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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter June 30, 2021

Lane-Emden equations perturbed by nonhomogeneous potential in the super critical case

  • Yong Ma , Ying Wang and César T. Ledesma EMAIL logo


Our purpose of this paper is to study positive solutions of Lane-Emden equation

Δu=VupinRN{0} (0.1)

perturbed by a non-homogeneous potential V when p[pc,N+2N2), where pc is the Joseph-Ludgren exponent. When p(NN2,pc), the fast decaying solution could be approached by super and sub solutions, which are constructed by the stability of the k-fast decaying solution wk of −Δ u = up in ℝN ∖ {0} by authors in [9]. While the fast decaying solution wk is unstable for p(pc,N+2N2), so these fast decaying solutions seem not able to disturbed like (0.1) by non-homogeneous potential V. A surprising observation that there exists a bounded sub solution of (0.1) from the extremal solution of Δu=uN+2N2 in ℝN and then a sequence of fast decaying solutions and slow decaying solutions could be derived under appropriated restrictions for V.

1 Introduction

Our concern in this paper is to consider fast decaying solutions of weighted Lane-Emden equation in punctured domain

Δu=VupinRN{0},u>0inRN{0}, (1.1)

where p > 1, N ⩾ 3 and the potential V is a locally Hölder continuous function in ℝN ∖ {0}.

During the last years there has been a renewed and increasing interest in the study of the semilinear elliptic equations with potentials, motivated by great applications in mathematical fields and physical fields, e.g. the well known scalar curvature equation in the study of Riemannian geometry, the scalar field equation for standing wave of nonlinear Schrödinger and Klein-Görden equations, the Matukuma equation, see a survey [17, 21] and more references on decaying solutions at infinity see [1, 5, 6, 7, 10, 14]. For Lane-Emden equation (1.1) involving nonhomogeneous potential V(x) = ∣xα0(1+∣x∣)βα0, the authors in [3, 4] showed the nonexistence provided β > −2 and pN+βN2, also see [1, Theorem 3.1]. In [8], the infinitely many positive solutions of problem (1.1) are constructed for p(N+βN2,N+α0N2)(0,+) with α0 ∈ (−N, +∞) and β ∈ (−∞, α0), by dealing with the distributional solutions of

Δu=Vup+κδ0inRN, (1.2)

where k > 0, δ0 is Dirac mass at the origin and p = N+α0N2 is the critical exponent named Serrin exponent, the value for problem (1.2) with recoverable isolated singularities. Compared to the case V ≡ 1, problem (1.1) would have totally different isolated singular solution structure for the super critical case p N+α0N2 , due to the behavior of potential at infinity.

When V = 1, equation (1.1) is well known as Lane-Emden-Fowler equation

Δu=upinRN{0}, (1.3)

which has been extensively studied in the last decades. The authors in [4] showed the nonexistence of positive solutions of problem (1.3) for p NN2 ; and when p > NN2 , problem (1.3) always has a singular solution wp(x)=cp|x|2p1 with

cp=2p1(N22p1)1p1. (1.4)

When p(NN2,N+2N2), a branch of fast decaying solutions of (1.3) can be derived by phase analysis as following:

  1. A sequence k-fast decaying solutions wk with k > 0 such that

  2. limk+ wp,k(x) = wp(x) for x ∈ ℝN ∖ {0}.

Here and in the sequel, a function uC2(ℝN ∖ {0}) is called a ν-fast decaying if u has the asymptotic behavior at infinity lim|x|+ u(x)∣xN−2 = ν for ν > 0. It is worth noting that there is a critical exponent, named by Joseph-Ludgren exponent:

pc=1+4N4+2N1NN2,N+2N2, (1.5)

such that the fast decaying solutions wp,k is stable for p(NN2,pc), semistable for p = pc and unstable for p(pc,N+2N2). Thanks to the stability of {wk}k for p(NN2,pc), solutions with multiple singular points are derived for Lane-Emden equation in a bounded smooth domain, see the references [7, 8, 19, 23]. Moreover, for the supercritical case that p N+2N2 , problem (1.3) has been studied in [11, 12, 18] and the references therein. In particular, the authors in [12, 13] constructed infinitely many solutions of (1.3) with p > N+2N2 in an exterior domain by analyzing the related linearization problem at wp.

