Large deviations in discrete-time renewal theory rights and content


We establish sharp large deviation principles for cumulative rewards associated with a discrete-time renewal model, supposing that each renewal involves a broad-sense reward taking values in a real separable Banach space. The framework we consider is the pinning model of polymers, which amounts to a Gibbs change of measure of a classical renewal process and includes it as a special case. We first tackle the problem in a constrained pinning model, where one of the renewals occurs at a given time, by an argument based on convexity and super-additivity. We then transfer the results to the original pinning model by resorting to conditioning.


Renewal models are widespread tools of probability, finding application in queueing theory [1], insurance [15], and finance [40] among others. A renewal model describes some event that occurs at the renewal times T1,T2, involving the rewards X1,X2, respectively. If S1,S2, are the waiting times for a new occurrence of the event, then the renewal time Ti can be expressed for each i1 in terms of waiting times as Ti=S1++Si. This paper deals with cumulative rewards in renewal models with waiting times taking discrete values and rewards taking values in a Banach space. Specifically, we assume that the waiting time and reward pairs (S1,X1),(S2,X2), form an independent and identically distributed sequence of random variables on a probability space (Ω,F,P), the waiting times being valued in {1,2,}{} and the rewards being valued in a real separable Banach space (X,) equipped with the Borel σ-field B(X). Any dependence between Xi and Si is allowed. The cumulative reward by the integer time t0 is the random variable Wti1Xi1{Tit}, which is measurable because X is separable [31]. The stochastic process tWt is the so-called renewal–reward process or compound renewal process, which plays an important role in applications [1], [15], [40]. The strong law of large numbers can be proved for a renewal–reward process under the optimal hypotheses E[S1]<+ and E[X1]<+, E denoting expectation with respect to the law P, by combining the argument of renewal theory [1] with the classical strong law of large numbers of Kolmogorov in separable Banach spaces [31].

In this paper we characterize the large fluctuations of the cumulative reward Wt by establishing large deviation principles that generalize the Cramér’s theorem to discrete-time renewal models. Cramér’s theorem describes the large fluctuations of non-random sums of random variables, such as the total reward versus the number of renewals n given by i=1nXi. It involves the rate function IC that maps each point wX in the extended real number IC(w)supφX{φ(w)lnE[eφ(X1)]}, where X is the topological dual of X. The following sharp form of Cramér’s theorem has been obtained by Bahadur and Zabell [2] through an argument based on convexity and sub-additivity.

Cramér’s theorem

The following conclusions hold:

  • (a)

    the function IC is lower semicontinuous and proper convex;

  • (b)

    if GX is open, then lim infn1nlnP[1ni=1nXiG]infwG{IC(w)};

  • (c)

    if FX is compact, open convex, or closed convex, then lim supn1nlnP[1ni=1nXiF]infwF{IC(w)}.Furthermore, if X is finite-dimensional, then this bound is valid for any closed set F provided that E[eξX1]<+ for some number ξ>0.

Earlier, Donsker and Varadhan [16] proved Cramér’s theorem under the stringent exponential moment condition E[eξX1]<+ for all ξ>0. Importantly, they showed that under this condition the upper bound in part (c) holds for any closed set F even when X is infinite-dimensional.

Along with the use as stochastic processes, discrete-time renewal models find application in equilibrium statistical physics with a different interpretation of the time coordinate. In particular, they are employed in studying the phenomenon of polymer pinning, whereby a polymer consisting of t1 monomers is pinned by a substrate at the monomers T1,T2, that represent renewed events along the polymer chain [24], [27]. Supposing that the monomer Ti contributes an energy v(Si) provided that Tit, v being a real function over {1,2,}{} called the potential, the state of the polymer is described by the perturbed law Pt defined on the measurable space (Ω,F) by the Gibbs change of measure dPtdPeHtZt,where Hti1v(Si)1{Tit} is the Hamiltonian and the normalizing constant ZtE[eHt] is the partition function. The model (Ω,F,Pt) is called the pinning model (PM) and generalizes the original renewal model corresponding to the potential v=0. The theory of large deviations we develop in this paper is framed within the PM supplied with the hypotheses of aperiodicity and extensivity. The waiting time distribution pP[S1=] is said to be aperiodic if P[S1<]>0 and there is no proper sublattice of {1,2,} containing the support of p. We point out that a generic p can be made aperiodic when P[S1<]>0 by simply changing the time unit.

