
Journal of Number Theory

Volume 237, August 2022, Pages 15-39
Journal of Number Theory

General Section
The growth of the discriminant of the endomorphism ring of the reduction of a rank 2 generic Drinfeld module

Dedicated to Professor Ernst-Ulrich Gekeler
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnt.2021.03.026Get rights and content


For q an odd prime power, A=Fq[T], and F=Fq(T), let ψ:AF{τ} be a Drinfeld A-module over F of rank 2 and without complex multiplication, and let p=pA be a prime of A of good reduction for ψ, with residue field Fp. We study the growth of the absolute value |Δp| of the discriminant of the Fp-endomorphism ring of the reduction of ψ modulo p and prove that, for all p, |Δp| grows with |p|. Moreover, we prove that, for a density 1 of primes p, |Δp| is as close as possible to its upper bound |ap24μpp|, where X2+apX+μppA[X] is the characteristic polynomial of τdegp.


Let Fq be a finite field with q elements, A:=Fq[T] be the ring of polynomials in T over Fq, F:=Fq(T) be the field of fractions of A, and Falg be a fixed algebraic closure of F. We call a nonzero prime ideal of A simply a prime of A. The main results of this paper concern the reductions modulo primes of A of a fixed Drinfeld module over F. To state these results, we first recall some basic concepts from the theory of Drinfeld modules.

An A-field is a field L equipped with a homomorphism γ:AL. Two A-fields of particular prominence in this paper are F and Fp:=A/p, where pA is a prime. When L is an extension of F, we implicitly assume that γ:AL is obtained from the natural embedding of A into its field of fractions AFL; when L is a finite extension of Fp, we implicitly assume that γ:AA/pL is obtained from the natural quotient map.

For an A-field L, denote by L{τ} the noncommutative ring of polynomials in τ with coefficients in L and subject to the commutation rule τc=cqτ, cL. A Drinfeld A-module of rank r1 defined over L is a ring homomorphism ψ:AL{τ}, aψa, uniquely determined by the image of T:ψT=γ(T)+1irgi(T)τi,gr(T)0. The endomorphism ring of ψ is the centralizer of the image ψ(A) of A in L{τ}:EndL(ψ):={uL{τ}:uψa=ψau for all aA}={uL{τ}:uψT=ψTu}. As EndL(ψ) contains ψ(A)A in its center, it is an A-algebra. It can be shown that EndL(ψ) is a free A-module of rank r2; see [Dr74, Sec. 2].

Now let ψ:AF{τ} be a Drinfeld A-module of rank r over F defined byψT=T+g1τ++grτr. We say that a prime pA is a prime of good reduction for ψ if ordp(gi)0 for all 1ir1 and if ordp(gr)=0. If that is the case, we view g1,,gr as elements of the completion Ap of A at p and define the reduction of ψ at p as the Drinfeld A-module ψFp:AFp{τ} given by(ψFp)T=T+g1τ++grτr, where g is the image of gAp under the canonical homomorphism ApAp/p. Note that ψFp has rank r since gr0. It is clear that all but finitely many primes of A are primes of good reduction for ψ; we denote the set of these primes by P(ψ).

Let p=pA be a prime of good reduction of ψ, where p denotes the monic generator of p. Denote by Eψ,p=EndFp(ψFp) the endomorphism ring of ψFp. It is easy to see that πp:=τdegp is in the center of Fp{τ}, hence πpEψ,p. Using the theory of Drinfeld modules over finite fields, it is easy to show that A[πp] and Eψ,p are A-orders in the imaginary field extension F(πp) of F of degree r (“imaginary” means that there is a unique place of F(πp) over the place :=1/T of F); see [GaPa19, Prop. 2.1]. Here we remind the reader that A[πp]=ψ(A)[πp], i.e. that Aψ(A) also denotes the image of A under ψ. Then, denoting by OF(πp) the integral closure of A in F(πp), we obtain a natural inclusion of A-ordersA[πp]Eψ,pOF(πp).

It is an interesting problem, with important applications to the arithmetic of F, to compare the above orders as p varies. For example, it is proved in [CoPa15, Thm. 1] (for r=2) and in [GaPa19, Thm. 1.2], [GaPa20, Thm. 1.1] (for r2) that the quotient Eψ,p/A[πp] captures the splitting behavior of p in the division fields of ψ; this result then leads to non-abelian reciprocity laws in function field arithmetic. Also, in [GaPa19, Thm. 1.1], it is shown that the quotients Eψ,p/A[πp] and OF(πp)/Eψ,p can be arbitrarily large as p varies, whereas in [CoPa15, Thm. 6] an explicit formula is given for the density of primes for which A[πp]=Eψ,p.

In this paper, we are interested in the growth of the discriminant of Eψ,p as p varies, and in applications of this growth to the arithmetic of ψ. Our results assume that q is odd and r=2. These assumptions are to be kept from here on without further notice.

