
The phyllosphere is one of the largest microbial habitats globally yet remains understudied (Vorholt 2012). The phyllosphere can encompass all the aerial parts of the plant (Vorholt 2012), but most commonly is referred to as the surface and interior of the leaves (Redford et al. 2010; Vacher et al. 2016). Phyllosphere microorganisms provide benefits to the plant, such as increased nutrient cycling, disease suppression, and growth promotion among many others. Fürnkranz et al. (2008) found that some species of tropical plants had higher rates of beneficial nitrogen fixation by diazotrophic phyllosphere bacteria. Vogel et al. (2016) and Jarvis et al. (2015) both found that the pre-existing phyllosphere bacterial communities combined with plant genetics, impacted the reaction to and the extent of disease on plants that had been inoculated with known pathogens. Phyllosphere microbial communities also play important roles in promoting plant growth (Batool et al. 2016), and the diversity and abundance of these communities can impact the levels of insect herbivory (Humphrey et al. 2014). Finally, phyllosphere bacteria are likely an important driver in the global methane cycle and other global nutrient cycling processes (Iguchi et al. 2015).

Despite the importance of phyllosphere microbial communities for overall plant and ecosystem functioning, they remain poorly described, particularly in agricultural systems, which account for 37% (1385 mil. ha) of the global land use in 2017 (FAOSTAT 2017). With the global population predicted to reach 9 billion by 2050, agricultural intensification will increase (Glibert et al.2010). Producing more food on decreasing arable land and in more erratic climate conditions poses a unique and difficult problem for crop breeders and farmers. Breeding crops to have a more robust microbiome may be a sustainable way to improve crop yield without additional inputs or an increase in cultivated land (Ryan et al. 2009). However, before crops can be successfully bred to optimize microbiome contributions, we must first understand the diversity and dynamics of the microbiome of crop plants.

Canola (Brassica napus) is produced for its high-quality oil, and increasingly, to be used as high-quality animal feed and for the production of biofuels. Canada is the leading producer of canola, with an estimated 3 million tons produced in 2018 (AFFC 2019). The importance and large-scale production of canola makes it a good target for microbiome studies. Canola also has large nitrogen requirements. Using microbiome manipulation to increase nitrogen use efficiency could help make canola a more sustainable crop. Additionally, the use of genetically modified crops, including canola, is widely banned in Europe. Breeding canola with improved microbiomes could help lessen the disease pressure placed on canola or rapeseed crops that cannot be modified genetically to ameliorate some of this pressure. Work on the microbiome of canola and oilseed crops has focused primarily on the roots and rhizosphere (Copeland et al. 2015; Cordero et al. 2020; Gopalakrishnan et al. 2015; Glaeser et al. 2020), or on cultured microbial isolates (Romero et al. 2019) or pathogens from Brassica species, and not on the microbiome as a whole (Wassermann et al. 2017). In some cases, the interaction of canola root- and rhizosphere-associated microbiomes with other crops was considered (Hilton et al. 2018; Schlatter et al. 2019). To date, only one study has examined the canola phyllosphere microbiome (Copeland et al. 2015) observing differences compared to common bean and soybean. They further observed that the canola phyllosphere microbiome was affected by rainfall and became increasingly different from the rhizosphere community as the growing season progressed.

Not only does the composition of the phyllosphere remain understudied but what impacts the assembly of these communities has also been largely ignored. Many of the studies on the canola microbiome have both limited sampling dates and canola lines. In order to successfully breed B. napus to have a more robust microbiome we must first gain an understanding of how the microbiome develops and changes throughout the growing season for the whole plant, not just in the rhizosphere. In this study, we examined the bacterial phyllosphere microbiome of eight different lines of B. napus in Saskatchewan over a ten-week period to determine the composition of the phyllosphere and what factors are important for the structuring of bacterial communities on leaf surfaces. We hypothesized that the phyllosphere bacterial community composition would vary with developmental stage and B. napus line.


