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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter July 2, 2021

Sharp conditions on global existence and blow-up in a degenerate two-species and cross-attraction system

  • José Carrillo Antonio EMAIL logo and Ke Lin EMAIL logo


We consider a degenerate chemotaxis model with two-species and two-stimuli in dimension d ≥ 3 and find two critical curves intersecting at one point which separate the global existence and blow up of weak solutions to the problem. More precisely, above these curves (i.e. subcritical case), the problem admits a global weak solution obtained by the limits of strong solutions to an approximated system. Based on the second moment of solutions, initial data are constructed to make sure blow up occurs in finite time on and below these curves (i.e. critical and supercritical cases). In addition, the existence or non-existence of minimizers of free energy functional is discussed on the critical curves and the solutions exist globally in time if the size of initial data is small. We also investigate the crossing point between the critical lines in which a refined criteria in terms of the masses is given again to distinguish the dichotomy between global existence and blow up. We also show that the blow ups is simultaneous for both species.

MSC 2010: 35K65; 92C17; 35J20; 35A01; 35B44

1 Introduction

The interaction motion of two cell populations in breast cancer cell invasion models in ℝd (d ≥ 3) has been described by the following chemotaxis system with two chemicals and nonlinear diffusion (cf. [20,30])

ut=um1.(uv)xRd,t>0,=w,xRd,t>0,wt=wm2.(wz),xRd,t>0,z=u,xRd,t>0,ux,0=uox,wx,o=wox,xRd, (1.1)

where m1, m2 > 1 are constants. Here, u(x, t) and w(x, t) denote the density of the macrophages and the tumor cells, v(x, t) and z(x, t) denote the concentration of the chemicals produced by w(x, t) and u(x, t),

respectively. For simplicity, the initial data are assumed to satisfy

u0L1(d;(1+|x|2)dx)L(d),u0m1L2(d) and u00,w0L1(d;(1+|x|2)dx)L(d),w0m2L2(d) and w00 (1.2)

Since the solutions to the Poisson equations can be written by the Newtonian potential such as


with K(x)=cd|x|d2 and cd is the surface area of the sphere Sd-1 in Rd, the original system (1.1) can be regarded as the interaction between two populations

{ut=Δum1.(uKw),xRd,t>0wt=Δwm2.(wKu),xRd,t>0,u(x,0)=u0(x),w(x,0)=w0(x),xRd, (1.3)

where it follows that the solutions obey the mass conservation

M1:=du(x,t)dx=du0(x)dx and M2:=dw(x,t)dx=dw0(x)dx.

The associated free energy functional 𝓕 for (1.1) or (1.3) is given by


which is non-increasing with respect to time since for smooth cases it satisfies the following decreasing property




The chemotaxis system consisting of only one population and one chemical signal is the well-known KellerSegel model by taking into account volume filling constraints (see [9, 28, 38]) reading as

ut=Δum1(uKu),xRd,t>0,u(x,0)=u0(x),xRd, (1.4)

which has been immensely investigated over the last decades. See [3,13, 23,28, 39] for the biological motivations and a complete overview of mathematical results for related more general aggregation-diffusion models. Here the diffusion exponent m1 is taken to be supercritical 0 < m1 < mc := 2 - 2/d, critical m1 = mc and subcritical m1 > mc if d > 3. The critical number mc is chosen to produce a balance between diffusion and potential drift in mass invariant scaling. For the subcritical m1 > mc in the sense that diffusion dominates, the solutions are globally solvable without any restriction on the size of the initial data [29, 43, 45]. However, in the supercritical case, the attraction is stronger leading to a coexistence of global existence of solutions and blow-up behavior. More precisely, finite-time blow up occurs for large initial data, see [11] for m1 = 1, [17] for m1 = 2d/(d + 2), [16] for 2d/(d + 2) < m1 < mc, and [43] for 1 < m1 < mc. But there also exists a global weak solution with decay properties under some smallness condition on the initial mass [4, 17,18, 45]. The critical case m1 = mc is investigated in [6,44] showing the existence of a sharp mass constant M* allowing for a dichotomy: if || u || 1 = M1 < M* the solutions exist for all time, whereas if M1 > M* there exists solution with non-positive free energy functional blowing up. In addition, such similar dichotomy was found in [8,19, 24] earlier in dimension d = 2 and linear diffusion m1 = 1 for (1.4) with K(x)=1/(2π)log|x| , where M* was replaced by 8π. We also note that the results in [7] prove that solutions blow up as a delta Dirac at the center of mass as time increases in critical mass M1 = 8π. Sufficient conditions for nonlinear diffusion m1 > 1 to prevent blow up are derived in [9].

The variational viewpoint to analyse problems of the type (1.4) has also been an active field of research. For instance, there exist a lot of results about the properties of global minimizers of the corresponding free energy functional, including the existence, radial symmetry and uniqueness and so on, since they not only correspond to steady states of (1.4) in some particular cases, but also are candidates for the large time asymptotics of solutions to (1.4). Lion’s concentration-compactness principle [36] (see also [2]) can be directly applied to the subcritical m1 > mc if d ≥ 3 and allows the existence of minimizer which further satisfies some regularities properties (see [15]). The uniqueness of minimizer in this case is ensured in [33] and it is shown that such minimizer is also an exponential attractor of solutions of (1.4) when the initial data is radially symmetric and compactly supported by using the mass comparison principle (see [29]). In the critical case m1 = mc, the free energy functional doses not admit global minimizers except for the critical mass case M1 = M* introduced above [10]. The minimizers were used in [6] to describe the infinite time blow-up profile. For the nonlineardiffusion in two dimension, the long time asymptotics of solutions is fully characterized in [14] based on the unique existence of radial minimizer [12]. We refer to [5] for a discussion on the existence of many stationary states for m1 = 1 and d =2 in the critical case M1 = 8π and their basins of attraction.

Back to linear two-species system (1.1) in d =2, similar to the role of the critical mass 8n in (1.4) ([8,19]), the critical curve M1M2 - 4π(M1 + M2) = 0 for two species was discovered in [22]: solutions exist globally if M1M2 - 4π(M1 + M2) = 0 and blow up occurs if M1M2 - 4π(M1 + M2) = 0. The key tool for the proof of the global existence part is using the Moser-Trudinger inequality [42]. One can use partial results in [42] to check that mimimizers indeed exist in the case M1M2 - 4n(M1 + M2) = 0. We also mention that such nonlinear system (1.1) and the one population system (1.4) can be formally regarded as gradient flows of the free energy functional in the probability measure space with the Euclidean Wasserstein metric [1, 25]. For general «-component multi-populations chemotaxis system, in [26, 27] the authors have made considerable progress on these aspects and obtain the global arguments in the subcritical and critical cases. The Neumann initial-boundary value problem is analysed in [34, 35,47, 48].

The aim of this paper is to give a thorough understanding of the well-posedness and asymptotic behavior for (1.1) or (1.3) in d ≥ 3 and to show the existence or non-existence of global minimizers in critical cases. We make use of bold faces m, A, B, I, M, ... to denote two-dimensional vectors throughout the paper and assume that A = (a1, a2) ≤ (ȥ)B = (b1, b2) means that a1 ≤ (ȥ)b1 and b1 ≤ (ȥ)b2, respectively. If (u, w) is a solution of (1.3), then for any λ > 0 the following scaling


is also a solution. Obviously, each of (u, w) preserves the L1-norm if m := (m1, m2) satisfy

m1m2+2m1/d=m1+m2, (1.5)


m1m2+2m2/d=m1+m2, (1.6)

respectively, whereas the above scaling becomes mass invariant for both u and w if and only if m = (mc, mc). The curves (1.5) and (1.6) can be shown to be the sharp conditions separating the global existence and blow up. Our main result in Theorem 1.3 shows the following dichotomy: above the two red curves in Figure 1, in the sense that m1m2+2m1/d>m1+m2 or m1m2+2m2/d>m1+m2 , weak solutions globally exist and blow up occurs below the red curves for certain initial data regardless of their initial masses (see Theorem 1.3). Several results are also obtained at the critical curves (see Theorem 1.4). In addition, the two lines will intersect at the point (mc, mc). Therefore, we consider the (m1, m2) ∈ (1, ∞)2 parameter range divided by the following three critical cases (red curve in Figure 1):

LineL1:m1m2+2m1/d=m1+m2 with m1mc,d/2,m21,mc;LineL2:m1m2+2m2/d=m1+m2 with m11,mc,m2mc,d/2;The intersection pointI:=(mc,mc).
Fig 1 Parameter lines determining the critical regimes
Fig 1

Parameter lines determining the critical regimes

Based on the above discussion, we say that m = (m1, m2) is subcritical if


and m = (mi, m2) is supercritical if

m1m2+2m1/d<m1+m2 and m1m2+2m2/d<m1+m2.

