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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter February 23, 2021

Covering classes and 1-tilting cotorsion pairs over commutative rings

  • Silvana Bazzoni ORCID logo EMAIL logo and Giovanna Le Gros
From the journal Forum Mathematicum


We are interested in characterising the commutative rings for which a 1-tilting cotorsion pair (𝒜,𝒯) provides for covers, that is when the class 𝒜 is a covering class. We use Hrbek’s bijective correspondence between the 1-tilting cotorsion pairs over a commutative ring R and the faithful finitely generated Gabriel topologies on R. Moreover, we use results of Bazzoni–Positselski, in particular a generalisation of Matlis equivalence and their characterisation of covering classes for 1-tilting cotorsion pairs arising from flat injective ring epimorphisms. Explicitly, if 𝒢 is the Gabriel topology associated to the 1-tilting cotorsion pair (𝒜,𝒯), and R𝒢 is the ring of quotients with respect to 𝒢, we show that if 𝒜 is covering, then 𝒢 is a perfect localisation (in Stenström’s sense [B. Stenström, Rings of Quotients, Springer, New York, 1975]) and the localisation R𝒢 has projective dimension at most one as an R-module. Moreover, we show that 𝒜 is covering if and only if both the localisation R𝒢 and the quotient rings R/J are perfect rings for every J𝒢. Rings satisfying the latter two conditions are called 𝒢-almost perfect.

1 Introduction

The classification problem for the category of modules over arbitrary rings is in general hopeless. Approximation theory was developed as a tool to approximate arbitrary modules by modules in certain classes where the classification is more manageable. Left and right approximations were studied in the case of modules over finite-dimensional algebras by Auslander, Reiten and Smalø and independently by Enochs and Xu for modules over arbitrary rings using the terminology of preenvelopes and precovers. An important problem in approximation theory is when minimal approximations, that is covers or envelopes, over certain classes exist. In other words, for a class 𝒞 of modules, the aim is to characterise the rings over which every module has a minimal approximation in 𝒞 and furthermore to characterise the class 𝒞 itself.

In this paper, we study when, for a 1-tilting cotorsion pair (𝒜,𝒯) over a commutative ring R, the class 𝒜 provides for covers.

One of the first examples of the power of studying the module category using the existence of minimal approximations was done for the class of projective modules by Bass [4]. Bass introduced and characterised the class of perfect rings which are exactly the rings over which every module has a projective cover. Moreover, he showed that this is equivalent to the class of projective modules being closed under direct limits. It is interesting to study this closure property for the general case of covering classes.

In fact, a famous theorem of Enochs says that if a class 𝒞 in Mod-R is closed under direct limits, then any module that has a 𝒞-precover has a 𝒞-cover [13]. The converse problem, that is if a covering class 𝒞 is necessarily closed under direct limits, is still an open problem which is known as Enochs Conjecture.

Some significant advancements have been made towards Enochs Conjecture in recent years. In 2017, Angeleri Hügel–Šaroch–Trlifaj in [3] proved that Enochs Conjecture holds for a large class of cotorsion pairs. Explicitly, they proved that, for a cotorsion pair (𝒜,) such that is closed under direct limits, 𝒜 is covering if and only if it is closed under direct limits. In particular, this holds for all tilting cotorsion pairs. The result of Angeleri Hügel–Šaroch–Trlifaj is based on methods developed in Šaroch’s paper [25], which uses sophisticated set-theoretical methods in homological algebra.

Moreover, in a very recent paper by Bazzoni–Positselski–Šťovíček in [10], it is proved using an algebraic approach that, for a cotorsion pair (𝒜,) such that is closed under direct limits and a module M𝒜, if Add(M) is covering, then Add(M) is closed under direct limits. In particular, it follows that Enochs Conjecture holds for tilting cotorsion pairs.

We are interested in giving ring-theoretic characterisations of the commutative rings for which the class 𝒜 of a 1-tilting cotorsion pair provides for covers, by purely algebraic methods. As mentioned in the previous paragraphs, Enochs Conjecture is known to hold for these cotorsion pairs, although via our characterisation of such rings, we find yet another proof of Enochs Conjecture.

In our investigation, we use extensively the bijective correspondence between 1-tilting cotorsion pairs over commutative rings and faithful finitely generated Gabriel topologies, as demonstrated by Hrbek in [16]. More precisely, Hrbek associates to a 1-tilting class 𝒯 the collection of ideals JR which “divide” 𝒯, that is {JJT=Tfor allT𝒯}, and in the converse direction, he associates to a faithful finitely generated Gabriel topology 𝒢 the 1-tilting class, denoted 𝒟𝒢, of the 𝒢-divisible modules, that is the modules M such that JM=M for every J𝒢.

We are interested in a particular type of Gabriel topology. The ring of quotients of R with respect to 𝒢, denoted R𝒢, is 𝒢-divisible if and only if 𝒢 arises from a perfect localisation, that is ψR:RR𝒢 is a flat ring epimorphism and 𝒢={JRψR(J)R𝒢=R𝒢}. Following Stenström’s terminology [24], these Gabriel topologies are called perfect Gabriel topologies.

In Section 4, we first prove that if the class 𝒜 in a 1-tilting cotorsion pair (𝒜,𝒟𝒢) over a commutative ring is covering, then 𝒢 arises from a perfect localisation and that the projective dimension of R𝒢 is at most one as an R-module (see Lemma 4.3 and Proposition 4.4). Then, by work of Angeleri Hügel–Sánchez in [2], R𝒢R𝒢/R is a 1-tilting module with associated cotorsion pair (𝒜,𝒟𝒢).

In this situation, we have a much larger range of theories to use, in particular the works of Bazzoni–Positselski and Positselski.

Indeed, in [7], using the theory of contramodules and the tilting-cotilting correspondence from [22], Bazzoni–Positselski give classification results for some 1-tilting cotorsion pairs satisfying Enochs Conjecture – those which arise from injective homological ring epimorphisms u:RU in the sense of [2].

In [6], we prove that if a 1-tilting class over a commutative ring R is enveloping, then the tilting module arises from an injective flat ring epimorphism and give a ring-theoretic characterisation of the ring in terms of perfectness of the quotient rings R/J for every ideal J in the associated Gabriel topology.

This paper concerns the covering side. We briefly summarise the results of this paper as well as some consequences. Consider a 1-tilting cotorsion pair (𝒜,𝒯) over a commutative ring and the associated Gabriel topology 𝒢. After proving that if 𝒜 is covering, then 𝒢 is a perfect Gabriel topology and the projective dimension of R𝒢 is at most one, we show the following characterisation (Theorem 8.19):

𝒜is covering{R𝒢is a perfect ring,R/Jis a perfect ring for eachJ𝒢.

It is interesting to note that if R𝒢 is a perfect ring, then it follows that 𝒢 is a perfect Gabriel topology (see Lemma 8.1).

The above characterisation uses [9, Theorem 1.2], where Bazzoni and Positselski state that, for a (not necessarily injective) ring epimorphism u:RU such that Tor1R(U,U)=0 and K:=U/u(R), there is a Matlis equivalence between the full subcategory of u-divisible u-comodules and the full subcategory of u-torsion-free u-contramodules via the adjunction pair ((-RK),HomR(K,-)). When u:RU is a flat injective ring epimorphism of commutative rings as in our case, this becomes an equivalence between the 𝒢-divisible 𝒢-torsion modules and the 𝒢-torsion-free u-contramodules.

