Iterated differences sets, Diophantine approximations and applications rights and content


Let v be an odd real polynomial (i.e. a polynomial of the form j=1ajx2j1). We utilize sets of iterated differences to establish new results about sets of the form R(v,ϵ)={nN|v(n)<ϵ} where denotes the distance to the closest integer. We then apply the new Diophantine results to obtain applications to ergodic theory and combinatorics. In particular, we obtain a new characterization of weakly mixing systems as well as a new variant of Furstenberg-Sárközy theorem.


The goal of this paper is to establish new results pertaining to Diophantine inequalities involving odd real polynomials and to obtain some applications to combinatorial number theory and ergodic theory.

Assume that v is a real polynomial, with deg(v)1, satisfying v(0)=0 and let ϵ>0. Consider the setR(v,ϵ)={nN={1,2,...}|v(n)<ϵ}, where denotes the distance to the nearest integer.

It is well known that sets of the form R(v,ϵ) are large in more than one sense. For example, it follows from Weyl's equidistribution theorem (see [23]) that R(v,ϵ) has positive natural density. One can also show that R(v,ϵ) is syndetic ([12, Theorem 1.21]), meaning that finitely many translations of R(v,ϵ) cover N (i.e. R(v,ϵ) has “bounded gaps”). As a matter of fact, the sets R(v,ϵ) posses a stronger property which is called IP. A set EN is called an IP set if it contains a set of the formFS((nk)kN)={nk1++nkm|k1<<km;mN}, for some increasing sequence (nk)kN. A set EN is IP if it has a non-trivial intersection with every IP set.1

One can show with the help of Hindman's theorem2 that IP sets have the finite intersection property, meaning that if E1,...,EmN are IP sets, then j=1mEj is also IP.

When v is linear, R(v,ϵ) has an even stronger property than IP. Namely that of Δ. A set EN is called a Δ set if for any increasing sequence (nk)kN, there exist i<j for whichnjniE. It is not hard to show that every Δ set is IP. Moreover, the family of IP sets strictly contains the family of Δ sets. For example, the setN{2j2i|i,jN,i<j} is IP but not Δ (see [5, p. 165]).

One can show, with the help of Ramsey's Theorem, that Δ sets have the finite intersection property (see [12, p. 179]). This implies, in particular, that for any α1,...,αmR and any ϵ>0, the set j=1m{nN|nαj<ϵ} is Δ.

Unfortunately, for polynomials of degree two, the sets R(v,ϵ) are no longer Δ (see, for example, [12, pp. 177-178]). One is tempted to conjecture that the Δ2 sets, namely sets intersecting any set of the form{(nk4nk3)(nk2nk1)|k4>k3>k2>k1}, could be useful in dealing with polynomials of degree two and the corresponding sets R(v,ϵ). However, one can show, by using a natural modification of the construction in [12], that there exists ϵ>0 such that for any irrational α, the set {nN|n2α<ϵ} is not a Δ2 set.

To see this, fix an irrational number α and let (nk)kN be an increasing sequence3 in N such thatlimknkα=0 and limknk2α13=0. By passing, if needed, to a subsequence, we can also assume that for any j,kN with j<k,njnkα<1k. So, for any large enough and distinct j,kN, we have njnkα<ϵ16 and nk2α13<ϵ16. It follows by a simple calculation that for large enough k4>k3>k2>k1,[(nk4nk3)(nk2nk1)]2α43<ϵ, which implies that the set R(n2α,16) is not Δ2.

It comes as a pleasant surprise that Δ2 sets work well with the sets R(n3α,ϵ).

Proposition 1.1

For any real number α and any ϵ>0, the setR(n3α,ϵ)={nN|n3α<ϵ} is Δ2.

It turns out that Proposition 1.1 generalizes nicely to odd real polynomials, namely polynomials of the formv(x)=j=1ajx2j1. (Note that a real polynomial v satisfies v(x)=v(x) if and only if v is of the form (5)).

Before formulating a generalization of Proposition 1.1 to odd polynomials of arbitrary degree, we have to introduce the family of Δ sets, N.

Define the function :NZ2Z recursively by the formulas:

  • 1.


  • 2.

    (m1,...,m2)=(m21+1,...,m2)(m1,...,m21), >1.

Given N, we will say that a set EN is Δ if for any increasing sequence (nk)kN in N, there existk1<k2<k3<<k2 for which4(nk1,...,nk2)E. For example, a set EN is Δ3 if for any increasing sequence (nk)kN in N, there exist k1<<k8 for which[(nk8nk7)(nk6nk5)][(nk4nk3)(nk2nk1)]E. One can show that for each N, Δ sets have the finite intersection property. (See Section 2 for more information on Δ sets.)

We are now in position to state a generalization of Proposition 1.1.

Theorem 1.2

For any odd real polynomial v(x)=j=1ajx2j1 and any ϵ>0, the setR(v,ϵ)={nN|v(n)<ϵ} is Δ.

Remark 1.3

One can show that for >1, the families IP and Δ are, so to say, in general position. Namely, IPΔ (see Lemma 8.3) and ΔIP (see Theorem 8.13).