Notice that this corresponds to being above (subcritical) or below (supercritical) the red curves in Figure 1. We also Define subsets of L1(ℝd) as

SM1:={f0:fL1(d)Lm1(d) and f1=M1}


SM2:={g0:gL1(d)Lm2(d) and g1=M2}

Now the definition of weak solution for (1.1) or (1.3) is give as

Definition 1.1

Let m1, m2 > 1, d ≥ 3 and T > 0. Suppose the initial data (u0, w0) satisfies some classical regularities (1.2). Then (u, w) of nonnegative functions defined ind × (0, T) is called a weak solution if

  1. (u,w)C[0,T);L1dLd×(0,T)2,um1,wm2L20,T;H1d2;
  2. (u,w)satisfies0Tduϕ1tdxdt+du0(x)ϕ1(x,0)dx=0Td(um1uv)ϕ1dxdt,0Tdwϕ2tdxdt+dw0(x)ϕ2(x,0)dx=0Td(wm2wz)ϕ2dxdt,

for any test functions ϕ1D(d×[0,T)) and ϕ2D(d×[0,T)) with v = K * w and z = K * u.

For a given weak solution, we also define:

Definition 1.2

Let T > 0. Then (u, w) is called a free energy solution with some regular initial data (u0, w0) on (0, T) if (u, w) is a weak solution and moreover satisfies (u(2m1-1)/2,w(2m2-1)/2)(L2(0,T;H1(d)))2 and

F[u(t),w(t)]+0tdu|m1m11um11v|2dxds+0tdw|m2m21wm21z|2dxdsF[u0,w0] (1.7)

for all t ∈ (0, T) with v = K * w and z = K * u.

Our first main result for (1.1) or (1.3) above or below lines L1 and L2 is:

Theorem 1.3

Let m1, m2 > 1. Suppose that the initial data (u0, w0) with u01=M1,w01=M2 fulfill(1.2). Then

  1. If m is subcritical, there exists a global free energy solution.

  2. If m is supercritical, then one can construct large initial data ensuring blow up in finite time.

On the lines L1, L2 and intersection point I, our second main result is as follows.

Theorem 1.4

Let m1, m2 > 1. Suppose that the initial data (u0, w0) with u01=M1,w01=M2 fulfill(1.2).


  1. If m is I, then there exists a number Mc > 0 such that if M1M2 < Mc2, solutions globally exist and if M1M2/(M1mc+M2mc)>Mc2/d/2 , there exists a finite time blow-up solution. Moreover, non-zero global minimizers of F exist in SM1×SM2 at the crossing point M = (Mc, Mc).

  2. If m is on L1, there exists a number M2c > 0 with the following properties: if M2 < M2c, solutions globally exist and inffSM1infgSM2F[f,g]=0 , but there exist no non-zero global minimizers of F in SM1×SM2 . In addition, blow-up solution exists if


    If m is on L2, there exists M1c > 0 with the similar properties for M1 and blow-up solution exists if

  3. A simultaneous blow-up phenomenon exists if m is critical.

We summarize our second main result on the intersection point I, see Figure 2. The blue curve M1M2=Mc2 intersects with the green curve M1M2/(M1mc+M2mc)=Mc2/d/2 at the point J = (Mc, Mc). Theorem 1.4 implies that below the curve M1M2=Mc2 solutions globally exist and above the curve M1M2/(M1mc+M2mc)=Mc2/d/2 blow up happens.

Fig 2 Parameter lines on intersection point I.
Fig 2

Parameter lines on intersection point I.

It is an open problem to determine the sharp relation between the masses leading to dichotomy in the intersection point I and the long time asymptotics on the red curves L1 and L2 in Figure 1.

The organization of the paper is as follows: we first construct an approximated system for (1.1) in Section 2, and provide a sufficient condition for global existence of smooth solution and then obtain global weak solution or free energy solution of (1.1) by passing limits upon a prior estimate. Section 3 deals with properties of free energy functional, including the lower and upper bounds, and the existence or non-existence of nonzero minimizers if m is critical. Finally, we prove that the solutions are global if m is subcritical or critical with small initial data in Section 4 and construct blow-up solutions if m is supercritical or critical with large masses in Section 5.

2 Approximated system

As mentioned in the introduction, we first consider an approximated system

u ϵ t x , t = Δ ( u ε + ε ) m 1 u ϵ v ϵ , x R d , t > 0 , v ϵ = K w ϵ , x R d , t > 0 , w ϵ t x , t = Δ ( u ε + ε ) m 2 w ϵ z ϵ , x R d , t > 0 , z ϵ = K u ϵ , x R d , t > 0 , u ϵ x , 0 = u 0 ϵ x 0 , w ϵ x , 0 = w 0 ϵ x 0 , x R d (2.1)

with u0ϵ and w0ϵ being the convolution of uo and wo with a sequence of mollifiers and u0ϵ1=u1=M1 and w0ϵ1=w1=M2 . Then the uniform a priori estimate for solutions to (2.1) is given if m1 and m2 are suitably large, thus global weak solution or even free energy solution exists by letting tends to 0.

By virtue of the local existence of strong solution for only one population chemotaxis system (see [43, Proposition 4.1]), one obtains:

Lemma 2.1

Let m1, m2 > 1. Then there exists Tmaxϵ(0,] , denoting the maximal existence time such that (2.1) has a unique nonnegative strong solution (uϵ,wϵ)Wp2,1(QT)2 with some p > 1,where QT=d×(0,T) with T(0,Tmaxϵ] and


Moreover, if Tmaxϵ< then

limtT maxϵuϵ(,t)+wϵ(,t)=.

Now we recall the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev (HLS) inequality which we frequently use later (see [31] or [32, Chapter 4]).

Lemma 2.2

Let 0 < λ < d, and let the Riesz potential Iλ(h) of a function h be defined by


Then for hLκ1(d) and for κ1,κ2>1 with 1κ2=1κ1λd , then there exists a sharp constant CHLS=CHLS(d,λ,κ1)>0 such that


An equivalent form of the HLS inequality can be stated that if


and h1Lp(d),h2Lq(d) with p, q > 1, then there exists a CHLS=CHLS(d,λ,p)>0 such that

R d × R d h 1 ( x ) h 2 ( y ) | x y | d λ d x d y C H L S h 1 p h 2 q .

Inspired by [46], the global solvability of (2.1) can be achieved based on assumptions on the boundedness for uϵm1 and wϵm2 with some large m1 and m2.

Lemma 2.3

Let T(0,Tmaxϵ] . Assume that m satisfies

m1m2+2m1m2/d> m1+m2 (2.2)

Suppose that there exists a constant C > 0 such that (u, w) of (2.1) with initial data (u0ϵ,w0ϵ) being the convolution of (u0, w0) satisfies

u ϵ ( t ) m 1 C and w ϵ ( t ) m 2 C for t ( 0 , T ) . (2.3)

Then there exists a constant C=C(d,m1,m2,u0ϵ,w0ϵ)>0 such that

(uϵ(t),wϵ(t))rC for r[1,) and t(0,T) (2.4)


(vϵ(t),zϵ(t))r+(vϵ(t),zϵ(t))rC for r(1,] and t(0,T). (2.5)


We split the proof into three steps.

