
In the process of deepening and developing the current higher education reform, people pay more and more attention to the research of college English education. The key to improve the college English education is to improve the quality of education, and learning evaluation is the key measure to improve the quality of education and training. This paper mainly studies the college English teaching quality evaluation system based on information fusion and optimized RBF neural network decision algorithm. This paper analyzes the main problems and complexity of creating an ideal learning quality evaluation system. On the basis of analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the previous learning quality evaluation methods, this paper summarizes the existing learning quality evaluation methods and puts forward some suggestions according to the existing evaluation methods. A learning quality evaluation model based on RBF algorithm of neural network is proposed. RBF regularization network method, RBF neural network decision algorithm, and experimental investigation method are used to study the college English teaching quality evaluation system based on information fusion and optimization of RBF neural network decision algorithm. By innovating teaching methods and enriching teaching means, college students’ thirst for English knowledge can be aroused, and teachers’ teaching level can be improved. The results show that 50% of college students think that the level of college English teaching is average and needs to be improved. In the performance evaluation system of college English teaching quality based on information fusion and optimized RBF neural network decision algorithm, it is necessary to establish a learning evaluation system, monitor the learning quality in real time, find problems and improve them in time, and recognize the current situation of education.

1. Introduction

With the rapid development of education, more and more children have entered the university. College English has become a subject that college students must learn. The quality of college English teaching in many areas has become the focus of attention. It is not only related to the survival and development of university schools but also directly affects the future and destiny of students. With the expansion of large groups and college students in recent years, a series of development scale has been formed. At present, there are many problems such as lack of teachers, low quality of university, and insufficient teaching and training machines and English service machines. The level of college English education has become a focus of debate and a full reflection of the evaluation of college work.

As a new technology, RBF neural network has its own basic characteristics of nonlinear programming, learning, and real-time optimization. It has unique advantages in pattern recognition, programming, filtering, and other aspects, such as identification, automatic control, and prediction. RBF neural network can detect fairness from many unknown modes. If so, any complex relationship can be fully evaluated in almost all nonlinear relationships. It can be evaluated by a nonlinear method. Compared with the traditional method, RBF neural theory has been trained in the quality evaluation system, not only the quality index problem but also the complexity and complexity of the mathematical model in the traditional evaluation process a miscellaneous mathematical analysis. The direct evaluation of education quality is based on the neural network theory, which has an important influence on the quality of education.

Jan Friedrich studies that in industrial processes, a variety of sensors are increasingly used to measure and control processes. In an application, one way to process hundreds of thousands of different sensors’ simultaneous interpreting data is to use information fusion system. Information fusion system, the result of this information fusion process is regarded as a health index of a complex system. Therefore, the information fusion method is applied to the sensor defect detection algorithm, which uses the structure of sensor fusion algorithm based on multilayer group. The results of the method for different test cases and the ability of the method to detect the defects of several typical sensors are given, but the specific data is not available. Liu BJ believes that a multisensor pressure charge identification method based on BP neural network and D-S evidence theory is proposed to solve the problem of incomplete information and uncertain information in the identification of complex parameter systems. Firstly, two BP neurons are used to detect false data in parallel; then, the evidence theory and local diagnosis results are used to understand the exact and the accurate information, and accurate diagnosis results are obtained. The method can be used for hydraulic identification of a rocket head hydrogen system, fault location, and preliminary diagnosis of main parts of the system. And the ability of effectively improving the system, but it lacks necessary experimental data. China’s “one belt, one road” brings new challenges and opportunities to China’s new economic norms. Zhou X believes. It also challenges English education, challenges English education of British universities, analyzes this path, and deepens English education. We should train more high-quality talents. But the content of numerical analysis is missing [1]. Braca P believes that with the development of China’s economy, the development of market economy, the improvement of competitiveness, and the rapid development of the world economy, the society has put forward higher requirements for students’ quality. English is an important tool for students to learn. International competition has changed. In order to better adapt to the needs of market economy, the demand for public English education is becoming larger and larger. It is very important to use effective education to influence education and improve the students’ English. This paper proposes different methods to influence college English education, which can be used for reference [2].