Eight lines of B. napus (Mason et al. 2017; Clarke et al. 2016) were seeded on May 28 or 29, 2017 in the field at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) research farm outside of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada (52.1718° N, 106.5052° W) which lies in the dark brown soil zone (Chernozem). The plots were seeded using a 6 row, double disc drill with 1284 B. napus seeds applied per plot (6.1 m long by 1.8 m wide). A granular blend of 20–8–0-20 fertilizer was applied on May 23 at the rate of 139 kg ha−1. These lines of Brassica napus are part of the AAFC canola breeding program and thus were not commercial canola varieties, but rather different lines created by nested associating mapping, referred to as NAM lines (Clarke et al. 2016). They ranged in seed origin and color, fiber content, erucic acid content and seed glucosinolate levels (SI Table 1) meaning that some of them were not technically canola which requires a low erucic acid content, but all lines were varying varieties of B. napus. Differences in these traits will result in differences in oil quality and are related to phenological development. Bazghaleh et al. (2020) have described the experimental design extensively, but briefly, the site consisted of three replicate blocks with each B. napus line seeded randomly within each block, but not repeated within a block. All lines were planted on May 28, 2017. The site received 127.9 mm of precipitation throughout the growing season with a mean air temperature of 16.4 °C. Several leaf samples were collected from each of the eight lines in each block every week for ten weeks beginning on June 20, 2017 until August 22, 2017. Plants on the edges of the block were avoided as these leaves were visibly dusty and thus would likely have a different microbiome than most leaves on the interior of the rows. Leaves that were clearly diseased, had extensive insect damage or were senescing as the plant matured were also avoided, as these leaves did not represent the majority of the leaves present and would again bias the microbiome results. During flowering, uppermost leaves were avoided as these leaves had a thick layer of petals on them and differentiating the leaf microbiome from the flower microbiome would have been impossible. However, some petal contamination was impossible to avoid, but was bypassed when feasible. Finally, during the later stages of seed development and ripening, leaves that were mostly senesced were avoided as dead tissue would cause large changes in the microbiome. Leaf samples, consisting of only one or two leaves were placed into sterile whirl-pak bags (Nasco, Wisconsin, USA) and placed onto ice. Leaf samples from the same NAM line, but from different blocks were not combined and plants were not destructively sampled as only a single leaf or two were sampled. One sample from each NAM line in each block was collected (24 samples) as well as one randomly selected duplicate sample within block (line was not considered here), leading to the collection of 27 samples collected weekly, or 270 samples over the entire growing season. Samples were then returned to the lab and stored at −80 °C until further processing.

Frozen, brittle leaves were crumbled manually in the whirl-pak and a 0.05 g subsample was taken and extracted using Qiagen PowerPlant extraction kit (Hilden, Germany) following manufacturer instructions. After extraction, DNA was tested for quantity and quality following the standard Qubit protocol (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham Massachusetts). Template DNA was standardized to 4 ng μl−1 prior to amplification. Bacterial diversity was assessed by amplifying the V4 region of the bacterial 16S rRNA using the primer set 515F with Illumina adapters (5’ TCGTCGGCAGCGTCAGATGTGTATAAGAGACAGGTGYCAGCMGCCGCGGTAA 3′) and the 806R (5′ - GTCTCGTGGGCTCGGAGATGTGTATAAGAGACAG GGA CTA CCG GGG TAT CT - 3′) (Walters et al. 2015). The PCR reaction mix consisted of 7 μl Invitrogen Platinum SuperFi PCR master mix (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, Massachusetts), 0.1 μl of each primer (10 μM stock), 3 μl (5 μM stock) plastid peptide nucleic acid blocker (pPNA) and 2 ul (5 μM stock) mitochondrial peptide nucleic acid blocker (mPNA) (PNA Bio, California, USA) and 10.3 μl nuclease free water, and 2 μl of the standardized template DNA. PNAs were included to block the amplification of host DNA, plant mitochondria and chloroplasts, which are a common contaminant from plant tissues (Ray and Nordén 2000, Von Wintzingerode et al. 2000). The PCR conditions were 95 °C for 5 min as an initial denaturization, followed by 95 °C for 30 s., 78 °C for 10 s., 54 °C for 45 s., 72 °C for 60 s. for 35 cycles, and a final elongation of 72 °C for 7 min. Negative controls and PCR duplicates were included. PCR product was purified to eliminate primers and impurities using 1:1 ratio of Nucleomag NGS clean-up and size select (D-mark Biosciences, Scarborough, Ontario). Randomly selected duplicates were included during DNA extraction, amplification, and sequencing stages adding in 56 duplicates, bringing the total sample size to 326. After purification, samples were indexed following the Illumina protocol (Illumina, San Diego, California), purified again to remove excess index primers, quantified and standardized to 4 nM, and pooled. Pooled libraries were then sequenced using the Illumina MiSeq platform using V3 chemistry.