  1. The choices of p and q. We first show that there exist p¯>1,q¯>1,r1>1 and r2 > 1 such that for some p>p¯ p>p¯ and q>q¯ one has

    {m1+1,ifm1d2,m2d2,max{m1+1,(m11)(m21)dd2m2,m1(d2)2m2},ifm1d2,m2<d2,max{m1+1,dm12+d2m1d2m1,m1(d2)2m2},ifm1<d2,m2d2,max{m1+1,dm12+d2m1d2m1,(m11)(m21)dd2m2,m1(d2)2m2},ifm1<d2,m2<d2, (2.6)

    1r1<1d2(q+m21)d, (2.7)

    1r1>max11m2,d2dpp+m11, (2.8)

    1r2>d2d1p+m11, (2.9)

    1r2<min1m1,1d2dqq+m21 (2.10)


    pm11r11d2+(p+m11)d2m1+1m21+1r11d2+(q+m21)d2m2<2d (2.11)

    as well as

    1m11r21d2+(p+m11)d2m1+qm21+1r21d2+(q+m21)d2m2<2d. (2.12)

    In order to prove this claim let us first pick r1 > 1 and r2 > 1 fulhlling

    r1<mindd2,m2m21 (2.13)


    r2>m1, (2.14)

    and let

    q:=m2(p1)m1+1. (2.15)

    In (2.15), p > m1 + 1 implies q > m2 + 1. The assertions in (2.6)-(2.7) and (2.9) hold by choosing sufficiently large pp¯ with some p¯>1 and qq¯ with some q¯>1 .

    To see the possible choice of r1 satisfying (2.7)-(2.8), we first observe that 11m2d2dpp+m11 is true for any p > 1 if m2d2 and 1r1>11m2 holds by (2.13) and 11m2<1d2(q+m21)d for any q > 1. Thus the asserted r1 can be actually found. When m2<d2 , one has 1r1>d2dpp+m11>11m2 The first inequality is guaranteed by (2.13) and the second is due to

    d 2 d p p + m 1 1 > 1 1 m 2 1 m 2 2 d p > ( m 1 1 ) ( m 2 1 ) m 2 p > ( m 1 1 ) ( m 2 1 ) d d 2 m 2

    by (2.6) if m2<d2 . Moreover, from (2.15) and (2.6), d2dpp+m11<1d2(q+m21)d . Therefore, one can also choose r<1 satisfying (2.7)-(2.8) in the case m2<d2 .

    Similar to the choice of r2, if m1d2 then it follows from (2.14) that 1r2<1m11d2dqq+m21 , in which (2.9)-(2.10) can be satished due to d2d1p+m11<1m1 . If m1<d2 (2.6)implies d2d1p+m11<1d2dqq+m21<1m1 and the assertion is true.

    Since (2.2) ensures that

    m1/m2-m1< 2m1/d-1,





    which implies (2.11)-(2.12).

  2. Inequalities for both u and w. For p > 1 and q > 1, we test (2.1)1 by up1 and integrate to find that


    with -∆v = w, and similarly,


    holds by multiplying (2.1)3 by wϵq1 and ∆z = u. Then

    1pddtRduϵpdx+1qddtRdwϵqdx+4m1(p1)(p+m11)2Rd|uϵp+m112|2dx+4m2(q1)(q+m21)2Rd|wϵq+m212|2dxp1pRduϵpwϵdx+q1qRduϵwϵqdx, (2.16)


    duϵpwϵdxduϵpr1dx1r1dwϵr1dx1r1 (2.17)


    duϵwϵqdxduϵr2dx1r2dwϵqr2dx1r2 (2.18)

    by HolderÖs inequality with r1,r2>1,r1=r1r11 and r2=r2r21 . We begin with estimating the right sides of (2.17)-(2.18) based on the choices of p, q, r1 and r2 in Step 1. The assumption (2.6) ensures

    pr1>m1, (2.19)


    pr1<(p+m11)dd2 (2.20)

    by (2.8). Then by a variant of the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality (see [45, Lemma 6]),

    φk2C2r+m1φk11σφr+m1222σr+m1 (2.21)

    with m1,k1[1,r+m1] and 1k1k2(r+m1)dd2 with d ≥ 3, σ=r+m121k11k21d12+r+m12k11 we pick r = p, m = m1, k1 = m1, k2 = pr1 in (2.21) and use (2.19)-(2.20) to find




    where invoking (2.3) we further obtain


    Likewise, (2.7)-(2.8) warrants that


    which allows one to make use of the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality and the upper bound for wm2 to estimate



    (Rduϵpr1dx)1r1(Rdwϵr1dx)1r1Cuϵp+m1122pm11r11d12+p+m112m1wϵq+m21221m21r11d12+q+m212m2=Cuϵp+m1122pm11r11d12+p+m112m1wϵq+m21221m21+1r11d12+q+m212m2. (2.22)

    To estimate the right side of (2.18), we use (2.10) and (2.9) to obtain


    Then the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality implies


    by (2.3). We also obtain


    by (2.10) and (2.15), and choose r=q,m=m2,k1=m2,k2=qr'2 in (2.21) to see that






    which combines with (2.16) and (2.22) ensures that

    1pddtduϵpdx+1qddtdwϵqdx+4m1(p1)(p+m11)2d|uϵp+m112|2dx+4m2(q1)(q+m21)2d|wϵq+m212|2dxp1pduϵpr1dx1r1dwϵr1dx1r1+q1qduϵr2dx1r2dwϵqr2dx1r2Cuϵp+m1122pm11r11d12+p+m112m1wϵq+m21221m21+1r11d12+q+m212m2+Cuϵp+m11221m11r21d12+p+m112m1wϵq+m2122qm21+1r21d12+q+m212m2. (2.23)
  3. Boundedness for u and W in Lp - and Lq - spaces. Let γ1>0,γ2>0 be such that γ1+γ2<2 . For > 0, a direct application of Young’s inequality implies that

    αγ1βγ2ϵ(α2+β2)+C. (2.24)



    From Step 1, there exist some p>p¯ and q>q¯ with some p¯>1 1 and q¯>1 1 such that





    1pddtduϵpdx+1qddtdwϵqdx+2m1(p1)(p+m11)2d|uϵp+m112|2dx+2m2(q1)(q+m21)2d|wϵq+m212|2dxC (2.25)

    by (2.23)-(2.24). One may invoke the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality with u1=M1 and w1=M2 and Young’s inequality to obtain




    by the fact that

    p11d12+p+m112<2 and q11d12+q+m212<2.

    Writing y(t)=1pduϵpdx+1qdwϵqdx , we obtain from (2.25) that



    uϵ(t)pC and wϵ(t)qCfort(0,T),

    which implies that (2.4) holds for any r>max{p¯,q¯} . Together with an interpolation with L1 any intermediate space can be obtained.

  4. The regularities of v and z. As


    an application of the HLS inequality ensures that for r(d/(d1),) , we have

    |vϵ|rCd(d2)I1(wϵ)rCwϵdr/(d+r),|zϵ|rCuϵdr/(d+r). (2.26)

    Furthermore, observing that the Calderon-Zygmund inequality yields the existence of a constant C = C(r) > 0 with r e (1, ∞) such that


    we combine this with (2.4), (2.26) and the Morrey’s inequality to see that

    (vϵ(t),zϵ(t))r+(vϵ(t),zϵ(t))rC for r(1,] and t(0,T).

    Thus we finish our proof.

Upon the boundedness arguments in Lemma 2.3, we obtain a global weak solution by letting a subsequence of approaches to 0.

Lemma 2.4

Under the same assumption in Lemma 2.3, there exists C > 0 independent of e such that strong solution (u, W) of (2.1) satisfies

(uϵ(t),wϵ(t))C for all t(0,T). (2.27)

Moreover, there exists a global weak solution (u, w) of (1.1) which also satisfies a uniform estimate.