Choosing a basis Eψ,p=Aα1+Aα2 of Eψ,p as a free A-module of rank 2, the discriminant Δp:=Δψ,p of Eψ,p is det(TrF(πp)/F(αiαj))1i,j2, which is well-defined up to a multiple by a square in Fq×. If we write Δp=cp2ΔF(πp), where cp,ΔF(πp)A with ΔF(πp) square-free, then Eψ,p=A+cpOF(πp), ΔF(πp) is the discriminant of OF(πp), and OF(πp)/Eψ,pA/cpA as A-modules. Note that, similarly to Δp, the polynomial cp also depends on ψ, although this will not be explicitly indicated in our notation.

Denote by ||=|| the absolute value on F corresponding to 1/T, normalized so that |a|=qdega for aA, with deg a denoting the degree of a as a polynomial in T and subject to the convention that deg0=. The first main result of this paper is the following:

Theorem 1

Assume EndFalg(ψ)=A. Then|Δp|ψlog|p|(loglog|p|)2, where the implied ψ-constant depends on q and on the coefficients of the polynomial ψTF{τ}.

By considering τ as the Frobenius automorphism of Fp relative to Fq, that is, as the map ααq, we can also consider Fp as an A-module via ψFp (hence T acts on Fp as (ψFp)T). This module will be denoted Fpψ. The properties of the torsion elements of this module lead to an A-module isomorphismFpψA/d1,pA×A/d2,pA for uniquely determined nonzero monic polynomials d1,p,d2,pA such that d1,p|d2,p; as above, the polynomials d1,p,d2,p also depend on ψ, although this will not be explicitly indicated in our notation.

Note that d2,p may be regarded as the exponent of the A-module Fpψ, and that |d1,pd2,p|=|p|; thus we have the trivial lower bound |d2,p||p|12. Theorem 1 allows us to deduce a stronger lower bound on |d2,p|.

Theorem 2

Assume EndFalg(ψ)=A. Then|d2,p|ψ|p|12(log|p|)12loglog|p|, where the implied ψ-constant depends on q and on the coefficients of the polynomial ψTF{τ}.

Theorem 1, Theorem 2 are the Drinfeld module analogues of results by Schoof for elliptic curves over Q; see the statement and proof of the main result of [Sc91]. Our proof of Theorem 1 is inspired by Schoof's arguments. It relies on Drinfeld's now-classical function field analogue of the analytic theory of elliptic curves [Dr74], on the growth properties of the function field counterpart of the j-function, proved by Gekeler [Ge99], and on the more recent Drinfeld module analogue of Deuring's lifting lemma, proved in an earlier paper by the present authors [CoPa15].

Remark 3

According to Theorem 1, |Δp| grows with deg p. In relation to the growth of |Δp|, Theorem 1.1 of [GaPa20] implies that, for any fixed number κ>0, we can find p such that |cp|>κ; therefore, for such p, |Δp|=|cp|2|ΔF(πp)|>κ. However, Theorem 1.1 of [GaPa20] does not imply that |Δp| has to grow with deg p. In fact, computationally, Garai and the second author have found that it happens that cp=1; in this case, their aforementioned theorem does not give any lower bound on |Δp|. On the other hand, Theorem 1 of the present paper does not imply that we can find some p such that |cp|>κ. Thus these two results are complementary to each other.

Remark 4

If EndFalg(ψ)A, then EndFalg(ψ)=O is an order in an imaginary quadratic extension K of F, in which case the growth of |Δp| is vastly different from that shown in Theorem 1. On one hand, if pP(ψ) splits in K, thenOEndFp(ψFp)OK (see [Ge83, Lem. 3.3]), which implies that |Δp||ΔO|, where ΔO is the discriminant of O. Hence |Δp| remains bounded as p varies over the primes that split in K. In particular, Theorem 1 is false without its assumption. On the other hand, if pP(ψ) is inert in K, then ψFp is supersingular, which implies that A[πp]=A[αp] for some αFq×, and that A[πp]=Ep=OF(πp) (see Lemma 5.2 and Theorem 5.3 of [Ge83]). Hence |Δp|=|p|, a much larger growth than that shown in Theorem 1. One can also prove that, in the supersingular case, d1,p=1 and d2,p=pβ for some βFq× (see [CoPa15, Cor. 3]). Hence |d2,p|=|p|, which is as large as possible.

Remark 5

From the theory of Drinfeld modules over finite fields, one can deduce that the discriminant of A[πp] has degree degp. More precisely, the characteristic polynomial of πp is of the form X2+apX+μppA[X], where μpFq× and degapdegp2. This implies that |Δp||ap24μpp||p|. Note that the coefficients ap and μp also depend on ψ, although this will not be explicitly indicated in our notation.

The lower bound on |Δp| in Theorem 1 holds for all primes p=pAA, with finitely many exceptions. The next theorem gives a stronger lower bound, almost as close as the upper bound of Remark 5, which holds for a set of primes p=pAA of Dirichlet density 1:

Theorem 6

Assume EndFalg(ψ)=A. For any positive valued function f:N(0,) with limxf(x)=, we have that, as x,#{pP(ψ):degp=x,|Δp|>|ap24μpp|qf(degp)}πF(x), where πF(x):=#{pA:degp=x}. Moreover, the Dirichlet density of the set{pP(ψ):|Δp|>|ap24μpp|qf(degp)} exists and equals 1.