Assumption 1.1

The waiting time distribution p is aperiodic.

We say that the potential v is extensive if there exists a real number zo such that ev(s)p(s)ezos for all s. For instance, any potential v with the property that sups1{v(s)s}<+ is extensive. Extensive potentials are the only that serve equilibrium statistical physics, where the partition function ZtE[eHt1{S1=t}]=ev(t)p(t) is expected to grow exponentially in t in order to define the free energy [24], [27].

Assumption 1.2

The potential v is extensive.

Together with the PM we consider the constrained pinning model (CPM) where the last monomer is always pinned by the substrate [24], [27]. It corresponds to the law Ptc defined on the measurable space (Ω,F) through the change of measure dPtcdPUteHtZtc,where Uti11{Ti=t} is the renewal indicator, which takes value 1 if t is a renewal and value 0 otherwise, and ZtcE[UteHt] is the partition function. Our interest in the CPM is twofold. On the one hand, it turns out to be an effective mathematical tool to tackle the PM. Indeed, we can obtain a large deviation principle within the CPM by an argument based on convexity and super-additivity, and then transfer it to the PM by conditioning. The mentioned argument is a generalization of the approach to Cramér’s theorem by Bahadur and Zabell [2], which in turn can be traced back to the method of Ruelle [42] and Lanford [30] for proving the existence of various thermodynamic limits. On the other hand, the CPM is a significant framework in itself because it is the mathematical skeleton of the Poland–Scheraga model of DNA denaturation and of some relevant lattice models of statistical mechanics, as discussed by the author in Ref. [46] where use of the theory developed in the present paper is made. These models are the cluster model of fluids proposed by Fisher and Felderhof, the model of protein folding introduced independently by Wako and Saitô first and Muñoz and Eaton later, and the model of strained epitaxy considered by Tokar and Dreyssé. The macroscopic observables that enter the thermodynamic description of these systems turn out to be cumulative rewards corresponding to rewards of the order of magnitude of the waiting times [46].

Before introducing our main results, we must say that the CPM is not well-defined a priori. In fact, it may happen with full probability that the time t is not a renewal, so that Ztc=0. However, Assumption 1.1 resulting in Ztc>0 for every sufficiently large t settles the problem at least for all those t. To verify this fact, we observe that aperiodicity of p entails that there exist m coprime integers σ1,,σm such that p(σl)>0 for each l. The bound ZtcE[UteHti=1n1{Si=si}]=i=1nev(si)p(si) if t=i=1nsi yields Ztc>0 whenever t is an integer conical combination of σ1,,σm. On the other hand, the Frobenius number tc0 associated with σ1,,σm is finite since these integers are coprime and by definition any t>tc can be expressed as an integer conical combination of them. It follows that Ztc>0 for all t>tc.

This section reports the main results of the paper. In the sequel, Assumption 1.1, Assumption 1.2 are tacitly supposed to be satisfied and the topological dual X of X is understood as a Banach space with the norm induced by . Let z be the function that maps each linear functional φX in the extended real number z(φ) defined by z(φ)inf{ζR:E[eφ(X1)+v(S1)ζS11{S1<}]1},where the infimum over the empty set is customarily interpreted as +. The following proposition puts this function into context by relating z to the scaled cumulant generating function of Wt within the CPM. According to this proposition, z(0) turns out to be the free energy of the CPM [24], [27] and, more in general, z(φ) can be regarded as the free energy of a CPM with the (possibly non-extensive) potential v+lnE[eφ(X1)|S1=].

Proposition 1.1

The function z is proper convex and lower semicontinuous. The following limit holds for every φX: limt1tlnE[Uteφ(Wt)+Ht]=z(φ).