Relying on Lemma 2.3, we apply the Moser’s iteration technique to obtain a priori estimate for the solution in L. Then this local solution can be extended globally in time from the extensibility criterion in Lemma 2.1, which indeed establishes (2.27), see [45, Proposition 10]. Moreover, testing the first equation in (2.1) by t ( u ϵ + ϵ ) m 1 and integrating over ℝd, we make use of Young’s inequality to see that

12ddtRd|(uϵ+ϵ)m1|2dx+4m1(m1+1)2Rd|t(uϵ+ϵ)m1+12|2dx=2m1m1+1Rd(uϵ+ϵ)m112(uϵvϵ)t(uϵ+ϵ)m1+12dx2m1(m1+1)2Rd|t(uϵ+ϵ)m1+12|2dx+C(m1)vϵL(QT)2Rd|(uϵ+ϵ)m1+12|2dx++C(m1)(uϵL(QT)+ϵ)m1+1Rd|Δvϵ|2dx. (2.28)

We then test the the first equation in (2.1) by u to find that

12ddtduϵ2dx+4m1(m1+1)2d(uϵ+ϵ)m1+122dxC(m1)uϵL(QT)2dΔvϵ2dx. (2.29)

Here, we obtain from (2.28), (2.29) and the regularities of initial data and (u, v, w, z) obtained in Lemma 2.3 and (2.27) that


where C does not depend on . Then uϵm1L((0,T);L2(d)), and wϵm2L((0,T);L2(d)) is ture by similar procedure. All in all, there exists (u, v, w, z) with the regularities given in Definition 1.1 such that, up to a subsequence, ϵn0

uϵnustrongly inC([0,T);Llocp(d))and a.e. ind×(0,T),uϵnm1um1weakly-inL((0,T);L2(d)),wϵnwstrongly inC([0,T);Llocp(d))and a.e. ind×(0,T),wϵnm2wm2weakly-inL((0,T);L2(d)),vϵn(t)v(t)strongly inLlocr(d)and a.e. in(0,T),vϵn(t)v(t)strongly inLlocr(d)and a.e. in(0,T),Δvϵn(t)Δv(t)weakly inLlocr(d)and a.e. in(0,T),zϵn(t)z(t)strongly inLlocr(d)and a.e. in(0,T),zϵn(t)z(t)strongly inLlocr(d)and a.e. in(0,T),Δzϵn(t)Δz(t)weakly inLlocr(d)and a.e. in(0,T),

where p(1,),r(1,] and T(0,) . Since the above convergence can be found in [45, Section 4],we omit the main proof here. Therefore, we have a global weak solution (u, v, w, z) over ℝd × (0, T) with T > 0.

The weak solution obtained in Lemma 2.4 is also a free energy solution given in Definition 1.2. The proof comes from [43].

Lemma 2.5

Consider a global weak solution in Lemma 2.4, then it is also a global free energy solution (u, w) of (1.1) given in Definition 1.2.


Define a weight function

ψ x = 1 ,  for  0 | x | 1 , 1 2 ( | x | 1 ) 2 ,  for 1 < | x | 3 2 , 2 ( 2 | x | ) 2 ,  for 3 2 < | x | < 2 , 0 ,  for 3 2 < | x | < 2 , for | x | 2 ,

and define ψl by ψl(x):=ψ|x|l for any x ∈ ℝd1 and l = 1, 2,3,... Evidently,


is valid with some C > 0. Denote




by testing (2.1)1 by m1(uϵ+ϵ)m11m11ψlvϵ and (2.1)3 by m2(wϵ+ϵ)m21m21ψlzϵ , then the derivative of F[uϵ(t),wϵ(t)] with respect to time is


which can be written as

ddtF[uϵ(t),wϵ(t)]=Rd[(uϵ+ϵ)(m1m11(uϵ+ϵ)m11vϵ)+ϵvϵ][(m1m11(uϵ+ϵ)m11vϵ)ψl+(m1m11(uϵ+ϵ)m11vϵ)ψl+vϵ(ψl1)+vϵψl]dxRd[(wϵ+ϵ)(m2m21(wϵ+ϵ)m21zϵ)+ϵzϵ][(m2m21(wϵ+ϵ)m21zϵ)ψl+(m2m21(wϵ+ϵ)m21zϵ)ψl+zϵ(ψl1)+zϵψl]dx=RdI1×J1dxRdI2×J2dx. (2.30)

With Uϵ:=m1m11(uϵ+ϵ)m11vϵ , we expand the term dI1×J1dx to find that


where by defining Ωl={xd:l<|x|<2l} , upon using Young’s inequality, HÖlder’s inequality and (a+b)m2m(am+bm) with a, b > 0 and m > 1, with any η ∈ (0,1) we deduce from |ψl|Clψl12 and |ψl|=Ω¯l that


The regularities of (u, v, W) from Lemmas 2.3-2.4 assert that


Doing a similar argument for R d I 2 × J 2 d x and integrating (2.30) over time shows that


where as tends to 0,


by the claimed convergence in Lemma 2.4 and a lower semi-continuity of the free energy dissipation. Finally as l+ and η0

F [ u ( t ) , w ( t ) ] F [ u 0 , w 0 ] 0 t R d u m 1 m 1 1 u m 1 1 v 2 0 t R d w m 2 m 2 1 w m 2 1 z 2 for t ( 0 , T ) .

Therefore, (u, w) is a free energy solution by the definition.

3 The free energy functional

Now we concentrate on a deeper analysis of the energy functional F given by

F [ u ( t ) , w ( t ) ] = 1 m 1 1 R d u m 1 d x + 1 m 2 1 R d w m 2 d x c d H [ u , w ]

with decay property F[u(t),w(t)]F[u0,w0] for t > 0, where

H [ u , w ] = R d × R d u ( x ) w ( y ) | x y | d 2 d x d y = R d u ( x ) I 2 ( w ) ( x ) d x = R d w ( y ) I 2 ( u ) ( y ) d y .

The estimate for H can be given as follows.

Lemma 3.1

Let η > 0, and let m1, m2, m > 1.If

m<d/2 and mm2+2mm2/dm+m2, (3.1)

then for any f L m ( R d ) a n d g L 1 ( R d ) L m 2 ( R d ) there holds

|H[f,g]|ηfmm+Cη1m1g1mm2+2mm2/dmm2(m1)(m21)gm2m22mm2/d(m1)(m21). (3.2)

Moreover, if

m < d / 2 a n d m m 1 + 2 m m 1 / d m + m 1 , (3.3)

then for any f L 1 ( R d ) L m 1 ( R d ) a n d g L m ( R d ) there holds

|H[f,g]|Cη1m1f1m1m+2m1m/dm1m(m11)(m1)fm1m12m1m/d(m11)(m1)+ηgmm. (3.4)


Fixing m ∈ (1, d/2), using H×lder’s inequality with 1m+m1m=1 and the HLS inequality with λ=2 Lemma 2.2, we find that

H [ f , g ] = R d f ( x ) I 2 ( g ) ( x ) d x f m I 2 ( g ) m m 1 C HLS f m g m d ( d + 2 ) m d . (3.5)

Since the assumption m+m2mm2+2mm2/d ensures that


then if gL1(d)Lm2(d) with m2 > 1, the following interpolation inequality holds:


with (d+2)mdmd=θ1+1θ1m2,θ1(0,1) Hence


by Young’s inequality, which implies (3.2). (3.4) can be also proved if (3.3) holds.

We establish several variants to the HLS inequality on the lines Li, L2 and the intersection point I.


Let m be on L1, and let f L m 1 ( R d ) a n d g L 1 ( R d ) L m 2 ( R d ) . Then


If m is on L2, and f L m 1 ( R d ) a n d g L 1 ( R d ) L m 2 ( R d ) , then


In addtion, assume that m is I and f,g)L1(d)Lmc(d)2 . Then

Cc:=supf0,g0H[f,g]f11/dfmcmc/2g11/dgmcmc/2<. (3.6)


If m is on L1, then m1(mc,d/2) and using (3.5) with m = mi we have


Therefore, C* is finite and bounded above by CHls. It is also easy to see that C* is controlled by CHls if m is on L2. Finally, with the help of the HLS inequality and H×lder’s inequality, we find that


if m is I. Then the definition of Cc is valid.






