
Journal of Number Theory

Volume 231, February 2022, Pages 401-432
Journal of Number Theory

General Section
On Pisot's d-th root conjecture for function fields and related GCD estimates,☆☆

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnt.2021.05.010Get rights and content


We propose a function-field analog of Pisot's d-th root conjecture on linear recurrences, and prove it under some “non-triviality” assumption. Besides a recent result of Pasten-Wang on Büchi's d-th power problem, our main tool, which is also developed in this paper, is a function-field analog of a GCD estimate in a recent work of Levin and Levin-Wang. As an easy corollary of such a GCD estimate, we also obtain an asymptotic result.


Let R(X)=n=0b(n)Xn represent a rational function in Q(X) and suppose that b(n) is a d-th power in Q for all large nN. Pisot's d-th root conjecture states that one can choose a d-th root a(n) of b(n) such that R˜(X):=a(n)Xn is again a rational function in Q(X), where we denote by k the algebraic closure of a field k. The sequence {b(n)} coming from the rational function R(X) is a linear recurrence sequence, which can be written as an exponential polynomial, which we now define. An exponential polynomial over a field k is a sequence b:Nk of the formniIBi(n)βin, where I is a (finite) set of indices, each βik is nonzero and each Bik[T] is a single-variate polynomial. When it can be arranged so that each Bi is constant, we say that b is simple. For any exponential polynomial b:Nk and any natural number d, it is clear that bd:Nk, defined by nb(n)d, is still an exponential polynomial. The following result of Zannier [18] essentially proves its converse, which is a generalization of Pisot's d-th root conjecture stated earlier. We also refer to [18] for a survey on related works, and [9] for a more general statement.

Theorem 1 [18]

Let b be an exponential polynomial over a number field k, and d2 be an integer. Suppose that b(n) is the d-th power of some element in k for all but finitely many n. Then there exists an exponential polynomial a over k such that a(n)d=b(n) for all n.

The first goal of this paper is to investigate an analog of Theorem 1 over a function field K over an algebraically closed field k with characteristic zero. It will be noticed that our analog is not covered in various existing extensions from Theorem 1, crucially because d-th roots of those b(n) are assumed to exist in K, which is not finitely generated over Q.

Let C be a smooth projective algebraic curve of genus g defined over k with its function field equal to K. We will always denote by p a point in C(k), by S a finite subset of C(k). Since K contains the algebraically-closed field k, note that for any pair of exponential polynomials a:NK and c:Nk we have that cad:NK, defined by nc(n)a(n)d, is still an exponential polynomial whose n-th term is the d-th power of some element in K for all nN. A plausible statement obtained from Theorem 1 by replacing the number field k by our function field K must therefore have its conclusion modified to the existence of exponential polynomials a, c, respectively over K and over k, such that c(n)a(n)d=b(n) for all n. Our result in this direction is as follows.

Theorem 2

Let b(n)=i=1Bi(n)βin be an exponential polynomial over K, i.e. BiK[T] and βiK. Let Γ be the multiplicative subgroup of K generated by β1,,β. Let L be the smallest finite extension over K such that all the βi and the leading coefficient of i=1Bi(T) have d-th roots in L. Assume that Γk={1}. If b(n) is a d-th power in K for infinitely many nN, then there exists an exponential polynomial a(m)=i=1rAi(m)αim, AiL[T], αiL and a polynomial Rk[T] such that b(m)=R(m)a(m)d for all mN.

Remark 3

The assumption that b(n) is a d-th power in K for infinitely many nN is weaker than the one in Theorem 1. We refer to [5] for a result over number field under both this weaker assumption and the existence of a dominant root βi, i.e. a unique βi of maximal or minimal absolute value. However, the similar problem on the quotient of two linear recurrences is solved [6] under this weaker assumption without assuming the existence of a dominant root.