A total of 326 samples were sequenced resulting in 10,839,325 reads with an average of 18,186 reads per sample. Sequences were imported into QIIME2 v 2019.1 (Bolyen et al. 2018) and primers were removed using cutadapt (Martin 2011). Reads were then processed into amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) and chimeras were removed using Deblur (Amir et al. 2017) resulting in 1968 ASVs. ASVs were then classified using a 515/806 trained Greengenes database classifier (Desantis et al. 2006). Host mitochondria and chloroplasts were removed after classification. Host DNA ranged from 6% to 100% of the read in each sample with an average of 32% across samples. The abundance and taxonomy artifacts produced in QIIME2 were exported to BIOM format (McDonald et al. 2012) for processing in R v. 3.5.3 (R Core Team 2018). Where available, species level classification was used although the authors recognize that there are issues (Johnson et al. 2019), this is standard practice at the time of writing. If a species level classification was not available, the ASV was marked as Unclassified. This was also done for higher levels of taxonomy.

To select the core microbiome (Shade and Handelsman 2012; Lundberg et al. 2013; Vandenkoornhuyse et al. 2015; Shade and Stopnisek 2019), each ASV was converted from number of reads to presence or absence. No singletons or doubletons formed part of the core, with all members being both prevalent (present every week during sampling) and abundant (> 0.05% of all reads). The ASVs that were present across all lines and weeks were selected as the Core and represents 15 ASVs, which fall into four different classifications (Table 1). Upon this conversion, it was noted that there appeared to be a shift in community composition after flowering. The alpha diversity indices for the weeks before and after flowering were similar despite there being a shift in community composition. To investigate if there was a shift in composition, that was not being reflected accurately in the diverisity indices, the community was subset into (i) ASVs present in all weeks up to and including flowering (Flowering) and (ii) those present in all weeks after flowering (Pod), using the same prescence and absence matrix that was used to select the core that was present across all ten weeks. In order for an ASV to be selected for either the Flowering or Pod communities, the ASV had to be present consistently every week either before or after flowering. There were 111 ASVs present before and during flowering (Flowering) and 16 present post flowering (Pod), a small porportion of the original 1968 ASVs. This separation into Flowering and Pod allowed for the conservation of the shift in community composition that would not have been captured by examining the entirety of the sampling period together, nor by looking at diversity metrics alone. The Flowering community has distinct ASVs from that of the Pod community as many of the ASVs present during and before the flowering stage disappeared once the plants matured into seed and pod development. However, for analysis both of these communites do inlcude the original 15 Core ASVs, as this small subset of ASVs were present all ten weeks. This resulted in Flowering consisting of 126 ASVs and Pod having 31 ASVs. Unweighted UniFrac distance matrices were performed on the entire data set of 1968 ASVs (Total) and well as the combined Core, Flowering and Pod communities (Expanded Core).

Table 1 The Core microbiome present across all B. napus lines throughout the ten-week sampling period. The relative abundance is expressed as a percentage of the total bacterial abundance, the core relative abundance, for all lines for the entire sampling period. While this table represents 15 ASVs in the Core, these ASVs (amplicon sequence variants) classified into only four different species. Plant pathogenesis, pigment production, and biofilm formation ability are all adaptations giving these core bacteria advantages to colonizing the leaf surface. Expression of these traits are denoted with a plus sign if the bacteria has the capability and a negative sign if the bacteria do not express this capability. These bacterial capabilities are supported by the literature but were not implicitly tested in this study

Alpha diversity was calculated using the package vegan in R (Oksanen et al. 2017). All diversity measures calculate the variety of organisms in a community based on combinations of species richness and evenness (Kim et al. 2017). The Shannon-Weaver index, Abundance-based Coverage Estimate (ACE) and the Simpson Index were chosen because they represent a mix of approaches to diversity. The Shannon-Weaver index places more emphasis on species richness whereas the Simpson index places more emphasis on species evenness (Kim et al. 2017). Unlike the previous two indices, the ACE index takes into consideration the abundance of the species present and for this study most closely reflected the observed diversity. Shannon-Weaver index, ACE (Chao and Lee 1992), Simpson index and species richness (Jost 2007) estimates were calculated and showed similar trends, with peak diversity occurring across all lines during week 4 of sampling and declining steadily with plant maturity (Table 2). However, both the Shannon-Weaver and the Simpson indices showed an initially very high level of diversity, but this is likely an over estimation due to a high abundance of rare ASVs present in the first few weeks.