The lower and upper bounds for F in the sets SM1×SM2 are given next.

Lemma 3.3

Let (f, g) satisfy f S M 1 a n d g S M 2 . If m is on l1, then

cdC*m1m11m11m1m11m1m1m11M2c2m1dm11M22m1dm11gm2m2Ff,g2m11fm1m1+cdC*m1m11m11m1m11m1m1m11M2c2m1dm11+M22m1dm11gm2m2 (3.7)



If m is on L2, then

F[f,g]cdCm2m21(m21)m2m21m2m2m21M1c2m2d(m21)M12m2d(m21)fm1m1 (3.8)


inffSM1infgSM2F[f,g]=0,ifM1(0,M1c]. (3.9)

If m is I, then





inffSM1infgSM2F[f,g]=0,ifM1M2(0,Mc2]. (3.10)


By Lemma 3.2, H satisfies


Then F can be estimated by




In the case M2 < M2C, since F > 0, then the infimum is nonnegative. Taking

h1(x,t)=M1(4πt)d2e|x|24t and h2(x,t)=M2(4πt)d2e|x|24t,

it is obvious that h i L 1 ( R d ) with h i 1 = M i , i = 1 , 2 satisfy


which implies that hiSMi and that F[h1, h2] tends to 0 as t . Therefore,


If m is on L2, we have (3.8) by the HLS inequality and H×lder’s inequality, and take hi above to see (3.9). If m is I, since




by Young’s inequality, then F satisfies




One Finally obtains from


that (3.10) is true by taking f = h1 and g = h2.

The characterization of non-zero minimizers of F in SM1×SM2 on critical lines and point is the goal in this subsection. If m is I, the existence of global minimizers is guaranteed in the follow. The proof is inspired by [6, Proposition 3.5].

Theorem 3.4

Let m be I. Then there exist a pair of nonnegative, radially symmetric and non-increasing functions ( (f*,g*)L1(d)Lmc(d)2 such that


In addition, there exists a minimizer ( (f,g)SM1×SM2 of F if M1 = M2 = Mc, which satisfies

1 R 0 d ζ x x 0 R 0 d / ( d 2 ) , i f x B x 0 , R 0 , 0 , i f x R d B x 0 , R 0

with some Ro > 0 and xo ∈ ℝd, where ζ is the unique positive radial classical solution to the Lane-Emden equation

Δ ζ = m c 1 m c ζ 1 / ( m c 1 ) , x B ( 0 , 1 ) , ζ = 0 , x B ( 0 , 1 ) .


We claim that if Cc in (3.6) is obtained by some non-zero f and g, then g = c0f with some c0. This is easily verified by the positive definiteness of |xy|(d2) , see [32, Theorem 9.8]. In fact, suppose that there exist a pair of maximizing nonnegative functions (f,g)L1(d)Lmc(d)2 such that


Then by [32, Theorem 9.8] and the HLS inequality,

H[f,g]H[f,f]H[g,g]Ccf11dfmcmc2g11dgmcmc2. (3.11)

However, (3.11) is an equality if and only if g = c0f with some constant c0. Note that

Cc=supf0H[f,f]f12dfmcmc,fL1(d)Lmc(d). (3.12)

The existence of a maximizing nonnegative, radially symmetric and non-increasing f* with f*1=f*mc=1 for (3.12) has been given in [6, Proposition 3.3]. So choosing g* = f*, then H[f*,g*]=Cc and the first conclusion has been proved.

To derive minimizers for F in the situation M1 = M2 = Mc, with f := Mcf* and g := Mcf* we have (f,g)SM1×SM2withf1=fmc=Mc,g1=gmc=Mc . After a careful computation we infers that by the definition of Mc and thus (f, g) is a non-zero global minimizer of F in SM1×SM2 . The precise description of the set of minimizers of F was derived in [6, Proposition 3.5], we omit it here and have proved the second conclusion.

On L1, we assert that there is no non-zero minimizer of F in SM1×SM2 if M2 = M2c. The proof includes two steps: the first one is to derive the nonexistence of non-trivial classical solution to a Lane-Emden system (see Lemma 3.5), and the second is to make a contradiction by the achievement of Euler-Lagrange equalities which consist of the Lane-Emden system on the assumption that minimizers of its free energy exist (see Theorem 3.6).

Lemma 3.5

Let M1, M2, ρ > 0,and let ml > l and m2 > l. Consider α Lane-Emden system

Δ ϑ ( x ) = m 1 1 m 1 ς 1 m 2 1 ( x ) , x Ω 1 = R d , Δ ς ( x ) = m 2 1 m 2 ϑ 1 m 1 1 ( x ) , x Ω 2 = B ( 0 , ρ ) , ς ( x ) = 0 , x R d Ω 2 . (3.13)

Then (3.13) does not admit any nonnegative and non-trivial classical solution ( ϑ , ς ) L 1 / ( m 1 1 ) ( R d ) L m 1 / ( m 1 1 ) ( R d ) × L 1 / ( m 2 1 ) ( R d ) L m 2 / ( m 2 1 ) ( R d ) with ϑ 1 / ( m 1 1 ) 1 = M 1 a n d ς 1 / ( m 2 1 ) 1 = M 2 provided that m is on L1.




The existence/nonexistence of solutions to the general form of Lane-Emden system has been investigated in [37, 40,41], for example. However, the solvability of (3.13) involving both whole space and bounded domains is not yet known as far as we know. Here, we assert that there exists no non-trivial classical solution for (3.13) if m is on L1.

Consider the following properties: Suppose that ωC2(d) is non-trivial and satisfies Δw0,xd . Then

ω(x)C|x|2d,|x|1 (3.14)

by the strong maximum principle (see [40, Proposition 3.4]). Relying on the finiteness of ϑq , we have the following contradiction: For R > l,


where one combines with the fact that Δϑ0 for x ∈ Ω1 = ℝd and (3.14) to see that

M 1 C 1 R r d 1 + q ( 2 d ) d r = C 1 R r d m 1 + 2 2 d m 1 1 1 d r = C ( m 1 1 ) d m 1 + 2 2 d R d m 1 + 2 2 d m 1 1 1 as R

due to m1 > mc = 2 - 2/d. So (3.13) has no non-trivial and nonnegative classical solution.

Theorem 3.6

Let m be on L1. For all M2 < M2c, then F does not admit any non-zero minimizer in SM1×SM2 .


The left inequality in (3.7) in Lemma 3.3 makes sure that there exists no minimizer if M2 < M2c. Thus we only consider M2 = M2c and prove it by contradiction.

  1. Necessary conditions for global minimizers of F. We assume that minimizers exist and try to present some basic properties of them. Suppose that (f*,g*)SM1×SM2 is a minimizer of F in the sense that F[f*,g*]=0 . Then

    1m11f*m1m1+1m21g*m2m2=cdH[f*,g*]cdC*f*m1g*12/dg*m212/d1m11f*m1m1+cdC*m1m11m11m1m1m11g*12m1d(m11)g*m212dm1m11=1m11f*m1m1+1m21M2c2m1d(m11)g*12m1d(m11)g*m2m2=1m11f*m1m1+1m21M2c2m1d(m11)M22m1d(m11)g*m2m2=1m11f*m1m1+1m21g*m2m2 (3.15)

    by the HLS inequality, Young’s inequality, the definition of M2c and M2 = M2c. As a consequence of (3.15), we obtain that

    f*m1m1=1m21M2c2m1d(m11)g*12m1d(m11)g*m2m2=1m21M2c2m1d(m11)M22m1d(m11)g*m2m2=1m21g*m2m2 (3.16)