Remark 4

In the notation of Theorem 2, it is standard to notice that b consists of the q disjoint subsequences bj, defined by nb(j+qn), where j{0,,q1} and q is the order of the torsion subgroup of Γ; moreover, each bj is an exponential polynomial whose associated Γj is torsion-free. With this observation, we may generalize Theorem 2 so that the assumption Γk={1} is relaxed to that Γk is finite and the conclusion only holds for some bj rather than b.

Remark 5

In the case where b is simple, i.e., each Bi is constant, we can relax the hypothesis on Γ in Theorem 2 so that the case where Γk is infinitely cyclic generated by γ can be also treated. In this new case, modifying slightly our proof of Theorem 2, we can conclude that b(m)=c(m)a(m)d for all mN, where a is an exponential polynomial over an explicitly-described finite extension L of K, and c is a simple exponential polynomial over k given by mi=1rciγeim for some cik and eiZ; but the description of L is different from that of L given in Theorem 2. It seems difficult to further relax the hypothesis on Γ.

Our proof of Theorem 2 contains two major ingredients, both rely on the special features of function fields of characteristic zero. One of the ingredients is the result (restated as Theorem 23 in Section 4) by Pasten and Wang [15] motivated by Büchi's d-th power problem, which has a similar flavor as Pisot's d-th root conjecture but arising from different purposes. While working on an undecidability problem related to Hilbert's tenth problem in the 1970s, Büchi formulated a related arithmetic problem, which can be stated in more generality as follows: Let k be a number field. Does there exist an integer M such that the only monic polynomials Gk[T] of degree d satisfying that G(1),,G(M) are d-th powers in k, are precisely those of the form G(X)=(X+c)d for some ck. This problem remains unsolved, while its analogs have been investigated intensively in the recent years. In particular, the analog over function fields of characteristic zero was solved completely, even with an explicit bound on M; see [2] and [14]. We refer to [15] for a survey of relevant works. The other ingredient, which is also developed in this paper, is the function-field analog of the recent work of Levin [10] for number fields and Levin-Wang [11] for meromorphic functions on GCD estimates of two multivariable polynomials over function fields evaluated at arguments which are S-units. We will use the estimates through the following result, which is of independent interest.

Theorem 6

Let d2 be an integer and FK[x1,,xn]. Assume that F can not be expressed as axiGd for any aK, any monomial xiK[x1,,xn], and any GK[x1,,xn]. Then we have the following conclusion: For any u1,,unOS, there exists positive integer m and rationals c1 and c2 all depending only on (d,n,degF,max1jnh(uj)), such that if F(u1,,un) is a d-th power in K with some c1h˜(F)+c2max{1,2g2+|S|}, then u1m1unmnk for some (m1,,mn)Zn{(0,,0)} with |mi|2m.

Here h˜(F) is the relevant height of F to be defined in the next section.

Remark 7

We cannot drop a in the assumption of Theorem 6. For example, if a=u1OS and F(x1):=ax1, we always have that F(u1d1) is a d-th power in K for all N.

The assumption in Theorem 2 that Γk is trivial implies that every minimal set of generators of Γ is multiplicatively independent modulo k. This suggests how Theorem 6 plays a role in our proof of Theorem 2.

We briefly describe the core idea connecting GCD estimates and our proof of Theorem 6, as introduced by Corvaja-Zannier [7]. After some reduction, we only need to treat the case where F is d-th power free. Given a tuple (u1,,un,y)(OS)n×K which satisfies that yd=F(u1,,un), we will construct a polynomial GK[x1,,xn] with controllable height, depending on F and the uiui, such that (yd)=G(u1,,un), where ′ denotes a global derivation on K. For example, if F:=x12++xn2, then our construction will yield G:=2u1u1x12++2ununxn2. As d2, the number of common zeros of yd and (yd) is essentially larger than the number of zeros of yd1. On the other hand, we expect the number of common zeros of F(u1,,un) and G(u1,,un) to be essentially smaller than the number of zeros of yd1 unless something special happens. To formalize this idea, we prove the following result on GCD estimates, where all notation involved are defined in Section 2.

