).

Definition 4

(Labelled Transition System) Let \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,Fs,Ps,D,\succ )\) be a system, \(S_\sigma \) be the state space of the system \(\sigma \) and \(\varGamma _\sigma \) be the set of all configurations of \(\sigma \). A labelled transition system \({LT}_\sigma \) defined on \(\sigma \) is the triple \((\varGamma _\sigma ,\rightarrow ,Ps)\) where \(\rightarrow ~\subseteq ~ \varGamma _\sigma \times Ps \times \varGamma _\sigma \), and for each \(i \in T, s \in \mathcal{S}_\sigma , p \in Ps, ((i,s), p, (i+1,s))\) is in \(\rightarrow \).

The notation \(\gamma \overset{p}{\rightarrow } \gamma \prime \) is used to denote that \((\gamma ,p,\gamma ') \in \rightarrow \). We use labelled transitions to identify a specific sequence (or trace) of transitions. The reason for adding the self transitions (for each \(i \in T, s \in \mathcal{S}_\sigma , p \in Ps, ((i,s), p, (i+1,s))\) is in \(\rightarrow \)) is to allow the system to continue in the same state if no change is required.

Definition 5

(Trace) Let \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,Fs,Ps,Ds,\succ )\) be a system, \(S_\sigma \) be the state space of the system \(\sigma \), \(\varGamma _\sigma \) be the set of all configurations of \(\sigma \) and \({LT}_\sigma = (\varGamma ,\rightarrow ,Ps)\) be a labelled transition system defined on \(\sigma \). A finite sequence of configurations \(\langle \gamma _0,\gamma _1,\dots ,\gamma _l \rangle \) (where \(l\in {\mathbb {N}}\)) of \(\sigma \) is a p-trace of \(LT_\sigma \) iff for each \(i=0,1,\dots ,l\) there exists \(s_i \in \mathcal{{S}}_\sigma \) such that \(\gamma _i=(i,s_i)\) and for each \(i=0,1,\dots ,l-1\), \(\gamma _i \overset{p}{\rightarrow }\gamma _{i+1}\) . Let \(Traces_{LT_\sigma }(p)\) be the set of all p-traces of \(LT_\sigma \).

If \(\sigma \) is clear from the context, we just use \(\mathcal{S},\varGamma \) to denote the state space \(\mathcal{S}_\sigma \) of \(\sigma \), the set of all configurations \(\varGamma _\sigma \) of \(\sigma \) respectively. Similarly if \(LT_\sigma \) is clear from the context, we use Traces(p) to denote the \(Traces_{LT_\sigma }(p)\). We use the term trace to denote any p-trace of \(LT_\sigma \) where \(p \in Ps\).

It is evident from Defnitions 4 and 5 that the time-instant associated with a configuration is the same as the position of the configuration in a p-trace, and therefore can be discarded. Nevertheless, for clarity, and possible future generalisations to other timed-automata, we will continue to treat configurations as time-state pairs. Let \(\tau _p = \langle \gamma _0,\gamma _1,\dots ,\gamma _{l}\rangle \) be a p-trace of a labelled transition system \(LT_\sigma \) defined on \(\sigma \). We will say \(\gamma \in \tau _p\) if there exists an \(i \le l\) such that \(\gamma = \gamma _i\). By \(t = t_k\) in \(\tau _p\) we mean the time-instant associated with the \(k^{\mathrm {th}}\) configuration in \(\tau _p\). If \(\tau _p\) is clear from the context, we just use \(t=t_k\) instead of \(t=t_k\) in \(\tau _p\). We note for the specific formulation here, \(t = t_k\) is identical to \(t = k\).

Kinetic Logic uses some additional notions defined on configurations in p-traces.

Definition 6

(Net Rate of Change) Let \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,Fs,Ps,Ds,\succ )\) be a system, \({LT}_\sigma \) be a labelled transition system defined on \(\sigma \), and \(\tau _p\) a p-trace in \({LT}_\sigma \). Let \(\gamma _k = (t_k,s_k)\) in \(\tau _p\), \((x_i = v_i) \in s_k\), and \(X_i = v_i' \in s_k\). Then the net rate of change of variable \(x_i\) at \(t=t_k\) in \(\tau _p\) is \(v_i'-v_i\) and is denoted by \(Rate(\tau _p,x_i,t_k)\). \(Rate(\tau _p,x_i,t_k)\) is (a) Positive, iff \(v_i' - v_i > 0\); (b) Negative, iff \(v_i' - v_i < 0\); and (c) Zero, iff \(v_i' - v_i = 0\).

Positive or negative net rates of change result in orders to increase or decrease the value of a system variable \(x_i\) after some delay.

Definition 7

(Orders) Let \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,Fs,Ps,Ds,\succ )\) be a system, \({LT}_\sigma \) be a labelled transition system defined on \(\sigma \), and \(\tau _p\) a p-trace in \({LT}_\sigma \). Let \((p,x_i,d^+_i,d^-_i) \in Ds\) and \(\gamma _k = (t_k,s_k)\) in \(\tau _p\). Then we will say that there exists an order at \(t=t_j\) in \(\tau _p\) to increase (resp. decrease) \(x_i\) at \(t=t_k\), iff: (a) there is a \(\gamma _j = (t_j,s_j)\) in \(\tau _p\) s.t. \(t_j = t_k - d^+_i\) (resp. \(t_k - d^-_i)\); and (b) \(Rate(\tau _p,x_i,t_j) > 0\) (resp. \(< 0\)).

The predicate \(Order(\tau _p,x_i^+,[t_j,t_k])\) (resp. \(Order(\tau _p,x_i^-,[t_j,t_k])\)) is true iff there exists an order at \(t=t_j\) in \(\tau _p\) to increase (resp. decrease) \(x_i\) at \(t=t_k\).

An order to increase (or decrease) is necessary for a variable to change. However, we will see below that this will not be sufficient. It is easy to see that there cannot exist orders at \(t=t_i\) to both increase and decrease x (even with different delays). That is, for any x, p, we can show:

$$\begin{aligned} \not \exists ~t_{j}, t_k(Order(\tau _p,x^+,[t_i,t_j]) \wedge Order(\tau _p,x^-,[t_i,t_k])) \end{aligned}$$

Orders to change the value of \(x_i\) can be revoked if \(X_i\) changes value within the delay period. It is useful to introduce the notion of values of functions changing in a sequence of configurations.

Definition 8

(Change in Function Value) Let \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,Fs,Ps,Ds,\succ )\) be a system, \({LT}_\sigma \) be a labelled transition system defined on \(\sigma \), and \(\tau _p\) a p-trace in \({LT}_\sigma \). Let \(x_m \in Xs\). Then we will say that \(X_m\) changes in the interval \([t_a,t_b]\) in \(\tau _p\) (\(t_a < t_b\)) iff: there exists \(\gamma _{i} =(t_i,s_i)\) and \(\gamma _j =(t_j,s_j)\) in \(\tau _p\) s.t. (a) \(t_a \le t_i\), \(t_i < t_j\) and \(t_j \le t_b\); and (b) \((X_m = v') \in s_i\), and \((X_m = v'') \in s_j\); and \(v' \ne v''\).

The predicate \(FuncChanges(\tau _p,X_i,[t_a,t_b])\) is true iff \(X_i\) changes in the interval \([t_a,t_b]\) in \(\tau _p\).

Definition 9

(Cancellation) Let \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,Fs,Ps,Ds,\succ )\) be a system, \({LT}_\sigma \) be a labelled transition system defined on \(\sigma \), and \(\tau _p\) a p-trace in \({LT}_\sigma \). Let \(x_m \in Xs\). Then an order at \(t=t_i\) to increase (resp. decrease) \(x_m\) at \(t=t_j\) is cancelled iff: (a) the predicate \(Order(\tau _p,x_m^+,[t_i,t_j])\) (resp. \(Order(\sigma ,x_m^-,[t_i,t_j])\)) is true; and (b) the predicate \(FuncChanges(\tau _p,X_m,[t_i,t_j-1)\) is true. That is, we define a predicate Cancelled as follows:

figure c

A different variant of Kinetic Logic results if the \(F_i\)’s are allowed to change their values within the delay period, as long as the net rates remain positive (or negative) for increase (or decrease). We do not consider this variant here. Orders that are not cancelled initiate updates of a system (there is an exception to this, which we will deal with below).

Definition 10

(Necessary Conditions for Change) Let \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,Fs,Ps,Ds,\succ )\) be a system, \({LT}_\sigma \) be a labelled transition system defined on \(\sigma \), and \(\tau _p= \langle \gamma _0,\gamma _1,\dots , \gamma _k \rangle \) be a p-trace of \(LT_\sigma \). Then x can increase at \(t=t_k\) iff there exists \(t_i \in T\) s.t.: (a) \(Order(\tau _p,x^+,[t_i,t_k])\); (b) \(\lnot Cancelled(\tau _p,x^+,[t_i,t_k])\); and (c) \(Rate(\tau _p,x,t_k - 1) > 0\). We will say the predicate \(Increase(\tau _p,x,t_k)\) is true iff these conditions are true. Similarly we can define the predicate \(Decrease(\tau _p,x,t_k)\). We use the predicate \(PendingOrder(\tau _p,x,t_k)\) to denote \(Increase(\tau _p,x,t_k)~\vee ~Decrease(\tau _p,x,t_k)\).

Remark 2

Let \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,Fs,Ps,Ds,\succ )\) be a system, \({LT}_\sigma \) be a labelled transition system defined on \(\sigma \), and \(\tau _p= \langle \gamma _0,\gamma _1,\dots , \gamma _k \rangle \) be a p-trace of \(LT_\sigma \). We note that the following statement is true, for x:

$$\begin{aligned} \not \exists t_k~(Increase(\tau _p,x,t_k) \wedge Decrease(\tau _p,x,t_k)) \end{aligned}$$

Let us assume:

$$\begin{aligned} \exists t_k~(Increase(\tau _p,x,t_k) \wedge Decrease(\tau _p,x,t_k)) \end{aligned}$$

From Definition 10, since Increase is true, \(Rate(\tau _p,x,t_k - 1) > 0\) and since Decrease is true \(Rate(\tau _p,x,t_k - 1) < 0\), which is a contradiction, and the result follows.

Usually, if \(PendingOrder(\tau _p,x,t_j)\) is true, then x will change by 1 unit at \(t=t_j\). An exception arises however, if pending orders are true for a pair of variables \(x_i\), \(x_j\) to change values at the same instant. If this happens, then changes are decided by a mechanism of preference.