  2. The Euler-Lagrange equalities. Let f and g be symmetric rearrangement of f* and g*. Then (f, g) SM1×SM2 satisfies

    fm1m1=f*m1m1=1m21g*m2m2=1m21gm2m2 (3.17)



    by (3.16) and the Riesz rearrangement properties [31, Lemma 2.1]. Obviously, F[f, g] = 0 and (f, g) is also a minimizer of F. Note that

    cdH[f,g]=m1m11fm1m1=m1(m11)(m21)gm2m2. (3.18)

    Given Ω 10 = { x R d : f ( x ) = 0 } and Ω 1 + = { x R d : f ( x ) > 0 } and introduce ϕ1C0(d) with withϕ1(x)=ϕ1(x) and



    Then for fSM1 and fix ϵ(0,ϵ0:=M1(2ϕ1)1) , there holds



    f + ϵ ψ 1 = f 1 + ϵ M 1 ϕ 1 ( x ) 1 M 1 R d f ( x ) ϕ 1 ( x ) d x f 1 2 ϕ 1 ϵ M 1 0 ,

    which implies that f+ϵψ1SM1 . Moreover, supp ( (ψ1)Ω¯1+ Then


    fli+ Rd

    According to F [ f + ϵ ψ 1 , g ] F [ f , g ] , as ϵ 0 , Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem shows that


    By replacing -ψ1 by ψ1, one also obtains from above to see that




    by (3.18). For any choice of symmetric test function ϕ1C0(d) , we also obtain

    m1m11fm11(x)Kg(x)=0a.e.inΩ¯1+. (3.19)

    Now we intend to extent above equality to the whole space. Denote ϕ1C0(d) with ϕ 1 ( x ) = ϕ 1 ( x ) and ϕ1 ≥ 0. Define

    ψ1(x)=ϕ1f(x)M1dϕ1(x)dx. (3.20)

    Then for fSM1 and fix ϵ0,M1ϕ1|supp(ϕ1)|1 , we have f+ϵψ1SM1 due to f+ϵψ11=M1 and


    and outside Ω¯1+ since ϕ1 > 0. Following above similar arguments, one has


    in which we make use of the definition of ψ1 in (3.20) to see that



    m1m11fm11(y)Kg(x)0a.e. ind.

    mm-1 fm1—1(y) — K * g(x) > 0 a.e. in Rd.

    Hence for almost every x ∈ Ω10,


    which together with (3.19) implies that

    m1m11fm11=Kg(x)a.e.ind. (3.21)

    For g, arguing similarly as above and we Define Ω 20 = { x R d : g ( x ) = 0 } and Ω 2 + = { x R d : g ( x ) > 0 } and introduce φ2C0(d) with ϕ2(x)=ϕ2(x) and


    Then for gSM2 and fix ϵ(0,M2(2ϕ2)1) , there holds g+ϵψ2SM2 .Then


    where by Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem again,


    and replacing -ψ2 by ψ2, it follows that


    Then (3.17) and (3.18) imply that


    on L1. Therefore,

    m2m21gm21Kf+2m1M2(d2m1)gm2m2=0a.e.inΩ¯2+. (3.22)

    To extend the whole space, we repeat the previous argument for f. Denote ϕ2C0(d) with ϕ2(x)=ϕ2(x) and ϕ20 . Define


    Then for gSM2 and fix ϵ0,M2ϕ2|supp(ϕ2)|1 we have g+ϵψ2SM2 due to g + ϵ ψ 2 1 = M 2 and g + ϵ ψ 2 0 , as well as


    Then taking account of the definition of ψ2, we see that

    m2m21gm21(y)Kf(y)+2m1M2(d2m1)gm2m20a.e. ind,

    which together with (3.22) implies that

    m2m21gm21=Kf2m1M2(d2m1)gm2m2+a.e.ind. (3.23)

    Since g is radially symmetric and non-increasing, there exists ρ ∈ (0, ∞] such that

    Ω2+B(0,ρ) and Ω20d\B(0,ρ),

    and from (3.23) we obtain


    Hence such symmetric non-increasing minimizer (f,g)SM1×SM2 of F satisfies the following Euler-Lagrange equalities

    m1m11fm11(x)=Kg(x)a.e.ind,m2m21gm21(x)=Kf(x)2m1M2(d2m1)gm2m2a.e.inB(0,ρ). (3.24)
  3. The regularities of minimizer. From (3.24)1, one invokes the HLS inequality in Lemma 2.2 to see for gL1(d)Lm2(d) that


    where once more using the HLS inequality again, one concludes that


    In particular, KfLm2m21(d) since m1+m2=2m1/d+m1m22m1m2/d+m1m2 and


    Consequently, gm21Lm2m21(d) , which excludes ρ = ∞ in (3.24)2. Henceρ < ∞ and


    by the monotonicity of g. Moreover, a bootstrap argument ensures that


    Letting ϑ := f m 1 1 a n d ς := g m 2 1 , we readily infer from (3.24)1 that


    and invoke [21, Theorem 9.9] to have ϑW2,r(B(0,ρ)) with r ∈ (m1, ∞) and -Δϑ=m1-1m1ς1m2-1a.e.xd . Furthermore, from the expression for ς such as


    by means of the regularity of and [21, Lemma 4.2], we obtain ςC2(B(0,ρ)) with Δς=m21m2ϑ1m11 in B(0, ρ) and [21, Lemma 4.1] ensures that ςC1(d) . Then ς(x)=0if|x|=ρ and ζ is a classical solution to

    Δς(x)=m21m2ϑ1m11(x),xB(0,ρ),ς(x)=0,xB(0,ρ). (3.25)

    With the smoothness of 9, [21, Lemma 4.2] applies so as to assert that ϑC2(d) and

    Δϑ(x)=m11m1ς1m21(x),xd. (3.26)
  4. Contradiction. (3.25)-(3.26) consist of the Lane-Emden system (3.13). However, it has been proved that there exists no non-trivial classical solution of (3.13) if m is on L1, which makes a contradiction.

Remark 3.7

Let m be on L2, there exists no non-zero minimizer for F in SM1×SM2 with M1M1c

4 The global existence

This section deals with the global solvability of (1.1) in the subcritical case. We first present a local existence and extensibility criterion of free energy solutions to (1.1). Note that this theorem also provides the simultaneous blow-up argument in Section 5.

Theorem 4.1

Let m1, m2 > 1. Under assumption (1.2) on the initial data (u0, w0) with u 0 1 = M 1 , w 0 1 = M2, then there exists Tmax(0,] and a free energy solution (u, w) overd × (0, Tmax) of (1.1) such that either Tmax=orTmax< and

limtTmaxu(,t)+w(,t)=. (4.1)

Moreover, let m be subcritical or critical. Then if Tmax<

limtTmaxu(,t)m1=limtTmaxw(,t)m2=. (4.2)


For (u0, w0) satisfying (1.2), local existence and (4.1) can be proved by approximation arguments (similar to those in the proof of Theorem 1.1 in [43] for instance). To see (4.2), since the solution is globally solved if both u m 1 and w m 2 are uniformly bound in the subcritical or critical case due to Lemmas 2.3-2.5, then it is sufficient to show that the two terms u m 1 and w m 2 are governed by one other with some constants.


1m11dum1+1m21dwm2cdH[u,w]+F[u0,w0], (4.3)

then it needs to control the term H at the right side of (4.3). For m ∈ (1, d/2) satisfying (3.1), Lemma 3.1 yields that

|H[f,g]|ηfmm+Cη1m1g1mm2+2mm2/dmm2(m1)(m21)gm2m22mm2/d(m1)(m21) (4.4)

for some fLm(d) and gL1(d)Lm2(d) with η > 0. If m1 < d/2, choosing m = m1 in (4.4), then


by Young’s inequality, since


if m1m2+2m1/dm1+m2 holds. Taking η small enough, we have

u ( t ) m 1 m 1 C w ( t ) m 2 m 2 + C for t ( 0 , T max ) (4.5)

and if η is sufficiently large, we see that

w ( t ) m 2 m 2 C u ( t ) m 1 m 1 + C for t ( 0 , T max ) . (4.6)

Therefore, (4.2) holds by (4.1), (4.5)-(4.6). In fact, suppose that Tmax < ∞ and (4.2) does not hold. Then the finiteness of u(t)m1orw(t)m2 ensures both norms are finite by means of (4.5)-(4.6), which actually implies that Tmax = ∞ due to Lemma 2.4. This is a contradiction.