Theorem 8

Let SC be a finite set of points. Let F,GK[x1,,xn] be a coprime pair of nonconstant polynomials. For any ϵ>0, there exist an integer m, positive reals ci, 0i4, all depending only on ϵ, such that for all n-tuple (g1,,gn)(OS)n withmax1inh(gi)c1(h˜(F)+h˜(G))+c2max{0,2g2+|S|}, we have that eitherh(g1m1gnmn)c3(h˜(F)+h˜(G))+c4max{0,2g2+|S|} holds for some integers m1,,mn, not all zeros with |mi|2m, or the following two statements hold.

  • (a)


  • (b)

    hgcd(F(g1,,gn),G(g1,,gn))ϵmax1inh(gi) if we further assume that not both of F and G vanish at (0,,0).

Remark 9

In Theorem 8, all the quantities claimed to exist can be given effectively. Moreover, the explicit bounds on heights are important in our application. As said earlier, if we are given F=x12++xn2 in Theorem 6, then in the main step of the proof, we construct Gu:=2u1u1x12++2ununxn2 for each tuple u:=(u1,,un)(OS)n and apply Theorem 8 to estimate the GCD of F(u) and Gu(u). The main point which makes the proof of Theorem 6 work is that h˜(Gu) can be explicitly bounded independent of these u. (See Proposition 17.)

It is more desirable to obtain GCD estimates, such as Statement (a) and (b) in Theorem 8, under the assumption that g1,,gn are multiplicatively independent modulo k. As a result in this direction, we can actually replace the right hand side of (1.2) by 0 in the case where n=2 and the coefficients of F and G are in k. We include a complete statement below. Although this result can be deduced from [7, Corollary 2.3], we will derive it from our proof of Theorem 8.

Theorem 10

Let F,Gk[x1,x2] be nonconstant coprime polynomials. For any ϵ>0, there exist an integer m, constant c, both depending only on ϵ, such that for all pairs (g1,g2)(OS)2 with max{h(g1),h(g2)}cmax{1,2g2+|S|}, either we have that g1m1g2m2k holds for some integers m1,m2, not all zeros with |m1|+|m2|2m, or the following two statements hold

  • (a)


  • (b)

    hgcd(F(g1,g2),G(g1,g2))ϵmax{h(g1),h(g2)}, if we further assume that not both of F and G vanish at (0,0).

We also refer to [4] for a gcd theorem for a special case with C=P1 and S={0,}. As another result in the same direction, we obtain easily from Theorem 8 that an effectively asymptotic version of Statement (a) and (b) in Theorem 8 holds, merely assuming that g1,,gn are multiplicatively independent modulo k; here the effectivity means that we have an effective lower bound for in the following statement.

Theorem 11

Let F,GK[x1,,xn] be nonconstant coprime polynomials. Let g1,,gnK, not all constant. Then for any ϵ>0, there exist an integer m and constant c1 and c2 depending only on ϵ, such that for each positive integer>c1(h˜(F)+h˜(G))+c2(g+nmax1in{h(gi)}), either we have g1m1gnmnk for some integers m1,,mn, not all zeros with |mi|2m, or the following two statements hold.

  • (a)


  • (b)

    hgcd(F(g1,,gn),G(g1,,gn))ϵmax1inh(gi), if we further assume that not both of F and G vanish at (0,,0).

Remark 12

When F,GC[x1,,xn] be a coprime pair of nonconstant polynomials and g1,,gnC[z] are multiplicatively independent modulo C, then the results in [11] also imply Statement (a) and (b) in Theorem 11. Our statement here is stronger since we have formulated effective bounds on and the mi such that g1m1gnmnk. When n>2, the only other previous result in this direction appears to be a result of Ostafe [12, Th. 1.3], which considers special polynomials such as F=x1xr1,G=xr+1xn1, but proves a uniform bound in place of Statement (a) and (b) independent of . In the case where n=2, previous results include the original theorem of Ailon-Rudnick [1] in this setting, i.e. F=x11, G=x21, and extensions of Ostafe [12] and Pakovich and Shparlinski [13] (all with uniform bounds). It is noted in [12] that it appears to be difficult to extend the techniques used there to obtain results for general F and G.