Involving a nonhomogeneous potential V, we can’t transform (1.1) into ODE to obtain the symmetric solutions by using the phase analysis, nor the variational method fails to apply due to the singularity at the origin. Thanks to the stability of k-fast fast decaying solution wk of (1.3) for p(NN2,pc), the Schauder fixed point theorem could be applied to obtain fast decaying solution of (1.1) by constructing a solution vk of the problem


for k > 0 sufficiently small. And then a ν̃k-fast decaying solution uν̃k := vk+wk of (1.1) is derived, see the reference [9]. Precisely,

  1. let p(NN2,pc), potential V is a Hölder function verifying that

    near the origin,


    global control,


    where c0 > 0, c ≥ 1, β < (N − 2)pN and


    Then there exists ν0 > 0 such that for any ν ∈ (0, ν0), problem (1.1) has a ν-fast decaying solution uν, which has singularity at the origin as lim|x|0uν(x)|x|2p1=cp.

  2. When V is radially symmetric and decreasing with respect to ∣x∣,


    Then ν0 = +∞ and u = limν+ uν, and u is a solution of (1.1) verifying (1.7) and 1cu(x)|x|2+αp1c for any ∣x∣ ≥ 1 and some c > 1.

While the fast decaying solution wk of (1.3) is unstable for p(pc,N+2N2), so it seem not able to disturb (1.3) at the fast decaying solution wk by nonhomogeneous potential V. This is our motivation to show the existence of fast decaying solutions of problem (1.1) for p[pc,N+2N2) and our results on fast decaying solutions state as follows.

Theorem 1.1

Assume that pc is given by (1.5), p[pc,N+2N2), the potential VC1(ℝN ∖ {0}) satisfies that

1+ρ0|x|212[p(N2)N2]V(x)1,xRN{0}, (1.6)

where ρ0=1N(N2).

Then there exists ν* > 0 such that for ν ∈ (ν*, +∞), problem (1.1) has a ν-fast decaying solution uν, which has singularity at the origin as

lim|x|0uν(x)|x|2p1=cp, (1.7)

where cp is given in (1.4).

Unlike the case of p(NN2,pc), the Schauder fixed point theorem fails to build the lower bound for problem (1.1), due to lack the stability of fast decaying solution wk of (1.3) for p[pc,N+2N2). Note that


with μ > 0 is the extremal solution of ΔUμ=UμN+2N2pUμp in ℝN, which is possible to provide a sub fast decaying solution for (1.1) if UμN+2N2p1 and Uμ < wp, the slow decaying solution of (1.3). Based on this observation, we construct pairs sub-super solution (Uμ*, wk) with μ=(N(N2))12 and kk* for some k* > 0 and iterating procedure with initial data wk could be applied to approach a sequence of fast decaying.

Our final interest is to study the limit of {uν}ν as ν → +∞ and the result states as follows.

Theorem 1.2

Assume that pc is given by (1.5), p[pc,N+2N2), VC1(ℝN ∖ {0}) satisfies (1.6) and for some γ > 1, α ∈ ((N − 2)pN − 2, 0)

1γ|x|αV(|x|)γ|x|αfor|x|>1. (1.8)

Let uν be a ν-fast decaying solution of problem (1.1) with ν ∈ (ν*, +∞) derived by Theorem 1.1. Then the limit of {uν}ν as ν → +∞ exists, denoting u = limν+ uν, and u is a solution of (1.1) verifying (1.7) and

1cu(x)|x|2+αp1cfor|x|1, (1.9)

where c > 1.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we show qualitative properties of the solutions to elliptic problem with homogeneous potential and some basic estimates. Section 3 is devoted to build fast decaying solutions of (1.1) by iteration method. Section 4 is devoted to the slow decaying solution as the limit of fast decaying solutions.

2 Preliminary

2.1 Singularity at the origin

Since the lower bound Uμ* does not blow up at the origin, so we have to provide the classification of singularity at the origin of positive solution of (1.1).

Theorem 2.1

Assume that p(NN2N+2N2), the potential VC1(ℝN ∖ {0}) satisfies (1.6).

Let u be a positive solution of (1.1), then u is removable at the origin or

lim|x|0+u(x)|x|2p1=cp, (2.1)

where cp > 0 is defined in (1.4).


In order to apply [16, Theorem 3.3], we need to check that V verifies the conditions:




for some c ≥ 1.

Let V(0) = 1 and from (1.6), there exists c > 0 such that


and so we have that ∣∇ V(0)∣ ≤ c.