Definition 11

(Overridden) Let \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,Fs,Ps,Ds,\succ )\) be a system, \({LT}_\sigma \) be a labelled transition system defined on \(\sigma \) and \(\tau _p\) a p-trace in \({LT}_\sigma \). Let \(x_i, x_j \in Xs\). Then any change in variable \(x_i\) at \(t=t_k\) is overridden by \(x_j\), and the predicate \(Overridden(\tau _p,x_i,t_k)\) is true, iff: (a) \(PendingOrder(\tau _p,x_i,t_k)\) is true; (b) PendingOrder \((\tau _p,x_j,t_k)\) is true; and (c) \((p,t_k,x_j) \succ (p,t_k,x_i)\).

In the original formulation of Kinetic Logic by Thomas changes in values of system variables (\(x \in Xs\)) happen asynchronously. That is, only one variable can change value at any time instant. In effect, this requires \(\succ \) to be a total ordering.

We are now able to state necessary and sufficient conditions for a system-variable to change value.

Definition 12

(Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Change) Let \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,Fs,\) \(Ps,Ds,\succ )\) be a system, and \({LT}_\sigma \) be a labelled transition system defined on \(\sigma \), and \(\tau _p\) be a p-trace in \({LT}_\sigma \). Then a variable \(x \in Xs\) changes value at \(t=t_k\) in \(\tau _p\), and the predicate \(VarChanges(\tau _p,x,t_k)\) is true, iff: (a) \(PendingOrder(\tau _p,x,t_k)\) is true; and (b) \(Overridden(\tau _p,x,t_k)\) is false.

We finally have all the pieces for specifying a Kinetic Logic system.

Definition 13

(Kinetic Logic System) Let \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,Fs,Ps,Ds,\succ )\) be a system. We will say a labelled transition system \(LT_\sigma \) is a Kinetic Logic system iff for all p-traces \(\tau _p\) in \({LT}_\sigma \), for all \(x_i \in Xs\), for all \(\gamma _j = (t_j,s_j)\) in \(\tau _p\) (\(j >0\)), for all \(v \in V_i\) (where \(V_i \in Vs\)),

  1. 1.

    if \(\lnot VarChanges(\tau _p,x_i,t_j)\) and \((x_i = v) \in s_{j-1}\) then: \((x_i =v) \in s_{j}\);

  2. 2.

    if \(\;VarChanges(\tau _p,x_i,t_j)\) and \(Increase(\tau _p,x_i,t_j)\) and \((x_i = v) \in s_{j-1}\) then: \((x_i = v + 1) \in s_{j}\);

  3. 3.

    if \(\;VarChanges(\tau _p,x_i,t_j)\) and \(Decrease(\tau _p,x_i,t_j)\) and \((x_i = v) \in s_{j-1}\) then: \((x_i = v - 1) \in s_{j}\).

Definition 14

(Pathway) Let \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,Fs,Ps,Ds,\succ )\) be a system and \({LT}_\sigma \) be a Kinetic Logic system. A pathway of \(LT_\sigma \) is any p-trace of \(LT_\sigma \).

Example 5

(Kinetic Logic: Formal Representation) We now re-examine the system in Example 4 in light of the formalisation proposed. The system is now denoted by \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,Fs,Ps,Ds,\succ )\), where \(Xs = \{x_1,x_2\}\). \(Vs = \{\{0,1\},\{0,1,2\}\}\) and \(Fs = \{F_1,F_2\}\) where the \(F_i\) are represented by the table:





























Let \(Ps = \{p_1,p_2\}\) and \(Ds = \{\) \((p_1,x_1,2,1)\), \((p_1,x_2,3,2)\), \((p_2,x_1,2,3)\), \((p_2,x_2,1,2)\) \(\}\). Let \(\succ = \emptyset \).

Example 6

(Generalised Kinetic Logic Dynamics: again) Continuing Example 5, given the system \(\sigma \), let \(\varGamma \) be the set of all configurations of \(\sigma \) (as defined in Definition 3), and \({LT}_\sigma = (\varGamma , \rightarrow , Ps)\) be a a labelled-transition system where \(\rightarrow = \varGamma \times Ps \times \varGamma )\). The dynamics allowed by our representation will be encoded by traces of \({LT}_\sigma \). One example is the trace \(\tau _{p_1}\) = \(\langle \) (0, 0010), (1, 0010), (2, 1012), (3, 1012), (4, 1012), (5, 1102), (6, 0100), (7, 0100), (8, 0010) \(\rangle \).

This trace is a pathway in this paper. The states in the sequence of configurations in the pathway are consistent with the states and transitions depicted in the left diagram in Example 4, given the delays for \(p_1\):

We also note the following about \(\tau _{p_1}\): (a) At \(t=0\) an order to increase \(x_1\) is placed to be executed at \(t=2\). Since \(X_1\) does not change its value between 0 and 1, this order is not cancelled. So the value of \(x_1\) increases by 1 unit at \(t=2\); (b) At \(t=2\) an order to increase \(x_2\) is placed to be executed at \(t=5\). Since \(X_2\) does not change its value between 2 and 4, this order is not cancelled. So the value of \(x_2\) increases by 1 unit at \(t=5\); (c) At \(t=5\), two orders are placed: One is to decrease \(x_1\) by one unit at \(t=6\) and another order is to increase \(x_2\) by one unit at \(t=8\); (d) At \(t=6\), \(x_1\) is decreased by one unit since \(X_1\) does not change its value from \(t=5\). Using the definition of the function \(F_2\) given in the table, \(X_2=0\) at \(t=6\); (e) Since the value of \(X_2\) changes from 1 to 0, the order at \(t=5\) to increase \(x_2\) is cancelled; (f) At \(t=6\), an order to decrease \(x_2\) is placed to be executed at \(t=8\). Since \(x_1=X_1\) there is no order placed to change \(x_1\) and its value will be unchanged at \(t=7\) and \(t=8\); (g) At \(t=8\), \(x_2\) decreases by one unit and we reach the state 0010.

In the following section, we describe an implementation, using an Event Calculus, of a program capable of inference in Kinetic Logic. Looking ahead, we are also able to state the system-identification task addressed in this paper, namely: Given Xs, Vs, Ps, and data Ts consisting of p-traces of the system, find Fs, Ds, and \(\succ \) such that \(\sigma =(Xs,Vs,Fs,Ps,Ds,\succ )\) is a Kinetic Logic System and every element of Ts is a p-trace of \(LT_\sigma \).

4 Implementing kinetic logic in an event calculus

In this section, we present an implementation of the Kinetic Logic defined in Sect. 3.3 using a form of the Event Calculus. Theorem 1 at the end of the section establishes the correctness of the implementation. The Event Calculus (EC) is a logic-based formulation for temporal reasoning. We refer the reader to Kowalski and Sergot (1986), Shanahan (1999), Mueller (2008) and Katzouris et al. (2016) for an introduction to basic and extended forms of the EC, efficient implementations and practical applications.

The main predicates in a basic EC and their meanings are in the tabulation in Fig. 3a. The predicate definitions forming the basis of the core-axioms of this variant of the EC are in Fig. 3b. In Fig. 3, we use a Prolog-like notation, in which predicate-symbols, function-symbols and ground-terms are in lower-case, and variables are in upper-case. We abuse the notation S/n to denote predicates or functions with n arguments with the understanding the context will make it disambiguate the kind of symbol involved. The actual implementation (see below) that we will use for this paper is written in Prolog and requires the representation power of logic programs with negation-as-failure (Lloyd, 1987 for details). The event calculus axioms are written as clauses of the form \(h \leftarrow l_1, l_2,\ldots , l_k\), to be read as “if \(l_1\) and \(l_2\) and ...\(l_k\) then h”. If any of the \(l_i\) are of the form not l, then this should be read as “l is not provable”.

Fig. 3
figure 3

a The main predicates used for reasoning in a simple form of the Event Calculus, and b the core axioms of the Event Calculus. This simple version is included here for illustration: the actual axioms we use in the paper (see later) are more complex

There are two main representation choices we make to implement Kinetic Logic in the EC:

  1. 1.

    Values of system-variables (the \(x_i\)’s in the previous section) are taken as fluents. When implemented as a logic program, these are represented by a function-symbol val/2, and fluents are ground-instances of this function. The predicate holds/3 is used to specify that a fluent holds at some time-instant. For example, \(holds(\tau _p,val(x,0),5)\) denotes that the system-variable \(x=0\) at time 5 in p-trace \(\tau _p\).Footnote 7

  2. 2.

    Values of system-functions (the \(X_i\)’s) constitute events. Here, the function occurs/2 will be used to denote an event’s occurrence, and ground instances of the happens/3 predicate will specify an event’s occurrence at a specific time. When implemented as a logic program, we will use \(f(x_i)\), rather than \(X_i = F_i(\cdot )\). Thus, \(happens(\tau _p,occurs(f(x_i),1),3)\) denotes that \(X_i=1\) at time 3.Footnote 8

There are some good reasons for these choices: (a) In the biological setting introduced by Thomas, the images (functions) act as the events triggering the change in values of the corresponding system variables; and (b) The value of the function is determined at every instant by the values of one or more system variables. Thus, there is no notion of persistence as with a fluent (although the impression of persistence may be apparent due to the function having the same value in successive time-instants).

4.1 Implementation in a variant of EC

A difficulty now arises from the fact that in the simplified EC in Fig. 3 events instantaneously initiate (or terminate) fluents, but we know from the previous section that in Kinetic Logic delays play a crucial role. Fig. 4 presents the implementation used in the paper. We note that clipped is a trivial rewrite of terminates in this implementation. Also, terminates is used in a slightly different manner to its usual formulation in the Event Calculus: Here we are interested in checking in if the action of the initiating event is terminated. This is similar to the use in Moyle (2003) where the initiating event is included in the calls to terminate.

All axioms also are now additionally augmented with an argument to identify the pathway on which the inference is to be performed. Recall that pathways are sequences of configurations \(\langle \gamma _0,\dots ,\gamma _n\rangle \). Besides events associated with system-functions, we will use a tick event, which acts as follows: happens(tickt) is true for each \(t \in T\), where \(T = \{0,1,\ldots \}\) as in Sect. 3.3.

