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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter May 4, 2021

On the critical behavior for inhomogeneous wave inequalities with Hardy potential in an exterior domain

  • Mohamed Jleli , Bessem Samet and Calogero Vetro EMAIL logo


We study the wave inequality with a Hardy potential

ttuΔu+λ|x|2u|u|pin (0,)×Ω,

where Ω is the exterior of the unit ball in ℝN, N ≥ 2, p > 1, and λ ≥ − N222 , under the inhomogeneous boundary condition

αuν(t,x)+βu(t,x)w(x)on (0,)×Ω,

where α, β ≥ 0 and (α, β) ≠ (0, 0). Namely, we show that there exists a critical exponent pc(N, λ) ∈ (1, ∞] for which, if 1 < p < pc(N, λ), the above problem admits no global weak solution for any wL1(∂ Ω) with ∫∂Ω w(x) > 0, while if p > pc(N, λ), the problem admits global solutions for some w > 0. To the best of our knowledge, the study of the critical behavior for wave inequalities with a Hardy potential in an exterior domain was not considered in previous works. Some open questions are also mentioned in this paper.

MSC 2010: 35L05; 35B33; 35B44

1 Introduction

In this paper, we are concerned with the study of existence and nonexistence of global weak solutions to the wave inequality

u+λ|x|2u|u|pin (0,)×Ω. (1.1)

Here, □ := ttΔ is the wave operator, Ω = {x ∈ ℝN : |x| ≥ 1}, N ≥ 2, p > 1, and λ ≥ − N222 . We will investigate (1.1) under the inhomogeneous boundary condition

αuν(t,x)+βu(t,x)w(x)on (0,)×Ω, (1.2)

where α, β ≥ 0, (α, β) ≠ (0, 0), wL1(∂ Ω), and ν denotes the outward unit normal vector on ∂ Ω relative to Ω. Notice that (1.2) includes different types of inhomogeneous boundary conditions. Namely, the Dirichlet type boundary condition (in the case (α, β) = (0, 1))

u(t,x)w(x)on (0,)×Ω,

the Neumann type boundary condition (in the case (α, β) = (1, 0))

uν(t,x)w(x)on (0,)×Ω,

and the Robin type boundary condition (in the case α = 1 and β > 0)

uν(t,x)+βu(t,x)w(x)on (0,)×Ω.

Let us consider the semilinear wave equation

u+V(x)u=|u|pin (0,)×RN,(u(0,x),tu(0,x))=(u0(x),u1(x))in RN, (1.3)

where V = V(x) is a potential, and let pc(N) be the positive root of the quadratic equation


In the special case V ≡ 0, (1.3) has been investigated by several authors. Namely, John [12] proved that, if the initial values are compactly supported and nonnegative, then for N = 3 and 1 < p < pc(3) = 1 + 2 , nontrivial solutions must blow-up in finite time, while if p > pc(3), global solutions exist for small initial values. Next, a similar result has been derived by Glassey [6] in the case N = 2. In [19], Shaffer proved that in the case N ∈ {2, 3}, pc(N) belongs to the blow-up case. Georgiev et al. [5] (see also [15, 21]) proved that, if p > pc(N) and N ≥ 3, then global solutions exist for small initial values. A blow-up result was shown by Sideris [5] (see also [15, 21]) in the case 1 < p < pc(N) and N ≥ 4. In [23], Yordanov and Zhang proved that for all N ≥ 4, pc(N) belongs to the blow-up case.

In [22], Yordanov and Zhang studied (1.3) when N ≥ 3 and V is a nonnegative potential satisfying the following conditions:

“There exist functions ϕiC2(ℝN), i = 0, 1, such that


where C01 ϕ0(x) ≤ C0 and 0 < ϕ1(x) ≤ C1(1+|x|)(N1)2e|x| with positive constants Ci, i = 0, 1”.

It was shown that, if the initial values are nonnegative and compactly supported, then a blow-up occurs when 1 < p < pc(N).