Table 2 Average diversity metrics of all eight lines of B. napus for each week. Observed diversity is simply the average number of ASVs (amplicon sequence variant) per sample present and ACE is the Abundance-based Coverage Estimate. Larger numbers represent higher diversity

The BBCH-scale is a scale used to uniformly identify and quantify the phenological stages of plant development, with scales developed for species specific development (Lancashire et al. 1991). Despite differences in crop species as well as varietal differences, all plants have the same growth stages of leaf development, formation of side shoots, stem elongation, harvestable vegetative plant part development, inflorescence emergence, flowering, seed development, ripening and senescence. All B. napus lines were assigned BBCH weekly using the Canola Council of Canada BBCH guide (Canola Council of Canada 2020a, b) and were averaged. This was done because despite identical planting times, the eight B. napus lines did exhibit some differences in plant development. Sampling week 1 and 2 took place during the leaf development stage for most B. napus lines sampled, with bolting happening during week 3 (Fig. 1). Peak flowering was reached for most lines during sampling week 4 (Flowering) with seed development occurring in the following two weeks (Pod). The last four weeks of sampling were characterized by ripening of the B. napus seed pods (Pod).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Abundance-based Coverage Estimate (ACE) average of the bacterial community on the leaf surface against the average BBCH of all 8 lines of B. napus across the ten sampling weeks. Each point is the average ACE for that week for the community microbiome (1968 ASVs (amplicon sequence variants) with error bars representing the standard error of the estimate. The BBCH range represents the range of BBCH observed across the eight different lines for that sampling week. Change in BBCH stage is indicated by changes in background color with the name of the stage indicated at the top of the colored bar

Permutational analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) was performed using the adonis function in the vegan package in R (Oksanen et al. 2017). The weighted and unweighted UniFrac (Lozupone and Knight 2005) distances were calculated using the phyloseq package (McMurdie and Holmes 2013), for the entire community (Total), the Expanded Core (Core, Flower and Pod communities) as well as the communities present before and during flowering (Flower) and the communities present after flowering (Pod). UniFrac distances were used instead of Bray-Curtis or other similar methods, to maintain the phylogenetic signals as there was a shift in community composition from the community present pre-flowering and post-flowering. Other distance matrices that do not contain phylogenetic information would not accurately capture this shift.

Distance-based redundancy analysis (dbRDA) (Legendre and Andersson 1999) was performed using the capscale function in the vegan package in R (Oksanen et al. 2017). The weighted and unweighted UniFrac matrices for both the Total and the Expanded Core communities were constrained by NAM line and BBCH growth stage, as well as the interaction, and these constraints were then analyzed using the anova function (base R). Given that block was found to not be significant for any of the communities in the PERMANOVA results it was not included in the dbRDAs.

To isolate the effect of B. napus NAM line more thoroughly, a dbRDA was performed constraining each UniFrac matrix by growth stage only. This was done to investigate whether NAM line influenced the community when it was not outweighed by the importance of growth stage. The residuals of this model were extracted, and an additional dbRDAs were performed constraining by NAM line. By doing this we accounted for the effect of growth stage without the influence of NAM line, then after this variation was accounted for, we could isolate the additional variation caused by NAM line alone without the large signal of growth stage overshadowing the effect of NAM line.


The leaf bacterial community was dominated by a small subset of the total ASVs present. The leaf microbial community (Fig. 2) of 1968 ASVs was primarily Proteobacteria (79%), followed by Bacteroidetes (7%), Acidobacteria (6%) and Firmicutes (6%). The Proteobacteria were primarily Gammaproteobacteria (74%), followed by Betaproteobacteria (20%) and Alphaproteobacteria (4.7%). However, despite 1968 ASVs being present, the majority of the community was dominated by a few species. The Expanded Core microbiome of 136 ASVs were primarily Pseudomonas virdiflava (Table 1) (12.9% of the Total, 31.9% Core), followed by Pantoea sp. (10.6% Total, 12.5% Core), Massilia sp. (5% Total, 13.1% Core) and Stenotrophomonas retroflexus (2.9% Total, 5.6% Core) (Fig. 2). However, it should be noted that these identifications are tentative due to the difficulty of assigning taxonomy using only one region of the bacterial genome.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Relative abundance of genera that composed the Core as well as the communities present during the Flowering and Pod stages (Expanded Core). Many of the ASVs (amplicon sequence variants) in the Expanded Core were classified into the same genus or even species, but due to the nature of ASVs, they remained separate. For this graphic, the ASVs present in the Expanded Core have been grouped into genus instead of showing all 136 individual ASVs in the Expanded Core. Colors are grouped as genus and the weekly range of BBCH observed is present on the x axis

Bacterial diversity was highest during week four, or the flowering period for both the observed diversity (the number of ASVs present) and abundance-based coverage estimator (ACE) (Table 2 and Fig. 1). The highest diversity for the Shannon index and inverse Simpson was observed during the first sampling week (Table 2), however there was a sharp decline in both of these indices during the second sampling week with both reaching a peak during the flowering period. The initially high diversity found during week one was likely due to the plants being recently emerged from the soil and thus still being colonized by primarily by soil bacteria. After flowering, all the diversity indices declined steadily to levels similar to, or lower than those observed during the leaf development stages. There was a sharp decrease in diversity between weeks six and seven (Fig. 2 and Table 2) which could have been caused by low precipitation. Diversity increased again during weeks seven to nine, only to decrease again at week ten. The overall decline in diversity after flowering could have been caused by the gradual leaf senescence that occurs with B. napus during seed production.