Fig. 4
figure 4

A variant of the Event Calculus to account for delays in Kinetic Logic. There is now a delay \(T_k-T_i\) between the occurrence of an event and its effect on the corresponding fluent. tick is an event that happens on every time-instant. Upper-case letters denote variables in the logic-programming sense. So, the X here should not be confused with the X(t) from the previous section. The functions \(X(t), Y(t)\dots \) will be represented by the ground-terms \(f(x), f(y) \dots \)

At the heart of any EC axiomatisation are domain-specific axioms. The axioms specific to Kinetic Logic are shown in Fig. 5. The primary axioms dealing with the delayed increase or decrease of system-variables by the corresponding functions are in Fig. 5a.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Domain-specific axioms for Kinetic Logic. f(X) is used to denote the logical function associated with system variable X. tick is an event that happens at every time-instant. overrides/4 implements the \(\succ \) ordering in the specification (see text for more details)

Before we establish a correctness result about the implementation, we illustrate its working based on the system described in Examples 3 and 4, and using the axioms in Figs. 4 and 5. For simplicity, we initially assume that there are no definitions for overrides/4 (that is, we ignore any asynchronous changes). Later we provide an example of the role played by this predicate.

Example 7

(Delayed fluent increase) For some p, assume we know the following: (a) At \(t=0\), happens(poccurs(f(y), 2), 0), is true and holds(pval(y, 0), 0) is true; (b) The delay for initiating an increase in y is 1 time unit, i.e., \(delay(p,y,+1,1)\) is true. We want to know the value of y at \(t=1\). That is, we want an answer to the query: holds(pval(yV), 1). Using axiom C2 in Fig. 4, an SLDNF refutation proof for the goal \((\leftarrow holds(p,val(y,V),1))\) succeeds with answer-substitution \(\{V/1\}\) using Axioms KI1 (for proving initiates), KT1 and KT2 (for proving \( not \; clipped \)) in Fig. 5. Some relevant goals in the successful proof using KI1 are: \((\leftarrow initiates(p,occurs(f(y),\) 2)), val(y, 1), [0, 1])); \((\leftarrow delay(p,y,+1,1))\); \((\leftarrow happens(p,occurs(f(y),2),0))\); \((\leftarrow rate(p,y,1,1,2))\); \((\leftarrow holds(p,val(y,0),0))\). Inference using C2 in Fig. 4 then attempts to establish \( not \; clipped (p,occurs(f(y),2),val(y,1),[0,1])\). This succeeds since the calls to KT1 and KT2 finitely fail.

The core axioms of the EC only encode the effect of change caused by the logical functions (events), and not their non-effects. Therefore we need to capture the notion that the values of system-variables will continue unchanged, unless an event occurred to change it. This is a variant of the frame problem, and general techniques for addressing it in the EC are described in Shanahan (1999), Mueller (2008). Here, we employ a tick event, that occurs once every clock-tick. Every time tick happens, it initiates the continuation of the value for a system-variable x (Axiom KI3 in Fig. 5a). This is terminated by Axiom KT3, if the occurrence of an event f(x) results in a change in the value of x.

Example 8

(Persistence of fluents) We continue the exposition from the previous example. If \(f(y) = 2\) at \(t=1\), then initiates(poccurs(f(y), 2), val(y, 2), [1, 2]) is true (KI1: delayed fluent increase). Since not clipped(poccurs(f(y), 2), val(y, 2), [1, 2]) succeeds, holds(pval(y, 2), 2) is true. That is, \(y=2\) at \(t=2\). Now: (c) \(f(y) = 2\) at \(t=2\) (that is, happens(poccurs(f(y), 2), 2) is true). We want to know the value of y at \(t=3\): that is, we want an answer to the query holds(pval(yV), 3), using Axiom C2. The goal \((\leftarrow initiates(p,val(f(y),V_i'),val(y,V),[T_i,3]))\) using KI1 fails, since \((\leftarrow rate(p,y,3,1,R))\) fails. Similarly, a proof of \((\leftarrow initiates(p,val(f(y),V_i'),val(y,V),[T_i,3]))\) using KI2 fails. However, \((\leftarrow initiates(p,tick,val(y,2),[2,3]))\) succeeds using KI3. Furthermore not clipped(ptickval(y, 2), [2, 3]) succeeds and \((\leftarrow holds(p,val(y,2),3))\) succeeds using Axiom C2. That is, at \(t=3\) the value of y is unchanged from its value at \(t=2\) (the values of both f(y) and y are equal at \(t=2\)).

Example 9

(Delayed fluent decrease.) For the previous example suppose: (d) The delay for initiating a decrease in y is 2 time units (that is, \(delay(p,y,-1,2)\) is true); and (e) \(f(y) = 1\) at \(t=3\) and at \(t=4\). That is, happens(poccurs(f(y), 1), 3) and happens(poccurs(f(y), 1), 4) are both true. What are the values of y at \(t=4\) and \(t=5\)? For this, we need answer substitutions for the goals \((\leftarrow holds(p,val(y,V),4)\) and \((\leftarrow holds(p,val(y,V),5)\) using Axiom C2. We consider proofs for \((\leftarrow holds(p,val(y,V),4))\) first. From the previous examples, we know: \(y=2\) at \(t=3\) (steady state). Since \(f(y)=1\) at \(t=3\), any proof using Axiom KI1 will fail, since the value of f(y) at \(t=3\) is less than y at \(t=3\). A proof using KI2 is not possible, since at \(t=4\) the delay period of 2 has not run out. This leaves Axiom KI3, which will succeed. The proof for \((\leftarrow holds(p,val(y,V),4))\) then attempts to prove not clipped(ptickval(y, 2), 4), which succeeds, since f(y) cannot change value at \(t=3\), and there are no definitions for overrides/4. Thus, the proof for \((\leftarrow holds(p,val(y,V),4)\) succeeds with answer-substitution \(\{V/2\}\). That is, \(y=2\) at \(t=4\) Now we consider the proof for \((\leftarrow holds(p,val(y,V),5))\) using C2. At \(t=5\), the goal \((\leftarrow initiates(p,occurs(f(y),1),\) val(y, 1), [3, 5])) succeeds using KI2. Since there are no definitions for overrides/4, and f(y) does not change value at \(t=3\) and \(t=4\), we can see that not clipped(poccurs( f(y), 1), val(y, 1), [3, 5]) succeeds, and the proof for \((\leftarrow holds(p,val(y,V),5))\) succeeds with answer-substitution \(\{V/1\}\). That is, \(y=1\) at \(t=5\).

Example 10

(Termination of persistence) In the previous example, when attempting to prove \((\leftarrow holds(p,val(y,V),5))\) using C2, suppose the the inference mechanism selected axiom KI3, which will succeed with a refutation of \((\leftarrow initiates(p,tick,val(y,2),\) [4, 5])). That is, a persistence of \(y=2\) is initiated by KI3 (recall \(y = 2\) at \(t=4\)). However to complete the proof using C2 for \((\leftarrow holds(p,val(y,V),5))\) with substitution \(\{V/2\}\), it is necessary that not clipped(ptickval(y, 2), [4, 5]) must succeed. But clipped(ptickval(y, 2),  [4, 5]) is provable using KT3 since \(f(y)=1\) has initiated the delayed decrease \(y=1\) at \(t=5\), and there are no definitions for overrides/4. So clipped(ptickval(y, 2),  [4, 5]) succeeds and the proof for \((\leftarrow holds(p,val(y,2),5))\) using KI3 fails. Persistence of the fluent is thus terminated by a pending order to decrease that has not been overridden.

Finally, we provide an example of asynchronous change using overrides/4.

Example 11

(Overrides) Suppose there exists a definition \((overrides(p,z,y,T) \leftarrow )\) (that is, a change in the value of some system-variable z will always override any change in the value of system-variable y. Suppose the value of z increases at \(t=5\). Then the proof of \((\leftarrow holds(p,val(y,V),5))\) in Example 9 using C2 and KI2 fails when attempting to establish (not clipped(poccurs(f(y), 1), val(y, 1), [3, 5])). This fails because terminates(poccurs(f(y), 1), val(y, 1), [3, 5]) succeeds through the use of axiom KT2 and the definition of overridden/3. The latter succeeds since the proof for \((\leftarrow overrides(p,z,y,5)\), \(z \ne y\), \(initiates(p,occurs(f(z),V_i'),val(z,V),[T_i,5]))\), not terminates \((p,occurs(f(z),V_i'),val(z,V),[T_i,5]))\) succeeds for some \(V_i',V, T_i\). That is, no (delayed) decrease of y is now possible. However, the proof for \((\leftarrow initiates(p,tick,\) val(y, 2), [4, 5])) will succeed, and not clipped(ptickval(y, 2), [4, 5])) also succeeds, since no change in y occurs. Thus the proof for \((\leftarrow holds(p,val(y,V),5))\) succeeds using C2 and KI3, with answer-substitution \(\{V/2\}\). That is, the change in y is overridden by a change in z at \(t=5\). In this case, the value of y at \(t=5\) persists from the previous time instant.

4.2 Relationship to the specifications

Here we show a form of correctness of the implementation with respect to the specification in Sect. 3.3. For a system \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs, Fs,Ps,Ds,\succ )\), let \(\tau _p\) be a trace in a labelled transition system \(LT_\sigma \) defined on \(\sigma \). For all \(x_i \in Xs\), and for all \(\gamma _k = (t_k,s_k)\) in \(\tau _p\), \((x_i = v_i) \in s_k\) is denoted in the implementation by \(holds(\tau _p,val(x_i,v_i),t_k)\). Denote \((X_i = v_i') \in s_k\) by \(happens(\tau _p,occurs(f(x_i),v_i'),t_k)\). Thus the state \(s_k\) corresponds to the conjunction:

$$\begin{aligned} \bigwedge _{i=1}^n (holds(\tau _p,val(x_i,v_i),t_k) \wedge happens(\tau _p,occurs(f(x_i),v_i'),t_k)) \end{aligned}$$

where n is the number of system-variables in Xs. We will need the following.

Definition 15

(Consistent Initialisation of \(\tau _p\)) Let \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,Fs,Ps,Ds,\succ )\) be a system. Let \({LT}_\sigma \) be a Kinetic Logic system defined on \(\sigma \). Let \(\tau _p\) be a p-trace defined in \({LT}_\sigma \), and \(\gamma _0 = (0,s_0) \in \tau _p\). Then the set \(I_p = \{initially(p,val(x,v)): x \in Xs\}\) is said to be a consistent initialisation of \(\tau _p\) if \(initially(p, val(x_i,v_{i,0})) \in I_p\) iff \((x_i=v_{i,0}) \in s_0\).