Now we apply [16, Theorem 3.3] to obtain that u is removable at the origin or there exists c > 1 such that

1c|x|2p1u(x)c|x|2p1,xB1(0){0}. (2.2)

Finally, we improve the singularity when u is not removable. Let




Because of (1.1), vC2(ℝ × 𝕊N−1) is bounded and we have that


where C0=N2p1(N+2N2p).

Thanks to (2.2), we conclude that for each sequence {tk}k, tk → −∞ as k → +∞, there exists a subsequence still denoting {tk}k such that

Δωvcpp1v+vp=0inSN1. (2.3)

It is shown in Appendix B in [16] that (2.3) has only solutions v ≡ 0 or vcp. Note that the limit set of a C2 function is connected, then we have that


Therefore, we obtain (2.1).

2.2 Basic estimate

In this subsection, some estimates are introduced, which play important roles in our construction of fast-decaying solutions for problem (1.1). Denote


which is the fundamental solution of −Δ Γ = δ0 in ℝN and cN > 0 is a normalized constant.

Lemma 2.2

Suppose that fL1(ℝN) is a nonnegative function satisfyingf(x)∣ ≤ cxτ forx∣ > r, with τ > N and some r > 0, c > 0. Then

lim|x|(Γf)(x)|x|N2=cNRNf(x)dx. (2.4)


By the decay condition of f, we have that for any ϵ > 0, there exists R > r0 such that for R large,


For ∣x∣ ≥ 8R ≫ 1, there holds (1 − ϵ) ∣x2−N ≤ ∣xy2−N ≤ (1 + ϵ) ∣x2−N for yBR(0) and


which yields that for ∣x∣ large,




Passing to the limit as ϵ → 0 and letting R = ∣x∣/8 → +∞, we see that ∣x∣ → +∞ and then (2.4) holds.□

We remark that k-fast decaying solution wk of (1.3) verifies the integral equation wk=Γ(wkp) and


by applying Lemma 2.2 directly.

For μ > 0, denote

Uμ(x)=(N(N2))N24(μ1+μ2|x|2)N22,xRN, (2.5)

which verifies the equation ΔUμ=UμN+2N2 in ℝN. We observe that


Recall that

μ=(N(N2))12, (2.6)

and for p(NN2,N+2N2), we denote


which is radially symmetric and decreasing with respect to r = ∣x∣. then

Vp(x)1=Vp(0),xRN{0}. (2.7)

Lemma 2.3

Let μ=(N(N2))12, wk be the k-fast decaying solution of (1.3) with k > 0 and Uμ* is defined in (2.5). Then there exists k* > 0 such that for any kk*

wkUμinRN{0}. (2.8)


  1. we show Uμ < wp inN ∖ {0} for μ = μ*. This is equivalent to that


    where a=4(p1)(N2)(1,2) for p(NN2,N+2N2) . Let r = ∣x∣ and for μ > 0


    which achieve the minimum at point r0=a2aμ1 and we want to show


    In fact, fμ*(r0) > 0 is equivalent to


    which holds by showing


    This could be written as


    which is true for p(NN2,N+2N2) by direct computation.

  2. we show Uμ* < wp inN ∖ {0} for μ = μ*. Fix R > 1 large enough such that


    There exists ε0 > 0 such that


    Therefore, there exists k>2(N(N2))5(N2)4 such that




    which conclude our results.□

3 Fast decaying solutions


Proof of Theorem 1.1. Our proof divides into five steps.

  1. Existence by iteration method. We initiate from v0 := wk, denote by vn iteratively the unique solution of

    vn=Γ(Vvn1p)inRN{0}, (3.1)

    that is,


    As v0=Γ(v0p) in ℝN ∖ {0} and V ≤ 1, we have that


    Inductively, we can deduce that vnvn−1 in ℝN ∖ {0}. Thus, the sequence {vn}n is decreasing.

    Now we show that Uμ* is a lower bound for {vn}n for k ∈ [k*, +∞). From (2.7) and the assumption that


    we obtain that Uμ* is a sub solution of (1.1), i.e.


    i.e. UμΓ(VUμp), then


    Inductively, we see that for any n ∈ ℕ, we have that


    so {vn}n has a lower barrier Uμ*. Therefore, the sequence {vn}n converges. Denote uνk = limn→∞ vn, then for any compact set K in ℝN ∖ {0}, uνk verifies the equation


    and then uνk is a classical solution of (1.1) verifying


    Here we let


    we also replace νk by νk(V) if it is not confusing. Then


    hold by Lemma 2.2. Here and in what follows, we always denote uνk as the νk-fast decaying solution of (1.1) derived by the sequence vn defined in (3.1) with initial value wk.