The following theorem shows that odd real polynomials are, roughly, the only polynomials for which the sets R(v,ϵ) are always Δ:

Theorem 1.4

Let N and let v(x) be a real polynomial. The set R(v,ϵ) is Δ for any ϵ>0 if and only if there exists a polynomial wQ[x] with w(0)Z and such that vw is an odd polynomial of degree at most 21.

There are two basic approaches to the proof of Theorem 1.2. The first approach is based on the inductive utilization of (the finite) Ramsey Theorem. The second approach uses a special family of ultrafilters in βN which is of interest in its own right and has not been utilized before in a similar context. Each of these approaches has its own pros and cons.

The first approach allows to formulate and prove a finitistic version of Theorem 1.2 (this is a pro), but the proof gets quite cumbersome (this is a con). This approach is carried out in Subsection 3.2.

The second approach, which is implemented in Subsection 3.1, has the advantage of being shorter and much easier to follow. The disadvantage of this approach seems to be mostly lying with the fact that some readers may not be familiar with ultrafilters. We remedy this by giving detailed definitions and some of the necessary background in Section 2.

It is worth mentioning that we will also utilize the ultrafilter technique in the proofs of Theorem 1.4 (see Section 5) and of a converse to Theorem 1.2 (see Section 4).

In Section 6, we deal with applications to unitary actions. In particular, we establish the following result.

Theorem 1.5

Let U:HH be a unitary operator and let v(x)=j=1ajx2j1 be a non-zero odd polynomial with v(Z)Z. The following are equivalent:

  • (i)

    U has discrete spectrum (i.e. H is spanned by eigenvectors of U).

  • (ii)

    For any fH and any ϵ>0, the set{nN|Uv(n)ffH<ϵ} is Δ.

Theorem 1.5 has the following ergodic-theoretical corollary.

Corollary 1.6

Let (X,A,μ) be a probability space5 and let T:XX be an ergodic invertible probability measure preserving transformation. The following are equivalent:

  • (i)

    (X,A,μ,T) is isomorphic to a translation on a compact abelian group.

  • (ii)

    For any odd polynomial v(x)=j=1ajx2j1 with v(Z)Z, any AA and any ϵ>0, the set{nN|μ(ATv(n)A)>μ(A)ϵ} is Δ.

  • (iii)

    There exists a non-zero odd polynomial v(x)=j=1ajx2j1 with v(Z)Z such that for any AA and any ϵ>0, the set{nN|μ(ATv(n)A)>μ(A)ϵ} is Δ.

Another application of Theorem 1.5 to measure preserving systems requires the introduction of the notion of an almost Δ set, denoted by A-Δ. Recall that the upper Banach density of a set EN, d(E), is defined byd(E)=limsupNM|E{M+1,...,N}|NM, where, for a finite FN, |F| denotes the cardinality of F. Given N, a set DN is A-Δ if there exists a set EN with d(E)=0, such that DE is Δ.

Theorem 1.7

Let (X,A,μ,T) be an invertible probability measure preserving system and let v(x)=j=1ajx2j1 be an odd polynomial with v(Z)Z. For any AA and any ϵ>0, the setRA(v,ϵ)={nN|μ(ATv(n)A)>μ2(A)ϵ} is A-Δ.

Remark 1.8

It was shown in [6] that the “sets of large returns” RA(v,ϵ) have the IP property for any polynomial v with v(Z)Z and satisfying v(0)=0. It will be shown in Section 8 that for each N, there exists an IP set which is not A-Δ. So, Theorem 1.7 provides new information about sets of large returns when v is an odd polynomial.

We remark that the quantity μ2(A) in (6) is optimal (consider any strongly mixing system6).

The following corollary of Theorem 1.7 is a result in additive combinatorics which might be seen as a variant of the Furstenberg-Sárközy theorem (see [20] and [12, Theorem 3.16]).

Corollary 1.9

Let EN be such that d(E)>0 and let v(x)=j=1ajx2j1 be an odd polynomial with v(Z)Z. Then the set{nN|v(n)EE} is A-Δ.

We also have a new recurrence property for weakly mixing systems. A probability measure preserving system (X,A,μ,T) is weakly mixing if for any A,BA,limN1Nj=1N|μ(ATnB)μ(A)μ(B)|=0.

Corollary 1.10

Let v(x)=j=1ajx2j1 be a non-zero odd polynomial with v(Z)Z. An invertible probability measure preserving system (X,A,μ,T) is weakly mixing if and only if for any A,BA and any ϵ>0, the setRA,B(v,ϵ)={nN||μ(ATv(n)B)μ(A)μ(B)|<ϵ} is A-Δ.

In Section 7, we provide an example of a weakly mixing system (X,A,μ,T) which shows that in the statement of Corollary 1.10, A-Δ can not be replaced by Δ.

We conclude the introduction with formulating a recent result [10] which demonstrates yet another connection between Δ sets and ergodic theory.

Theorem 1.11 Cf. [18]

Let (X,A,μ,T) be an invertible probability measure preserving system. The following are equivalent:

  • (i)

    (X,A,μ,T) is strongly mixing.