This paper is structured as follows. We begin with some general preliminaries where we introduce minimal approximations and 1-tilting classes in Section 2. Section 3 makes up the background to our main results. We introduce Gabriel topologies before relating them to some more recent advancements with tilting classes, as well as providing some of our own results. Next, in Section 4, we have an initial main result for a 1-tilting cotorsion pair (𝒜,𝒟𝒢) over a commutative ring R such that 𝒜 is covering. We show that 𝒢 is a perfect localisation and that R𝒢R𝒢/R is a 1-tilting module for the 1-tilting cotorsion pair (𝒜,𝒟𝒢). Next we introduce topological rings and u-contramodules for a ring epimorphism u in Section 5, which will be used for our main results. These results are collected from various papers of Positselski and Bazzoni–Positselski. In Section 6, we again consider a 1-tilting cotorsion pair (𝒜,𝒟𝒢) over a commutative ring R such that 𝒜 is covering and show that R is 𝒢-almost perfect. In Section 7, we introduce -h-local rings with respect to a linear topology over a commutative ring, as a generalisation of results in [8]. In Section 8, we show the converse of the combination of Sections 4 and 6. That is, if (𝒜,𝒟𝒢) is a 1-tilting cotorsion pair over a commutative ring R and R is 𝒢-almost perfect, we show that 𝒜 is covering.

2 Preliminaries

In this section, we recall some definitions and some notation.

All rings will be associative with a unit, Mod-R (R-Mod) the category of right (left) R-modules over the ring R, and mod-R the full subcategory of Mod-R which is composed of all the modules which have a projective resolution consisting of finitely generated projective modules.

For an element x of a right R-module M, let Ann(x) denote the annihilator ideal of x, that is


For a right R-module M and a right ideal I of R, we let M[I] denote the submodule of M of elements which are annihilated by the ideal I. That is, M[I]:={xMxI=0}.

Let 𝒞 be a class of right R-modules. The right ExtR1-orthogonal and right ExtR-orthogonal classes of 𝒞 are defined as follows:

𝒞1={MMod-RExtR1(C,M)=0for allC𝒞},
𝒞={MMod-RExtRi(C,M)=0for allC𝒞,for alli1}.

The left Ext-orthogonal classes 𝒞1 and 𝒞 are defined symmetrically.

If the class 𝒞 has only one element, say 𝒞={X}, we write X1 instead of {X}1, and similarly for the other Ext-orthogonal classes.

We denote by 𝒫n(R) (n(R), n(R)) the class of right R-modules of projective (flat, injective) dimension at most n, or simply 𝒫n (n, n) when the ring is clear from the context. We let 𝒫n(mod-R) denote the intersection of mod-R and 𝒫n(R). The projective dimension (weak or flat dimension, injective dimension) of a right R-module M is denoted p.dimMR (w.dimMR, inj.dimMR).

Given a ring R, the right big finitistic dimension, F.dimR, is the supremum of the projective dimension of right R-modules with finite projective dimension. The right little finitistic dimension, f.dim R, is the supremum of the projective dimension of right R-modules in mod-R with finite projective dimension.

For an R-module C, we let Add(C) denote the class of R-modules which are direct summands of direct sums of copies of C, and Gen(C) the class of R-modules which are homomorphic images of direct sums of copies of C.

Recall that A is a pure submodule of a right R-module B, or AB, if for each finitely presented right module F, the functor HomR(F,-) is exact when applied to the short exact sequence


or equivalently, when for every left R-module M, the functor (-RM) is exact when applied to sequence (2.1). The embedding AB is called a pure embedding, the epimorphism BB/A a pure epimorphism and the short exact sequence (2.1) a pure exact sequence.

Short exact sequences arising from the canonical presentation of a direct limit form an important class of examples of pure exact sequences.

Example 2.1.

Let (Mi,fjii,jI) be a direct system of modules, and consider the direct limit limIMi. The canonical presentation


of limIMi is an example of a pure exact sequence (see e.g. [15, Corollary 2.9]).

A module X is called Σ-pure-split if every pure embedding AB with BAdd(X) splits.

2.1 Homological formulas

The following facts will be useful. Let FR be a right R-module, and let GSR be an R-S-bimodule such that Tor1R(F,G)=0. Then, for every right S-module MS, there is the following injective map of abelian groups:


Let f:RS be a ring homomorphism. Suppose ToriR(M,S)=0 for MMod-R for all 1in and NS is a right S-module (and also a right R-module via the restriction of scalars functor). Then the following holds for all i such that 1in (see for example [21, Lemma 4.2]):


Moreover, if M is as above and N is a left S-module, then the following holds:


2.2 Covers, precovers and cotorsion pairs

For this section, 𝒞 will be a class of right R-modules closed under isomorphisms and direct summands. We recall the definitions of precovers and covers as well as some properties of covers and covering classes.

Many of the results in this section are taken from Xu’s book [26], which generalises work based on Enochs’ paper [13], where he works mainly in the setting where 𝒞 is the class of injective modules or flat modules. For this reason, many results are attributed to Enochs–Xu rather than just Enochs.

Definition 2.2.

A 𝒞-precover of M is a homomorphism ϕ:CM, where C𝒞 with the property that, for every homomorphism f:CM, where C𝒞, there exists f:CC such that ϕf=f:

A 𝒞-cover of M is a 𝒞-precover with the additional property that, for every homomorphism f:CC such that ϕf=ϕ, f is an isomorphism:

A 𝒞-precover ϕ:CM of M is called a special 𝒞-precover if ϕ is an epimorphism and Kerϕ𝒞.

If every R-module has a 𝒞-cover (𝒞-precover, special 𝒞-precover), the class 𝒞 is called covering (respectively, precovering, special precovering). If a cover does exist for a module M, we can describe the relationship between a 𝒞-cover and a 𝒞-precover of M.

Theorem 2.3 ([26, Theorem 1.2.7]).

Suppose C is a class of modules and M admits a C-cover and ϕ:CM is a C-precover. Then C=CK for submodules C,K of C such that the restriction ϕC gives rise to a C-cover of M and KKerϕ.

Corollary 2.4 ([26, Corollary 1.2.8]).

Suppose M admits a C-cover. Then a C-precover ϕ:CM is a C-cover if and only if there is no non-zero direct summand K of C contained in Kerϕ.

The following two theorems will be useful when working with covers.

Theorem 2.5 ([26, Theorem 1.4.7, Theorem 1.4.1]).

Suppose for each integer n1, ϕn:CnMn is a C-cover.

  1. If nϕn:nCnnMn is a 𝒞-precover, then it is also a 𝒞-cover.

  2. The direct sum μn:nCnnMn is a 𝒞-cover of nMn if and only if, for fn:CnCn+1 a family of homomorphisms such that ImfnKerϕn+1, for each xC1, there is an integer m such that


A pair of classes of modules (𝒜,) is a cotorsion pair provided that 𝒜=1 and =𝒜1. A cotorsion pair is called complete if is special preenveloping or equivalently 𝒜 is special precovering. A famous result due to Eklof–Trlifaj states that if 𝒮 is a set, the cotorsion pair ((𝒮1)1,𝒮1) generated by 𝒮 is complete (see [15, Theorem 6.11]).