Theorem 6 is a Drinfeld module unconditional analogue of a recent result of the first author and Fitzpatrick for elliptic curves over Q; see [CoFi21]. It is inspired by the results of [CoSh15] and relies on some of the main results of [CoPa15].

In Sections 2, 3, and 4 we review and prove several results about orders, quadratic forms, and j-invariants of Drinfeld modules needed in the proofs of the main theorems. In Sections 5 and 6 we present the proofs of Theorem 1, Theorem 2, Theorem 6.

Notation. Throughout the paper, we use the standard ∼, o, O, ≪, ≫ notation, which we now recall: given suitably defined real functions h1,h2, we say that h1h2 if limxh1(x)/h2(x)=1; we say that h1=o(h2) if limxh1(x)/h2(x)=0; we say that h1=O(h2) or h1h2 or h2h1 if h2 is positive valued and there exists a positive constant C such that |h1(x)|Ch2(x) for all x in the domain of h1; we say that h1=OD(h2) or h1Dh2 or h2Dh1 if h1h2 and the implied O-constant C depends on priorly given data D. We make the convention that any implied O-constant may depend on q without any explicit specification.

Section snippets


Let K/F be a quadratic imaginary extension. Let B be the integral closure of A in K. An A-order in K is an A-subalgebra O of B with the same unity element and such that B/O has finite cardinality. Note that an A-order O is a free A-module of rank 2 and that there is an A-module isomorphism B/OA/cA for a unique nonzero monic polynomial cA, called the conductor of O in B. It is easy to show that O=A+cB.

Let {α1,α2} be a basis of O as a free A-module, and σGal(K/F)Z/2Z be the generator of Gal(K/

Quadratic forms

Let f(x,y)=ax2+bxy+cy2A[x,y] be a quadratic form. The discriminant of f(x,y) is b24ac. The quadratic form f(x,y) is primitive if gcd(a,b,c)=1.

The group GL2(A) acts on the set of primitive quadratic forms as follows: if (ab/2b/2c) is the matrix of f, that is, f(x,y)=(xy)(ab/2b/2c)(xy), and if MGL2(A), then Mt(ab/2b/2c)M is the matrix of Mf.

Two primitive quadratic forms f and g are properly equivalent if g=Mf for some MSL2(A).

In the proof of Theorem 1 we will need the following analogue of a

The j-invariant of a rank 2 Drinfeld module

Let γ:AL be an A-field and let ψ:AL{τ} be a Drinfeld A-module over L of rank 2, defined by ψT=γ(T)+g1τ+g2τ2 for some g1,g2L with g20. The quantityj(ψ):=g1q+1g2L is called the j-invariant of ψ.

In general, two Drinfeld A-modules ψ and ϕ are said to be isomorphic over an extension L of L if ψT=c1ϕTc for some cL. It is easy to show that two Drinfeld A-modules ϕ and ψ of rank 2 are isomorphic over Lalg if and only if j(ϕ)=j(ψ).

Now assume that L=C and let Ω:=CF be the Drinfeld

Proof of Theorems 1 and 2

Let ψ be a Drinfeld A-module of rank 2 over F and let pA be a fixed prime where ψ has good reduction. Let ψFp be the reduction of ψ at p. As we mentioned in the introduction, Eψ,p:=EndFp(ψFp) is an A-order in the imaginary quadratic extension F(πp) of F. Since p remains fixed in this section, for simplicity of notation, in the proofs below we will writeE:=Eψ,p,Δ:=Δp,andK:=F(πp).

Proof of Theorem 6

Let ψ be a Drinfeld A-module of rank 2 over F and let pA be a fixed prime where ψ has good reduction. As before, let ψFp be the reduction of ψ at p. As we mentioned earlier, the rings A[πp]Eψ,pOF(πp) are A-orders in the imaginary quadratic extension Kp:=F(πp) of F. Since p varies in this section, we will now specify the dependence on p of Δp and of all other relevant data.

Similarly to the A-module isomorphism OF(πp)/Eψ,pA/cpA mentioned in the introduction, there is an A-module isomorphism E


We thank Zeev Rudnick for his comments on an earlier version of Theorem 1, which prompted us to obtain an improved bound. We thank the referee for the detailed comments and suggestions, which allowed us to improve the exposition of the paper. We dedicate the paper to Ernst-Ulrich Gekeler for support and encouragement over the years.

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    Torsion bounds for elliptic curves and Drinfeld modules

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  • Jeffrey Beyerl

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  • Alina Carmen Cojocaru, Nathan Jones, Degree bounds for projective division fields associated to elliptic modules with a...
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  • Alina Carmen Cojocaru et al.

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There are more references available in the full text version of this article.

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A.C.C. was partially supported by a Collaboration Grant for Mathematicians from the Simons Foundation under Award No. 318454.


M.P. was partially supported by a Collaboration Grant for Mathematicians from the Simons Foundation under Award No. 637364.

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