Let C denote the definitions in Fig. 4, K denote the definitions in Fig. 5. Let additional definitions describing the system be denoted by \(A_\sigma \), and let \(B = C ~\cup ~K~\cup A_\sigma \). We are concerned with the correctness of a proof of holds/3 using B and a consistent initialisation of a p-trace.

Theorem 1

(Correctness of the EC Implementation) Let \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,Fs,Ps,Ds,\succ )\) be a system and \({LT}_\sigma \) be a Kinetic Logic system. Let \(\tau _p\) be a p-trace of \({LT}_\sigma \). Assume: (a) correct definitions FsPsDs; (b) \(\succ = \emptyset \); (c) a consistent initialisation \(I_p\) of \(\tau _p\); and (d) \(B ~\cup ~ I_p \not \vdash \Box \). We show, for all \(\gamma _k =(k,s_k) \in \tau _p\), for all \(x_i \in Xs\) and \(v_i \in V_i\), that \((B~\cup I_p \vdash holds(p,val(x_i,v_i),k))\) iff \((x_i = v_i) \in s_k\).

Here \(\vdash \) denotes derivation using a theorem-prover, implementing SLDNF resolution using the usual Prolog search and computation rules. The restriction of \(\succ \) to be \(\emptyset \) results in a significant simplification of the proof. In practice too, this may not be an overly serious restriction, if the discretisation of time is sufficiently fine-grained.

We prove Theorem 1 by using induction. To apply induction we have to strengthen the claim as in Lemma 2 in “Appendix A”.

We turn now to the learning task addressed in this paper. The examples to this point would have made clear that the two essential parts of Kinetic Logic are: when do events occur, and when are their effects felt? In the Event Calculus formulation we have just described, answers to these questions are in the definitions of happens/3 and holds/3 predicates (which in turn, depends on delay/4). In addition—although the proof of correctness ignores it—we may be required to identify definitions for overrides/4, if the data contain asynchronous updates. Definitions for happens/3, delay/4 and overrides/4 have to be in place for inference of holds/3 to proceed. We will address this multi-predicate learning problem using Inductive Logic Programming (ILP).

5 Learning kinetic logic programs

5.1 Specification

We motivate the learning task in biological terms: given data in the form of the dynamic behaviour of a biological system, can we identify the regulatory interactions, activation and inhibition delays, and overrides of the system?

In terms of the Kinetic Logic we have specified, this amounts to identifying the Fs, Ds and \(\succ \) of a system \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,Fs,Ps,Ds,\succ )\) given the Xs, Vs, and Ps. We will use the term “partially-specified system” to denote a system \(\sigma \) for which Xs, Vs, Ps are specified and Fs, Ds and \(\succ \) are not specified. Then, the learning task we consider is: given a partially-specified system \(\sigma \), and some p-traces of a Kinetic Logic system \({LT}_\sigma \), find definitions for Fs, Ds and \(\succ \).

We now translate this requirement in terms of the implementation provided in the previous section:

  1. Given

    the following:

    • A partially-specified system \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,\cdot ,Ps,\cdot ,\cdot )\);

    • \(B = C \cup K \cup A_\sigma \), where C are the core-axioms of the Event Calculus in Fig. 4, K are the Kinetic Logic axioms in Fig. 5, and \(A_\sigma \) are auxiliary predicate definitions relevant to \(\sigma \)

    • A language \(\mathcal{L}\) for acceptable hypotheses;

    • \(S = E ~\cup ~ F\) denoting system behaviour, consisting of the set of ground atoms \(E = \{e_1,\ldots ,e_j\}\) representing the conjunction of event occurrences \(\underset{i}{\bigwedge } e_i\), and ground atoms \(F = \{f_1,\ldots ,f_k\}\) representing the conjunction of fluents \(\underset{i}{\bigwedge } f_i\), of which the subset \(F_0\) to denotes the values of fluents at \(t=0\).Footnote 9

  2. Where

    it is the case that:

    $$\begin{aligned} B ~\cup F_0 \not \models E \cup F \end{aligned}$$
  3. Find

    a set of clauses \(H \in \mathcal{L}\) s.t.:

    $$\begin{aligned} B ~\cup F_0~\cup ~ H \models E \cup F \end{aligned}$$

Of course \(H = E \cup F\) would trivially achieve the requirement. But we want to be able to identify explanations in terms of feedback mechanisms, which require a generalisation of the specific facts observed. To achieve this, we will use the ILP notion of generalisation based on the relation of logical entailment (and the weaker relation of subsumption).

We will take \(H = H_E \cup H_F\), where \(H_E\) refers to clauses needed for explaining the events, and \(H_F\) refers to clauses needed for explaining the fluents (these cannot be obtained entirely independently of each other, as will be seen below).

Example 12

(Learning Kinetic Logic Programs) For the system in Example 5, recall the dynamics of the Kinetic Logic system was given by the trace of a labelled transition system in Example 6: \(\langle \) (0, 0010), (1, 0010), (2, 1012), (3, 1012), (4, 1012), (5, 1102), (6, 0100), (7, 0100), (8, 0010) \(\rangle \). Each element of this trace is the pair \((t,x_1 x_2 X_1 X_2)\), where t is a time instant; \(x_1, x_2\) denote the values of system variables; and \(X_1, X_2\) denote the values \(F_1(x_1,x_2)\), \(F_2(x_1,x_2)\). Then, given traces of system-behaviour in this form, the main steps involved in learning a Kinetic Logic program are: (1) Obtaining data on the events and fluents for each time-instant t in the trace. Data on the events are the values of \(X_1, X_2\) at each time-instant (constituting E), and data on the fluents are the values of \(x_1, x_2\) (constituting F). \(F_0\) will be the values of \(x_1,x_2\) at \(t=0\); (2) Given the axioms in Fig. 4 (constituting C), Fig. 5 (constituting K) and any auxiliary definitions needed (A), obtain definitions for \(H_E\) and \(H_F\). Learning definitions for \(H_E\) and \(H_F\) in this paper will require the following: (a) Learning definite-clause definitions for \(F_1\) and \(F_2\). In the implementation of the Kinetic Logic in Fig. 5, these are the definitions for happens/3 and constitute \(H_E\); and (b) Definite clause definitions for the set of delays. This translates to definitions for delay/4 in Fig. 5, which are part of \(H_F\); and (c) Definite clause definitions for exceptions caused by asynchronous change. These are definitions for overrides/4 in Fig. 5, which complete the definition of \(H_F\). Usually, (b) and (c) will simply be ground unit clauses. We refer the reader to “Appendix C” for examples of actual clauses constructed.

5.2 Implementation

There are several ways a suitable \(H_E\) could be found: later we describe how this could be accomplished straightforwardly using ILP engine based on the techniques described in Muggleton (1995). For \(H_F\) it is apparent that we seek a hypothesis that entails the holds/3 facts provided as F. But a definition for holds/3 already exist in the core-axioms C: what is missing are definitions for delay/4 and—if we allow asynchronous updates—overrides/4. That is, the learning task is one of augmenting the existing background definitions in B. We look at identifying delays first. For the present, we will assume that changes in a variable are not overridden (that is, \(\succ = \emptyset \) in Sect. 3).

In principle, identifying definitions for delay/4 and overrides/4 could be done using an ILP engine. In Muggleton (1994), it is shown that the ILP specification allows the construction of abductive hypotheses that extend the definitions in the background knowledge B by adding definitions of predicates that appear in the body of clauses in B (clearly, delay/4 and overrides/4 are such predicates). The ILP implementation we use in this paper (Srinivasan, 1999) does contain machinery for constructing abductive hypotheses, but it is inadequate for the requirements here.Footnote 10 Instead, we employ two procedures specifically for constructing the kinds of abductive explanations we seek here. We will first need the following:

Definition 16

(Consistent Set of Delays) Let \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,\cdot ,Ps,\cdot ,\cdot )\) be a partially-specified system, and \(x \in Xs\). Then, for any \(p \in Ps\), let \(A_{x,p}\) denote the set of possible abducible delay/4 atoms. \(D_{x,p} \subseteq A_{x,p}\) is said to be a consistent set of delays for x if it is one of: (a) \(\emptyset \); or (b) \(\{delay(p,x,+1,d^+)\}\); or (c) \(\{delay(p,x,-1,d^-)\}\); or (d) \(\{delay(p,x,+1,d^+),delay(p,x,-1,d^-)\}\).

A consistent set of delays for p is \({Ds}_p = \underset{x}{\bigcup } D_{x,p}\), where \(D_{x,p}\) is a consistent set of delays for x in p. A consistent set of delays for the system is then \({Ds} = \underset{p}{\bigcup } Ds_p\).

Then, \(H_F\) can be any set Ds of consistent delays for the system s.t. \(B~\cup F_0 \cup H_E \cup Ds \models F\). The immediate question that arises is whether such a Ds is always guaranteed to exist? The short answer to this is “no”: even in the case where the data are noise-free, the presence of asynchronous changes may result in some fluents not being entailed with any set of consistent delays. Also of interest is this: if a Ds exists, is it guaranteed to be unique? This is a property of Kinetic Logic, for which we do not have a definitive answer at this point.Footnote 11 A reasonably intuitive objective is to identify a set of consistent delays that entails the most number of fluents. Given this, identifying a Ds is better treated as an optimisation problem.

Definition 17

(Event and Fluent subsets) Let \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,\cdot ,Ps,\cdot ,\cdot )\) be a partially-specified system. Given a set of fluents F, we define the following subsets: \(F_p\): the subset of fluents of F for \(p \in Ps\); and \(F_{p,t}\): the subset of fluents F for \(p \in Ps\) at time t.

Given a set of events E, we define the following subsets: \(E_p\): the subset of events E for \(p \in Ps\); and \(E_{p,t}\): the subset of events E for \(p \in Ps\) at time t.

It is easy to see that \(F_p = \bigcup _t F_{p,t}\) and \(E_p =\bigcup _t E_{p,t}\).Footnote 12

Definition 18

(Optimal set of delays) Let \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,\cdot ,Ps,\cdot ,\cdot )\) be a partially-specified system. \({Ds}^*_p\) is said to be an optimal set of delays for \(p \in Ps\) if: (a) \({DS}^*_p\) is a consistent set of delays for p; and (b) there exists \(F^*_p \subseteq F_p\) such that \(B~\cup F_{p,0} \cup H_E \cup {DS}^*_p \models F^*_p\); and (c) For any consistent set of delays \({DS}_p'\) and \(F'_p \subseteq F_p \) if \(B~\cup F_{0,p} \cup H_E \cup {DS}'_p \models F'_p\) then \(|F'_p| \le |F^*_p|\).