A cotorsion pair (𝒜,) is called hereditary if ExtRi(A,B)=0 for every A𝒜, B and i>0 (see [15, Lemma 5.24]). Thus if a cotorsion pair (𝒜,) is hereditary, then 𝒜= and =𝒜; thus there is no need to differentiate between 1 and .

A cotorsion pair (𝒜,) is of finite type if there is a set 𝒮 of modules in mod-R such that 𝒮= (recall mod-R denotes the class of modules admitting a projective resolution consisting of finitely generated projective modules). In other words, (𝒜,) is of finite type if and only if =(𝒜mod-R).

2.3 Perfect rings and projective covers

Before giving a characterisation of perfect commutative rings, we must recall some definitions.

One can generalise the notion of a nilpotent ideal to a T-nilpotent ideal, where the T stands for “transfinite”. An ideal I of R is said to be right T-nilpotent if, for every sequence of elements a1,a2,,ai, in I, there exists an n>0 such that anan-1a1=0. For left T-nilpotence, one must have a1a2an=0.

The property of T-nilpotence of an ideal has interesting consequences. In particular, an ideal I is right T-nilpotent if and only if, for every non-zero right R-module M, MI is superfluous in M, MIM (see [1, Lemma 28.3]).

Let J(R) denote the Jacobson radical of R. First recall that a ring R is semilocal if R/J(R) is semisimple. If R is commutative, then R is semilocal if and only if it has only finitely many maximal ideals. A ring R is semiartinian if every non-zero factor of R contains a simple R-submodule.

The following proposition is a composite of well-known characterisations of commutative perfect rings (see for example [4, 17]).

Proposition 2.6.

Suppose R is a commutative ring. The following statements are equivalent for R.

  1. R is perfect (that is, every R-module has a projective cover).

  2. F.dimR=0.

  3. R is a finite product of local rings, each one with a T-nilpotent maximal ideal.

  4. R is semilocal and semiartinian, i.e., R has only finitely many maximal ideals and every non-zero factor of R contains a simple R-module.

Additionally, if R is perfect, then every element of R is either a unit or a zero-divisor.

It was noticed by Bass in [4] that it is sufficient to look at the following nice class of modules to decide if the ring is perfect.

If R is a ring and {a1,a2,,an,} is a sequence of elements of R, a Bass right R-module is a flat module of the form


That is, F is the direct limit of the direct system obtained by considering the left multiplications by the elements ai on R. A direct limit presentation of F is given by the short exact sequence


By the above projective presentation, it is clear that all Bass R-modules have projective dimension at most one. Thus the class of Bass R-modules is contained in 0(R)𝒫1(R). The following result is well known, and it is implicitly proved in Bass’ paper [4].

Lemma 2.7.

Let R be a ring.

  1. If all flat right R-modules have projective covers, then all the flat right R-modules are projective, so the ring is right perfect.

  2. If all Bass right R-modules have projective covers, then the ring R is right perfect.

Recall that the socle of a module M, denoted soc(M), is the sum of its simple submodules. A module M is semiartinian if every non-zero quotient of M has a non-zero socle. Semiartinian modules are also called Loewy modules since they admit a Loewy series, that is a continuous filtration by semisimple (or even simple) modules constructed by transfinite induction. Thus if R is a perfect commutative ring, then every module is a Loewy module by Proposition 2.6 (iv).

It will be useful to observe that the notion of superfluous subobject and of projective covers can be generalised from the category of R-modules to an arbitrary abelian category, as pointed out in [19, Section 3].

Let 𝒜 be an abelian category with enough projective objects. A subobject B of an object A in 𝒜 is called superfluous if, for every subobject H of A such that B+H=A, one has H=A. Then an epimorphism h:PC with P a projective object in 𝒜 is a projective cover of the object C if Kerh is superfluous in P.

2.4 1-tilting cotorsion pairs

We now introduce 1-tilting classes and modules, as well as some properties that we will use.

A right R-module T is 1-tilting if the following conditions hold (as defined in [12]).

  1. p.dimRT1.

  2. ExtRi(T,T(κ))=0 for every cardinal κ and every i>0.

  3. There exists an exact sequence of the following form, where T0,T1 are modules in Add(T):


Equivalently, a module T is 1-tilting if and only if T1=Gen(T) ([12, Proposition 1.3]). The cotorsion pair generated by T, ((T),T), is called a 1-tilting cotorsion pair, and the torsion class T is called the 1-tilting class. Two 1-tilting modules T and T are equivalent if they define the same 1-tilting class, that is T=T (equivalently, if Add(T)=Add(T)). If T is a 1-tilting module which generates a 1-tilting class 𝒯, then we say that T is a 1-tilting module associated to 𝒯.

The class 𝒯𝒯 coincides with Add(T) (see [15, Lemma 13.10]). As the 1-tilting cotorsion pair is generated by a set, the tilting cotorsion pair is complete by [15, Theorem 6.11]. Also, it is hereditary as the right-hand class 𝒯=Gen(T)=T is clearly closed under epimorphic images, so is a coresolving class. Moreover, by [5], the 1-tilting cotorsion pair (𝒯,𝒯) is of finite type.

The following proposition gives a necessary and sufficient condition for the left-hand side of a 1-tilting cotorsion pair to be closed under direct limits.

Proposition 2.8 ([15, Proposition 13.55]).

Let T be a tilting module with (A,T) the associated tilting cotorsion pair. Then A is closed under direct limits if and only if T is Σ-pure-split.

3 Gabriel topologies

In this section, we recall the notions of torsion pairs and Gabriel topologies as well as proving some results that will be useful to us later on. We will conclude by discussing some advancements that relate Gabriel topologies to 1-tilting classes over commutative rings. The reference for this section, in particular for torsion pairs and Gabriel topologies, is Stenström’s book [24, Chapters VI, IX and XI].

We will start by giving definitions in the case of a general ring with unit (not necessarily commutative). Everything will be done with reference to right R-modules (and right Gabriel topologies), but everything can be done analogously for left R-modules.

A torsion pair(,) in Mod-R is a pair of classes of modules in Mod-R which are mutually orthogonal with respect to the Hom-functor and maximal with respect to this property. That is,

={MMod-RHomR(M,F)=0for everyF},
={MMod-RHomR(X,M)=0for everyX}.

The class is called a torsion class and a torsion-free class.

Torsion and torsion-free classes are characterised by closure properties: A class 𝒞 of modules is a torsion class if and only if it is closed under extensions, direct sums and epimorphic images, and 𝒞 is a torsion-free class if and only if it is closed under extensions, direct products and submodules [24, Propositions VI.2.1 and VI.2.2]. A torsion pair (,) is called hereditary if the torsion class is also closed under submodules, which is equivalent to being closed under injective envelopes.

A ring R is a topological ring if it has a topology such that the ring operations are continuous. A topological ring R is right linearly topological if it has a topology with a basis of neighbourhoods of zero consisting of right ideals of R. A ring R with a right Gabriel topology is an example of a right linearly topological ring (see [24, Section VI.4]).