Denoting the expectation with respect to the law Ptc by Etc, Proposition 1.1 entails that limt(1t)lnEtc[eφ(Wt)]=z(φ)z(0) for all φX, so that zz(0) is exactly the scaled cumulant generating function of Wt within the CPM. We stress that the number z(0) is finite. Indeed, we have E[ev(S1)ζS11{S1<}]>1 for all sufficiently negative ζ as P[S1<]>0 by Assumption 1.1 and, at the same time, E[ev(S1)ζS11{S1<}]=s1ev(s)ζsp(s)1 for all ζzo+ln2, zo being the number introduced by Assumption 1.2. The function z is finite everywhere in the following case, which is relevant for statistical mechanics as it comprises the macroscopic observables that enter the thermodynamic description of the system [46].

Example 1.1

The function z is finite everywhere if the reward X1 is dominated by the waiting time S1 in the sense that X1MS1 with full probability for some constant M<+. This follows from the facts that, for any given φX, E[eφ(X1)+v(S1)ζS11{S1<}]E[eMφS1+v(S1)ζS11{S1<}]>1 for all sufficiently negative ζ, as P[S1<]>0 by Assumption 1.1, and E[eφ(X1)+v(S1)ζS11{S1<}]s1eMφs+v(s)ζsp(s)1 for all ζzo+Mφ+ln2 with zo given by Assumption 1.2.

We use the function z to construct a rate function. Let I be the Fenchel–Legendre transform of zz(0), which associates every point wX with the extended real number I(w) given by I(w)supφX{φ(w)z(φ)+z(0)}.The following theorem extends Cramér’s theorem to the cumulative reward Wt with respect to the CPM and constitutes our first main result. It is proved together with Proposition 1.1 in Section 2.

Theorem 1.1

The following conclusions hold:

  • (a)

    the function I is lower semicontinuous and proper convex;

  • (b)

    if GX is open, then lim inft1tlnPtc[WttG]infwG{I(w)};

  • (c)

    if FX is compact, open convex, closed convex, or any convex set in B(X) when X is finite-dimensional, then lim supt1tlnPtc[WttF]infwF{I(w)}.Furthermore, if X is finite-dimensional, then this bound is valid for any closed set F provided that E[eξX1+v(S1)ζS11{S1<}]<+ for some numbers ζ0 and ξ>0.

The lower bound in part (b) and the upper bound in part (c) are called, respectively, large deviation lower bound and large deviation upper bound [14], [26]. When a lower semicontinuous function I exists so that the large deviation lower bound holds for each open set G and the large deviation upper bound holds for each compact set F, then Wt is said to satisfy a weak large deviation principle (weak LDP) with rate function I [14], [26]. If the large deviation upper bound holds more generally for every closed set F, then Wt is said to satisfy a full large deviation principle (full LDP) [14], [26]. Theorem 1.1 states that the cumulative reward Wt satisfies a weak LDP with rate function I given by (2) within the CPM. If in addition X is finite-dimensional and the exponential moment condition E[eξX1+v(S1)ζS11{S1<}]<+ is fulfilled for some ζ0 and ξ>0, as certainly occurs in Example 1.1 for any ξ>0 and ζ>Mξ+zo, then Wt satisfies a full LDP. Regarding the validity of a full LDP for general infinite-dimensional Banach spaces X, finding sufficient conditions is a harder problem that will be the focus of future studies. Trying to sketch an analogy with Cramér’s theorem and the work by Donsker and Varadhan [16], one should probably investigate situations where there exists ζ0 such that E[eξX1+v(S1)ζS11{S1<}]<+ for all ξ>0.

Let us move now to the PM, where there is no constraint on the last monomer. At variance with the CPM, the scaled cumulant generating function of Wt may not exist in the PM, but the following proposition, which is proved in Section 3, shows that at least some bounds hold true. Set ilim inft(1t)lnP[S1>t] and slim supt(1t)lnP[S1>t], and bear in mind that is0.

Proposition 1.2

The following bounds hold for all φX: z(φ)ilim inft1tlnE[eφ(Wt)+Ht]lim supt1tlnE[eφ(Wt)+Ht]z(φ)s.

Denoting by Et the expectation with respect to Pt, Proposition 1.2 entails that the limit limt(1t)lnEt[eφ(Wt)] exists, and equals z(φ)sz(0)s, if either i=s or z(φ)s. Thus, the scaled cumulant generating function of Wt with respect to the PM is defined if either i=s, which includes the case s=, or the condition z(φ)s> is met for all φX, as in the following example.