In this paper, we employ a search procedure that approximates \({DS}^*_p\) by making three simplifying assumptions: (a) Delays are found one variable at-a-time, maximising the number of fluents provable for that variable; (b) At any time-instant t, fluents up to time t are correctly provable; and (c) The delay/4 atoms needed to prove fluents are obtained from a pre-defined set of abducible atoms \(A_p\) for \(p \in Ps\). The details are in Procedure 1.

figure d

Example 13

(Identifying delays) Assume we are given the fluents \(F_1\) = \(\{\) holds(pval(x, 1), 1), holds(pval(y, 0), 1) \(\}\); \(F_2\) = \(\{\) holds(pval(x, 1), 2), holds (pval(y, 1), 2) \(\}\), etc. Then \(f_{x,1} = holds(p,val(x,1),1)\), \(f_{y,1} = holds(p,val(y,0),1)\), \(f_{x,2} = holds(p,\) val(x, 1), 2), \(f_{y,2} = holds(val(y,1),2)\), and so on. Assume there are no definitions for delay/4. Let the possible abducibles allowed be \(A_p = \{delay(p,x,+1,1), delay(p,x,\) \(+1,2),\) \(\ldots \), delay(p,x,-1,1),delay(p,x,-1,2), \(\ldots \), delay(p,y,+1,1), delay(p,y,+1,2)\(, \ldots \) \(\}\). Suppose in order to prove \(f_{x,1}\) the atom \(d_{x,1}\) = \(delay(p,x,+1,1)\) is required. Similarly, suppose the proof for \(f_{y,2}\) requires \(d_{y,2}\) = \(delay(p,y,+1,1)\); the proof for \(f_{x,3}\) requires \(d_{x,3}\) = \(delay(p,x,-1,1)\); and for \(f_{y,4}\) requires \(d_{y,4}\) = \(delay(p,y,-1,1)\). Then \(A^+_{p,x,1} = \{\) \(delay(p,x+1,1)\) \(\}\); \(A^+_{p,y,2} = \{\) \(delay(p,y,+1,1)\) \(\}\) and so on. From these, \(A^+_{p,x,1} = \{(1,1)\}\); \(A^-_{p,x,1} = \) \(A^+{p,y,1}\) = \(A^-_{p,y,1}\) = \(\emptyset \); and so on. Then \(A^+_{p,x}\) = \(\{(1,1)\}\); \(A^-_{p,x} = \{1,3)\}\); \(A^+_{p,y} = \{(1,2)\}\); and \(A^-_{p,y} = \{(1,4)\}\). Eventually, this yields \(D_{p,x} = \{delay(p,x,+1,1),\) \(delay(p,x,-1,1)\}\); and \(D_{p,y} = \{delay(p,y,+1,1),\) \(delay(p,y,-1,1) \}\).Footnote 13

Proposition 1

The set \({DS}_p\) constructed by Procedure 1 is a consistent set of delays.


In Procedure 1, for any variable x, \(D_{p,x}\) will be obtained under one of the following conditions: (1) \(A^+_{p,x} = \emptyset \), \(A^-_{p,x} = \emptyset \); (2) \(A^+_{p,x} \ne \emptyset \), \(A^-_{p,x} = \emptyset \); (3) \(A^+_{p,x} = \emptyset \), \(A^-_{p,x} \ne \emptyset \); (4) \(A^+_{p,x} \ne \emptyset \), \(A^-_{p,x} \ne \emptyset \); The corresponding values of \(D_{p,x}\) are: (a) \(\emptyset \); (b) \(\{delay(p,x,+1,d^+)\}\) for some \(d^+\); (c) \(\{delay(p,x,-1,d^-)\}\) for some \(d^-\); and (d) \(\{delay(p,x,+1,d^+),delay(p,x,-1,d^-)\}\) for some \(d^+\) and \(d^-\). Therefore \(D_{p,x}\) is a consistent set of delays. It follows that \({DS}_{p}= \bigcup _x D_{p,x}\) is also a consistent set of delays. \(\square \)

Remark 3

Step 4 in Procedure 1 is implemented with the usual SLDNF resolution theorem-prover used by Prolog. The total number of calls to the theorem-prover is \(n \times k \times |A_p|\). Finding maximally-frequent delays in Steps 11,17 is \(O(k|A_p|{\mathrm {log}}(k|A_p|))\). For all variables, this is \(O(n k |A_p| \mathrm {{log}}(k|A_p|))\).

Since no delays are defined, they have to be abduced. Step 4 in Procedure 1 identifies abducible values for delays needed to derive a fluent at time t, assuming that we have already derived fluents up to \(t-1\), using the events up to \(t-1\). However, the delay atoms abduced by Procedure 1 may not allow an explanation of all fluents in a pathway, because of the sub-optimality of the set of delays found; asynchronous change that overrides increase or decrease in a variable; or of some other exceptional conditions (for example, noise in the data).

Example 14

(Asynchronous change) Continuing the previous examples, assume that given data on events and fluents concerning variables xyz, Procedure 1 returns the following: \(Ds ~=~ \){delay(p,x,+1,1), delay(p,y,+1,1), delay(p,z,+1,1)\(\}\). Suppose the data for time-instants 0, 1 contains the events and fluents: \(E_0\) = \(\{\) happens(poccurs(f(x), 1), 0), happens(poccurs(f(y), 0), 0), happens(poccurs(f(z), 1), 0) \(\}\), and \(F_0\) = \(\{\) holds(pval(x, 0), 0), holds(pval(y, 1), 0), holds(pval (z, 0), 0) \(\}\), \(F_1\) = \(\{\) holds(pval(x, 1), 1), holds(pval(y, 0), 1), holds(pval (z, 0), 1) \(\}\). Then \(F_{x,1} = holds(p,val(x,1),1)\) is provable from \(B~\cup F_0 \cup E_0 \cup Ds\) but \(F_{z,1} = holds(p,val(z,0),1)\) is not provable. However, with O = \(\{overrides(p,x,z,1)\}\) (denoting that a change in x overrides the change in z at time-instant 1), then \(B~\cup F_0 \cup E_0 \cup Ds \cup O\) correctly proves \(F_{x,1}\) and \(F_{z,1}\), because:

  1. 1.

    initiates(pincz, [0, 1]) will succeed, but not clipped(pincz, [0, 1]) will fail, since overridden(pz, 1) is provable;

  2. 2.

    initiates(pstdz, [0, 1]) will succeed and not clipped(pstdz, [0, 1]) will succeed since there exists a variable x s.t. overrides(pxz, 1) is provable, initiates(pincx, [0, 1]) is provable, and overridden(px, 1) is not provable. Therefore holds(pval(z, 0), 1) will succeed (that is, the value of z continues without change from the previous time-instant).

We will need the following:

Definition 19

(Sufficient set of overrides) Let \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,\cdot ,Ps,\cdot ,\cdot )\) be a partially-specified system. For any \(p \in Ps\) with a set of fluents \(F_p\) and \(x \in Xs\), let \(holds(p,val(x,v_{x,t},t) \in F_p\) and \(holds_p,val(x,v_{x,t-1},t-1) \in F_p\) for \(t > 0\). Let \(\varDelta _{p,x,t} = |v_{x,t} - v_{x,t-1}|\). A set \(O_p\) is said to be a sufficient set of overrides for \(p \in Ps\) iff for every \(overrides(p,y,x,t) \in O_p\) it is the case that \(\varDelta _{p,y,t} \ne 0\) and \(\varDelta _{p,x,t} = 0\).

Procedure 2 returns a sufficient set of overrides/4 atoms for \(p \in Ps\). In the procedure, a change in variable x is overridden at time t if: (a) a change (increase or decrease) in x is derivable at t, but not observed in \(F_{t}\) (these are identified in Step 13); and (b) there exists at least one other variable y for which a change is derivable at t, and the change is also observable at t (this is identified in Step 12).

figure e

Example 15

Continuing Example 14, \(\varDelta _{p,x,1} = 1\), \(\varDelta _{p,y,1} = 1\), and \(\varDelta _{p,z,1} = 0\). Then \(F^0_{p,1} = \{z\}\); \(F^1_{p,1} = \{x,y\}\) and \(O = \{overrides(p,x,z,1), overrides(p,y,z,1)\}\).

Proposition 2

The set \({O}_p\) constructed by Procedure 2 is a sufficient set of overrides.


Steps 12 and 13 in Procedure 2 ensures that if \(overrides(p,y,x,t)~\in O_p\) then \(\varDelta f_{p,y,t} \ne 0\) and \(\varDelta f_{p,x,t}=0\). By definition 19, the set \(O_p\) is therefore a sufficient set of overrides. \(\square \)

Remark 4

In Procedure 2, Steps 12, 13 are implemented with the usual SLDNF resolution theorem-prover used by Prolog. The total number of calls to the theorem-prover is \(2 \times n \times k\), where n is the number of system variables and k is the number of time-instances for the pathway.

We now have all the pieces to construct \(H_E\) and \(H_F\). This is done in Procedure 3. The procedure that invokes an ILP engine to construct generalisations where appropriate. Practical details related to the use of ILP are in “Appendix B”.

figure f

We have already presented examples of identifying \({Ds}_p\) and \(O_p\). In Procedure 3, \(F'\) are the fluents derivable using the definitions in \({Ds}_p\) and \(O_p\), given \(B,F_0\) and \(H_E\) (that is, \(F'\) is redundant given \(B \cup ~F_0 ~\cup ~H_E ~\cup ~{Ds}_p \cup ~O_p\)). \((F-F')\) are the fluents not derivable using the abduced atoms for delays and overrides. In the following we restrict ourselves to present an example of the use of ILP to construct \(H_E\) in Step 3 of Procedure 3.