We collect the background materials in Section 2. We will prove some main lemmas in Section 3. The proofs of Theorem 2 and Theorem 6 are given in Section 5 and Section 4 respectively. Finally, we establish the gcd theorems in Section 6.

Section snippets


Recall that K is the function field of the smooth projective curve C of genus g defined over the algebraically closed field k of characteristic zero. At each point pC(k), we may choose a uniformizer tp to define a normalized order function vp:=ordp:KZ{+}. Let SC(k) be a finite subset. We denote the ring of S-integers in K and the group of S-units in K respectively byOS:={fK|vp(f)0 for all pS}, andOS:={fK|vp(f)=0 for all pS}.

For simplicity of notation, for fK and pC(k) we letvp0(f):

Main lemmas

From now on, we will fix a t satisfying the conditions in Proposition 13 and use the notation η:=dηdt for ηK. We will use the follow estimate.

Lemma 16

Let S be a finite subset of C(k). Then the following statements hold.

  • (a)

    NS,gcd(η,η)NS(η)NS(η)3g for any ηK.

  • (b)

    h(1,η1η1,,ηη)|S|+3g, where ηiOS for each 1i.


It is clear from (2.3) that for every pC(k)vp(η)=vp(η)1v(dpt) if vp(η)0;vp(η)v(dpt) if vp(η)=0. Consequently,NS,gcd(η,η)=pC(k)Smin{vp0(η),vp0(η)}=vp(η)>0,pC(k)Smin{vp(η),vp

Proof of Theorem 6

For each finite extension L over K, denote by hL the height function (both on L and on L[x1,,xn]) obtained from the same construction of h with K replaced by L; similar for the notation h˜L, and OL,S˜, NL,S˜, NL,S˜, where S˜CL(k) is a finite subset, and CL be a smooth projective curve over k such that L=k(CL). We need the following result from [15, Proposition 2.4].

Proposition 21

Let α be a nonconstant algebraic element over K with [K(α):K]=m. Denote by L=K(α) and let CL be a smooth projective curve over k

Proof of Theorem 2

We need the following result from [8, Proposition 4.2], where it is stated for number fields, but it is clear that the proof works for any field.

Proposition 22

Let f1,f2K[x0,x1,,xn]K[x0] be coprime polynomials. Then, the polynomials f1(m,x1,,xn),f2(m,x1,,xn)K[x1,,xn] are coprime for all but perhaps finitely many mN.

We also recall the following result of Pasten and the third author on the generalized Büchi's n-th power problem.

Theorem 23

[15, Theorem 3] Let K be a function field of a smooth projective curve C of

Key theorems

We first recall some definitions in order to reformulate Theorem 2.2 in [17], which deal with the case when the coefficients of the linear forms are in K instead of constants, i.e., in k. Consider q (nonzero) linear forms Lj:=aj0X0++ajnXn, 1jq, with each ajk in K. Recall that the Weil function associated with Lj at a place p of K is defined by sending those aPn(K) with Lj(a)0 toλLj,p(a):=vp(Lj(a))vp(a)vp(Lj).

For any finite-dimensional vector subspace VK over k and any positive integer r


We thank the anonymous referee for his comments, which in particular make the statement of Theorem 2 more explicitly.

References (18)

  • P. Corvaja et al.

    Diophantine equations with power sums and universal Hilbert sets

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  • H. Pasten

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  • N. Ailon et al.

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  • T.T.H. An et al.

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  • W.D. Brownawell et al.

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  • P. Corvaja, A. Levin, U. Zannier, Intersections in subvarieties of Gml and applications to lacunary polynomials,...
  • P. Corvaja et al.

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  • P. Corvaja et al.

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  • N. Grieve et al.

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There are more references available in the full text version of this article.

During a partial period of this work, the second named author was supported in part by Taiwan's MOST grant 107-2115-M-001-013-MY2.


The third named author was supported in part by Taiwan's MOST grant 108-2115-M-001-001-MY2.

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