The innovation of this paper is to study the quality evaluation system of college English teaching based on information fusion and optimization of RBF neural network decision algorithm by using the investigation experiment method, the calculation of RBF regularization network method, the RBF neural network decision algorithm, and the experimental investigation method [3, 4]. A set of evaluation system is an important part of the education system. It can help the education department evaluate the quality of education from the aspects of class education, educational achievements, school management, and teachers, to the current situation and also need to learn effectively, improve education problems, file the case, and improve the quality of students [5, 6].

2. Information Fusion and Optimization of Decision Algorithm ORbf Neural Network

2.1. Information Fusion

With the development of information technology, information dissemination also appears in many ways. At present, information fusion technology supports complex applications and displays various displays [5, 7]. However, due to the large amount of information, strong processing capacity, complexity, and time limit between various sensors, simple data processing is not enough; in fact, data combination from multiple sensors is not enough; it is a pressure technology produced by multiple sensors. It uses intelligence to create, analyze, and form to best evaluate or describe the United States or define the objectives and nature of the United States, thus reducing costs [8, 9]. It is unacceptable to use sensors. We decide from more accurate and accurate sources of information as shown in Figure 1:

2.2. RBF Neural Network Decision Algorithm
2.2.1. Structure of RBF Neural Network

RBF neural network forms all neural networks with central point activity as hidden layer activity [10, 11]. The specific form of the method is as follows:where is the implied layer output and RBF neural network takes the distance between the sample point and the hidden layer data center as the input of the network, rather than the sample point as the direct input [12, 13]. It is called radial basis function. In RBF neural network, radial basis function activity is usually used as hidden layer activity, as follows:

Gaussian function has local distribution, nonlinearity, and nonnegativity, and its value shows a radial attenuation trend for the center point [14, 15]. In RBF neural network, when Gaussian function is selected as activation function, the expansion constant is as follows:

2.2.2. Training of Neural Network

According to the sharing strategy of RBF neural network, there are four types: random selection from stable center, self-selection center, selection center, and at least vertical center. By using the self-organizing learning strategy, the relevant parameters of RBF neural network can be determined by selecting the center point [16, 17]. The output layer of RBF neural network is as follows:

Because in neural networks, the initial value of the activation of the hidden layer of the neural node is usually used as the output of the next layer of the neural node, so we have established the ; the input value of the activation function of the th neuron in layer is as follows:

Input data . After that, the forward propagation process of multilayer feedforward network is analyzed.

2.2.3. Application of RBF Neural Network

BP algorithm is usually used to train RBF neurons. The main idea is to calculate the real value of neural network, first reduce the error, and then define the function of damage mode:where and are the weights of the network; this is a sample . The original value obtained from the direct propagation of the network is the actual value corresponding to the sample. M is the number of samples:where is called the learning rate or step size factor, where the partial derivative is calculated as follows:

2.3. RBF Neural Network

BP network has the function of fitting function and connecting the world neurons. All the neurons hidden on the floor affect the results of network training process. In the process of training BP network, it is easy to find the optimal local solution. It is necessary to find a local network quickly and reduce the optimal solution of the local network. In biology, it is the same as the cerebral cortex and the set area and local reception of the cerebral cortex. Its principle is that the previous network only uses one layer to arrive at each job. Compared with BP network, RBF neural network uses radial activity as radial basis, uses hidden layer activity, and uses hidden layer data center to simplify the weight between input layer and hidden layer, as shown in Figure 2:

In many ANN models, RBF neural network has advantages in fitting ability, classification ability, and learning speed. Moreover, its network structure is simple and has good promotion ability. In fact, fault diagnosis is to classify and identify the operation status and judge whether the current operation status is fault and what kind of fault. Therefore, RBF neural network has some advantages in fault diagnosis.