A right Gabriel topology 𝒢 on a ring R is a filter of open right ideals in a right linear topology on R satisfying an extra condition. This condition is such to guarantee that there is a bijective correspondence between right Gabriel topologies 𝒢 on R and hereditary torsion classes in Mod-R (see [24, Theorem VI.5.1]).

The bijection is given by the following assignments:

{right Gabriel topologiesonR}ΨΦ{hereditary torsionclasses inMod-R},
Φ:𝒢𝒢={MAnn(x)𝒢for allxM},

The torsion pair corresponding to a Gabriel topology 𝒢 will be denoted by (𝒢,𝒢). It is generated by the cyclic modules R/J, where J𝒢, so 𝒢 consists of the modules N such that HomR(R/J,N)=0 for every J𝒢. The classes 𝒢 and 𝒢 are referred to as the 𝒢-torsion and 𝒢-torsion-free classes, respectively.

For a right R-module M, let t𝒢 denote the associated (left exact) radical; thus t𝒢(M) is the maximal 𝒢-torsion submodule of M, or sometimes t(M) when the Gabriel topology is clear from context.

3.1 Modules of quotients

A right Gabriel topology allows us to generalise localisations of commutative rings with respect to a multiplicative subset to the non-commutative setting.

The module of quotients of the Gabriel topology 𝒢 of a right R-module M is the module M𝒢 defined as follows, where the morphisms in the direct system {HomR(J,M/t𝒢(M))}J𝒢 are the restriction morphisms:


Furthermore, there is the canonical homomorphism


For each R-module M, the homomorphism ψM is part of the following exact sequence, where both the kernel and cokernel of the map ψM are 𝒢-torsion R-modules:


By substituting M=R, the assignment gives a ring homomorphism ψR:RR𝒢, and furthermore, for each R-module M, the module M𝒢 is both an R-module and an R𝒢-module. Also, for any R-homomorphism f:MN, ψ induces an R𝒢-homomorphism f𝒢:M𝒢N𝒢.

Let q:Mod-RMod-R𝒢 denote the functor that maps each M to its module of quotients M𝒢. Then the ψ can be considered a natural transformation of endofunctors of Mod-R, that is the following diagram commutes:

A right R-module M is 𝒢-closed if the natural homomorphism


is an isomorphism for each J𝒢. This amounts to saying that HomR(R/J,M)=0 for every J𝒢 (i.e. M is 𝒢-torsion-free) and ExtR1(R/J,M)=0 for every J𝒢 (i.e. M is 𝒢-injective). Moreover, if M is 𝒢-closed, then M is isomorphic to its module of quotients M𝒢 via ψM. Conversely, every R-module of the form M𝒢 is 𝒢-closed. The 𝒢-closed modules form a full subcategory of both Mod-R and Mod-R𝒢. Additionally, every R-linear morphism of 𝒢-closed modules is also R𝒢-linear.

A left R-module N is called 𝒢-divisible if JN=N for every J𝒢. Equivalently, N is 𝒢-divisible if and only if R/JRN=0 for each J𝒢. We denote the class of 𝒢-divisible modules by 𝒟𝒢. It is straightforward to see that 𝒟𝒢 is a torsion class in R-Mod.

A right Gabriel topology is faithful if HomR(R/J,R)=0 for every J𝒢, or equivalently if R is 𝒢-torsion-free, that is the natural map ψR:RR𝒢 is injective.

A right Gabriel topology is finitely generated if it has a basis consisting of finitely generated right ideals. Equivalently, 𝒢 is finitely generated if the 𝒢-torsion radical preserves direct limits (that is there is a natural isomorphism t𝒢(limiMi)limi(t𝒢(Mi))) if and only if the 𝒢-torsion-free modules are closed under direct limits (that is, the associated torsion pair is of finite type). The first of these two equivalences was shown in [24, Proposition XIII.1.2], while the second was noted by Hrbek in the discussion before [16, Lemma 2.4].

3.2 Perfect localisations

There is a special class of right Gabriel topologies which behave particularly well and are related to ring epimorphisms. The standard examples of these Gabriel topologies over a commutative ring R are localisations of R with respect to a multiplicative subset.

We note that the adjective “perfect” for a Gabriel topology can be slightly confusing as it is not related in any way to perfect rings. However, we will continue to use this nomenclature as it is already commonly used in the literature.

We must begin with some definitions. A ring epimorphism is a ring homomorphism R𝑢U such that u is an epimorphism in the category of unital rings. This is equivalent to the natural map URUU induced by the multiplication in U being an isomorphism as R-R-bimodules (see [24, Section XI.1]. We note that if R is commutative and u:RU a ring epimorphism, then also U is commutative by [23, Corollary 1.2].

Two ring epimorphisms R𝑢U and RuU are equivalent if there is a ring isomorphism σ:UU such that σu=u.

A ring epimorphism is called (left) flat if u makes U into a flat left R-module. We will denote the cokernel of u by K and sometimes by U/R or U/u(R).

A left flat ring epimorphism R𝑢U is called a perfect right localisation of R. In this case, by [24, Theorem XI.2.1], the family of right ideals 𝒢={JRJU=U} forms a right Gabriel topology. Moreover, there is a ring isomorphism σ:UR𝒢 such that σu:RR𝒢 is the canonical isomorphism ψR:RR𝒢, or, in other words, u and ψR are equivalent ring epimorphisms. Note also that a right ideal J of R is in 𝒢 if and only if R/JRU=0.

We will make use of the characterisations of perfect right localisations from [24, Proposition XI.3.4] of Stenström’s book. Gabriel topologies which arise from perfect localisations will be called perfect Gabriel topologies.

3.3 Gabriel topologies and 1-tilting classes

As mentioned before, our work relies on a characterisation of 1-tilting cotorsion pairs over commutative rings. Specifically, in [16], Hrbek showed that over commutative rings the faithful finitely generated Gabriel topologies are in bijective correspondence with 1-tilting classes, and that the latter are exactly the classes of 𝒢-divisible modules of the associated faithful finitely generated Gabriel topology 𝒢.

The following theorem is an indispensable starting point for this paper.

Theorem 3.1 ([16, Theorem 3.16]).

Let R be a commutative ring. There are bijections between the following collections:

  1. 1 -tilting classes 𝒯 in Mod-R,

  2. faithful finitely generated Gabriel topologies 𝒢 on R,

  3. faithful hereditary torsion pairs (,) of finite type in Mod-R.

Moreover, the tilting class T is the class of G-divisible modules with respect to the associated Gabriel topology G of T.

When we refer to the Gabriel topology associated to a 1-tilting class 𝒯, we will always mean the Gabriel topology in the sense of the above theorem. We will denote by 𝒟𝒢 the 1-tilting class associated to 𝒢 and by 𝒜 the left Ext-orthogonal class to 𝒟𝒢, so (𝒜,𝒟𝒢) will denote the 1-tilting cotorsion pair associated to 𝒢.

Moreover, in the case of a Gabriel topology that arises from a perfect localisation such that p.dimR𝒢1, it is possible to describe the 1-tilting class more explicitly as seen in the following proposition. This observation is crucial as it is much more convenient to work with an explicit 1-tilting module, in this case R𝒢R𝒢/R, which is additionally very well behaved.

Proposition 3.2 ([16, Proposition 5.4]).