Example 1.2

The bound z(φ)s> holds for all φX if P[S1<]=1, lim infsv(s)s=0, and there exists a positive real function g on {1,2,}{} such that limsg(s)s=0 and X1g(S1) with full probability. Indeed, given any ζ<s, under these hypotheses one can find ϵ>0 such that ζ+ϵ<s0 and φg(s)+v(s)ϵs for all sufficiently large s. Then, E[eφ(X1)+v(S1)ζS11{S1<}]s1eφg(s)+v(s)ζsp(s)s>te(ζ+ϵ)sp(s)e(ζ+ϵ)tP[S1>t] for all sufficiently large t as P[S1=]=0. It follows that E[eφ(X1)+v(S1)ζS11{S1<}]=+ since ζ+ϵ<s, which results in z(φ)s according to definition (1).

In order to establish large deviation bounds with respect to the PM, it is convenient to distinguish the case s= from the case s>. The following theorem, which represents our second main result, provides weak and full LDPs for the renewal–reward process tWt with respect to the PM when s=. The proof is given in Section 3.

Theorem 1.2

Assume s=. The following conclusions hold:

  • (a)

    if GX is open, then lim inft1tlnPt[WttG]infwG{I(w)};

  • (b)

    if FX is compact, then lim supt1tlnPt[WttF]infwF{I(w)}.If FX is open convex, closed convex, or any convex set in B(X) when X is finite-dimensional, then this bound is valid whenever I(0)<+. Furthermore, if X is finite-dimensional, then it is valid for any closed set F provided thatE[eξX1+v(S1)ζS11{S1<}]<+ for some numbers ζ0 and ξ>0.

In general, the large deviation upper bound in part (b) cannot be extended to convex sets if s= and I(0)=+. Examples with an open convex set and a closed convex set where such bound fails will be shown at the end of Section 3.

The case s> is more involved and calls for two rate functions, Ii and Is, which are defined for each wX by the formulas Ii(w)supφX{φ(w)z(φ)i+z(0)s}and Is(w)supφX{φ(w)z(φ)s+z(0)i}.The following theorem, which is our third and last main result, provides large deviation bounds with respect to the PM when s>. The proof is reported in Section 3.

Theorem 1.3

Assume s>. The following conclusions hold:

  • (a)

    the functions Ii and Is are lower semicontinuous and proper convex;

  • (b)

    if GX is open, then lim inft1tlnPt[WttG]infwG{Ii(w)};

  • (c)

    if FX is compact, open convex, closed convex, or any convex set in B(X) when X is finite-dimensional, then lim supt1tlnPt[WttF]infwF{Is(w)}.Furthermore, if X is finite-dimensional, then this bound is valid for any closed set F provided that E[eξX1+v(S1)ζS11{S1<}]<+ for some numbers ζ0 and ξ>0.

Theorem 1.3 states that the renewal–reward process tWt satisfies a weak LDP with rate function Is within the PM provided that Ii=Is. The exponential moment condition E[eξX1+v(S1)ζS11{S1<}]<+ for some ζ0 and ξ>0 gives a full LDP with rate function Is when X is finite-dimensional and Ii=Is. We have Ii=Is if i=s, as expected in most applications, or if the condition z(φ)s is fulfilled for all φX, as in Example 1.2. In the latter case, Ii=Is=I.

Large deviations for renewal–reward processes have been investigated by many authors over the past decades. Their attention has been focused on both discrete-time and continuous-time frameworks and, in most cases, on rewards taking real values. In order to fix ideas, when talking about renewal systems in the domain of time we think of a PM with waiting times satisfying P[S1<]=1 and potential v=0. An almost omnipresent hypothesis in previous works is the Cramér condition E[eξX1+ξS1]<+ for some number ξ>0.

The simplest example of renewal–reward process has unit rewards and corresponds to the counting renewal process tNti11{Tit}. Glynn and Whitt [25] investigated the connection between LDPs of the inverse processes tNt and iTi, providing a full LDP for Nt under the Cramér condition. This condition was later relaxed by Duffield and Whitt [17]. Jiang [28] studied the large deviations of the extended counting renewal process ti11{Tiiαt} with α[0,1) under the Cramér condition. Glynn and Whitt [25] and Duffield and Whitt [17], together with Puhalskii and Whitt [39], also investigated the connection between sample-path LDPs of the processes tNt and iTi under the Cramér condition.

