
We study the Cauchy problem of the three-dimensional full compressible Euler equations with damping and heat conduction. We prove the existence and uniqueness of the global small solution; in particular, we only require that the norms of the initial data be small when . Moreover, we use a pure energy method to show that the global solution converges to the constant equilibrium state with an optimal algebraic decay rate as time goes to infinity.

1. Introduction

We study the following Cauchy problem of the full compressible Euler equations with damping and heat conduction: for ,

Here, the unknown variables , denote the density, the velocity, the absolute temperature, and the pressure, respectively. The total energy per unit mass , and is the internal energy per unit mass. The constants and are the friction damping coefficient and the thermal conductivity, respectively.

The system (1) can be used to model a compressible gas flow through a porous medium [13]. Assume that the gas is perfect and polytropic, then where is the entropy, and are the universal gas constants, is the adiabatic exponent, and is the specific heat at constant volume.

We review the known results about the compressible Euler equations with damping. There are a lot of research works on the compressible isentropic Euler equations with damping in dimension one. For the Cauchy problems, readers can refer to [4, 5] for the existence of the global solutions, to [611] for the global entropy-weak solutions with vacuum, and to [12, 13] for small smooth solutions. For the initial-boundary value problems, readers can refer to [14, 15] for the existence of the global entropy-weak solutions and to [2, 16, 17] for small smooth solutions. For the asymptotic convergence of solutions, we refer to [811] for entropy-weak solutions and to [13, 1820] for small smooth solutions. In addition, there are some results on the compressible nonisentropic Euler equations with damping (see [13, 2123]). The global existence and long-time behavior of solutions to the multidimensional compressible isentropic Euler equations with damping were studied by many researchers (cf. [15, 2435] and the references cited therein). Recently, the free boundary problem of the Euler equations with damping was considered (cf. [3638]).

To the best of our knowledge, there are few results on the three-dimensional full compressible damped Euler equations (1). We first notice that the system (1) can be equivalently reduced to the -system or the -system where and are given by

When , Chen et al. [39] considered the -system (3) and then used Fourier analysis methods together with energy methods to prove the global existence and time-decay rates of small smooth solutions. For the case of , the temperature equation in (3) has no dissipation, and thus, the method used in [39] is not applicable. To overcome the difficulties arising from the nondissipation of , the researchers in [40, 41] studied the -system (4) with and thus proved the similar results as the case of . An important observation is that the linear parts of and are decoupled in the linearized -system, which helps to derive the desired estimates as done in [40, 41]. With regard to the corresponding initial-boundary value problem for in a bounded domain, Zhang and Wu [42] and Wu [43] independently obtained the global existence and the exponential stability of small smooth solutions.

In the present paper, we shall choose the -system and prove the global existence and uniqueness of the smooth solution to the Cauchy problem (1) near a constant equilibrium state for the initial data with various regularities. At the same time, we will use a pure energy method developed in [29, 44] to derive the optimal time-decay rates of solutions as well as their spatial derivatives of any order. Compared with the Fourier analysis method used in [39], the pure energy method can be used to obtain the optimal time-decay rates under the weak regularity assumptions, which can be seen from or . As a byproduct, we give the optimal -type decay rates of solutions (see Corollary 3).

Notation. Throughout this paper, with an integer represents the usual any spatial derivatives of order . When or is not a positive integer, means defined by , where is the usual Fourier transform operator and is its inverse. We denote by the usual Lebesgue spaces with the norm . For simplicity, we write . We use for some integer to denote the usual Sobolev spaces with the norm . We use to denote the homogeneous Sobolev spaces with the norm defined by . It is clear for .

We review the homogeneous Besov spaces. Let satisfy if and if . Define and for . Then, if . Define . For and , we denote by the homogeneous Besov spaces with the norm defined by .

We employ the notation to mean that for a generic positive constant . We denote if and . We use to denote a positive constant depending additionally on the initial data. For simplicity, we write and . The notation denotes the space of -valued -times continuously differentiable functions on .

The main results in this paper can be stated as follows.

Theorem 1. Let be an integer. Assume that satisfying or for some small constant . Then, the Cauchy problem (1) admits a unique global solution such that for all and ,

Theorem 2. Under the assumptions of Theorem 1, if further for some , or for some then for all , and By Lemma 9 and Lemmas 13 and 14, we easily obtain the following -type decay rates.

Corollary 3. Under the assumptions of Theorem 2, if for some , then for , We give some remarks for Theorems 1 and 2 and Corollary 3.

Remark 4. From Theorem 1, when , we only require that the norms of the initial density, velocity, and temperature be small, while the higher-order Sobolev norms can be arbitrarily large.

Remark 5. We claim that the decay rates except the velocity in Theorem 2 and Corollary 3 are optimal in the sense that they are consistent with those in the linearized case.

Remark 6. By Corollary 3, we prove the optimal -type time-decay rates without the smallness assumption on the norm of the initial data.