Let R be a commutative ring, T a 1-tilting module, and G the Gabriel topology associated to the 1-tilting class DG=T in the sense of Theorem 3.1. Then the following are equivalent.

  1. 𝒢 is a perfect Gabriel topology and p.dimR𝒢1.

  2. R𝒢R𝒢/R is a 1 -tilting module for 𝒟𝒢.

  3. Gen(R𝒢)=𝒟𝒢.

If the above equivalent conditions hold, T or the 1-tilting class DG is said to arise from a perfect localisation.

We note that there is yet more confusion with our terminology. That is the 1-tilting class arises from a perfect localisation if and only if the Gabriel topology arises from a perfect localisation andp.dimR𝒢1. Therefore, we often include the statement p.dimR𝒢1 for clarity.

3.4 More properties of Gabriel topologies

We refer to [6] for more properties of right Gabriel topologies. Many of them hold in the non-commutative case. In particular, we will use the following results.

Lemma 3.3 ([6, Lemma 4.1, Lemma 4.2]).

Suppose R is a commutative ring and G is a Gabriel topology. Then the following statements hold.

  1. If an R-module D is both 𝒢-divisible and 𝒢-torsion-free, then D is an R𝒢-module and DDRR𝒢 via the natural map idDRψR:DRRDRR𝒢.

  2. If M is an R-module with p.dimRM1, then Tor1R(M,R𝒢)=0 and Tor1R(R𝒢,M)=0.

We will often refer to the following exact sequence, where ψR is the ring of quotients homomorphism discussed in Subsection 3.1:


We will denote t𝒢(M) simply by t(M) and when clear from the context, ψ instead of ψR. We add the following result.

Lemma 3.4.

Consider a right Gabriel topology G. Let M be a G-torsion module and N a G-closed module in Mod-R. Then ExtR1(M,N)=0.


Let 𝒢 be a Gabriel topology of right ideals and its associated hereditary torsion class in Mod-R which is generated by the cyclic modules R/J, where J𝒢. Therefore, for M a 𝒢-torsion module, there exists a presentation of M as follows:


The module H is 𝒢-torsion since is a hereditary torsion class. Take a 𝒢-closed module N, and apply the functor HomR(-,N) to (3.1):


The first abelian group of sequence (3.2) vanishes since H is 𝒢-torsion, and the last abelian group vanishes since ExtR1(R/Jα,N)=0 for every Jα𝒢. Therefore, ExtR1(M,N)=0 as desired. ∎

The following lemma is taken from [24, Exercise IX.1.4], although we state the result in a slightly more convenient way for us and include (iii) and (iv). We let E(M) denote the injective envelope of M.

Lemma 3.5 ([24, Exercise IX.1.4]).

Let G be a right Gabriel topology on R. Then the following are equivalent.

  1. The functor q:Mod-RMod-R𝒢 which maps each module M to the 𝒢-closed module M𝒢 is exact.

  2. The module E(M)/M is 𝒢-closed for every 𝒢-closed module M.

  3. For every 𝒢-closed module M and each J𝒢, ExtR2(R/J,M)=0.

  4. For every 𝒢-closed module M and basis element J𝒢, ExtR2(R/J,M)=0.

Sketch of proof.

We will prove (i) (ii) (iii) (i) and (iii) (iv). The equivalence of (ii) and (iii) follows from the isomorphism ExtR1(R/J,E(M)/M)ExtR2(R/J,M).

For the implication (i) (ii), we begin by assuming that q is exact. Fix a J𝒢 and take a 𝒢-closed R-module M. Then, since M is essential in its injective envelope E(M), E(M) must be 𝒢-torsion-free and so is 𝒢-closed. Thus we have the following commuting diagram, where the exactness of the bottom row follows by our assumption that q is exact:

It follows by the snake lemma that E(M)/M is isomorphic to its module of quotients, so is 𝒢-closed.

Now we show that (iii) (i). Assume that, for every 𝒢-closed module M and every J𝒢, ExtR2(R/J,M)=0; therefore, it follows that the 𝒢-closed modules are closed under cokernels of monomorphisms. Now consider q applied to the exact sequence 0L𝑓M𝑔N0. Recall that q is left exact, so it remains only to show that the induced map g𝒢 is a surjection. We have the following commuting diagram, where the bottom row is also in Mod-R𝒢:

By assumption, Cokerf𝒢 is 𝒢-closed. By the property of cokernels, ψN factors through NCokerf𝒢N𝒢. By [24, Proposition IX.1.11], for any R-module N and any 𝒢-closed module X, there is an isomorphism ψN:HomR(N𝒢,X)HomR(N,X), so NCokerf𝒢 extends to N𝒢Cokerf𝒢. Since the homomorphism N𝒢Cokerf𝒢N𝒢 preserves ψN(N), it is the identity on N𝒢; thus Cokerf𝒢N𝒢 is surjective, so also g𝒢 is.

That (iii) (iv) is trivial. For the converse, for every ideal J𝒢, there exists a basis element J0𝒢 such that J0J. Thus, for M𝒢-closed, one applies HomR(-,M) to 0J/J0R/J0R/J0. As J/J0 is 𝒢-torsion, the conclusion follows by applying Lemma 3.4. ∎

The following lemma will be useful when working with a faithful Gabriel topology over a commutative ring that arises from a perfect localisation.

Lemma 3.6 ([6, Lemma 4.5]).

Let R be a commutative ring, u:RU a flat injective ring epimorphism, and G the associated Gabriel topology. Then the annihilators of the elements of U/R form a sub-basis for the Gabriel topology G. That is, for every JG, there exist z1,z2,,znU such that


4 When 𝒜 is covering 𝒢 arises from a perfect localisation and R𝒢R𝒢/R is 1-tilting

In this section, we consider the following setting.

Setting 4.1.

Let R be a commutative ring, and let (𝒜,𝒟𝒢) be a 1-tilting cotorsion pair with associated Gabriel topology 𝒢 such that 𝒜 is a covering class.

First we show that the Gabriel topology 𝒢 arises from a perfect localisation and that p.dimR𝒢1 so that 𝒟𝒢=Gen(R𝒢); in other words, we show that the equivalent conditions of Proposition 3.2 hold.

We begin by describing 𝒜-covers of modules annihilated by some J𝒢.

Lemma 4.2.

Suppose R is commutative, and let (A,DG) be a 1-tilting cotorsion pair with associated Gabriel topology G. Consider an R-module M such that MJ=0 for some finitely generated JG, and let the following be an A-cover of M:


Then both A and B are G-torsion.


We will use the T-nilpotency of direct sums of covers as in Theorem 2.5 (ii). Let J𝒢 be finitely generated with a generating set {x1,,xt}, and suppose M has the property that MJ=0, and let ϕ above be an 𝒜-cover of M. For every n, let Bn, An, Mn be isomorphic copies of B, A, M, respectively, and ϕn the homomorphism ϕ:AnMn. Consider the following countable direct sum of covers of M which is a cover of nMn by Theorem 2.5 (i):


Choose an element xJ, and for each n, set fn:AnAn+1 to be multiplication by x.

Then clearly ϕn+1(fn(An))=0 for every n>0; hence we can apply Theorem 2.5 (ii). For every aA, there exists an m such that


Hence, for every aA, there is an integer m for which xma=0.