Starting from sample-path LDPs of inverse and compound processes, Duffy and Rodgers-Lee [18] sketched a full LDP for renewal–reward processes with real rewards by means of the contraction principle under the stringent exponential moment condition E[eξX1+ξS1]<+ for all ξ>0. Some full LDPs for real renewal–reward processes were later proposed by Macci [35], [36] under existence and essentially smoothness of the scaled cumulant generating function, which allow for an application of the Gärtner–Ellis theorem [14], [26]. Essentially smoothness of the scaled cumulant generating function has been recently relaxed by Borovkov and Mogulskii [5], [6], which used the Cramér’s theorem to establish a full LDP under the Cramér condition. Under the Cramér condition, they [4], [7], [8] have also obtained sample-path LDPs for real renewal–reward processes.

A different approach based on empirical measures has been considered by Lefevere, Mariani, and Zambotti [32], which have investigated large deviations for the empirical measures of forward and backward recurrence times associated with a renewal process, and have then derived by contraction a full LDP for renewal–reward processes with rewards determined by the waiting times: Xif(Si) for each i with a bounded real function f. Later, Mariani and Zambotti [37] have developed a renewal version of Sanov’s theorem by studying the empirical law of rewards that take values in a generic Polish space. By appealing to the contraction principle, this result could give a full LDP for a renewal–reward process with rewards valued in a real separable Banach space, but only provided that the strong exponential moment condition E[eξX1]<+ for all ξ>0 is satisfied as discussed by Schied [43].

We conclude this brief review of previous contributions by mentioning that a moderate deviation principle for real renewal–reward processes was obtained by Tsirelson [45] under an exponential moment condition. Exact asymptotics for the counting renewal process and real renewal–reward processes has been investigated under the Cramér condition and several additional smoothness hypotheses by Serfozo [44], Kuczek and Crank [29], Chi [12], and Borovkov and Mogulskii [9], [10].

Previous works leave open the question of whether some large deviation principles free from exponential moment conditions can be established for renewal–reward processes, in the wake of the sharp version of Cramér’s theorem demonstrated by Bahadur and Zabell [2]. The present paper gives a positive answer to this question at the price of restricting to the discrete-time framework. Indeed, through Theorems 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 we supply weak LDPs and large deviation upper bounds for measurable convex sets that are completely free from hypotheses. Moreover, when finite-dimensional rewards are considered, and when P[S1<]=1 and v=0 to make a comparison with previous studies, we provide full LDPs under the exponential moment condition E[eξX1ζS1]<+ for some numbers ζ0 and ξ>0, which is weaker than the Cramér condition E[eξX1+ξS1]<+ for some ξ>0. For instance, rewards of Example 1.1 that define the macroscopic observables of statistical mechanics [46] always satisfy our weak exponential moment condition, whereas in general they do not fulfill the Cramér condition.

In order to drop exponential moment conditions, a novel approach with respect to past methods had to be devised to tackle the problem, and a new approach was suggested to us by the theory of polymer pinning [24], [27]. This new approach is based on super-additivity, but requires discrete time to be implemented. It came from here the need to focus on the discrete-time framework. In such framework, conditioning on the event that the last time is a renewal time is a meaningful procedure and enables a super-additivity property of renewal–reward processes to emerge. This procedure introduces a constrained model similarly to what is done with polymers. This way, we were able to find a successful strategy for investigating large deviations and we were naturally led to link renewal–reward processes to the PM and the CPM. Importantly, the CPM is not a merely mathematical tool to tackle the PM, but it also represents the renewal models of statistical mechanics [46], such as the Poland–Scheraga model, the Fisher–Felderhof model, the Wako–Saitô–Muñoz–Eaton model, and the Tokar–Dreyssé model. In this respect, the large deviation theory developed in this paper must be added to those already existing for other models of statistical mechanics, including the Curie–Weiss model [19], the Curie–Weiss–Potts model [13], the mean-field Blume–Emery–Griffiths model [21], and, to some extent, the Ising model as well as general Gibbs measures relative to an interaction potential [20], [22], [23], [38].

