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Bridge and Boundary: The Maritime Connections of Colonial Arequipa, Peru

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International Journal of Historical Archaeology Aims and scope Submit manuscript


European empires heavily relied on maritime connections for their expansion and operations. In the Andean region, where Spanish colonialism had a distinct urban character, maritime connections were emplaced in a tripartite arrangement or city-port axes. In this article, I show that the city of Arequipa, in southwestern Peru, differed from this pattern. There emerged instead a capillary arrangement of semi-specialized maritime links between the city and the Pacific Ocean. I also explore the conditions that favored this arrangement, including the positioning of Arequipa within southern trade networks, the city’s unique location, and the presence of an important port at Arica.

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This research was partially funded by the Maxwell Dean’s Award of Syracuse University, and by the Roscoe Martin Fund for Research Award of Syracuse University. This manuscript was greatly improved by the commentary of Christopher DeCorse, Francesca Fernandini, Elizabeth Klarich, Aja Lans, Luis Armando Muro Ynoñán, Gabriela Oré, Javier Puente, Maria Smith, and two anonymous reviewers.

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Boza Cuadros, M.F. Bridge and Boundary: The Maritime Connections of Colonial Arequipa, Peru. Int J Histor Archaeol 26, 291–315 (2022).

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