Characterizing forbidden subgraphs that imply pancyclicity in 4-connected, claw-free graphs rights and content


In 1984, Matthews and Sumner conjectured that every 4-connected, claw-free graph contains a Hamiltonian cycle. This still unresolved conjecture has been the motivation for research into the existence of other cycle structures. In this paper, we consider the stronger property of pancyclicity for 4-connected graphs. In particular, we show that every 4-connected, {K1,3,N(i,j,k)}-free graph, where i,j,k1 and i+j+k=6, is pancyclic. This, together with results by Ferrara, Morris, Wenger, and Ferrara et al. completes a characterization of the graphs Y such that every {K1,3,Y}-free graph is pancyclic. In addition, this represents the best known progress towards answering a question of Gould concerning a characterization of the pairs of forbidden subgraphs that imply pancyclicity in 4-connected graphs.


All graphs in this paper are simple, and for a graph G, we often use |G| to denote |V(G)|. G is Hamiltonian if it contains a spanning cycle and pancyclic if it contains cycles of each length from 3 to |G|. For a positive integer k, G is k-connected if GS is connected, for all SV(G) with |S|<k. Given a family F of graphs, G is said to be F-free if G contains no member of F as an induced subgraph. If K1,3F, then G is said to be claw-free. L(G) is used to denote the line graph of G, in which the vertices of L(G) are the edges of G, and two vertices in L(G) are adjacent exactly when the corresponding edges are incident in G. Note that L(G) is claw-free for every graph G.

The following well-known conjecture of Matthews and Sumner [9] has provided the impetus for a great deal of research into the Hamiltonicity of claw-free graphs.

Conjecture 1 The Matthews-Sumner Conjecture

If G is a 4-connected, claw-free graph, then G is Hamiltonian.

In [10], Ryjáček demonstrated that the Matthews-Sumner conjecture is equivalent to a conjecture of Thomassen [14] that every 4-connected, line graph is Hamiltonian. Also in [10], Ryjáček showed that every 7-connected, claw-free graph is Hamiltonian. Kaiser and Vrána [8] then showed that every 5-connected, claw-free graph with minimum degree at least 6 is Hamiltonian, which currently represents the best general progress towards affirming Conjecture 1. Recently in [13], Conjecture 1 was also shown to be equivalent to the statement that every 4-connected, claw-free graph is Hamiltonian-connected.

The Matthews-Sumner Conjecture has fostered a large body of research into other cycle-structure properties of claw-free graphs. In this paper, we are specifically interested in the pancyclicity of highly connected, claw-free graphs. Significantly fewer results of this type can be found in the literature, in part because it has been shown in many cases [11], [12] that closure techniques like those in [10], shown to be useful to a number of cycle problems, do not apply to pancyclicity. For instance, as shown in [1], for every k1 there exists a k-connected, claw-free graph that is not pancyclic, but has complete Ryjáček closure. This further precludes a Matthews-Sumner type conjecture for pancyclicity.

Thus, we turn our attention to families of forbidden subgraphs that imply pancyclicity in graphs with sufficiently high connectivity. Building upon several prior results, Faudree and Gould gave the following characterization of forbidden pairs that imply pancyclicity in 2-connected graphs. Here N(i,j,k) is the generalized net, which is obtained by identifying one vertex of a triangle with an endpoint of a path of length i, identifying another vertex of the triangle with an endpoint of a path of length j, and the third vertex with an endpoint of a path of length k.

Theorem 1 Faudree, Gould [3]

Let X and Y be connected graphs on at least three vertices. If neither X nor Y is P3 and Y is not K1,3, then every 2-connected, {X,Y}-free graph G is pancyclic if and only if X=K1,3 and Y is an induced subgraph of either P6 or N(2,0,0).

Gould, Łuczak and Pfender [6] continued this line of inquiry, and obtained the following characterization of forbidden pairs of subgraphs that imply pancyclicity in 3-connected graphs. Here Ł denotes the graph obtained by connecting two disjoint triangles with a single edge.

Theorem 2 Gould, Łuczak, Pfender [6]

Let X and Y be connected graphs on at least three vertices. If neither X nor Y is P3 and Y is not K1,3, then every 3-connected, {X,Y}-free graph G is pancyclic if and only if X=K1,3 and Y is an induced subgraph of one of the graphs in the familyF={P7,Ł,N(i,j,k):i+j+k=4}.

Motivated by the Matthews-Sumner Conjecture and Theorem 1, Theorem 2, Gould posed the following problem at the 2010 SIAM Discrete Math meeting in Austin, TX.

Problem 1

Characterize the pairs of forbidden subgraphs that imply a 4-connected graph is pancyclic.

The first progress towards this problem appears in [5].

Theorem 3 Ferrara, Morris, Wenger [5]

If G is a 4-connected, {K1,3,P10}-free graph, then either G is pancyclic or G is the line graph of the Petersen graph. Consequently, every 4-connected, {K1,3,P9}-free graph is pancyclic.

The line graph of the Petersen graph is 4-connected, claw-free and contains no cycle of length 4 (see L(P) in Fig. 1). Noting that in Theorem 2, all generalized nets of the form N(i,j,0) with i+j=4 are in the family F, Ferrara, Gould, Gehrke, Magnant, and Powell [4] showed the following.

Theorem 4 Ferrara, Gould, Gehrke, Magnant, Powell [4]

Every 4-connected, {K1,3,N(i,j,0)}-free graph with i+j=6 is pancyclic. This result is best possible, in that the line graph of the Petersen graph is N(i,j,0)-free for all i,j0 with i+j=7.

In this paper, we continue the progress towards Problem 1. In particular, we prove the following three theorems, which yield a characterization of those graphs Y such that every 4-connected, {K1,3,Y}-free graph is pancyclic.