  2. the mapping kνk is increasing and Vνk(V) is increasing in the sense that νk(V1) ≥ νk(V2) if V1V2. For k*k1 < k2, by the increasing monotonicity of kwk, we have that wk1 < wk2. Let {vn,ki} be sequence of (3.1) with the initial data vi,0 = wki, here i = 1,2.



    We see that




    Inductively, we have that for any n ∈ ℕ,


    which implies that the limit uνk1 of {vn,k1} and the limit uνk2 of {vn,k2} as n → +∞ verifies that


    that is,


    As a conclusion, for any k ∈ [k*, +∞), there exists a ν* := νk* > 0 such that problem (1.1) has a solution uνk such that


    We conclude uνk1uνk2 in ℝN ∖ {0} for k*k2k1 < +∞ by v1,nv2,n in ℝN ∖ {0} for any n ∈ ℕ. That means that the mapping kνk is increasing.

    Similarly, we can obtain that the mapping: Vνk(V) is increasing.

  3. we prove that the mapping k ∈ (k*, +∞) ↦ νk is continuous. For 0 < k1 < k2, we have that wk1 < wk2. Let {vn,ki} be sequence of (3.1) with the initial data v0,i = wki, here i = 1, 2.



    We see that




    Inductively, we have that for any n ∈ ℕ,


    which implies that the limit uνk1 of {vn,k1} and the limit uνk2 of {vn,k2} as n → +∞ verifies that


    that is,


    As a conclusion, kνk is increasing and continuous.



    then we have that for any k ∈ [k*, +∞), there exists ν ∈ [ν*, ν) (ν = ν* if ν = ν*) such that problem (1.1) has a solution uνk such that

  4. we prove that ν = +∞. By the increasing monotonicity of the mapping: Vνk(V), we only have to prove that νk(Vp) → +∞ as k → +∞ for μ > μ#.

    By contradiction, we may assume that

    ν(Vp)<+, (3.2)

    where we recall Vp=UμN+2N2p in ℝN. Now fix ν̄ ∈ [ν*, ν(Vp)], then there exist α1 = p(N − 2) − N − 2 ∈ (−2, 0) and l1 > 1 such that


    and denote


    Let be the number such that ν = ν̄. By direct computation, we have that




    where Vl1(x):=l1α1Vp(l11x)Vp(x) by the decreasing monotonicity of Vp.

    Note that wl1N22+α1p1k¯(x)=l12+α1p1wk¯(l11x) and then we may initiate the iteration (3.1) with v0=wl1N22+α1p1k¯ and ψ1 is a lower bound, so we have a solution uνl1N22+α1p1k¯ of (1.1) such that


    it yields


    which contradicts (3.2). Thus, we have that ν(Vp) = +∞.

    Finally, we prove (1.7). From Theorem 2.1, we only have to rule out the case that uνk is removable at the origin. If uνk is removable at the origin. then uνk is a bounded classical sub solution of


    Since uνkwk and uνk is bounded at the origin, there exists ∣x1∣ > 0 small enough such that




    Now consider the sequence vn=Γ(vn1p) with the initial data v0 = uνk, and this sequence is increasing and controlled by function wk and wp(x1 + ⋅), the limit of {vn} will be a bounded positive classical solution of

    Δu=upinRN. (3.3)

    This contradicts [16, Theorem 1.1], which says the nonexistence of bounded positive solution of (3.3). We complete the proof.□

4 Limit of fast decaying solutions

Theorem 4.1

Assume that pc is given by (1.5), p[pc,N+2N2), VC1(ℝN ∖ {0}) is radially symmetric, decreasing with respect tox∣, satisfies (1.6) and (1.8).

Let uν be a ν-fast decaying solution of problem (1.1) with ν ∈ (ν*, +∞) derived by Theorem 1.1. Then the limit of {uν}ν as ν → +∞ exists, denoting u = limν+ uν, and u is a solution of (1.1) verifying (1.7) and (1.9).


Recall the mapping ν ∈ (ν*, +∞) ↦ uν is increasing, where uν is a ν-fast decaying solution of problem (1.1), so our aim is to show the existence of sequence {uν}ν as ν → +∞. To this end, we show a priori estimates for {uν}ν.

  1. Radial symmetry. We recall that the solution uν is approaching by sequence vn=Γ(Vvn1p) with initial data v0 = wk. Note that wk and V are radially symmetric and decreasing in r = ∣x∣, so is {vn} for any n ∈ ℕ. Therefore, uν is radially symmetric and decreasing in r = ∣x∣.