Fix aA, and let mi be the minimal natural number for which (xi)mia=0, and set m:=sup{mi1it}. Then, for a large enough integer k, we have that Jka=0 (for example, set k=tm), and Jk𝒢 by [24, Lemma VI.5.3]. Thus every element of A is annihilated by an ideal contained in 𝒢; therefore, A is 𝒢-torsion. Since the associated torsion pair of the Gabriel topology is hereditary, also B is 𝒢-torsion. ∎

Next we show that 𝒢 must arise from a perfect localisation using Lemma 3.5.

Lemma 4.3.

Suppose R is commutative, and let (A,DG) be a 1-tilting cotorsion pair with associated Gabriel topology G. Suppose A is covering. Then G is a perfect Gabriel topology.


By [24, Proposition XI.3.4], R𝒢 arises from a perfect localisation if and only if both the functor q is exact and 𝒢 has a basis of finitely generated ideals. The associated Gabriel topology 𝒢 of a 1-tilting class has a basis of finitely generated ideals by Hrbek’s characterisation in Theorem 3.1, so it remains only to show that q is exact.

We will show that ExtR2(R/J,M)=0 for every 𝒢-closed R-module M and every finitely generated J𝒢, and then apply Lemma 3.5 to conclude that q is exact.

Let M be any 𝒢-closed R-module and J𝒢 finitely generated, and consider the following 𝒜-cover of R/J:


By Lemma 4.2, AJ and BJ are 𝒢-torsion. We apply the contravariant functor HomR(-,M) to the above cover and find the exact sequence


The first module ExtR1(BJ,M) vanishes by Lemma 3.4 since BJ is 𝒢-torsion and M is 𝒢-closed. The last module ExtR2(AJ,M) vanishes since p.dimAJ1. Therefore, ExtR2(R/J,M)=0 for every M𝒢-closed and every finitely generated J𝒢, as required. ∎

The above lemma allows us to use the equivalent conditions of [24, Proposition XI.3.4]. In particular, we have that ψR:RR𝒢 is a flat injective ring epimorphism and that R𝒢 is 𝒢-divisible, so R𝒢𝒟𝒢. It remains to see that if 𝒜 is covering in (𝒜,𝒟𝒢), then R𝒢R𝒢/R is the associated 1-tilting module, that is the equivalent conditions of Proposition 3.2. This amounts to showing that p.dimR𝒢1.

Proposition 4.4.

Suppose R is commutative, and let (A,DG) be a 1-tilting cotorsion pair with associated Gabriel topology G. Suppose A is covering; then p.dimRG1. In particular, the module RGRG/R is a 1-tilting module associated to the cotorsion pair (A,DG), and moreover, Gen(RG)=DG.


We know that 𝒢 is perfect, so that R𝒢 is 𝒢-divisible by Lemma 4.3. We prove that p.dimR𝒢1 by showing that R𝒢𝒜. Let the following be an 𝒜-cover of R𝒢:


Note that A is 𝒢-divisible since both R𝒢 and D are 𝒢-divisible. We will first show that A must be 𝒢-torsion-free, and therefore an R𝒢-module. Fix a finitely generated J𝒢 with generators x1,,xn. We will show that A[J]=0, that is the only element of A annihilated by J is 0. Since R𝒢 is 𝒢-divisible, one can write 1R=1R𝒢=xiηi for some fixed ηiR𝒢, 1in. Let 𝐱, 𝐬 and 𝐬A be the following homomorphisms:

By the definition of 𝐬 and 𝐬A, the lower square of (4.2) commutes. Clearly ϕn is a precover of R𝒢n as Dn𝒟𝒢 and An𝒜 (it is in fact a cover). Therefore, there exists a map f such that the upper square of (4.2) commutes:


The map 𝐬𝐱 is the identity on R𝒢, so we have that ϕ𝐬Af=ϕ, and by the 𝒜-cover property of ϕ, 𝐬Af is an automorphism of A. Consider an element aA[J], and let f(a)=(f1(a),,fn(a))An. Then


and by the injectivity of 𝐬Af, a=0.

We have shown that A,D are both 𝒢-torsion-free and 𝒢-divisible, so by Lemma 3.3 (i), they are R𝒢-modules. Then sequence (4.1) is a sequence in Mod-R𝒢 as RR𝒢 is a ring epimorphism and Mod-R𝒢Mod-R is fully faithful. Thus (4.1) splits, so R𝒢𝒜 and p.dimR𝒢1, as required.

The last statement then follows by Proposition 3.2. ∎

5 Topological rings and u-contramodules

The material covered in this section is a combination of ideas from [18, 9, 7] and covers mostly methods using contramodules and topological rings.

An abelian group is a topological group if it has a topology such that the group operations are continuous. A topological abelian group is said to be linearly topological if there is a basis of neighbourhoods of zero consisting of subgroups.

For a linearly topological abelian group A with basis 𝔅 of subgroups of A, there is the following canonical homomorphism of abelian groups:


When λA is a monomorphism, or equivalently when V𝔅V=0, A is said to be separated. When λA is an epimorphism, A is said to be complete.

For a ring R and M,NMod-R, the abelian group HomR(M,N) can be considered a linearly topological abelian group as follows. Take a finitely generated submodule F of M, and consider the subgroup formed by the elements of HomR(M,N) which annihilate F. Such subgroups form a base of neighbourhoods of zero in HomR(M,N). Note that this is the same as considering HomR(M,N) with the subspace topology of the product topology on NM, where the topology on N is the discrete topology. We will consider HomR(M,N) endowed with this topology which we will call the finite topology. The topological abelian group HomR(M,N) is separated and complete with respect to this topology.

Recall from Section 3 that a topological ring R is right linearly topological if it has a topology with a basis of neighbourhoods of zero consisting of right ideals of R, and that a ring R with a right Gabriel topology is an example of a right linearly topological ring.

Let be a topology of a linearly topological commutative ring R with basis 𝔅. The -topology on an R-module M is the topology where the base of neighbourhoods of 0 are the submodules MJ for J𝔅. For every R-module M, {M/MJJ𝔅} is an inverse system. The completion of M with respect to the -topology is the module


There is a canonical map λM:MΛ𝔅(M) which sends the element xM to (x+MJ)J𝔅. Each element in Λ𝔅(M) is of the form (xJ+MJ)J𝔅 with the relation that, for JJ, xJ-xJMJ. The module M is called -separated if the homomorphism λM is injective, which is equivalent to J𝔅MJ=0. The module M is called -complete if the map λM is surjective.

Let R be a linearly topological commutative ring with a linear topology . An R-module M is -discrete if, for every xM, the annihilator ideal AnnR(x)={rRxr=0} is open in the topology of R. In the case that the topology on R is a Gabriel topology 𝒢 on R, then a module is -discrete if and only if it is 𝒢-torsion.

We consider the case where the linear topology is a faithful perfect Gabriel topology (denoted 𝒢) over a commutative ring R. Therefore, ψR:RR𝒢 is a flat injective ring epimorphism of commutative rings, which as usual we will denote by u:RU. For every pair of R-modules M and N, the R-module HomR(M,N) can be endowed both with the finite topology and the 𝒢-topology.

For K:=U/R, we first show that HomR(K,M) is 𝒢-separated in the 𝒢-topology.

Lemma 5.1.