Theorem 5

Every 4-connected, {K1,3,N(i,j,k)}-free graph with i,j,k1 and i+j+k=6 is pancyclic. This result is best possible, in that the line graph of the Petersen graph is N(i,j,k)-free for all i,j,k1 with i+j+k=7.

Theorem 6

Let X and Y be connected graphs with at least three edges such that every 4-connected, {X,Y}-free graph is pancyclic. Then, without loss of generality, X is either K1,3 or K1,4 and Y is an induced subgraph of one of P9, Ł, or the generalized net N(i,j,k) with i+j+k=6.

Theorem 7

Let Y be a connected graph with at least three edges. Every 4-connected, {K1,3,Y}-free graph is pancyclic if and only if Y is an induced subgraph of one of the graphs in the familyF={P9,Ł,N(i,j,k):i+j+k=6}.

Observe that Theorem 7 follows from Theorem 2, Theorem 3, Theorem 4, Theorem 5, Theorem 6. It is also worth noting that results in [7] can be used to prove Theorem 7 for graphs sufficiently large. Thus, part of the goal of this paper is to complete this characterization for all graphs.

The outline of this paper is as follows. We prove Theorem 6 in Section 2, and prove Theorem 5 in Sections 3 - 7. In particular, we show the existence of cycles of lengths 3, 4, and 5 in Section 3. Then in Section 4, we prove several technical lemmas that will be used in Sections 5-7. In Sections 5, 6, and 7, we consider each of the nets N(2,2,2),N(3,2,1), and N(4,1,1), respectively, and show that a 4-connected, claw-free graph that avoids that specific net is pancyclic. Lastly, we present some ideas for future research in Section 8.

Section snippets

Proof of Theorem 6

In this section we prove Theorem 6 in a manner similar to that used in [6]. Observe that L(S(K5)), L(P), K4,4, G1, and G2 are not pancyclic as they do not contain C5,C4,C3,C3, and Cn, respectively (see Fig. 1). In addition, L(P) is {K1,3,K1,4}-free.

Lemma 1

Let X,Y be connected graphs with at least three edges. If each 4-connected, {X,Y}-free graph is pancyclic, then without loss of generality, X{K1,3,K1,4}.


Suppose on the contrary that X,Y{K1,3,K1,4}. As K4,4 is not pancyclic, we may conclude without

Short cycles

In this section we prove that for any N{N(4,1,1),N(3,2,1),N(2,2,2)}, a 4-connected, {K1,3,N}-free graph contains cycles of length 3, 4 and 5. Throughout this section and in the remainder of this paper, we will often consider subgraphs isomorphic to K1,3 and N, where N{N(4,1,1),N(3,2,1), N(2,2,2)}. Thus, to better describe these subgraphs, we let a;a1,a2,a3 denote a copy of K1,3 with center vertex a and pendant edges aa1, aa2, and aa3, and let N(abc;a1ai,b1bj,c1ck) denote a copy of N(i,j,k

Technical lemmas

In this section, we present notation and prove a number of technical lemmas that will simplify the case structure of our proof of Theorem 5. A number of these lemmas use standard techniques, so we omit or shorten many of their proofs.

Long cycles for N(2,2,2)

In this section we prove the following lemma.

Lemma 13

Every 4-connected, {K1,3,N(2,2,2)}-free graph of order n containing a cycle of length s, where 5sn1, contains an (s+1)-cycle.

Lemma 3 implies G has cycles of length 3, 4, and 5. This together with Lemma 13 completes the proof of Theorem 5 for N(2,2,2). Throughout the remainder of the paper we adopt the terminology and structure developed in Section 4.

We proceed by contradiction and assume that G is 4-connected, {K1,3,N(2,2,2)}-free, and contains a

Long cycles for N(3,2,1)

In this section we prove the following lemma, which together with Lemma 3, completes the proof of Theorem 5 for N(3,2,1).

Lemma 14

Every 4-connected, {K1,3,N(3,2,1)}-free graph of order n containing a cycle of length s, where 5sn1, contains an (s+1)-cycle.

As in the previous section, the proof of this lemma is broken up into cases based on how many vertices of x,y, and z are in V(C). However in this section, we ultimately reduce to the case in which v has at least four neighbors on C and NC(v)

Long cycles for N(4,1,1)

In this section we prove the following lemma, which together with Lemma 3, completes the proof of Theorem 5 for N(4,1,1).

Lemma 15

Every 4-connected, {K1,3,N(4,1,1)}-free graph of order n containing a cycle of length s, where 5sn1, contains an (s+1)-cycle.

As in the previous sections, the proof of this lemma is broken up into cases based on how many vertices of x, y and z are in V(C). As in the case for N(3,2,1), we ultimately reduce to the case in which v has at least four neighbors on C, and that N

Future research

We now conclude with some ideas to further along research in this area. The first is to complete the characterization posed by Gould in Problem 1. Theorem 6 presents a near characterization and would completely answer Problem 1 if the option of K1,4 was eliminated. This could be possible by using an argument similar to the one in Lemma 1. However, to do so would most likely require more graphs like those in Fig. 1. In particular, they would need to be 4-connected, non-pancyclic graphs that are K

Declaration of Competing Interest

We wish to confirm that there are no known conflicts of interest associated with this publication and there has been no significant financial support for this work that could have influenced its outcome.

References (14)

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Research supported in part by NSF grant DMS 08-38434, “EMSW21-MCTP: Research Experience for Graduate Students”.


Research supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant DMS-0914815.


Research supported in part by Simons Foundation Collaboration Grant #206692.


Research supported in part by UCD GK12 project, National Science Foundation Grant DGE-0742434.

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