Going back for a moment to the domain of time with P[S1<]=1 and v=0, it is interesting to point out that Duffy and Rodgers-Lee [18], Lefevere, Mariani, and Zambotti [32], and Borovkov and Mogulskii [5], [6] found, with increasing level of generality, an apparently different rate function. They constructed the rate function for renewal–reward processes from the Cramér rate function ϒC of the waiting time and reward pair (S1,X1), defined for each pair (β,w)R×X by ϒC(β,w)sup(ζ,φ)R×X{φ(w)βζlnE[eφ(X1)ζS1]}.Starting from ϒC, they considered the function infγ>0{γϒC(γ,γ)}, whose lower-semicontinuous regularization ϒ is given for every (β,w)R×X by Here Bw,δ{uX:uw<δ} is the open ball of center w and radius δ. Duffy and Rodgers-Lee [18] dealt with the case X=R and s= under a strong exponential moment condition, obtaining the rate function Λϒ(1,). In this case we have the rate function I by Theorem 1.2 with z(φ)=inf{ζR:E[eφ(X1)ζS1]1} for all φ as S1< with full probability and v=0. Lefevere, Mariani, and Zambotti [32] too found the rate function Λ when X1=f(S1) with a bounded real function f. This instance falls under the umbrella of Example 1.2, and so we get again the rate function I by Theorem 1.3. Borovkov and Mogulskii [5], [6] studied the case X=R under the Cramér condition. They obtained the rate function Λ when s= and the rate function Λsinfβ[0,1]{ϒ(β,)(1β)s} when i=s> or z(φ)s> for all φX. In these cases we have the rate functions I and Is, respectively, by Theorem 1.2, Theorem 1.3. Despite different expressions, our results are consistent with all the findings of these authors. Indeed, while uniqueness of the rate function [14], [26] suggests that there is at least some situation where I=Λ and Is=Λs, a direct comparison shows that these identities hold in general, as established by the following lemma which is proved in the Appendix.

Lemma 1.1

Assume that P[S1<]=1 and that v=0. Then, the following conclusions hold for every wX:

  • (a)


  • (b)

    Is(w)=Λs(w)infβ[0,1]{ϒ(β,w)(1β)s} provided that s>.

As a final remark, we stress that Borovkov and Mogulskii [5], [6] opted for not introducing two different rate functions for the large deviation lower and upper bounds, thus considering only problems where Ii=Is. At variance with them, we decided to provide optimal large deviation bounds with possibly different rate functions in order to even address situations where the tail of the waiting time distribution is very oscillating. For instance, a physical renewal model giving rise to two possibly different rate functions has been found by Lefevere, Mariani, and Zambotti [33], [34] in the description of a free particle interacting with a heat bath.

Section snippets

Proof of Proposition 1.1 and Theorem 1.1

We prove Proposition 1.1 and Theorem 1.1 as follows. In Section 2.1 we show the existence of a weak LDP with a convex rate function. This is the step where convexity and super-additivity arguments come into play. In Section 2.2 we introduce the generalized renewal equation formalism, which allows us to express the scaled cumulative generating function in terms of the function z defined by (1). Then, we use this formalism in Section 2.3 to also relate the rate function to z. Finally, in Section 

Proof of Proposition 1.2 and of Theorems 1.2 and 1.3

Large deviation bounds within the PM can be made a consequence of the corresponding bounds in the CPM by exploiting conditioning as follows. Pick an integer time t1 and notice that if T1t, then there is one and only one positive integer nt such that Tnt and Tn+1>t. Thus, Ω={T1>t}{T1t} and {T1t}=n=1t{Tnt and Tn+1>t}=n=1tτ=nt{Tn=τ and Tn+1>t}, the events {Tn=τ and Tn+1>t} for 1nτt being disjoint. The condition T1>t is tantamount to S1>t and implies that Ht=0 and Wt=0. The condition T

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


The author is grateful to Paolo Tilli for useful discussions about the counterexamples presented in Section 3.3 and to Francesco Caravenna and Paolo Dai Pra for valuable overall comments.

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