In [7], Hamidi and Laptev considered semilinear evolution inequalities of the form

kutkΔu+λ|x|2u|u|pin (0,)×RN, (1.4)

where k ≥ 1 (integer), N ≥ 3 and λ ≥ − N222 . It was shown that when the initial values are nonnegative, if




where s* < s* are the roots of the polynomial


then (1.4) admits no nontrivial global weak solution.

The study of blow-up phenomena for semilinear wave equations in exterior domains was considered by many authors (see e.g. [8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 24, 25] and the references therein). In particular, Zhang [24] studied the semilinear wave equation

u=|u|pin (0,)×Ω (1.5)

under the inhomogeneous Neumann boundary condition

uν(t,x)=w(x)on (0,)×Ω, (1.6)

where N ≥ 3, wL1(∂Ω), w ≥ 0, and w ≢ 0. Namely, it was shown that (1.5)(1.6) admits as critical exponent the real number p* = 1 + 2N2 , i.e. if 1 < p < p*, then (1.5)(1.6) admits no global weak solution, while if p > p*, global solutions exist for some w > 0. Later, the same critical exponent was obtained for (1.5) under the inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition [10]

u(t,x)=w(x)on (0,)×Ω, (1.7)

and the Robin boundary condition [8]

uν(t,x)+u=w(x)on (0,)×Ω. (1.8)

To enlarge the literature review on the main topic of this article, we recall the study of blow-up of solutions carried out by Mohammed et al. [17], for fully nonlinear uniformly elliptic equations. Also, we mention the recent work of Bahrouni et al. [1], where the authors dealt with a class of double phase variational functionals related to the study of transonic flow, and established useful integral inequalities. In a series of remarkable papers, Cîrstea and Rădulescu [2, 3, 4] focused on special classes of semilinear elliptic equations (namely, logistic equations) and linked the nonregular variation of the nonlinearity at infinity with the blow-up rate of the solutions. They also established existence and uniqueness results for related problems, in the cases of homogeneous Dirichlet, Neumann or Robin boundary condition.

To the best of our knowledge, the study of critical behavior for wave inequalities with Hardy potential in an exterior domain was not considered in previous works. In this paper, we investigate the critical behavior for (1.1) under the inhomogeneous boundary condition (1.2). Namely, we will show that there exists a critical exponent pc(N, λ) ∈ (1, ∞] for which, when 1 < p < pc(N, λ) and ∫∂Ω w(x) > 0, (1.1)(1.2) has no global weak solution; when p > pc(N, λ), the problem admits global solutions for some w > 0.

Before presenting our results, let us mention in which sense the solutions to (1.1)(1.2) are considered. Let


We introduce the test function space

Φα,β=φCc2(O):φ0,φν|O0 if α=0,αφν+βφ|O=0,

where Cc2 (𝓞) denotes the space of C2 functions compactly supported in 𝓞. Notice that Ω is closed and 𝓞 ⊂ 𝓞.

Definition 1.1

A function u Llocp (𝓞) is a global weak solution to (1.1)(1.2), if

O|u|pφdxdt+Lφ(w)Ouφ+λ|x|2φdxdt, (1.9)

for all φΦα,β, where


Now, we are ready to state our main results. We discuss separately the cases λ = − N222 and λ > − N222 . For λ ≥ − N222 , let


Theorem 1.1

Let N ≥ 2, α, β ≥ 0, (α, β) ≠ (0, 0) and λ = − N222 .

  1. If N = 2, wL1(∂ Ω) and Ωw(x)dσ>0, then for all p > 1, (1.1)(1.2) admits no global weak solution.

  2. If N ≥ 3, wL1(∂ Ω) and Ωw(x)dσ>0, then for all


    (1.1)(1.2) admits no global weak solution.

  3. If N ≥ 3 and


    then (1.1)(1.2) admits global solutions (stationary solutions) for some w > 0.

Theorem 1.2

Let N ≥ 2, α, β ≥ 0, (α, β) ≠ (0, 0) and λ > − N222 .