2.4. RBF Regularization Network Method

Some complex valued RBF neural network structures can be divided into two categories according to the output of hidden layer nodes: one is that the output and excitation function of hidden layer are real numbers with complex weights; the other is that the output and weight of hidden layer are complex numbers. But in the latter category, according to the different excitation functions, it can be divided into separate structure and noncomplex numerical RBF neural network training algorithm research and application of separate structure. For the convenience of description, we assume that there is only one node in the output layer, and the actual output of the corresponding network can be written as:

Given the same data set , now, if we want to use a function to approximate this set of samples, we usually use the approximation function that is found by minimizing the following objective errors

The error function calculates the distance between the expected output and the actual network output. The regularization method is on the basis of standard error; a term limiting the complexity of approximation function is added, that is, grunt. The regularization term must have the following “geometric” properties of the approximation function to obtain:where is the linear differential operator and represents the prior knowledge of where is the regularization coefficient and the above regularization is solved as follows:

3.1. RBF Neural Network

On the basis of RBF neural network, by optimizing the network structure and introducing other algorithms, it can reduce the network computation and enhance the network function. Considering the complexity of the operation of the basis function in the engineering implementation of RBF neural network and the large amount of calculation of the first partition from the middle layer to the output layer, researchers began to introduce the algorithm ideas such as rce and KNN into RBF neural network. In the network, it can not only reduce the computation of the network but also enhance the function of the network. The basic principle is to map the data set to be classified into high-dimensional space and then divide it linearly. Researchers call this kind of network as RBF like neural network. Of course, the algorithms introduced in RBF like neural network are not the same, and the simplification methods of network structure are also very different. It is emphasized that RBF like neural network is generated by introducing rce and KNN algorithm. This paper introduces rce algorithm and KNN algorithm into RBF neural network. The generated RBF-like neural network is divided into three layers: input layer, middle layer, and output layer. The input layer represents the attributes describing external things, the middle layer stores different sample prototypes, and each node in the output layer represents a category. The specific nodes in each layer need to choose the best number of nodes through later experiments.

3.2. Evaluation System Database Table

The purpose of data table design is to meet the requirements of data storage. Therefore, it is necessary to set attributes according to the role of each table in the system. At the same time, it is also necessary to clarify the type and size of each attribute. Otherwise, if it does not meet the requirements, it will not meet the storage requirements. The table structure of each table is described below. User information table is the basis of identity authentication, which contains multiple fields, such as user ID, login name, and password. Based on the analysis of the storage mode of each field, the table structure of user information table can be obtained as shown in Table 1.

The student evaluation form is the basis of getting the evaluation results. It needs to include the fields of evaluation ID, teacher ID, and score detail ID. Based on the analysis of the storage method of each field, the attribute structure of college English teacher of the student evaluation form can be obtained, as shown in Table 2.

3.3. Comparative Experiment of College English Classes

In order to test whether the network has a positive impact on students’ college English learning, teacher Zhang decided to conduct a one semester study comparison in the two classes she taught (the English level of the two classes is equal by the long-term teaching situation and understanding of the two classes). First, it is clear that the teaching contents of the two classes are consistent, and the teachers’ rating standards are consistent. The difference is that the experimental class uses the sentence cool correction network, and the parallel class does not use it. The difference between the two classes is particularly obvious, whether it is average score, highest score, or lowest score. The scores obtained are all corrected by teachers, so the scoring standards are consistent, and the comparison can be made as shown in Figure 3.

3.4. System Basic Data Management

In order to support the operation of teaching quality evaluation system, many basic data are needed. The existence of these data can reduce the workload of staff and do not need to input data manually. Thus, the business processing efficiency can be improved, including the functions of user type management and student management. The number of student information is large, and the efficiency of adding data one by one is very low. In order to solve the above defects, the system introduces the import function to realize the batch addition of data. The following will introduce the function of student information import and student information export in the form of time sequence diagram.