Example 16

(Identifying \(H_E\)) Let us suppose that we are given fluents and events for a system consisting of the simple negative feedback loop in Fig. 2, reproduced here, with the values of the functions (XY) in parentheses:

figure g

For a partially-specified system \(\sigma = (Xs,Vs,\cdot ,Ps,\cdot ,\cdot )\) and \(p \in Ps\), system behaviour consists of (a) E, the events, represented by:

$$\begin{aligned} happens(p,occurs(f(x),1),0), happens(p,occurs(f(y),0),0), \\ happens(p,occurs(f(x),1),1), happens(p,occurs(f(y),1),1), etc., \end{aligned}$$

and (b) F, the fluents, represented by: \(\{initially(p,val(x,0)),\) initially(pval(y, 0)), holds(pval(x, 1), 1), holds(pval(y, 0), 1), holds(pval(x, 1), 2), holds(pval(y, 1), 2),  \(\ldots \}\). Although, correctly, \(F_0\) = \(\{initially(p,val(x,0))\), \(initially(p,val(y,0))\}\), for uniformity we will take \(F_0\) \(=\) \(\{holds(p,val(x,0),0)\), \(holds(p,val(y,0),0)\}\). Let \(e_{x,0}\) = happens(poccurs(f(x), 1), 0), and \(e_{y,0}\) = happens(poccurs(f(y), 0), 0), and so on. Thus, \(E^+\) in Step 1 of Procedure 3 is the set \(\{e_{x,0}, e_{y,0}, e_{x,1}, e_{y,1} \ldots \}\). Each variable is Boolean-valued, so \(E^-\) in Step 2 is the set \(\{\lnot happens(p,occurs(f(x),0),0)\), \(\lnot happens(p,occurs\) \((f(y),1),0), \ldots \}\).

Suppose we use an ILP implementation based on the description in Muggleton (1995). This first constructs “most-specific clauses” and then constructs generalisations. Using language restrictions \(\mathcal{L}\) that ensure that, along with the background knowledge B, only fluents \(F_t\) are used when constructing most-specific clauses for events in \(E_t\), suppose the following represent most-specific clauses for \(e_{x,0}\) and \(e_{y,0}\):

figure h

(where opposite/2 is assumed to be an auxiliary predicate defined in the background knowledge B). The ILP engine is capable of finding generalisations like: \(H_{x}\) and \(H_{y}\) (here upper-case letters are variables, as usual):

figure i

\(B~\cup F \cup H_x \cup H_y \models E^+\) and \(B~\cup F \cup H_x \cup H_y \cup E^-\) is consistent, hence \(H_x ~\cup ~ H_y\) is a possible hypothesis from the ILP engine. To accommodate generalised Kinetic Logic, we need to go beyond the expressive power of predicates like same/2 and opposite/2. It is useful to have instead predicates for generalised forms for positive and negative interactions in B:

figure j

Then, the most-specific clauses become:

figure k

Possible generalisations are:

figure l

Remark 5

In Procedure 3, the number of clauses examined for the construction of \(H_E\) in Step 3 can be estimated as follows. In the worst-case, for each \(e \in E^+\), the ILP engine: (a) constructs a most-specific clause \(\bot _e\) ; and (b) constructs generalisations of \(\bot _e\). With the use of definitions for positive and negative interactions as in Example 16, and the use of a \(\mathcal{L}\) that prevents the use of fluents across time-points, \(\bot _e\) will have at most \(n = |Xs|\) literals. If the number of interacting variables is bound to a value m, then the number of generalisations of any \(\bot _e\) will be \(O(n^m)\). The total number of clauses to be tested is therefore at most \(|E^+| O(n^m)\) = \(|E| O(n^m)\). If the maximum number of time-instants on any pathway is k, then this bound is \(k |Ps| O(n^m)\). The complexities of Steps 8, 9 are in Remarks 3, 4. Each of those are now multiplied by a factor of |Ps|. Thus, we expect the complexity of constructing explanations to be dominated by: (a) the number of system-variables n; and (b) the maximum number of interactions m allowed for a variable.

Proposition 3

Let the background knowledge B be \(C \cup K \cup A_\sigma \), where CK are the axioms in Figs. 45; and \( A_\sigma \) are auxiliary definitions. Let ILP be a procedure s.t. given: B, a language \(\mathcal{L}\), positive examples \(E^+\) and negative examples \(E^-\), ILP returns a set of clauses \(C \in \mathcal{L}\) that satisfies \(B~\cup C \models E^+\) and \(B~\cup C \cup E^-\) is consistent. If H is constructed by Procedure 3 then \(B~\cup F_0 \cup H \models E \cup F\).


  1. (a)

    Given the constraints on ILP, \(H_E\) in Step 3 of Procedure 3 satisfies \(B~\cup F \cup H_E \models E\)

  2. (b)

    Let \(B~\cup F_0 \cup H_E \cup Ds \cup O \vdash F'\), where \(F' \subseteq F\) in Step 13 of Procedure 3. Since \(\vdash \) is sound, \(B~\cup ~F_0~ \cup ~H_E~ \cup ~{Ds}~ \cup ~O~ \models F'\). Since \(H_F = {Ds}~ \cup ~O~ \cup ~(F - F')\), \(B~\cup ~F_0~ \cup ~H_E~ \cup ~H_F~ \models F' \cup ~(F - F')\)

From Steps a, b and \(H = H_E \cup H_F\) in Procedure 3, the result follows. \(\square \)

We note that although we are able to establish a form of algorithmic correctness for Procedures 1–3, there at least two assumptions that may not be immediately apparent. First, since Procedure 3 abduces facts for delays before it abduces overrides, there is a possibility that the resulting set of delays, although consistent, may not be the same as the true delays characterising the system. There is an assumption that changes are not overridden very often (this is consistent with the biological observations by Thomas that simultaneous requirements of change would occur very rarely, if at all in biological systems). If this is so, then since Procedure 1 attempts to find maximally frequent values for delays, we would expect that incorrect delay values would usually not be returned. Procedures 1 and 2 may also not find any definitions simply because the data do not contain sufficient information of changes in values of system-variables. For example, variable x may not change value at all in the data provided: in this case, no delays for x would be abduced. Avoiding this requires an assumption that the data always contain sufficient information to abduce complete definitions for delays and overrides.

5.3 Evaluation of explanations

We use some simple quantitative and qualitative assessments of the explanations constructed (H’s from Procedure 3). Quantitative assessments are the usual ones of Precision, Recall, and Accuracy. From the logical model, we can obtain: (a) The number of interactions correctly identified (\(N_1\)); (b) The number of interactions incorrectly identified (\(N_2\)); and (c) The number of interactions not identified (\(N_3\)). Then \(Precision = N_1/(N_1+N_2)\) and \(Recall = N_1/(N_1 + N_3)\). Further, the Accuracy of the logical model allows us to assess if the model has correctly identified the logical relations between the interactions. Accuracy is simply the proportion of states correctly explained by the logical model. For experiments with synthetic data (see Sect. 6), we are additionally able to directly compare the delays abduced against the values used by the simulator to generate the synthetic data. We obtain the number of delays correctly identified (\(D_1\)) and the number of delays incorrectly identified (\(D_2\)). Then the accuracy of prediction is \(Accuracy = D_1/(D_1 + D_2)\). In addition to these measures, we will also be interested in the complexity of explanations, measured simply by the number of clauses.

Qualitative evaluation of the explanations are in the form of interaction diagrams as directed graphs, with system-variables at nodes and edges labelled either “+V” or “-V”, where \(V > 0\) denotes the value taken by a function. Details of extracting interaction diagrams are in “Appendix B”.

6 Case studies of synthetic and real systems

In this section we demonstrate the identification of feedback loops and delays. Specifically, we consider identification of the following:

  1. (a)

    Simple synthetic structures consisting of negative and positive feedback loops, that form the basis of many complex biological systems; and

  2. (b)

    Structures of real biological phenomena containing feedback loops. We focus on the invasion of a host organism by a phage, and the production of antibodies by a host organism on the introduction of a foreign body (antigen).

For (a), we will use data from simulations resulting from combinations of delays. For (b), we will use data from the biological literature. In each case, we assess the identification of interactions in the manner adopted in network identification, namely, by the correctness (precision) and completeness (recall) of the interactions in the logical model. For synthetic data (a), we are able to check the delays identified directly against those used for simulation. For the systems in (b), we compare the delays identified against what is reported in the literature. This is usually in the form of a relative ordering amongst the values. Additionally, the representation employed for (a) is simple (or naive) Kinetic Logic, in which variables are Boolean-valued. For (b), we are able to consider both simple and generalised Kinetic Logic.

In all cases, we distinguish between identifying structure and identifying parameters. By structure, we mean: (a) identification of the interaction edges along with their labels, and (b) the logical interaction between these interactions (for example, variable \(y = \lnot x \vee z\) to denote that y is the disjunction of a negative interaction with x and a positive interaction with z). By parameters, we mean the identification of delays for the (unit) increase and decrease of the variables.

6.1 Synthetic systems

6.1.1 Materials

In a previous section, negative and positive feedback were described as being determined by the parity of negative interactions. Specifically, an odd number of negative interactions in a loop results in negative feedback, and an even number of negative interactions results in positive feedback. In Chapter 7 of Thomas (1977), several simple forms of loop-templates are described, which are intended as building-blocks for many biological systems. The principal structures identified are: (a) Simple 2- or 3-variable positive or negative feedback loops; (b) Positive or negative loops with external “grafts” joined by AND or OR connections; and (c) Tangent loops, consisting of positive- or negative-loops with a common element. In this section we consider identifying each of these structures using positive- or negative- feedback loops. The structures we consider are in the table below:






2-var positive loop



2-var negative loop



2-var positive loop with AND graft



2-var positive loop with OR graft



2-var negative loop with AND graft



2-var negative loop with OR graft



Tangent loop with two coupled 2-var positive loops



Tangent loop with two coupled 2-var negative loops



Tangent loop with coupled 2-var positive and 2-var negative loops

The template-structures for these loops are in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Template structures for the loops considered in this section. The leftmost structure is for loops (1)–(2), the middle for loops (3)–(6), and the rightmost for loops (7)–(9)

6.1.2 Method

Our method consists of the following stages:

Data generation.:

We will use simulated data for all the systems (1)–(9) above. The simulations require: (a) A start state; (b) Delays for increase and decrease in the value of the variables. In this section, all variables are Boolean-valued. Kinetic Logic does not require delays \({d_x}^+\) and \({d_x}^-\) of a variable x to be equal to each other, or to the delays of any other variable. For experiments here, we will assume each delay is in the range \(1 \ldots n\), where n is the number of variables in the system considered. That is, for a 2-variable system, the delays \({d_x}^+\) and \({d_x}^-\) for a variable x can each take values of 1, 2 and there will be 16 combinations of delays possible. Each combination will result in a pathway. The simulator obtains the sequence of states in a pathway using the axioms of the Event Calculus, Kinetic Logic, the domain-specific axioms describing the logical functions in the system, and a specific combination of delays for the variables. The simulator also ensures that transitions between states are asynchronous (that is, only one variable changes value from one state to another). Finally, we assume the grafts required in tasks (3)–(6) are Boolean-valued input variables. A summary of the data generated by the simulator is below:



Data summary



16 pathways for each loop,


arising from 4 delays for each of 2 variables



16 pathways for each loop, 8 with graft-variable = 1


and 8 with graft-variable = 0



16 pathways for each loop, sampled from


729 possible pathways arising from


9 delays for each of 3 variables

In all cases, each pathway consists of values for an initial state (that is, fluents and events) at \(t=0\) followed by the values of the states at 10 successive instants (\(t = 1\ldots 10\)).