  1. If wL1(∂ Ω) and Ωw(x)dσ>0, then for all


    (1.1)(1.2) admits no global weak solution.

  2. If


    then (1.1)(1.2) admits global solutions (stationary solutions) for some w > 0.

Remark 1.1



From Theorems 1.1 and 1.2, one deduces that,

  1. if 1 < p < pc(N, λ) and Ωw(x)dσ>0, then (1.1)(1.2) has no global weak solution;

  2. if p > pc(N, λ), then (1.1)(1.2) admits global solutions for some w > 0.

The above statements show that the exponent pc(N, λ) is critical for (1.1)(1.2).

Notice that in the case λ = 0, one has


which is the same critical exponent obtained for the semilinear wave equation (1.5) under the inhomogeneous Neumann boundary condition (1.6) (see [24]), the inhomogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition (1.7) (see [10]), and the inhomogeneous Robin boundary condition (1.8) (see [8]).

Remark 1.2

From Theorems 1.1 and 1.2, we deduce that pc(N, λ) is also critical for the exterior problem

Δu+λ|x|2u|u|pinΩ,αuν+βuwonΩ. (1.10)

Namely, if 1 < p < pc(N, λ) and Ωw(x)dσ>0, then (1.10) admits no weak solution, while if p > pc(N, λ), then (1.10) admits solutions for some w > 0.

Remark 1.3

At this time, if N − 2 + 2λN > 0, we do not know whether p = pc(N, λ) belongs to the nonexistence case or not. This question is open.

Remark 1.4

  1. In this paper, the inhomogeneous term w depends only on the variable space. It would be interesting to study the critical behavior for (1.1)(1.2) when w = w(t, x).

  2. It would be also interesting to study the critical behavior for (1.1)(1.2) when w ≡ 0.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we establish some lemmas and provide some estimates that will be used in the proofs of our main results. Section 3 is devoted to the proofs of Theorems 1.1 and 1.2. Namely, we first prove the nonexistence results (parts (i) and (ii) of Theorem 1.1, and part (i) of Theorem 1.2), next we prove the existence results (part (iii) of Theorem 1.1 and part (ii) of Theorem 1.2).

2 Preliminaries

For λ ≥ − N222 , let Δλ be the differential operator defined by


For α, β ≥ 0 and (α, β) ≠ (0, 0), we introduce the function Hα,β defined in Ω by






One can check easily that Hα,β is a nonnegative solution to the exterior problem

ΔλHα,β=0in Ω,αHα,βν+βHα,β=0on Ω.

We need also to introduce two cut-off functions. Let η, ξC(ℝ) be such that



0ξ1,ξ(s)=1 if |s|1,ξ(s)=0 if |s|2.

For 0 < T < ∞, let




where ≥ 2 and θ > 0 are constants to be chosen later.

Lemma 2.1

For all ℓ ≥ 2, θ > 0, and sufficiently large T, the function


belongs to the test function space Φα,β.


It can be easily seen that φT ≥ 0, and for sufficiently large T, φT Cc2 (𝓞). On the other hand, for 1 < |x| < 1 + ϵ (ϵ > 0 is sufficiently small), one has


By the definition of the cut-off function ξ, since T is supposed to be large enough, one obtains


Similarly, one has


Then, since Hα,β satisfies the boundary condition

αHα,βν+βHα,β=0on Ω,

one deduces that


Next, we take α = 0. If λ = − N222 , for r = |x|, one has

HTν|Ω=Hα,βν|Ω=Hα,β(1)r|r=1=β<0. (2.1)

If λ > − N222 , one has

HTν|Ω=Hα,βν|Ω=Hα,β(2)r|r=1=2λNβ<0. (2.2)

Hence, if α = 0, in both cases, we have


which yields (since η ≥ 0)


and the lemma is proved. □

Throughout this paper, C denotes a positive constant (independent of T) whose value may change from line to line.