PERMANOVA results indicated that stage was the primary factor shaping the community structure. The PERMANOVA of the Total weighted UniFrac distances (Table 3) showed that plant development stage (BBCH) significantly affected the community composition (p = 0.026, R2 = 0.029) and that NAM line was nearly significant (p = 0.06, R2 = 0.021) (Table 3). There were no significant terms for the PERMANOVA of the Total Unweighted UniFrac Distances (Table 3). For the Expanded Core, stage was significant in the Weighted Unifrac distances (p = 0.018, R2 = 0.026). In the unweighted Flower community, there was only a marginally significant interaction between NAM line, stage and block (Table 3). Stage was significant for both the Weighted (p = 0.001, R2 = 0.039) and Unweighted (p = 0.001, R2 = 0.052) UniFrac distances of the Pod community. Additionally, NAM line was significant (p = 0.045, R2 = 0.048) for the weighted UniFrac distances in the Pod community (Table 3).

Table 3 Permutational analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) Tables. B. napus (NAM) line, growth stage, block and all the interactions were used as covariates. Both weighted UniFrac distances and unweighted UniFrac distances were analyzed for the Total community, the Expanded Core community and the communities present before and after flowering

Given the significant, but low, explanatory values given by the PERMANOVAs, db-RDAs were done to further isolate the effects driving community composition while maintaining the phylogenetic relationships provided by the UniFrac distance matrices. Similar to the PERMANOVAs, the db-RDAs indicated that growth stage was the dominate factor shaping the bacterial community. BBCH stage significantly (p < 0.001) affected Total bacterial community structure for both weighted and unweighted UniFrac dbRDA analyses (Fig. 3). NAM line was significant only for the unweighted UniFrac analysis of the Total community (p = 0.048; Table 3 and Fig. 3b). There was a marginally significant NAM line by growth stage interaction for the unweighted Total community (p = 0.058; Table 3) and for the weighted, Expanded Core community (p = 0.030; Table 3), likely caused by slight differences in plant development times between lines. In the dbRDA models of the Total community, BBCH stage and NAM line explained 28% of the variance in the weighted Unifrac analysis (Fig. 3a) and 24% of the variance in the unweighted UniFrac analysis (Fig. 3b). The slight decrease in explanatory power between the weighted and unweighted analysis could have been caused by the bacterial community being largely dominated by a small number of ASVs, which would not have been reflected in the unweighted distance matrix. When only the Expanded Core was analysed using dbRDA, this increased to 41% (SI Fig. 1a) and 32% (SI Fig. 1b) for the weighted and unweighted community analyses (Table 3). This increase in explanatory power is likely caused by the reduction in the number of ASVs included in the analysis (1968 ASVs in the Total to 136 ASVs in the Expanded Core). Despite there being a large number of rare ASVs, they were not abundant thus reducing the noise for the analysis. For the Flowering community, stage was significant for both the weighted (p = 0.002) and unweighted (p = 0.001) UniFrac matrices, but neither NAM line nor the interaction of NAM line and stage were significant for either (Table 3). For the Pod Development community, stage was significant for both the weighted (p = 0.003) and the unweighted (p = 0.001) UniFrac matrices, but again, neither NAM line nor the interaction was significant (Table 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Distance-based redundancy analysis (dbRDA) of the weighted (28% of the variation) UniFrac distances (a) and unweighted (24% of the variation) UniFrac distances (b) of the Total bacterial community, across the entire 10-week sampling period, constrained by BBCH (p = 0.001) stage x B. napus line (NAM) (not significant) (biplots). Points are colored based on B. napus growth stage and correspond with the colors in Fig. 1

For the Total community dbRDA, BBCH stage alone explained 19% of the variation observed for the weighted UniFrac matrix (Fig. 3a) and 12% of the variation for the unweighted UniFrac matrix (Fig. 3b). NAM line was observed to have slight differences in development time and visual appearance of the leaves (observations from the field) however these differences had little effect on the bacterial communities present on the leaves. After isolating the residuals of each of the above models, NAM line explained only 2% of the variation observed and was not significant for the weighted UniFrac distance residuals. Similarly, for the unweighted UniFrac distance residuals, NAM line explained 3% (p = 0.1) of the variation. For the Expanded Core community, growth stage alone explained 28% of the variation observed for the weighted UniFrac matrix (Fig. 3a) and 19% for the unweighted matrix (Fig. 3b). NAM line explained 3% for the weighted and unweighted Expanded Core residuals and was not significant. The leaf is an inhospitable environment which can change drastically with plant growth stage, thus the small differences in NAM line were likely insignificant to shaping the bacterial community when compared to the much larger force of plant growth stage.