However, if m1d/2, we pick m ∈ (1, d/2) such that


and next take interpolation inequality to find that




llullm <11 ull m1-1 Hullm1-1 l\ llm \| y1 \| \m1

then (4.4) implies that

| H [ u , w ] | η u 1 m 1 m m 1 1 u m 1 m 1 ( m 1 ) m 1 1 + C η 1 m 1 w 1 m m 2 + 2 m m 2 / d m m 2 ( m 1 ) ( m 2 1 ) w m 2 m 2 2 m m 2 / d ( m 1 ) ( m 2 1 ) = η M 1 m 1 m m 1 1 u m 1 m 1 ( m 1 ) m 1 1 + C η 1 m 1 M 2 m m 2 + 2 m m 2 / d m m 2 ( m 1 ) ( m 2 1 ) w m 2 m 2 2 m m 2 / d ( m 1 ) ( m 2 1 ) η u m 1 m 1 + η 1 m 1 w m 2 m 2 + C (4.7)

with u1=M1 and w1=M2 . Hence (4.5)-(4.6) are valid by picking suitable η > 0. By the same token, the case m1m2+2m2/dm1+m2 is also true for both m2 < d/2 and m2 > d/2. The proof is finished.

The global existence result in the subcritical case is the subject of our next theorem.

Theorem 4.2

Let m1, m2 > 1. Suppose that the initial data (u0, w0) with u01=M1,w01=M2 fulfills (1.2). Then if m is subcritical, (1.1) has a global free energy solution given in Definition 1.2.

Remark 4.3

If m1 > d/2 or m2 > d/2, the conclusion in Theorem 4.2 holds for all m2 > 1 or m1 > 1.


In the case m 1 m 2 + 2 m 1 / d > m 1 + m 2 and m1 < d/2, since m22m1m2/d(m11)(m21)<m2 , then Lemma 3.1 warrants that


by Young’s inequality. Then substituting (4.3) into above, we have


As a corollary,

um1C and wm2C. (4.8)

If mi m1d2 we recalculate (4.7) carefully and also have (4.8), in which the global existence of free energy solution is immediate from Theorem 4.1. The other case m 1 m 2 + 2 m 2 / d > m 1 + m 2 is similar.

Also on the critical lines, we obtain global existence results reading as

Theorem 4.4

Let m be on L1, and let (u, w) be a free energy solution of (1.1) with (u0, w0) satisfying (1.2) on [0, Tmax) with Tmax given in Theorem 4.1. If

M2<M2c, (4.9)

then Tmax = ∞. The subcritical condition (4.9) will be replaced by M1 < M1c on L2. Moreover, if m is I, one has Tmax =∞ if M1M2<Mc2


We just infer from (1.7) and Lemma 3.3 that


Due to (4.9), there exists C > 0 such that for all t ∈ [0, Tmax) we have wm2C . Then the extensibility criterion in Theorem 4.1 makes sure that Tmax = ∞. The other cases can be similarly obtained.

5 Blow up

Our last section concerns finite-time blow-up phenomenon when m is critical or super-critical. These results actually show that lines Li, i = 1, 2 are optimal in view of the global existence for sub-critical case. The following second moment estimate of solutions can be achieved in a straightforward computation.

Lemma 5.1

Let (u0, w0) satisfy (1.2), and let (u, w) be a free energy solution of (1.1) on [0, Tmax) with Tmax (0, ∞]. Then

d d t I ( t ) = G ( t ) f o r a l l t ( 0 , T max ) ,





G ( t ) := 2 d R d u m 1 ( x , t ) d x + 2 d R d w m 2 ( x , t ) d x 2 c d ( d 2 ) R d × R d u ( x , t ) w ( y , t ) | x y | d 2 d x d y .


We present a formal computation for the proof of this lemma. Otherwise, one can easily invoke some localisation arguments in [8, Lemma 2.1] or [43, Lemma 6.2] to give a complete rigorous proof. We differentiate the second moment to see that

d d t R d | x | 2 ( u ( x , t ) + w ( x , t ) ) d x = R d | x | 2 ( Δ u m 1 ( u v ) ) d x + R d | x | 2 ( Δ w m 2 ( w z ) ) d x = 2 d R d u m 1 ( x , t ) d x + 2 d R d w m 2 ( x , t ) d x + 2 R d × R d [ x K ( x y ) ] u ( x , t ) w ( y , t ) d x d y + 2 R d × R d [ x K ( x y ) ] u ( y , t ) w ( x , t ) d x d y .

With K(x)=cd1|x|d2 we have

2 R d × R d [ x K ( x y ) ] u ( x , t ) w ( y , t ) d x d y = 2 c d ( d 2 ) R d × R d ( x y ) x | x y | d u ( x , t ) w ( y , t ) d x d y = 2 c d ( d 2 ) R d × R d | x | 2 | x y | d u ( x , t ) w ( y , t ) d x d y + 2 c d ( d 2 ) R d × R d x y | x y | d u ( x , t ) w ( y , t ) d x d y = c d ( d 2 ) R d × R d | x | 2 | x y | d u ( x , t ) w ( y , t ) d x d y c d ( d 2 ) R d × R d | y | 2 | x y | d u ( y , t ) w ( x , t ) d x d y + 2 c d ( d 2 ) R d × R d x y | x y | d u ( x , t ) w ( y , t ) d x d y


2 R d × R d [ x K ( x y ) ] u ( y , t ) w ( x , t ) d x d y = c d ( d 2 ) R d × R d | x | 2 | x y | d u ( y , t ) w ( x , t ) d x d y c d ( d 2 ) R d × R d | y | 2 | x y | d u ( x , t ) w ( y , t ) d x d y + 2 c d ( d 2 ) R d × R d x y | x y | d u ( x , t ) w ( y , t ) d x d y .

Combining above equations, it follows that

d d t R d | x | 2 ( u ( x , t ) + w ( x , t ) ) d x = 2 d R d u m 1 ( x , t ) d x + 2 d R d w m 2 ( x , t ) d x c d ( d 2 ) R d × R d | x | 2 + | y | 2 | x y | d u ( x , t ) w ( y , t ) d x d y c d ( d 2 ) R d × R d | x | 2 + | y | 2 | x y | d u ( y , t ) w ( x , t ) d x d y + 4 c d ( d 2 ) R d × R d x y | x y | d u ( x , t ) w ( y , t ) d x d y = 2 d R d u m 1 ( x , t ) d x + 2 d R d w m 2 ( x , t ) d x 2 c d ( d 2 ) R d × R d u ( x , t ) w ( y , t ) | x y | d 2 d x d y ,

which readily implies the lemma.

We construct initial data which ensures the non-positivity of G(0).

Lemma 5.2

Let m be critical or super-critical. There exists initial data (u0, w0) satisfying (1.2), and fulfilling

R d u 0 1 / ι 1 d x ι 1 R d w 0 1 / ι 2 d x ι 2 R d u 0 1 / ι 1 d x ι 1 m 1 + R d w 0 1 / ι 2 d x ι 2 m 2 > N 0 , i f m 1 m 2 + 2 max { m 1 , m 2 } / d m 1 + m 2 < m 1 m 2 + 2 / d m 1 m 2 , 2 N 0 , i f m 1 + m 2 m 1 m 2 + 2 / d m 1 m 2 , (5.1)


G(0)<0, (5.2)


ι 1 := 2 m 2 ( m 1 + m 2 m 1 m 2 ) d a n d ι 2 := 2 m 1 ( m 1 + m 2 m 1 m 2 ) d , (5.3)


and G is given in Lemma 5.1.