Given a set of pathways, the axioms of the Event Calculus and Kinetic Logic and any auxiliary definitions, we construct clauses to complete the Kinetic Logic axioms by learning definitions for the occurrence of logical functions and for the delays as described in Sect. 4.


Quantitative measures of evaluation are Precision, Recall, Accuracy and Size as described in Sect. 5.3. For problems involving sampled data (that is (7)–(9)), we repeat the experiment

6.1.3 Results

The results obtained are tabulated below.











































































That is, in all cases, the theory identified reconstructs the structure and parameters perfectly. These results provide the springboard for examining data for real biological systems.

We note that the purpose of the experiments here has not been to check the validity of the upper-bound on time-complexity obtained in Remark 5. Synthetic experiments that examine increase in time for theory construction could be devised: for example, identification of networks with varying numbers of interacting variables. Remark 5 suggests that increasing the number of interactions would increase the time for theory construction. This is consistent with results obtained elsewhere in network identification (Friedman et al., 2000). We defer such experiments for future work, but note that some evidence for this is apparent in the identification of tangent loops, which have more interactions and take longer to identify than other simple feedback loops.

6.2 Real systems

We now consider identification of two biological systems concerned with the immune system response in vertebrates (interactions between lymphocytes), and the classic model of invasion of a bacterial cell by a virus (the well-known phage \(\lambda \) model). Brief biological descriptions of these systems are in “Appendix C”: here we simply note that the models considered involve both simple and generalised Kinetic Logic.

6.2.1 Method

Data Extraction:

Data for the immune system are states identified in Thomas and D’Ari (1990). Data for the Boolean-model for phage infection are from Chapter 17 of Thomas (1977), and for the generalised model are from Thieffry and Thomas (1995). The details are summarised below:

S. No.





Data for 6 pathways from a Boolean-valued model


for \(T_h\) and \(T_s\) lymphocyte-interaction. 3 pathways


are in the presence of an antigen, and for 3 pathways the antigen


is absent. The pathways with the antigen demonstrate development


of immunity or immune paralysis and the pathways without the antigen


contain a “memory” state that enables faster response to the antigen



Data for 13 pathways from a multi-valued model


for \(T_h\) and \(T_s\) lymphocyte-interaction. 4 pathways


are in the absence of an antigen; 4 with antigen present in


moderate levels and 4 at high levels. Lymphocyte-cells are also


considered at 3-levels of concentration



Data for 7 pathways from a Boolean-valued model


for the interaction between cI, cro and cII.



Data for 4 pathways from a multi-valued model


for interaction between cI, cro, cII and n. 1 pathway


is the one most likely to have been followed for establishing host


immunity (lysogeny)and 3 pathways leading to cell lysis. cI has


3 values, cro has 4 values, cII and n have 2-values each.

As with the synthetic data, pathways will consist of the initial state, followed by states for 10 additional time-steps.


As with the synthetic systems, given the set of pathways described above, and the axioms of the Event Calculus and Kinetic Logic, we construct clauses to complete the Kinetic Logic axioms by learning definitions for the occurrence of logical functions and for the delays.


As was done with synthetic data, we are able to assess the efficacy of structure identification by examining precision, recall, and accuracy. The literature does not provide explicit values of delays, and we are therefore not able to obtain accuracy estimates for delays, and rely instead on the accuracy of the theory to guide us on whether the delays hypothesised are appropriate.

We also tabulate the size of the theory constructed (measured by the number of clauses). We only consider learning overrides clauses if the abduction of delays does not explain all of the data.

6.2.2 Results

The results obtained are tabulated below.




































The accuracy on 3 of the 4 problems suggest that the data may contain asynchronous changes. The result with additionally learning overrides/4 rectifies this, as shown below:






















The theories for the generalised Kinetic Logic models are reproduced in “Appendix C”, Differences exist between the actual model and the model identified. The tabulation above suggests that deficiencies in prediction—such as they are—appear to be with models in generalised Kinetic Logic (models IMMUNE_G and PHAGE_G). The actual interactions and those obtained from the models identified for these cases are shown below:

figure m

The structures on the left are representations of the models for immune response and phage infection in generalised Kinetic Logic. For the immune system h and s denote the presence of cells from the \(T_h\) and \(T_s\) compartments, and for the phage infection, cIcrocII and n denote products of the genetic regulators CICroCII and N respectively. For models in generalised Kinetic Logic, a \(+n\) on an edge from x to y denotes that \(x \ge n\) exerts a positive interaction on y. A value of \(-n\) on an edge from x to y denotes that \(\overline{x \ge n}\) exerts a negative interaction on y. The edges in these models are all conjunctions.

To understand possible deficiencies in our approach, we focus here on the PHAGE_G model, since this is the most complex model identified in this paper. The tabulation suggests two kinds of errors. Errors of omission result in interaction edges not being identified, leading to reduced Recall. Errors of commission result in additional interaction edges being identified, leading to reduced Precision. For PHAGE_G, the first error is due to lack of data, and the second is an artefact of some shortcomings in the interaction diagram. We consider each in turn.

The interaction edge not identified is the autocatalytic loop (self-loop) on cI. It is relevant to note the following discussion in Thomas and D’Ari (1990), p. 242 on this:

The positive loop [which] provides indirect autocatalysis of cI ...Knowing that it exists, we must now go back one step and ask whether it is still necessary to postulate a direct positive control of cI on itself. The fact that this loop has been demonstrated experimentally does not mean that it is necessary to account for the observed behaviour: it could be a case of “belt and suspenders”. However, it is, in fact, essential. In the absence of the \({cI}^+\) loop, we cannot account for the block of CI expression at high temperatures ...

The data used here do not contain temperature-specific expression of CI: it is therefore unsurprising that autocatalysis of cI is not discovered. We would expect inclusion of pathways with temperature values of low or high will allow the identification of this edge.

The interaction diagram from the hypothesised model shows two auto-catalytic loops on cro, one of which is apparently spurious. The paradox of proposing both “+3” and a “-3” auto-catalytic loops on cro is resolved if we consider the model with the multi-level values for f(cro) (that is, the levels for the gene complex Cro). It then becomes clear that the “+3” loop is used to raise the expression level of f(cro) from 2 to 3; and the “-3” loop is used to lower the expression level of f(cro) from 3 to 2. In fact, this is the correct behaviour of the lysis pathways in Thieffry and Thomas (1995). All these pathways end with an oscillation between \(cro=2\) and \(cro=3\). Correctly, therefore, this is not a case of lower precision: the original interaction diagram in Thieffry and Thomas (1995) does not capture this oscillatory behaviour. The extra edges in the interaction diagram for IMMUNE_G can similarly be explained: we do not pursue this further here.

7 Related work

There is a very large literature on modelling in systems biology and, increasingly, machine learning is viewed as a method to acquire such models from data (see, e.g., de Jong, 2002; Klipp et al., 2016; Delgado & Gomez-Vela, 2019). However, most current approaches lack the ability to learn executable models, which has been proposed as a key requirement for models that can assist in understanding biological systems (Clarke & Fisher, 2020).

Logic-based approaches to event representation and modelling have the advantage of a formal, declarative semantics compared to process or stream-based systems that have informal or procedural semantics, which can be important for validation and explainability (Artikis et al., 2010).

The Event Calculus has many variants, e.g., for online reasoning (Artikis et al., 2012) and probabilistic inference (Artikis et al., 2019); see Mueller (2008) for an overview. In the Event Calculus, due to the default assumption of persistence (Shanahan 1999) of fluents holding values, it is not necessary to specify the entire state vector of the system at every time instant. Two further advantages of the Event Calculus are that it enables implementing temporal reasoning in a non-monotonic way (the so-called “common-sense law of inertia” using the closed-world assumption as in logic programming), as well as domain-specific knowledge in a declarative way (Shanahan 1999).

In the so-called “normal” setting ILP can be viewed in terms of theory revision via the operations of generalisation or specialisation of an existing theory (Nienhuys-Cheng & de Wolf, 1997). When the task is to generalise or “complete” an existing theory by adding clauses this has been referred to as “theory completion”, with a particular focus within ILP on the learning of non-observational predicates, i.e., predicates for which instances are not given in the training set (Muggleton & Bryant, 2000). Learning an Event Calculus logic program fits naturally into the framework of theory completion, since there is an existing theory (the Event Calculus axioms) and typically the goal is to learn the domain-specific axioms, where these clauses are not restricted to be definitions of observational predicates (Moyle & Muggleton, 1997). Deduction or abduction can be used to derive additional instances to add to the training examples, which can then be used in induction (Kakas & Michael, 2020). Such approaches have often been proposed for learning in dynamic domains, where the problem has the following characteristics: observed data tend to be values of system variables over time, the task usually requires learning (non-observational) predicates defining how the observed data represents the effects of events or actions occurring in components of the system (non-observational predicates), and available background knowledge on the system structure is incomplete (Muggleton & Bryant, 2000; Moyle, 2003; Ray, 2008; Akutsu et al., 2009; Inoue et al., 2013).

Several such approaches study applications to biological systems, such as metabolic networks (Muggleton & Bryant, 2000; Ray, 2008), signalling networks (Inoue et al., 2013) and gene regulatory networks (Akutsu et al., 2009), but not in the Event Calculus. Using abduction, the work by Maimari et al. (2014) identified logical models for regulatory networks. An Event Calculus representation was used to model a system of metabolic reasoning and learn definitions of the “happens” predicate, although without the ability to learn delays, in XHAIL (Ray, 2008). Learning the “happens” predicate can be thought as a form of learning non-observational predicates, in which the target predicate is not the predicate used in examples but a predicate used in the body of background clauses. This facility is available in a number of systems like XHAIL, TAL (Corapi et al., 2010), ASPAL (Corapi et al., 2012), ILED (Katzouris et al., 2015), ILASP (Law et al., 2020) and FastLAS (Law et al., 2020). The formalism of Logic Production Systems (LPS) has semantics based on an event theory, which is related to the Event Calculus, but is more oriented towards reactive applications such as agent programming, and does not include any methods for learning (Kowalski & Sadri, 2015). It will be interesting to see how to formulate learning Kinetic Logic programs within these systems, and to this extent the approach in this paper should be seen as a baseline technique rather than a definitive way to learn such programs.

