Acta Mathematica

Volume 218 (2017)

Number 2

The tempered spectrum of a real spherical space

Pages: 319 – 383



Friedrich Knop (Department Mathematik, Emmy-Noether Zentrum, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany)

Bernhard Krötz (Institut für Mathematik, Universität Paderborn, Germany)

Henrik Schlichtkrull (Department of Mathematics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark)


Let $G/H$ be a unimodular real spherical space which is either absolutely spherical, i.e. the real form of a complex spherical space, or of wave-front type. It is shown that every tempered representation for $G/H$ embeds into a twisted discrete series for a boundary degeneration of $G/H$. If $G/H$ is of wave-front type it follows that the tempered representation is parabolically induced by a twisted discrete series representation for a real spherical space formed by a Levi subgroup.

The second author was supported by ERC Advanced Investigators Grant HARG 268105.

Received 30 September 2015

Received revised 12 August 2016

Accepted 20 June 2017

Published 27 November 2017