B. napus growth stage is the dominant factor shaping the bacterial community present on the leaves, throughout the growing season with a distinct community present before and after flowering. The distinct community is evidenced by the Flowering community with 111 ASVs present every week before flowering, with most of these disappearing after flowering, leaving only 16 ASVs present in the Pod community. Additionally, significant differences in both PERMANOVAs and dbRDAs were found when comparing the weighted UniFrac to the unweighted UniFrac distances, with BBCH stage being significant for both the total community and the Expanded Core. Differences between weighted UniFrac, which uses phylogenetic relationships as well as abundance, and unweighted UniFrac, which does not use abundance, indicate that both community structure, and evenness change throughout the sampling period (Lozupone et al. 2007). If both community structure and evenness were not significantly impacted by BBCH growth stage, there would be no significant differences between the weighted and unweighted UniFrac distances.

The dominance of growth stage appears to outweigh the importance of different B. napus lines on shaping the bacterial community despite differences in NAM line as the Expanded Core remained abundant and constant and only the composition of the rare ASVs seemed to vary. Furthermore, NAM line significantly impacted the community structure only a limited number of times (Table 3). It is unclear if this is a B. napus specific finding or perhaps a phyllosphere specific finding. Crop variety has been shown to impact rhizosphere communities (Edwards et al. 2015, Coleman-Derr et al. 2016, Dombrowski et al. 2017). Additionally, Bokulich et al. (2014) found that microbial communities in grape must varied with grape cultivar. However, crop line has variable impacts on phyllosphere communities. Singh et al. (2019) found that grape cultivar impacted the microbial community present in the phyllosphere. Conversely, Johnston-Monje et al. (2016) found that maize genotype had no effect on microbial communities in the phyllosphere. Most importantly, Copeland et al. (2015) did not find that B. napus line impacted the microbial communities in the phyllosphere. The lack of impact of line on bacterial community structure could be due to thick, waxy cuticle present on B. napus leaves. The thick cuticle likely makes the B. napus leaf an inhospitable environment for bacteria with low availability of plant derived carbon (Vorholt 2012; Vacher et al. 2016). More work is needed to characterize the phyllosphere and impact of line on B. napus as well as other crops.

Copeland et al. (2015) found that the canola phyllosphere was dominated by a few high abundant genera with many rare ASVs, with decreasing diversity as the growing season progressed. However, they examined only sampling date, but not plant growth stage, so while the trends are similar, it is difficult to extrapolate further. The dbRDAs, as well as the PERMANOVA results suggest that perhaps B. napus line plays a larger role in structuring the rare ASVs present on the leaves, but not the Expanded Core microbiome which was comprised of relatively abundant bacteria. This is especially true for the Pod community which showed a significant effect of NAM line on the unweighted UniFrac distances, but not in the weighted UniFrac distances. Since the unweighted UniFrac distances do not incorporate abundance, simply presence or absence of an ASV, this indicates that there might be a larger influence of line on the rarer ASVs, which are not given as much weight when using the abundance weighted UniFrac distance matrix. However, there appears to be no consistent patterns in what rare ASVs are present throughout the sampling season, unlike the Expanded Core community, that was generally highly abundant, relative to other taxa. This lack of both consistency and abundance suggests that perhaps these rare ASVs are transitory inhabitants of the leaves that may be selected for by more nuanced biochemical or morphological characteristics that are line specific, such as cuticle thickness or unmeasured secondary metabolites. In other words, the composition of the rare ASVs is likely determined by the stochastic effects of random replication, death and immigration, whereas the Expanded Core bacterial community is likely selected primarily by plant growth stage, making it a more deterministic process.