3.5. System Evaluation Scheme Management

Evaluation scheme is the key part of teaching quality evaluation, which is mainly used to determine the student evaluation plan, teacher evaluation plan, and leadership evaluation plan and also needs to clarify the proportion of each part. Each function is to add, delete, and update related schemes. This section will describe the workflow of the evaluation proportion update function. The workflow is as follows:(1)The function of assessment proportion management is the basis of teaching quality evaluation. Only the staff of the Ministry of Education can manage the weight of each part, namely, rateManage(2)The system will call the method searchrateinfo to query the current appraisal proportion and display it to the staff of the Academic Affairs Office for updating(3)Staff of the Ministry of Education enter the new assessment proportion(4)The system will call the check method to check whether the new appraisal proportion meets the requirements, including digital verification, and whether the sum of the proportion equals 1, etc.(5)On the basis of meeting the requirements of appraisal proportion, the system will call the updaterate function to save the new appraisal proportion information to the system database, such as:

4. Platform Analysis of College English Teaching Quality Evaluation System

4.1. Online Evaluation Results of College English Course

College English teachers actively comply with the reform of curriculum requirements, update teaching ideas, improve teaching links, constantly optimize the teaching process, and strive to improve the teaching effect. In order to let the students participate in the monitoring of classroom teaching quality more actively and effectively and collect the feedback information of students on classroom teaching in time, the Academic Affairs Office of the University conducts online trial evaluation on the courses of each college. The author analyzes the data collected from the academic affairs office and compares the data of nearly 4 years; the overall evaluation of college English online teaching in 2007 is converted, and the specific statistical data are shown in Table 3.

From Table 3, we can see whether English teachers can create the best environment for students’ language learning, whether they can stimulate students’ interest in college English learning, and whether they can guide students to deepen their understanding of the language and cultural background. There is quite a number of students hope that college English course can also use multimedia-assisted teaching; combined with audio-visual text, illustrated teaching can eliminate the monotony of English learning. This shows that the quality of college English teaching still needs to be greatly improved, not only to ensure the completion of the “quantity” of teaching tasks but also to make more efforts on the “quality” of the overall teaching level. In other words, English teachers must also change their teaching philosophy, conform to the development of the times, adhere to people-oriented, pay attention to the cultivation of students’ comprehensive application ability, and pay attention to students’ initiative and innovation consciousness. The overall score of the questionnaire is shown in Figure 4.

Students put forward some requirements in the open-ended response to the questionnaire, such as a large number of students think that foreign teachers are needed to attend the class. Nearly half of the students think that two years after college English study, they should offer continuous courses, and some students think that various English improvement courses or public courses related to English culture should be offered to further improve their understanding of English countries and improve their own language application ability. All of these are urgent needs to be reflected and summarized in time to ensure the improvement of the quality of college English curriculum.

4.2. Data Analysis of Passing Rate of CET-4

CET-4 has a complete set of scientific and authoritative examination system, so the various data it provides is gradually becoming a strong basis for the educational administrative departments to make macrodecisions and to improve the teaching quality of teaching units. It can be said that up to now, it is the only authoritative form that can show the teaching quality of a certain course in colleges and universities in China by means of examination and quantitative hard index. In order to understand the quality of College Public English teaching, examination, teaching, and learning are organically combined and promoted each other. It is necessary to analyze the passing rate of CET-4 in China, collect the passing rate of CET-4 examination for undergraduates in recent years from the Ministry of Education, and make statistics on the results as shown in Table 4.

It can be seen from Table 4 that the number of professional courses offered by various colleges increases, the difficulty and pressure of learning increase, and the practice and practice courses will also occupy a lot of their time and energy. College students leave the English classroom without the supervision and guidance of teachers. It is more difficult for them to successfully pass CET-4 or even CET-6, and they need to make considerable efforts to reach the corresponding level. Therefore, it requires English teachers to work hard and find more breakthroughs in the short two years of college teaching, constantly improve the teaching level and quality, and strive to make students pass CET-4 smoothly in the two years of college English learning.

4.3. Optimization Scheme of Course Teaching Quality Assurance System

Through the innovation of teaching methods and the enrichment of teaching methods, teachers can mobilize students’ knowledge needs. With the renewal of educational concepts, the main body of classroom teaching gradually changes from teachers to students, encouraging students to actively seek knowledge and play a teaching role. Therefore, college English teachers should stimulate students’ curiosity, cultivate students’ interest in learning, and improve their interest in classroom teaching by ensuring classroom order, using games, situational performances, and other activities. Encourage students to speak English boldly, let students participate in English teaching, not just a knowledge receiver, and comprehensively strengthen students’ English listening, speaking, reading, and writing ability. The basic framework of the existing curriculum quality assurance system of college English is shown in Table 5.