Consider the following functions having the same compact support as initial data of form

u0(x)=A1|x|dad+ι1,xd,w0(x)=B1|x|dad+ι2,xd, (5.4)

where A, B > 0 denote the maximum of initial data and a > 0 denotes the size of the corresponding supports. Such constructions in (5.4) are inspired by [44, Section 6] which deals with one population Keller-Segel system.

In the Case 1: m1m2+2max{m1,m2}/dm1+m2<m1m2+2m1m2/d , one has

du0m1dx=Am1d1|x|dad+2m1m2(m1+m2m1m2)ddx=Am1d1|x|dad+2m1m2(m1+m2m1m2)d11|x|dad+dxAm1d1|x|dad+dx=cdadAm1/(2d) (5.5)



For the Case 2: m1+m2>m1m2+2m1m2/d,


The coupled term can be estimated as

R d × R d u 0 ( x ) w 0 ( y ) | x y | d 2 d x d y min | x | , | y | a | x y | ( d 2 ) R d u 0 ( x ) d x R d w 0 ( x ) d x a ( d 2 ) R d A 1 | x | d a d + ι 1 d x R d B 1 | x | d a d + ι 2 d x = c d 2 a d + 2 d 2 ( 1 + ι 1 ) ( 1 + ι 2 ) A B . (5.6)


G(0)cdadAm1+cdadBm22cd3ad+2(d2)d2(1+ι1)(1+ι2)AB (5.7)

by (5.5)-(5.6), to show (5.2), it only needs to show the right side of (5.7) is negative in the sense

ABAm1+Bm2a2>N1 (5.8)



in the Case 1, whereas the right side will be replaced by 2N1 in the Case 2.



imply that


then (5.8) can be rewritten as

A B A m 1 + B m 2 a 2 = 2 d R d u 0 1 / ι 1 d x / c d ι 1 2 d R d w 0 1 / ι 2 d x / c d ι 2 2 d R d u 0 1 / ι 1 d x / c d ι 1 m 1 + 2 d R d w 0 1 / ι 2 d x / c d ι 2 m 2 = 2 d / c d 2 / d R d u 0 1 / ι 1 d x ι 1 R d w 0 1 / ι 2 d x ι 2 R d u 0 1 / ι 1 d x ι 1 m 1 + R d w 0 1 / ι 2 d x ι 2 m 2 > N 1 or 2 N 1 for the C a s e 2 .

Therefore, we have

R d u 0 1 / ι 1 d x ι 1 R d w 0 1 / ι 2 d x ι 2 R d u 0 1 / ι 1 d x ι 1 m 1 + R d w 0 1 / ι 2 d x ι 2 m 2 > c d / 2 d 2 / d N 1 , if m 1 m 2 + 2 max { m 1 , m 2 } / d m 1 + m 2 < m 1 m 2 + 2 m 1 m 2 / d , 2 c d / 2 d 2 / d N 1 , if m 1 + m 2 m 1 m 2 + 2 m 1 m 2 / d ,

which yields G(0) < 0

The blow-up results state that

Theorem 5.3

Let m be critical or super-critical. Then one can find some initial data (u0, w0) satisfying (1.2) such that free energy solution (u, w) of (1.1) with (u,w)t=0=(u0,w0) blows up in finite time.


For a given initial data(u0, w0) in (5.4) satisfying (5.1), then G(0) < 0 from Lemma 5.2. By the continuity argument, there exists T* > 0 such that

G ( t ) < G ( 0 ) / 2 for all t [ 0 , T ] ,

where from Lemma 5.1, one obtains ddtI(t)<G(0)/2 for all t[0,T*] . Integrating by parts, it follows that

I(T*)<I(0)+G(0)T*/2. (5.9)


I(0)=d|x|2A1|x|dad+ι1+B1|x|dad+ι2dx=A|x|a|x|21|x|dadι1dx+B|x|a|x|21|x|dadι2dx=cdA0a1rdadι1rd+1dr+cdB0a1rdadι2rd+1dr=(cdad+2AN2)/d+(cdad+2BN3)/d (5.10)

with il, i2 given in (5.3) and

N 2 := 0 1 1 r ι 1 r 2 / d d r < and N 3 := 0 1 1 r ι 2 r 2 / d d r < ,

then inserting (5.7) and (5.10) into (5.9), the right side of (5.9) should be negative if we may fix small a > 0 such that


More precisely, if


this leads to a contradiction after time T* since I(t) is always nonnegative for all t > 0. Hence the solutions blow up in finite time.

If m is I, Theorem 5.3 shows that the blow up condition (5.1) can be written as

M1M2M1mc+M2mc>12(d2)2dcdmc, (5.11)



if (5.11) holds, then the second moment will be negative after some time and it contradicts the non-negativity of u and w.

We improve blow-up arguments if m is I by using a different method and summarize the blows up results on the lines L1, L2 and intersection point I as

Theorem 5.4

Let m be critical. Suppose that (u, w) is a free energy solution of (1.1) with u01=M1,w01= M2 fulfilling (1.2).

If m is on L1, for sufficiently small size of the supports of (u0, w0) one asserts that blow up happens if

R d u 0 m 1 / m 2 d x m 2 / m 1 R d w 0 d x R d u 0 m 1 / m 2 d x m 2 + R d w 0 d x m 2 > N 0

with N0 given in Lemma 5.2.

If m is on L2, for sufficiently small size of the supports of (u0, w0) blow-up solution can be constructed if

R d u 0 d x R d w 0 m 2 / m 1 d x m 1 / m 2 R d u 0 d x m 1 + R d w 0 m 2 / m 1 d x m 1 > N 0 .

If m is I, blow up occurs if


Finally, let (u, w) blow up in finite time Tmax. Then Tmax < ∞ implies that



The asserted blow-up conditions on the lines Li and L2 just follow from Lemma 5.2 and Theorem 5.3. If m is I, note that for any M 1 and M 2 > 0 such that

M1*M2*/(M1*mc+M2*mc)=Mc2/d/2, (5.12)

there exists nonnegative function (u*, w*) with u 1 = M 1 , w 1 = M 2 fulfilling F[u*, w*] = 0.

This can be seen by the fact that Cc in (3.6) is


from Theorem 3.4. From [6, Proposition 3.3], for any M1*>0 there exists nonnegative, radially symmetric and non-increasing function u*L1(d)Lmc(d) with u*1=M1* such that

u*mcmc=Cc1u*12/dH[u*,u*]. (5.13)

Define w*=M2*/M1*u* . Then w*L1(d)Lmc(d) with w*1=M2* and


by (5.12) and the definition of Mc. Then



Given u0=M1/M1*u* and w0=M2/M2*w* with u01=M1 and w01=M2 , then




If (u, w) is the corresponding free energy solution with initial data (uo, wo), then

F [ u ( t ) , w ( t ) ] F [ u 0 , w 0 ] < 0 , t > 0

by the decreasing property of F. From Lemma 5.1, it follows that blow up occurs.

To see the simultaneous blow-up phenomenon, from extensibility criterion in Theorem 4.1 we have

C w ( t ) m 2 m 2 + C u ( t ) m 1 m 1 C w ( t ) m 2 m 2 + C for t ( 0 , T max )

with some C > 0 and C'>0 if m is critical. Then all assertions have been proved.


Acknowledgment. JAC was supported by the Advanced Grant Nonlocal-CPD (Nonlocal PDEs for Complex Particle Dynamics: Phase Transitions, Patterns and Synchronization) of the European Research Council Executive Agency (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 883363). JAC was also partially supported by the EPSRC grant number EP/P031587/1. JAC acknowledges support through the Changjiang Visiting Professorship Scheme of the Chinese Ministry of Education. KL is partially supported by NSFC (Grant No. 11601516) and by Sichuan Science and Technology Program (Grant No. 2020YJ0060).

Professor José A. Carrillo was a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of ANONA although had no effect on the final decision for the article.


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Received: 2020-12-19
Accepted: 2021-04-26
Published Online: 2021-07-02

© 2021 José Antonio Carrillo and Ke Lin, published by De Gruyter

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