Changes in the plant bacterial microbiome with plant growth stage are well documented for rhizosphere soils (Smalla et al. 2001, Wagner et al. 2014, 2016, Copeland et al. 2015, Hilton et al. 2018) so it is not surprising that growth stage changes were found in B. napus leaves. Additionally, it has been well documented that plants undergo large physiological and biochemical changes during flowering and fruit production (Nitsch 1965, Mohan Ram and Rao 1984, Shu et al. 2010). B. napus leaves have a thick, waxy cuticle which thickens with age. This thickening of the cuticle would make access to plant derived carbon more limited as the plant ages, which could be the cause of the shifts observed during the growing season. Furthermore, during flowering, the petals are quickly shed, many of which land on the leaf. This additional and large source of labile carbon could be one of the factors accounting for the large increase in bacterial diversity and abundance seen around the time of flowering. After flowering, as the seeds begin to develop and ripen, many of the different lines started to show signs of leaf senescence and death, in some cases shedding their leaves entirely. This slow leaf senescence coupled with the thickened waxy cuticle likely drives the rapid decrease in bacterial diversity seen after flowering. While both the PERMANOVA results and the db-RDAs have relatively small R2, their cumulative effect explains quite a bit of the variation. It is well established that environmental variables or unmeasured variables explain most of the variation seen in microbial communities and it is not uncommon to have low R2 (Redford et al. 2010, Wagner et al. 2014, Coleman-Derr et al. 2016, Leff et al. 2017,), therefore these results are valid despite the relatively low explanatory power of each variable.

The most prevalent non-pathogenic ASVs in the phyllosphere appear to be well suited for life in this difficult environment. Stenotrophomonas retroflexus forms biofilms, which could aid in the colonization of the leaf surface and protect the bacteria from desiccation and UV stress (Ren et al. 2015, Lui et al. 2017). Oxalobacteraceae massilia exists in the rhizosphere, root surface and seed coat of cucumber plants, so it’s not unexpected to find it on the leaf surface as well (Ofek et al. 2012). Additionally, this species varies with plant development stage in cucumber plants so given that we see large growth stage patterns in B. napus leaves, we might expect to see a similar pattern here (Ofek et al. 2012). Enterobacteriaceae Pantoea is a functionally diverse genera with plant growth promoting abilities, nitrogen fixing capabilities, can produce antibiotics and might be an opportunistic pathogen (Walterson and Stavrinides 2015; Coutinho and Venter 2009). Many species of Pantoea are also pigmented, which also likely increases their ability to withstand UV stress, making them well suited for life in the phyllosphere (Andrews and Harris 2000). Furthermore, Pantoea spp. live in other extreme environments such as oil sands (Mitter et al. 2017) and seeds (Feng et al. 2006) indicating that they can live in difficult environments such as the phyllosphere. However, given the uncertainty of assigning taxonomy based on 16S rRNA sequencing alone, a follow-up, culture dependent study to determine the identity and functionality of these ASVs would be needed to confirm these potential functions in the B. napus phyllosphere.

The most common ASV found was Pseudomonas virdiflava. This is a pathogenic species that causes foliar blights, root rots, and stem necrosis (Marina et al. 2008; Sarris et al. 2012). Furthermore, this species can cause disease in a wide variety of cultivated plants, including cantaloupe, celery and tomatoes. Typical pathology for infection caused by Pseudomonas virdiflava is the wilting and yellowing of leaves, which was seen in the B. napus leaves, but the plants did not have high disease levels, and this could have been normal leaf senescence. Culture dependent methods would need to be employed to verify if the observed wilting and yellowing leaves observed in the field was indeed caused by Pseudomonas virdiflava as its presence alone does not indicate the cause of disease.

The initially very high estimates of diversity during the first sampling week (Table 1) was likely caused by the plants being relatively small during the first sampling week as they were still in the leaf development stage, with two to six leaves. These plants had only recently emerged and may have been predominantly colonized by bacteria originating from the soil. The large number of unique or low abundance ASVs found during the first sampling week quickly disappeared in subsequent weeks as the leave matured (Fig. 2) and may have been selected against by the harsh conditions on the leaf surface. Both the Shannon-Weaver index and the Simpson index include estimates of observed diversity as well evenness but not abundance into the estimates, which likely lead to the over estimation of initial diversity as rare species are given equal weight (Kim et al. 2017). We did not see the same initial trend in the ACE metric likely because the ACE metric uses both evenness and abundance of rare ASVs to estimate the likelihood of a particular ASV to be present or not (Kim et al. 2017). A similar phenomenon was observed by Copeland et al. (2015) where the Shannon diversity index was very high initially and the community composition was similar to the soil, but as the growing season progressed, the diversity index decreased, and the leaves developed communities that were distinct from the soil.