Let R be a commutative ring and G a faithful perfect Gabriel topology on R. Then every open basis element in the finite topology on HomR(K,M) contains HomR(K,M)J for some JG. Hence HomR(K,M) is G-separated for every R-module M.


Fix a finitely generated submodule X of K, and let VX be the collection of homomorphisms which annihilate X. Then, as X is a finitely generated submodule and K is 𝒢-torsion, there exists a J𝒢 such that XJ=0. Thus HomR(K,M)JVX, as required.

The last statement follows since HomR(K,M) is always separated in the finite topology. ∎

In particular, we will be interested in the linear topological ring :=EndR(K) with the finite topology. Later on, in Proposition 5.11, we will show that the 𝒢-topology and the finite topology on coincide.

5.1 u-contramodules

We will begin by considering a general commutative ring epimorphism u:RU before moving onto flat injective ring epimorphisms.

A module M is u-divisible if M is an epimorphic image of U(α) for some cardinal α. An R-module M has a unique u-divisible submodule denoted hu(M), which is the image of the map


In nice situations, that is when U is flat and 𝒢 is the Gabriel topology associated to u, the u-divisible modules are 𝒢-divisible. Later in this section, we will discuss when these classes of modules coincide. The following definition is borrowed from [7].

Definition 5.2.

Let u:RU be a ring epimorphism. A u-contramodule is an R-module M such that the following holds:


We let u-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚 denote the full subcategory of u-contramodules in Mod-R. By [14, Proposition 1.1], the category of u-contramodules is closed under kernels of morphisms, extensions, infinite products and projective limits in Mod-R.

The following lemma is proved in [18] for the case of the localisation RS of R at a multiplicative subset S. The proof can be extended easily to the case of a ring epimorphism of commutative rings and will be very useful in the sequel.

Lemma 5.3 ([18, Lemma 1.10]).

Let b:AB and c:AC be two R-module homomorphisms such that C is a u-contramodule, Ker(b) is a u-divisible R-module and Coker(b) is a U-module. Then there exists a unique homomorphism f:BC such that c=fb.

Let now R𝑢U be a flat injective ring epimorphism of commutative rings, where U=R𝒢, K=R𝒢/R and 𝒢 is the associated Gabriel topology {JRJU=U}. We will often refer to the short exact sequence


In general, we will use N to denote a 𝒢-torsion-free module R-module, while M will denote an arbitrary R-module.

For an R-module M, by applying the contravariant functor HomR(-,M) to the short exact sequence (5.1), we have the short exact sequences


For an R-module M, we let Δu(M) denote the module ExtR1(K,M) and δM:MΔu(M) the natural connecting map from the exact sequences (5.2) and (5.3).

For each R-module M, let νM be the unit of the adjunction ((-RK),HomR(K,-)) evaluated at M:


For every 𝒢-torsion-free R-module N, we have the exact sequence


and applying the covariant functor HomR(K,-) to (5.4), we obtain the long exact sequence


where μN is the connecting homomorphism. In the next lemmas we show that for a 𝒢-torsion-free module N, the modules HomR(K,NRK) and Δu(N) are isomorphic via the natural connecting homomorphism μN, and moreover δN=μNνN.

Lemma 5.4.

Let u:RU be a flat injective ring epimorphism of commutative rings with associated Gabriel topology G, and let K:=U/R. If N is a G-torsion-free R-module, then, using the above notation, the connecting morphism μN:HomR(K,NRK)Δu(N) is an isomorphism.


The first term in equation (5.5) vanishes as K is 𝒢-torsion and NRU is 𝒢-torsion-free. The last term in equation (5.5) vanishes since by the flatness of the ring U, there is an isomorphism


Thus HomR(K,NRK) is isomorphic to ExtR1(K,N)=Δu(N) via μN.

Alternatively, one can use Lemma 3.4 as K is 𝒢-torsion and NRU is 𝒢-closed. ∎

Before continuing with the goal of proving that δN=μNνN, we state a consequence of Lemma 5.4. We note that, in the reference provided, the statement is more general, thus requires a more sophisticated proof, whereas here we choose to provide a simpler proof.

Lemma 5.5 ([9, Lemma 2.5 (a), (b)]).

Let u:RU be a flat injective ring epimorphism with associated Gabriel topology G, and let K:=U/R. Then the following hold.

  1. HomR(K,M) is a u-contramodule for every R-module M.

  2. Δu(N) is a u-contramodule for every 𝒢-torsion-free R-module N.


(i) By the tensor-Hom adjunction, we have the isomorphism


To see that ExtR1(U,HomR(K,M))=0, we use the flatness of U. Using Tor1R(U,K)=0, there is the following inclusion (see the homological formulas in Section 2):


(ii) This follows by Lemma 5.4 and (i) of this lemma. ∎

Lemma 5.6.

Let u:RU be a flat injective ring epimorphism of commutative rings with associated Gabriel topology G, and let K:=U/R. For N a G-torsion-free module, the following diagram commutes:


The morphism νN is the unit of the adjunction ((-RK),HomR(K,-)) evaluated at N. Let Φ be the adjunction isomorphism


As Φ(νN)=idNRK, it is enough to show that Φ(μN-1δN)=idNRK, that is that (μN-1δN)(x)(k)=xRk for every xN and kK.

Fix xN and kK. Consider the map fx:RN:1Rx. Then δN(fx) is the map associated to the pushout of NfxR𝑢U which is shown in the top two rows of short exact sequences of diagram (5.6). As μN is an isomorphism, for each extension ζx of K by N, one can associate a map μN-1(ζx)=gx:KNRK such that the bottom two rows of short exact sequences in (5.6) commute and form part of a pullback diagram:


We claim that the map UZxNRU is exactly the map hx:zxRz, zU. The homomorphism hx makes the larger left square commute, and it does so uniquely using the fact that NRU and NRK have no isomorphic non-trivial submodules, since one is 𝒢-torsion and the other is 𝒢-torsion-free. Thus gx:z+RxR(z+R). It is now straightforward to see that (μN-1δN)(x)(k)=(μN-1)(ζx)(k)=gx(k)=xRk. ∎

Corollary 5.7.

Let u:RU be a flat injective ring epimorphism of commutative rings, K:=U/R, and let N be a G-torsion-free module. Then the kernel of νN:NHomR(K,NRK) is u-divisible and the cokernel is a U-module.


This follows from Lemma 5.6 as μNνN=δN and μN is an isomorphism. So KerνNKerδN=hu(N) is a u-divisible module and CokerνN=CokerδN=ExtR1(U,N) is a U-module, as required. ∎

The following lemma will be useful in Section 8. It is taken from [18] where it is proved for the case of a localisation of a ring at a multiplicative subset. We show how to adapt the proof to our situation.

Lemma 5.8 ([18, Lemma 1.11]).

Let u:RU be a flat injective ring epimorphism of commutative rings with associated Gabriel topology G, K:=U/R, and let M be any R-module. Then M/JMR/JRΔu(M) is an isomorphism for every JG.


Consider the equations


Applying (R/JR-) to (5.2), we have that M/JMR/JRM/hu(M) as hu(M) is 𝒢-divisible, and applying (R/JR-) to (5.3), we find


as ExtR1(U,M) is a U-module and Tor1R(R/J,ExtR1(U,M))Tor1U(R/JRU,ExtR1(U,M)), since U is flat.∎

The following lemma will also be useful in Section 8.