Lemma 2.2

For all 0 < T < ∞ and ℓ ≥ 2, we have



By the definition of the function ηT, and using the properties of the cut-off function η, one obtains


and the lemma is proved. □

Lemma 2.3

Let m > 1. For all 0 < T < ∞ and ℓ 2mm1 , we have



It can be easily seen that


Hence, one obtains


which yields the desired estimate. □

Lemma 2.4

Let λ = − N222 . For all θ > 0, ≥ 2, and sufficiently large T, we have



By the definition of the function HT (as well as the function Hα,β), and the properties of the cut-off function ξ, for sufficiently large T, one has


Observe that

β+(N2)α2=0β=0 and N=2.

So, if β = 0 and N = 2, one obtains


that is,

ΩHT(x)dxCTθ(N+2)2. (2.3)

If β > 0 or N ≥ 3, one obtains β + (N2)α2 > 0 and


that is,

ΩHT(x)dxCTθ(N+2)2lnT. (2.4)

Hence, (2.3) and (2.4) yield the desired estimate. □

Lemma 2.5

Let λ > − N222 . For all θ > 0, ≥ 2, and sufficiently large T, we have



In this case, one has

Hα,β(x)=Hα,β(2)(x)=O|x|2N2+λN, as |x|.

Hence, for sufficiently large T, we obtain


which yields the desired estimate. □

Lemma 2.6

Let λ = − N222 and m > 1. For all θ > 0, 2mm1 , and sufficiently large T, we have



For all xΩ, one has


where “⋅” denotes the inner product in ℝN. Since ΔλHα,β(1)=0, it holds that


which yields




Hence, it holds that

ΩHT(x)1m1|ΔλHT(x)|mm1dxCI1(T)+I2(T), (2.5)





Now, let us estimate Ii(T), i = 1, 2. Using the properties of the cut-off function ξ, for sufficiently large T, one has


On the other hand, it can be easily seen that for 1 < |y| < 2 , one has


Hence, it holds that

I1(T)CTθN2mm11<|y|<2Hα,β(1)(Tθy)ξ(|y|2)2mm1dyCTθN2mm11<|y|<2Hα,β(1)(Tθy)dy. (2.6)

By the definition of the function Hα,β(1), one has


Observe that

β+(N2)α2=0β=0 and N=2.

Hence, if β = 0 and N = 2, one obtains


If β > 0 or N ≥ 3, for sufficiently large T, one obtains


Hence, in both cases, by (2.6), for sufficiently large T, one deduces that

I1(T)CTθN+222mm1lnT. (2.7)

Next, one has


It can be easily seen that for 1 < |y| < 2 , one has


Hence, it holds that

I2(T)CTθNmm11<|y|<2Hα,β(1)(Tθy)1m1|Hα,β(1)(Tθy)|mm1ξ(|y|2)mm1dyCTθNmm11<|y|<2Hα,β(1)(Tθy)1m1|Hα,β(1)(Tθy)|mm1dy. (2.8)

Elementary calculations show that for sufficiently large T and 1 < |y| < 2 , we get

Hα,β(1)(Tθy)1m1|Hα,β(1)(Tθy)|mm1CTθN2+1m1if N=2 and β=0


Hα,β(1)(Tθy)1m1|Hα,β(1)(Tθy)|mm1CTθN2+1m1lnTif N3 or β>0.

Hence, in both cases, for sufficiently large T, one has


Then, by (2.8), one obtains

I2(T)CTθN+222mm1lnT. (2.9)

Finally, (2.5), (2.7) and (2.9) yield the desired estimate. □

Lemma 2.7

Let λ > − N222 and m > 1. For all θ > 0, 2mm1 , and sufficiently large T, we have



Following the proof of Lemma 2.6, for sufficiently large T, one has

ΩHT(x)1m1|ΔλHT|mm1dxCJ1(T)+J2(T), (2.10)


J1(T)CTθN2mm11<|y|<2Hα,β(2)(Tθy)dy (2.11)


J2(T)CTθNmm11<|y|<2Hα,β(2)(Tθy)1m1|Hα,β(2)(Tθy)|mm1dy. (2.12)

Elementary calculations show that for sufficiently large T and 1 < |y| < 2 , one has

Hα,β(2)(Tθy)CTθ2N2+λN (2.13)


Hα,β(2)(Tθy)1m1|Hα,β(2)(Tθy)|mm1CTθλNN21m1. (2.14)

Hence, (2.10), (2.11), (2.12), (2.13) and (2.14) yield the desired estimate. □

3 Proofs of the main results

In this section, we prove Theorems 1.1 and 1.2. We first establish the nonexistence results.