It can be seen from Table 5 that the basic framework of college English curriculum quality assurance system can be divided into three parts: teaching quality standard system, teaching quality supervision system, and teaching quality incentive system. In order to further improve the teaching level and quality of college English course in our university, we must optimize it more reasonably, further refine each link, link each other, and give full play to the force of each link, as shown in Figure 5.

College teaching quality evaluation is more specific to college English teaching quality evaluation. Ralph W. Tyler defines teaching evaluation as a process to determine the extent to which courses and teaching plans effectively achieve teaching objectives in the basic principles of curriculum and teaching. Chinese educational scholars believe that quality assessment teaching is based on the preset teaching objectives. Collect the teaching information related to the evaluation; use scientific measurement means to assess whether the teaching results are consistent with the teaching objectives. The evaluation results of college English teaching quality are shown in Table 6.

The teaching resources of university change curriculum and teaching into teaching content; combine the teacher level and teachers’ quality into teachers’ quality; change the result dimension, learning achievement, and student level into teaching effect; keep the teaching quality monitoring; and change it into teaching quality feedback. The teaching resources mainly refer to the various resources provided by the school for English teaching. The application of network technology in modern teaching makes classroom teaching more vivid and popular with students [18]. In the developed areas of education, the application of network in teaching is very common, so it is unnecessary to be a separate indicator. The network resources of universities, especially for students, are limited, so the network resources are set as the subordinate indicators of teaching resources, judging whether the teaching content is comprehensive and whether the teaching goal is clear. The chart of students’ class in college English teaching is shown in Figure 6.

To improve the quality of college English teaching, we must follow the virtuous circle mode of “finding problems, exploring teaching methods and improving teaching quality”. The system index system can analyze the problems that affect the improvement of college English teaching, analyze the reasons, and put forward policy suggestions. Through the analysis of the research results, we find that the main factors that affect college English teaching are the English level of schools and students, and the average scores of “teaching resources,” “teachers’ quality,” and “teaching effect” are medium. The improvement of these three elements mainly depends on the efforts of “school authority” and “teachers.” The improvement of “teaching resources” mainly depends on school authority, while the improvement of “teachers’ quality” and “teaching effect” mainly depends on school authority. Depending on the efforts of school authorities and teachers, the evaluation system of college English teaching quality based on RBF neural network is shown in Figure 7.

From the RBF neural network decision-making college English teaching quality evaluation system, we can see that students’ positive thinking will be encouraged and praised by teachers. The interaction between teaching subjects enhances mutual confidence and helps to improve teaching quality. In addition, classroom teaching should be combined with modern teaching methods. On the premise of necessary facilities, such as the application of multimedia means will help students to improve their image thinking through audio-visual. However, the old teaching method and single mode are one of the main factors that restrict the improvement of English education quality in primary schools [19]. This disadvantage can be solved directly from the perspective of teachers. Both the cost of education and the cost of education are very low, and can be used for teachers to “copy” and promote.

5. Conclusion

This paper studies the quality evaluation system of college English teaching based on information fusion and optimization of RBF neural network decision algorithm by using the method of calculating RBF regularization network, RBF neural network decision algorithm, and experimental investigation method. The college English teaching problem is worth further exploration. The quality evaluation should have a practical evaluation system first. By using the evaluation system, the present situation of English teaching can be quantified. Teachers can understand the problems in teaching by quantifying the teaching results and analyzing the reasons, so as to improve the teaching quality. At present, the construction of education evaluation system has begun in the developed areas of education. Because of the differences in teaching resources, teachers, and students’ quality, these evaluation systems are not suitable for the backward areas of education. In addition, China has no right to evaluate college English teaching system for single course. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a set of college English teaching evaluation system which is suitable for the college English subject in the underdeveloped areas.

Data Availability

No data were used to support this study.

Conflicts of Interest

There are no potential competing interests in our paper.

Authors’ Contributions

All authors have seen the manuscript and approved to submit to your journal.