  • (ii)

    There exists an N such that for any AA and any ϵ>0, the set{nN||μ(ATnA)μ2(A)|<ϵ} is Δ.

  • (iii)

    For any N, any A0,...,A+1A and any ϵ>0, the set{nN||μ(A0TnA1T(+1)nA+1)j=0+1μ(Aj)|<ϵ} is Δ.

The structure of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, we provide the necessary background on ultrafilters and establish the connection between ultrafilters and Δ sets. In Section 3, we prove Theorem 1.2 as well as its finitistic version. In Section 4, we prove a converse to Theorem 1.2. In Section 5, we prove Theorem 1.4. In Section 6, we focus on applications to unitary actions. In Section 7, we provide an example of a weakly mixing system which demonstrates that Corollary 1.10 can not be improved. In Section 8, we discuss the relations between the various families of subsets of N that we deal with throughout this paper.

Section snippets

βN and Δ sets

In this section we provide some background on the space of ultrafilters βN and connect the notion of Δ with a natural family in βN.

Let p be a family of subsets of N. We say that p is a filter if it has the following properties:

  • (i)

    p and Np.

  • (ii)

    If A,Bp, then ABp.

  • (iii)

    If Ap and AB, then Bp.

If, in addition, p satisfies
  • (iv)

    for any A,BN, if ABp and Ap, then Bp.

then we say that p is an ultrafilter. It is not hard to show that an ultrafilter p is a maximal filter, meaning that p is not properly

Δ sets and Diophantine inequalities

As was mentioned in the introduction, we have two approaches to proving Theorem 1.2: an ultrafilter approach which is, so to say, soft and clean, and an elementary approach which is based on Ramsey's theorem and which, while being more cumbersome, allows to obtain somewhat stronger finitistic results. The first approach is implemented in Subsection 3.1, the second — in Subsection 3.2.

A converse to Theorem 1.2

In this section we prove the following converse of Theorem 1.2.

Theorem 4.1

Let N and let v(x) be an odd real polynomial with irrational leading coefficient. If for each ϵ>0 the setR(v,ϵ)={nN|v(n)<ϵ} is Δ, then deg(v)21.

We will derive Theorem 4.1 from the following Lemma which will be also used below in Section 8.

Lemma 4.2

Let pβN be a non-principal ultrafilter, let N and let α0,...,αT be such that for j{1,...,},p-limnNnαj=0 and2j1(2j+12)p-limnNn2αj=αj1. Thenp-limnNn2+1α=p-limnNnα0.



Odd polynomials and the combinatorial properties of sets of the form R(v,ϵ)

In this section we will show that, roughly speaking, odd real polynomials are the only polynomials v(x) such that for any ϵ>0, the setR(v,ϵ)={nN|v(n)<ϵ} is Δ for some N. More precisely:

Theorem 5.1

Let N and let v(x) be a real polynomial. The following are equivalent:

  • (i)

    There exists a polynomial wQ[x] such that w(0)Z and vw is an odd polynomial of degree at most 21.

  • (ii)

    For any ϵ>0, there exists rN for which R(v,ϵ) is Δ,r.

  • (iii)

    For any ϵ>0, R(v,ϵ) is Δ.

In order to prove Theorem 5.1 we will need the

Applications to polynomial recurrence

The goal of this section is to prove (slightly amplified versions of) Theorem 1.5, Theorem 1.7 and Corollary 1.6, Corollary 1.9, Corollary 1.10.

We start with recalling the classical Koopman-von Neumann decomposition theorem (see [16] and Theorem 3.4, page 96, in [17]).

Theorem 6.1

Given a unitary operator U:HH one has an orthogonal decompositionH=HcHwm, where the U-invariant (and U1-invariant) subspaces Hc and Hwm are defined as follows:Hc={fH|λT,Uf=e2πiλf} andHwm={fH|limNM1NMn=M+1N|Unf,f|

Corollary 1.10 cannot be improved

Our goal in this section is to prove the following result:

Proposition 7.1

For any odd polynomial v(x) with v(Z)Z, there exists a weakly mixing invertible probability measure preserving system (X,A,μ,T), a set AA with μ(A)(0,1) and a non-principal ultrafilter pβN such that for any N,p-limnNμ(ATv(n)A)=μ(A).

Remark 7.2

Let the invertible probability measure preserving system (X,A,μ,T) and the set AA be as in the statement of Proposition 7.1. Then for any small enough ϵ>0,RA(v,ϵ)={nN||μ(ATv(n)A)μ2(A)|<ϵ} is

Hierarchy of notions of largeness

In this section we will review the relations between various notions of largeness which played an instrumental role in the formulations and proofs of the results concerning the sets R(v,ϵ) and RA(v,ϵ). In particular, we will supply the proofs of the results mentioned in Subsection 3.2 and Section 6 which juxtapose the Δ-flavored Theorem 3.8, Theorem 6.4 with the IP-flavored Theorem 3.9, Theorem 6.5 (see Corollary 8.6 and Corollary 8.14 below).

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