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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter January 17, 2020

Some properties of rings and near-rings with derivations and generalized derivations

  • Khalid Al-Shaalan EMAIL logo


In the first part of the paper, we study the existence of derivations on a class of 3-prime near-rings. In the second part, we get some commutativity results for prime rings with generalized derivations.

MSC 2010: 16N60; 16W25; 16Y30


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Received: 2018-05-29
Revised: 2019-03-22
Accepted: 2019-04-01
Published Online: 2020-01-17
Published in Print: 2021-06-01

© 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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