Increasing bacterial diversity between the initial sampling week and the peak at flowering could have been caused by a number of factors. It is well established that while phyllosphere communities are separate from rhizosphere communities they do have considerable overlap in community composition (Wagner et al. 2014; Copeland et al. 2015; Wagner et al. 2016). This increase in diversity leading up to flowering could stem from the deposition of soil dust from nearby farming activities. Vokou et al. (2012) found air samples and the phyllosphere of nine different species shared a similar composition, suggesting that aerial deposition is a likely source of bacterial diversity on plants. Aerial deposition of soil dust would also explain the overlap in community composition between the rhizosphere and phyllosphere seen in other studies as the rhizosphere draws its community from the surrounding bulk soil which would also be the source of the dust. Additionally, this increase in diversity could be caused by visiting pollinators or insect herbivory. Humphrey et al. (2014) found that insect herbivory was positively correlated with bacterial diversity in the phyllosphere. The most likely explanation for the increasing diversity is a combination of aerial soil deposition, insect drivers and the plants selecting for a beneficial community.

Pre-flowering, the bacterial community on the leaves had greater diversity members (Fig. 2, SI Table 2), compared to the Pod community. These functionally rich bacteria included members of the Bradyrhizobiaceae which are well documented for their widespread symbiosis with plants and their ability to fix nitrogen (Marcondes de Souza et al. 2014; Gopalakrishnan et al. 2015). There were other nitrogen-associated bacteria present pre-flowering as well, such as Nitrosovibrio tenuis which oxidized ammonium (Harms et al. 1976) and Streptomyces mirabilis which produces the enzyme nitroreductase and has shown antifungal and antibacterial activity (Bordoloi et al. 2001; Yang et al. 2012). Other functionally useful bacteria present on the leaves pre-flowering that disappear after flowering included Burkholderia bryophila which has been shown to have anti-fungal activity, carbon monoxide reduction capabilities and plant growth promoting properties (Vandamme et al. 2007; Weber and King 2012) which would be useful to the B. napus plant as many of its major pathogens are fungal (Canola Council of Canada 2020a, b). Methylobacterium were also present on the leaves prior to flowering. This species can use both methane and methanol as a carbon source, both of which are byproducts of plant metabolism (Hanson and Hanson 1996; Nisbet et al. 2009; Dorokhov et al. 2018). Furthermore, Methylobacterium has the ability to form biofilms, making it well adapted for life in the phyllosphere (Hanson and Hanson 1996).

This bacterial diversity largely disappears after flowering (Fig. 2, SI Table 2), with the majority of the core species found post flowering simply being additional AVSs of the core bacteria present throughout the entire growing season and a large dip in diversity seen between weeks six and seven. This decrease in diversity (Fig. 2 and Table 2) could have been caused by weeks five and six having relatively low precipitation and hotter temperatures (unpublished site data). The recovery of some diversity in weeks eight and nine was likely caused by these weeks experiencing much cooler and wetter conditions, allowing the bacteria present the moisture needed to rebound. The phyllosphere is a harsh environment that can fluctuate rapidly in temperature, moisture and ultraviolet radiation levels, all of which will have an impact on the bacterial communities living on the surface of these leaves (Kinkel 1997; Vorholt 2012; Vacher et al. 2016). However, this diversity was not maintained during week ten as most of the leaves on the plants were undergoing senescence at this point. Despite this one anomalous large dip in diversity, the overall trend of decreasing diversity stands with one exception. Firmicute Exiguobacterium was not found in the pre-flowering core community and was abundant in the Pod community. Exiguobacterium is not widely studied creating large gaps in knowledge about this genus, however it has been shown to grow in difficult environments (Vishnivetskaya et al. 2009) which could be the plant preparing for transfer to the seed (Shade et al. 2017) or the community adapting to the quickly senescing leaves.

Plant growth stage, but not B. napus line, was the dominant factor in shaping the bacterial phyllosphere across all eight lines of B. napus sampled. There was a small, but abundant Core community present throughout the growing season, regardless of plant growth stage with rarer ASVs changing rapidly and seemingly without pattern. Initially, there was very high diversity, but this was likely caused by colonization by soil bacteria that quickly selected against due to the difficult nature of life in the phyllosphere. During the development stages, the bacterial community retained some of this diversity which included a higher potential for functional diversity. The bacterial community reached peak diversity during flowering and rapidly became much less diverse during the pod development and ripening stage, consisting primarily of ASVs from a small number of genera. These swift changes in both diversity, abundant and rare ASV composition suggests that while the plant has some control over the community composition, likely based on growth stage, there is also a probable large stochastic component to the community assembly processes. Community assembly process on the phyllosphere warrant further investigation as research into harnessing the microbiome for plant health intensifies. This work shows that the bacterial community present will change drastically throughout the growing season, and that multiple sampling points are necessary to get an accurate look at the microbiome and how it interacts with the plant as it develops.