3.1 Nonexistence results

We prove below parts (i) and (ii) of Theorem 1.1, as well as part (i) of Theorem 1.2. The proof is based on a rescaled test-function argument (see [16] for a general account of these methods) and a judicious choice of the test function.


Let us suppose that u Llocp (𝓞) is a global weak solution to (1.1)(1.2). By (1.9), we obtain

O|u|pφdxdt+Lφ(w)O|u||ttφ|dxdt+O|u||Δλφ|dxdt, (3.1)

for every φΦα,β. Using ε-Young inequality with ε = 12 , we get

O|u||ttφ|dxdt12O|u|pφdxdt+COφ1p1|ttφ|pp1dxdt (3.2)


O|u||Δλφ|dxdt12O|u|pφdxdt+COφ1p1|Δλφ|pp1dxdt. (3.3)

Hence, it follows from (3.1), (3.2) and (3.3) that

Lφ(w)COφ1p1|ttφ|pp1dxdt+Oφ1p1|Δλφ|pp1dxdt, (3.4)

for every φΦα,β. By Lemma 2.1 and (3.4), for all 2pp1 , θ > 0, and sufficiently large T, one has

LφT(w)COφT1p1|ttφT|pp1dxdt+OφT1p1|ΔλφT|pp1dxdt. (3.5)

Now, we shall estimate the terms from the right-hand side of the above inequality. By the definition of the function φT, one has

OφT1p1|ttφT|pp1dxdt=0ηT(t)1p1|ηT(t)|pp1dtΩHT(x)dx. (3.6)

On the other hand, using Lemma 2.3 with m = p, we obtain

0ηT(t)1p1|ηT(t)|pp1dtCT12pp1. (3.7)

Moreover, combining Lemma 2.4 with Lemma 2.5, one deduces that for all λ ≥ − N222 ,

ΩHT(x)dxCTθN+22+λNlnT. (3.8)

Hence, by (3.6), (3.7) and (3.8), it holds that

OφT1p1|ttφT|pp1dxdtCTθN+22+λN+12pp1lnT. (3.9)

Again, by the definition of the function φT, one has

OφT1p1|ΔλφT|pp1dxdt=0ηT(t)dtΩHT1p1|ΔλHT|pp1dxdt. (3.10)

Combining Lemma 2.6 with Lemma 2.7, and taking m = p, one deduces that for all λ ≥ − N222 ,

ΩHT1p1|ΔλHT|pp1dxdtCTθλN+N+222pp1lnT. (3.11)

Hence, by Lemma 2.2, (3.10) and (3.11), we obtain

OφT1p1|ΔλφT|pp1dxdtCTθλN+N+222pp1+1lnT. (3.12)

Consider now the term from the left-hand side of (3.5). By the definition of LφT, if α > 0, one has


By the definition of the function HT, and using Lemma 2.2, it holds that


Since T is supposed to be large enough, by the definition of the cut-off function ξ, we get


On the other hand, by the definition of the function Hα,β, for all x∂Ω (|x| = 1), one has


Then, for all λ ≥ − N222 , one obtains

LφT(w)=CTΩw(x)dσ,α>0. (3.13)

If α = 0, by the definition of LφT, and using Lemma 2.2, one has


Notice that by (2.1) and (2.2), one has


Hence, for all λ ≥ − N222 , one obtains

LφT(w)=CTΩw(x)dσ,α=0. (3.14)

Combining (3.13) with (3.14), one obtains

LφT(w)=CTΩw(x)dσ,α,β0,(α,β)(0,0). (3.15)

Now, using (3.5), (3.9), (3.12) and (3.15), we obtain

Ωw(x)dσCTθN+22+λN2pp1+TθλN+N+222pp1lnT. (3.16)

Observe that for θ = 1, one has


Hence, taking θ = 1 in(3.16), we get

Ωw(x)dσCTλN+N+222pp1lnT. (3.17)

We discuss two cases.