  2. Uniform estimates. It is standard to show that uν is a very weak solution of (1.1) in the distributional sense that uνLloc1(RN)Llocp(RN,Vdx) satisfies the identity

    RNuν(Δ)ξdx=RNVuνpξdx,ξCc(RN). (4.1)

    We claim that there exists c > 0 independent of ν such that


    Indeed, we recall that




    where cN=(N(N2))N24.

    For ϵ(0,14), we denote

    ηϵ(x)=η0(ϵ|x|),xRN, (4.2)

    where η0 : [0, +∞) → [0, 1] is a smooth increasing function such that


    Take U1ηϵ2 as a test function of (4.1), then by Hölder inequality, we have that


    where c0 > 0 depends on ϵ and V, but it is independent of ν. Then we have that


    that is,


    for some c > 0 independent of ν.




  3. the limit of {uν}ν. From Theorem 1.1, the mapping ν ∈ [ν*, ∞) ↦ uν is increasing and uniformly bounded in Lloc1(RN)Llocp(RN,Vdx), so there exists uLloc1(RN)Llocp(RN,Vdx) such that


    It is known in [20] that uν is also a weak solution of (1.1), i.e.

    RNuν(Δ)ξdx=RNVuνpξdx,ξCc(RN). (4.3)

    Passing to the limit of (4.3), we obtain that u is a weak solution of (1.1) in the sense of (4.1).

    Note that uν is radially symmetric and decreasing with respect to ∣x∣, so is u. Then we have that u Lloc (ℝN ∖ {0}) and then Vup is in Lloc (ℝN ∖ {0}). By standard regularity results, we have that u is a classical solution of (1.1).

    Since uν verifies (1.7) at the origin for any ν > 0 and u is the limit of an increasing sequence {uν}ν, then we have that

    lim inf|x|0u(x)|x|2p1cp. (4.4)

    Next we claim

    lim sup|x|0u(x)|x|2p1cp, (4.5)

    Indeed, from [22, Theorem 2.1], there exists c > 0 such that


    and by [2, Theorem B], then we have that (4.5) and (1.7) hold true for u.

    Finally, we claim (1.9). As in [15], we denote


    By direct computation, we have that




    Let u(x) = ∣x2−Nv(x), then for x ∈ ℝN ∖ {0}, we obtain that




    Direct computation implies that




    and α1 = (N − 2)pN − 2 ∈ (−2, 0).

    Now claim that p(N+ϱN2,N+2+ϱN2). Note that p>N+ϱN2 follows by the fact p>NN2 and p<N+2+ϱN2 is equivalent to (N − 2)pN − 2 < −4 + (p − 1)(N − 2) − α1, which is true thanks to α ≤ 0. Then by [22, Theorem 2.1] and [16, Theorem 3.3], we have that


    where c > 1 and


    By Kelvin transformation, we turn back that


    for some c > 1.□


Proof of Theorem 1.2. In Theorem 4.1, we have proved the limit {uν}ν as ν → +∞ when V is radially symmetric and decreasing with respect to ∣x∣. Now we would prove the limit when {uν}ν has no symmetric property.

From assumptions (1.6) and (1.8), there exists a radially symmetric potential VrV in ℝN and there exists l0 > 1 such that


From the proof of Theorem 1.1, there exist a mapping kuνk(V), by the monotonicity, we have that




Therefore, we obtain that the mapping ν ∈ (0, ∞) ↦ uν is increasing and uniformly bounded in Lloc1(RN)Llocp(RN,Vdx). The left proof is the same as the one of Theorem 4.1.□


Y. Ma is supported by Key R&D plan of Jiangxi Province, No:20181ACE50029, Y. Wang is supported by NNSF of China, No:12001252 and 12071189, by the Jiangxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation, No:20202ACBL201001 and 20202BAB201005, by the Science and Technology Research Project of Jiangxi Provincial Department of Education, No: 200325 and 200307, C. Torres was partially supported by CONCYTEC, Peru, 379-2019-FONDECYT “ASPECTOS CUALITATIVOS DE ECUACIONES NO-LOCALES Y APLICACIONES”

  1. Conflict of interest

    Conflict of interest statement: Authors state no conflict of interest


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Received: 2020-05-08
Accepted: 2021-05-13
Published Online: 2021-06-30

© 2021 Yong Ma et al., published by De Gruyter

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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