Denouncing your Own Sin: the Struggle for Subjectivity through the Publicization of Penance in Spanish Convents




Convents, Mortification, Subjectification, Dissimulation, Institution


This article delves into the creation of subjectivity through the publicization of penance in Spanish convents. We seek to demonstrate that conventual sociability relied on the disclosure of each nun’s interiority despite the discourse of self-denial the conventual institution was built upon. However, this presentation of the self was clearly restricted and had to fit within contradictory norms to deny and dispel any vain temptation to appear greater than the others. Nuns had to be humble, secret, moderate, strictly obedient, yet they were expected to edify one another, to be zealous and violent in their desire to mortify or castigate themselves. As introspection was a recommended activity, these double binds and the scruples they bred justify the systematic resort to tactics that relied on the leeway conventual life provided to work around the rule and seek recognition from the community. This necessary acknowledgment of each nun’s flaws and deeds fostered a common interpretation of what was the most appropriate behavior inside the convent. Therefore, subjectivity was jointly built through these self-disclosing techniques and the reaction of the community.


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How to Cite

Roullet, A. (2017). Denouncing your Own Sin: the Struggle for Subjectivity through the Publicization of Penance in Spanish Convents. Culture &Amp; History Digital Journal, 6(2), e016.