  1. λ = − N222 .

    In this case, one has λN = 0. So (3.17) reduces to

    Ωw(x)dσCTN+222pp1lnT. (3.18)

    Moreover, if N = 2, (3.18) reduces to

    Ωw(x)dσCT21pp1lnT. (3.19)

    Hence, passing to the limit as T → ∞ in (3.19), one obtains a contradiction with the assumption Ωw(x)dσ>0. This proves part (i) of Theorem 1.1. If N ≥ 3 and


    one can check easily that


    Hence, passing to the limit as T → ∞ in (3.18), we obtain a contradiction. This proves part (ii) of Theorem 1.1.

  2. λ > − N222 .

    In this case, one has λN > 0. Moreover, it can be easily seen that, if




    Hence, passing to the limit as T → ∞ in (3.17), we lead to contradiction. This proves part (i) of Theorem 1.2. □

3.2 Existence results

Now, we prove the existence results given by part (iii) of Theorem 1.1 and part (ii) of Theorem 1.2.

Proof of part (iii) of Theorem 1.1

Let N ≥ 3, α, β ≥ 0, (α, β) ≠ (0, 0), λ = − N222 , and

p>1+4N2. (3.20)




u(x)=ε|x|μln(τ|x|)δ,xΩ. (3.21)

Elementary calculations show that



Δλu(x)|u(x)|p=εδ(1δ)|x|μ2ln(τ|x|)δ2εp|x|μpln(τ|x|)δp=ε|x|μ2ln(τ|x|)δ2δ(1δ)εp1|x|μpμ+2ln(τ|x|)δ(p1)+2. (3.22)

On the other hand, by (3.20), it holds that


Hence, there exists a constant A > 0 such that


which yields (by (3.22))


Since 0 < δ < 1, taking 0 < ε < δ(1δ)A1p1, one obtains


On the other hand, for r = |x|, we have

αuν+βu|Ω=αur+βu|r=1=ε(lnτ)δ1(βαμ)lnταδ:=w. (3.23)

Since τ>eαδβαμ, we deduce that w > 0. Hence, the function u defined by (3.21) is a stationary solution to (1.1)(1.2), where w > 0 is given by (3.23). This proves part (iii) of Theorem 1.1. □

Proof of part (ii) of Theorem 1.2

Let N ≥ 2, α, β ≥ 0, (α, β) ≠ (0, 0), λ > − N222 , and

p>1+4N2+2λN. (3.24)


2N2λN<δ<min2p1,2N2+λN (3.25)


0<εδ2+(2N)δ+λ1p1, (3.26)


u(x)=ε|x|δ,xΩ. (3.27)

Notice that by (3.24), the set of δ satisfying (3.25) is nonempty. Moreover, by (3.25), since λ > − N222 , one has


Elementary calculations show that


Hence, using (3.25) and (3.26), we obtain


On the other hand, for r = |x|, we have


Hence, we deduce that the function u defined by (3.27) is a stationary solution to (1.1)(1.2), where wε (β-αδ) > 0. This proves part (ii) of Theorem 1.2. □


The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University for funding this work through research group No. RGP-237. The authors are grateful to the anonymous reviewers and editor for their positive assessment and the constructive comments.

  1. Conflict of interest

    Conflict of interest statement: Authors state no conflict of interest.


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Received: 2021-03-02
Accepted: 2021-04-01
Published Online: 2021-05-04

© 2021 Mohamed Jleli et al., published by De Gruyter

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