Correction to: Journal of International Business Studies

The article “What’s so special about born globals, their entrepreneurs or their business model?”, written by Jean- François Hennart, Antonio Majocchi and Birgit Hagen, was published with an error in one of the references.

The reference

Fletcher, M., Loane, S., & Evers, N. 2011. International new ventures in ‘‘low tech’’ sectors: A dynamic capabilities perspective. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 18(3): 502–528.

Should be

Evers, N. 2011. International new ventures in ‘‘low tech’’ sectors: A dynamic capabilities perspective. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 18(3): 502–528.

This was corrected in the article along with the in-text citation, which was changed from Fletcher, Loane & Evers, 2011, to Evers, 2011. No other changes to the article have been made. We apologise for any inconvenience caused to our readers.