Remark 7. Compared with the decay results of the full compressible Navier-Stokes equations [44, 45] the density and temperature of the full compressible damped Euler equations have the same decay rates (see (9) with and ); however, the decay of the norm of the velocity is improved to (see (10) with and ) due to the damping effect.

Remark 8. With regard to the initial-boundary value problem of the three-dimensional full compressible damped Euler equations (1), the case of was solved in [42, 43], and the corresponding -system was adopted. For the case of , we believe that it is more convenient to deal with the -system, which is a forthcoming work.

The arrangement of this paper is as follows. In Section 2, we list some useful lemmas which will be frequently used. In Section 3, we establish some refined energy estimates (see Lemmas 1719) which help us to derive important energy estimates with the minimum derivatives counts (see Lemma 20). Then, we prove the global solution (Theorem 1) and the time-decay rates (Theorem 2) in Sections 4 and 5, respectively.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we will give some lemmas which are often used in the later sections. We first recall the Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Sobolev inequality.

Lemma 9. Let , and . Then, we have where and satisfy Here, we require that , , and when .

Proof. (see [46], Theorem, p.125).

We give the commutator and product estimates.

Lemma 10. Let be an integer. Define the commutator Then, we have for , and for , where and

Proof. (refer to [47], Lemma 3.1, or [48], Lemma A.4).

The following lemma gives the convenient estimates for well-prepared functions.

Lemma 11. Assume that and . Let be a smooth function of with bounded derivatives of any order, then for any integer and ,

Proof. (see [49], Lemma A.2).

As a byproduct of Lemma 11, we immediately have the following.

Corollary 12. Assume that . Let be a smooth function of with bounded derivatives of any order, then for any integer and , Finally, we list some useful estimates or interpolation inequalities involving negative Sobolev or Besov spaces.

Lemma 13. Let and . Then, and

Proof. It follows from the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev theorem (cf. [50], Theorem 1, p.119).

Lemma 14. Let and . Then, and

Proof. (see [51], Lemma 4.1).

Lemma 15. Let and . Then,

Proof. (see [44], Lemma A.4).

Lemma 16. Let and . Then,

Proof. We refer to [51], Lemma 4.2, by noting that for .

3. Energy Estimates

By a simple calculation, the Cauchy problem (1) becomes

Without loss of generality, we assume and choose the constant equilibrium state . Define the perturbations

Then, problem (24) is reformulated as

We will derive the a priori estimates for the problem (26) by assuming that for sufficiently small and some , where or . By Sobolev’s inequality, (27) implies

First, we derive the energy estimates for up to order , which contain the dissipation estimates for and up to order and , respectively.

Lemma 17. Let and . If , then for ,

Proof. It is trivial for . Next, we will prove (29) for . Applying to (26)1, (26)2, and (26)3 and multiplying the resulting identities by , , , respectively; summing them up; and then integrating over by parts, we get Now, we estimate the terms . For the term , by integrating by parts; Hölder’s, Sobolev’s, and Cauchy’s inequalities; and (17) of Lemma 10, we obtain For the term , by integrating by parts; Hölder’s, Sobolev’s, and Cauchy’s inequalities; Lemma 10; and Corollary 12, we obtain In light of (32) and (33), we have As with the term , we obtain For the term , by integrating by parts; Hölder’s, Sobolev’s, and Young’s inequalities; Lemmas 9 and 10; and Corollary 12, we obtain Plugging the estimates for into (30), we deduce (29).

Next, we derive the -th-order energy estimates for , which contain the dissipation estimates for and of order and , respectively.

Lemma 18. Let . Then, we have under the assumption of or Here,

Proof. We first prove (ii). For equations (26)1–(26)3, computing and integrating by parts, we have Now, we estimate the terms . By (26)1, (26)3, (28), and Hölder’s and Sobolev’s inequalities, we have By the commutator notation (15), the commutator estimate (16), integrating by parts, and Lemma 11, we have By Hölder’s, Sobolev’s, and Cauchy’s inequalities and Lemma 11, we obtain By Lemma 10, integrating by parts, and Hölder’s, Sobolev’s, and Cauchy’s inequalities, we have Note that where the double dots mean that for two matrices and . By Hölder’s, Sobolev’s, and Cauchy’s inequalities and Lemma 10, we estimate By integrating by parts and by the product estimates (17) of Lemma 10 and Corollary 12, we have Plugging the estimates for into (42), by (28), since is small, we deduce Rewrite (26)2 as Applying to (51), we obtain where represents the cross product of vectors. Applying to (52), multiplying the resulting identity by and integrating over , we obtain By Hölder’s, Sobolev’s, and Cauchy’s inequalities and Lemmas 10 and 11, we estimate Plugging the estimates for into (53), we obtain Adding (55) to (50), noting since is small, we deduce (37).
Now, we prove (i). Note that all the estimates for in the proof of (ii) also hold under the assumptions of and . Next, we only need to estimate the term for under the condition of . Note that from (26)1,2For , if , then we can estimate where we have used the interpolation estimate Thus, combining the new estimate (58) with the estimates for with , we can deduce from (42) that (37) holds for .