A relational sequence pattern mining approach, based on a representation with several delay-type predicates where fluents representing a multi-dimensional data stream are indexed by events, was able to learn sequences defining stable states and attractors for 3D cellular automata, but did not use Event Calculus inference (Mauro et al., 2007). Event Calculus inference was used in relational reinforcement learning to enrich and constrain the exploration space with planning to reach goals, and by representing reward values as fluents could acquire domain-specific axioms about the learning task (Nickles, 2012). Business process mining using first-order decision trees (TILDE) proposed the use of an Event Calculus representation for events, but required the generation of negative events (Goedertier et al., 2007).

However the Event Calculus is known to be difficult to learn, due to the need for non-observational predicate learning where multiple predicates may need to be learned, and the dependency of clauses on negated literals with inference by negation as failure (Moyle, 2003). ILP was used to learn programs in the Event Calculus in Moyle and Muggleton (1997). However, this required changing the EC representation by merging the initiates and terminates predicates into a single predicate to allow learning in the setting of Inverse Entailment. This caused difficulties when learning definitions of domain-specific axioms, leading to subsequent work that applied SOLD-resolution to enable the derivation of abducibles to be used in learning (Moyle, 2003), although this did not study biological applications.

To scale Event Calculus learning an online version of XHAIL called OLED was developed for application to human activity recognition from streaming data (Katzouris et al., 2016). This was able to learn the definitions of the domain-specific predicates \(initiated\_at\) and \(terminated\_at\) in a simplified Event Calculus for real-time processing (Artikis et al., 2012), that is, to learn the conditions under which and the time at which a fluent will begin, or cease, to hold. These definitions in turn then determine the occurrence of events.

An issue here is that what is observed is not these predicates on fluents, but the “happens’ predicate on events. As with earlier theory completion approaches, a key problem addressed in OLED is how to apply abduction through negation and avoid the limitation to observational predicate learning of other online learners (Katzouris et al., 2016); the online learning method was subsequently extended with a statistical relational framework in which using online gradient descent and Hoeffding bounds it was able efficiently to learn Event Calculus rules from noisy data (Katzouris et al., 2018). However, the Event Calculus representation used was the same as in OLED.

There has been a large amount of work on learning Boolean networks from data (see the methods and reviews in, e.g., (Akutsu et al., 2009; Videla et al., 2015), but this work does not involve feedback loops. Inoue and co-workers (Inoue, 2011; Inoue et al., 2014) established the very important connection between the state transition relation of dynamical systems models and the immediate consequence operator of logic programming semantics. By representing system states before and after a transition as interpretations of a logic program (Lloyd, 1987), a paradigm for identification of dynamic models called “learning from interpretation transitions” (LFIT) was introduced. Normal logic program clauses are learned to define, for each component of the successor state, the relevant conditions on the predecessor state. Clauses are indexed with a time value, so feedback and stable states or attractors (cycles of length \(\ge 1\)) can be modelled. Since the representation is non-monotonic, both positive and negative loops can be identified. However, time delays in the system cannot be modelled.

In several follow-up works this approach was extended in number of directions, which can be viewed as a kind of parameterisation of the LFIT logical framework (Inoue et al., 2014). For example, learning with delays in the system was achieved by extending one-step transitions to allow values of system variables from up to k previous steps to be included in clauses (Ribeiro et al., 2015). This approach also used multi-valued variables, but was restricted to synchronous updates. Additionally, in Ribeiro et al. (2018) the structure of normal logic programs to compute successor states as in LFIT was preserved while changing the form of atoms to consist of variables defined on continuous domains. This has the advantage of removing the need for discretization of real-valued datasets prior to learning, which can increase error, since effectively the thresholds on variable values are determined as part of the learning process.

The LFIT logical framework has also been extended to enable learning of multi-valued logic programs with synchronous or asynchronous updates in system model dynamics (Ribeiro et al., 2018). Essentially, the asynchronous semantics imposes a restriction that no more than one variable at a time can be updated in the successor state of a transition, which differs from the more common synchronous semantics in which multiple variables can change their values (in fact, arbitrary subsets of variables whose values should change can actually be updated in the successor state—this is called the “general semantics”). This framework also allows concurrent rules, i.e., rules matching the current state that update different variables in the successor state, which permits non-deterministic transitions. However, this paper did not enable delays to be learned.

The formalism of timed automata networks enables modelling with delays, and allows for model checking, with inference of delay constraints (Ahmad et al., 2008). This was used in Ben Abdallah et al. (2017) to learn networks with delays, but unlike our approach this requires the system topology (or wiring diagram, in the form of all component interactions) to be given to the algorithm as an input. This is also required in several approaches for identification of biological system networks (as in, e.g., Akutsu et al., 2009).

8 Conclusions

Feedback loops control the dynamic behaviour of a wide-range of biological systems, most prominently those exhibiting either oscillatory control (like homeostasis) or multi-stability (like cell differentiation). In this paper, we revisited seminal work by Rene Thomas and his colleagues, that explicitly focuses on a logic-based approach to modelling biological feedback. We have proposed a formal specification for Thomas’ Kinetic Logic, and a method of implementing the specification using an Event Calculus. We have also a method of learning explanations for data using a combination of a standard form of Inductive Logic Programming and a specialised form of abduction. There are three questions that can be raised immediately.

First, why Kinetic Logic? Our motivation for the choice of Kinetic Logic is the same as the motivation proposed by Thomas, namely, the need for a formal language that is more precise than verbal descriptions employed by biologists, yet able to approximate sufficiently closely the precision afforded by differential equations. While there are several hybrid languages combining logical and differential descriptions that are particularly relevant to the modelling of cyber-physical systems (e.g., Platzer (2018)), Kinetic Logic has had nearly 4 decades of research specifically on modelling biological feedback (the early papers on Boolean-valued Kinetic Logic date to Thomas, 1977 and recent work is in Bibi et al., 2016). This has resulted in demonstrations of how a wide range of biological phenomena can be modelled. Additionally, there is clarity also on the theoretical connections to a category of differential equations (Snoussi, 1989). It is, therefore, the natural first choice to consider when constructing logical models for such systems.

Granting the choice of Kinetic Logic, why use the Event Calculus? The dynamics of a form Kinetic Logic (albeit not exactly as proposed by Thomas and colleagues) has been modelled elsewhere by the transitions of a stopwatch automaton (Ahmad et al., 2008), and formalisations exist of aspects of Kinetic Logic as a temporal logic (Bernot et al., 2004). These formalisations–in our view–do not represent some key concepts of Kinetic Logic as naturally as is done by the Event Calculus. We have in mind here: the treatment of logical functions as events acting as initiators of change values of system variables; that events triggering change can be overridden; and values persist unless a change is initiated. We are conscious, however, that naturalness of a representation is not necessary for effective modelling or effective learning of models.

Thirdly, why ILP? Logic programming is the usual choice for implementing an Event Calculus formulation, and an answer to this question is obvious enough, especially given past work on the use of ILP to learn clauses for Event Calculus programs (Moyle, 2003). But the use ILP as the vehicle for learning is not simply one forced by the choice of the Event Calculus or its implementation. Rather, our motivation for ILP stems primarily from its flexibility to use background knowledge for system identification. We have demonstrated the utility of this in our previous work on system-identification of transition systems (Bain and Srinivasan, 2018) and is shown here to some extent by the use of background knowledge defined using predicates used by the Event Calculus formulation. The use of ILP allows the incorporation of domain-knowledge, which has not been exploited in the case studies we have shown here (for example in the form of the logical functions, based on what may be biologically known about interactions between variables). Ignoring domain-knowledge, for Boolean-valued variables, any technique for hypothesising DNF formulae in propositional logic could be used to identify the logical functions. If the structure of interactions is known, then the approach in Ahmad et al. (2008) allows the synthesis of delays for a timed automaton, which in turn can be used as abductions in proofs for the fluents. The specification of an ILP system is sufficiently general to allow both of these forms of learning to be incorporated: the implementation of ILP used here (Aleph) certainly allows this. Additionally, of course, it handles the non-Boolean case, as shown here.

This paper does not report on the identification of Kinetic Logic theories in the presence of noisy or missing data. We are nevertheless able to say something about this. Currently, we rely on the ILP and abductive machinery to deal with noisy data: usually, this results in occurrences of events being left ungeneralised at time-instants containing noise. Delays abduced for such time-instants will typically be less frequent, and therefore not selected for abduction. In some ways, this is akin to the approach taken in Bain and Srinivasan (2018) where (ultimately infrequent) transitions are invented to account for noisy data. The further step taken in Bain and Srinivasan (2018) is however not in place here, namely the use of probabilities on transitions, estimated from data. Here, this will require us to move from the classical Event Calculus to a probabilistic form of the Event Calculus (such as those developed in McAreavey et al., 2017 and Artikis et al., 2019). The current approach also has no mechanism for dealing with missing data: we expect a form of EM-like guesswork and checkwork will be needed to address this. We reinforce that in Kinetic Logic, the logical functions correspond to actual biological entities (like genes or operons), that are in principle, observable. Therefore, missing values, can be both for system-variables or the values of logical functions.

Finally, the reader may be concerned about the scalability of the approach when identifying complex systems. The complexity analysis we have in the paper indicates that important factors are the number of variables, and the number of interactions between variables. More generally, our position is similar to that taken by Thomas, in that the only scalable way to understand complex biological systems is to consider its composition by simpler sub-units. The formulation of Kinetic Logic does this by using independent definitions of logical functions each of which typically depends only a few system-variables. As we have seen in the case studies here, each logical function can represent the collective behaviour of several regulatory elements (N and Cro for example represent the action of many genes). Similarly, the system-variables can refer to more than one entity (like groups of \(T_h\) and \(T_s\) cells). The apparent simplicity of Kinetic Logic models is therefore for conceptual understanding, rather than computational convenience.