We shall derive the dissipation estimates for up to order .

Lemma 19. Let and . If , then for ,

Proof. Rewrite (26)2 as Applying to (61) and multiplying the resulting identity by and then integrating over by parts and by Hölder’s and Cauchy’s inequalities, we have By (26)1, we integrate by parts to obtain where we have used the product estimates (17) of Lemma 10 to estimate By Lemmas 10 and 11, we have Plugging (63)–(66) into (62), we deduce (60).

Finally, we collect all the dissipation estimates for in Lemmas 1719 to derive the following energy inequality with the minimum derivative counts.

Lemma 20. Let and . Then, there exists an energy functional , which is equivalent to , such that for any and , under the assumption of or

Proof. Let and . Summing up (29) of Lemma 17 from to and adding the resulting identity to (37) of Lemma 18, since is small, we obtain Summing up (60) of Lemma 19 from to , we obtain Multiplying (71) by and then adding it to (70), since is small, we deduce We define Note that By (28) and (56), since is small, we can deduce from (73) to (74) that there exists a positive constant such that for any , Hence, the proof of Lemma 20 is completed.

4. Global Solution

In this section, we will prove the existence and uniqueness of the global solution, namely, Theorem 1. We first record the local solution (cf. [52]).

Proposition 21 (local-in-time solution). Let or . Assume that and . Then, there exists a constant such that the Cauchy problem (26) admits a unique solution satisfying where is some fixed constant. Here, Then, we construct the a priori estimates by using the energy estimates given in Lemma 20.

Proposition 22 (a priori estimates). Let and . Assume that for some sufficiently small , or Then, we have for any and , where is some fixed constant.

Proof. Let and . Letting and in (67) of Lemma 20, we obtain Integrating (81) in time, we obtain Letting and in (75), we obtain for any and some , We immediately deduce (80) from (82) to (83).

Finally, we perform a continuous argument to extend the local solution given in Proposition 21 to the global one. We only consider the case . It is similar for .

Let . Assume satisfying where are given by Proposition 21 and Proposition 22. Since by Proposition 21, there exists a constant such that the Cauchy problem (26) has a unique local solution which satisfies

By (87) and Proposition 22, we obtain for any and , which, together with (84), implies

Then, choosing as the new initial time instant, by Proposition 21 again, we obtain that the Cauchy problem (26) has a unique local solution such that

From the above, we have proven that the Cauchy problem (26) has a unique local solution such that

By (93) and Proposition 22, we obtain for any and , which, together with (84) again, implies

By repeating the above procedures, we can extend the local solution to the global one only if satisfying that is suitably small, as (84). So, we can choose in Theorem 1. Hence, the proof of Theorem 1 is completed.

5. Time-Decay Rates

In this section, we shall derive the time-decay rates (9) in Theorem 2. We first show that the negative Sobolev or Besov norms of the solution can be controlled by the initial data.

Lemma 23. Under the assumptions of Theorem 1, if further for some , or for some then for all , or

Proof. As with [29], Theorem 1.2, (1.7)–(1.8), we omit the details.

To derive the time-decay rates of the solution and its higher-order derivatives, we prove the following differential inequality with respect to time.

Lemma 24. Let . Under the assumptions of Theorem 1, it holds that for all and , where

Proof. It follows from Lemma 20 and Theorem 1.

Now, we can use Lemmas 23 and 24 to prove the time-decay rates (9) and (10) in Theorem 2.

For , by Lemmas 15 and 16, we have

Combining Lemma 23 with (100) and (101), we have

This together with (8) infers for ,

From the differential inequality (98) of Lemma 24, we obtain for ,

Solving the above inequality directly, we get for ,

By (99), we have for ,

Higher decay of the velocity. Referring to (51), we know that the velocity satisfies

Let and . Applying to (107), multiplying the resulting identity by and integrating over , by Hölder’s inequality, we obtain which infers by Cauchy’s inequality, Lemmas 10 and 11, and (106). Applying Gronwall’s inequality to (109), we obtain for ,

Thus, we can deduce the decay rates (9) and (10) from (106) and (110). Hence, we complete the proof of Theorem 2.

Data Availability

The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


The first author was partially supported by the NSF of China (No. 11501143) and the Doctoral Research Project of Guizhou Normal University (No. GZNUD[2017]27). The second author was partially supported by Guangdong Provincial Pearl River Talents Program (No. 2017GC010407), Guangdong Province Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund (Nos. 2021A1515010235 and 2020B1515310002), Guangzhou City Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund (No. 202102020436), NSF of China (Nos. 11701264 and 11971179), and Science and Technology Program of Guangzhou (No. 2019050001).