Lemma 5.9.

Let u:RU be a flat injective ring epimorphism of commutative rings with associated Gabriel topology G, K:=U/R, and let N be a G-torsion-free R-module. Then Tor1R(R/J,N)Tor1R(R/J,Δu(N)) is an isomorphism for every JG.


Note first that ToriR(R/J,Z)=0=R/JRZ for any U-module Z and i>0 since U is flat, and so ToriR(R/J,Z)ToriU(R/JRU,Z)=0.

Consider the combination of the equations


As N is 𝒢-torsion-free, also hu(N) is 𝒢-torsion-free and 𝒢-divisible, so is a U-module, by Lemma 3.3 (i). Thus, applying (R/JR-) to the above sequences, we use the observation in the first lines of this proof and find the isomorphisms


We summarise in the following corollary the results obtained by Lemmas 5.4, 5.8 and 5.9.

Corollary 5.10.

Let u:RU be a flat injective ring epimorphism of commutative rings with associated Gabriel topology G, and K:=U/R. Let N be a G-torsion-free R-module and JG. Then the following hold.

  1. HomR(K,NRK)Δu(N).

  2. R/JRΔu(N)N/JN.

  3. Tor1R(R/J,N)Tor1R(R/J,Δu(N)).

As an application, we consider the endomorphism ring of K. Recall that, by [9, Lemma 4.1], is a commutative ring.

Proposition 5.11.

Let u:RU be a flat injective ring epimorphism with associated Gabriel topology G, and let K:=U/R. Then the finite topology and the G-topology on R=HomR(K,K) coincide.


Let X be a finite subset of K, and let VX be the annihilator of X in , a basis element of the finite topology on . By Lemma 5.1, there is a J𝒢 such that JVX, so the 𝒢-topology is a finer topology than the finite topology on . Thus it remains to show that, for every J𝒢, J contains VX for some finite subset X of K.

Consider the canonical morphism νR:R sending an element rR to the multiplication by r on K. Then I=νR-1(VX) is the annihilator of X in R. We have that I𝒢 since K is 𝒢-torsion. Clearly, IVX, and we define γ:R/I/VX to be the canonical monomorphism induced by νR.

Now it is straightforward to see that the following diagram commutes as the vertical and horizontal arrows are induced by νR and π is the natural quotient map:

By (i) and (ii) of Corollary 5.10, Δu(R) and νRR/I is an isomorphism. Since γ is a monomorphism, we conclude that π is a monomorphism, and so VX=I.

Fix a J𝒢. By Lemma 3.6, there exists a finitely generated XK such that the annihilator ideal of X in R is contained in J. So VXJ. ∎

If the flat injective ring epimorphism u:RU is such that p.dimU1, then the category u-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚 is also closed under cokernels and so is an abelian category. Moreover, if 𝒢 is the associated Gabriel topology, then p.dimU1 if and only if the u-divisible modules and the 𝒢-divisible modules coincide by Proposition 3.2.

Proposition 5.12.

Let u:RU be a flat injective ring epimorphism such that p.dimU1.

  1. ι:u-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚Mod-R is an exact embedding, and the functor Δu=ExtR1(K,-) defines a left adjoint to this embedding.

  2. Δu(R) is a projective generator of u-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚. The coproduct of X copies of Δu(R) in u-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚 is Δu(R(X)), and the projective objects in u-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚 are direct summands of the objects of the form Δ(R(X)) for some set X.


(i) is [9, Proposition 3.2 (b)]. (ii) follows by the properties of a left adjoint to an exact functor. ∎

5.2 The equivalence of categories

In [9], the case of a (not necessarily injective nor flat nor commutative) ring epimorphism u:RU such that Tor1R(U,U)=0 is considered. In [9, Theorem 1.3], it is shown that the adjunction ((-RK),HomR(K,-)) (where K=U/u(R)) defines an equivalence between the class of u-divisible right u-comodules and the class of u-torsion-free right u-contramodules.

In our situation, that is when u is a flat injective epimorphism with associated Gabriel topology 𝒢, the class of u-comodules coincides with the class of 𝒢-torsion modules and the class of u-torsion-free modules coincides with the class of 𝒢-torsion-free modules. Thus, in our setting, [9, Theorem 1.3] becomes:

Theorem 5.13 ([9, Theorem 1.3]).

Let u:RU be a flat injective ring epimorphism of commutative rings. Then the restrictions of the adjoint functors (-RK) and HomR(K,-) are mutually inverse equivalences between the additive categories of u-divisible G-torsion modules and G-torsion-free u-contramodules:

6 When 𝒜 is covering, R is 𝒢-almost perfect

In this section, we continue with the situation of Setting 4.1.

By Proposition 4.4, if (𝒜,𝒟𝒢) is a 1-tilting cotorsion pair such that 𝒜 is covering, then the associated tilting module arises from a flat injective ring epimorphism u:RU and UK is a 1-tilting module for (𝒜,𝒟𝒢); thus 𝒟𝒢=Gen(U).

In Proposition 6.2, we prove that R𝒢 is a perfect ring and in Proposition 6.4 that the rings R/J are perfect for every J𝒢. The main result of this section is Theorem 6.5.

We begin by introducing the following definition.

Definition 6.1.

Let R be a commutative ring with a Gabriel topology 𝒢. Then R is 𝒢-almost perfect if R𝒢 is a perfect ring and the quotient rings R/J are perfect for each J𝒢.

Proposition 6.2.

Suppose R is commutative, and let (A,DG) be a 1-tilting cotorsion pair with associated Gabriel topology G. Suppose A is covering. Then RG is a perfect ring.


We will show that every R𝒢-module has a projective cover in Mod-R𝒢. Consider MMod-R𝒢 with the following short exact sequence in Mod-R𝒢:


Then this sequence is also a short exact sequence of R-modules with R𝒢(α)𝒜 by Proposition 4.4 and L𝒟𝒢; thus it is an 𝒜-precover of M (as an R-module). By the assumption that 𝒜 is covering, one can extract from the exact sequence (6.1) an 𝒜-cover of M of the form


where L and P are direct summands of L and R𝒢(α) respectively as R-modules. An R-module direct summand of an R𝒢-module is a 𝒢-torsion-free 𝒢-divisible module; hence it is an R𝒢-module by Lemma 3.3 (i). Moreover, by Lemma 4.3, ψR:RR𝒢 is a ring epimorphism (even flat), so L and P are direct summands as R𝒢-modules and (6.2) is in Mod-R𝒢. So we have shown that (6.2) is a 𝒫0(R𝒢)-precover of M in Mod-R𝒢, which is also an 𝒜-cover when considered in Mod-R. It remains to see that it is a 𝒫0(R𝒢)-cover. Note that every R𝒢-homomorphism f such that ϕf=ϕ is also an R-homomorphism, and therefore ϕ is an automorphism as it is an 𝒜-cover. ∎

We will now show that R/J is perfect for each J𝒢 by showing that every Bass R/J-module has a 𝒫0(R/J)-cover, that is using Lemma 2.7.

Take a1,a2,,ai, a sequence of elements of R, and let N be the Bass R/J-module with presentation as in sequence (6.3), where (ei)i and (fi)i are bases of the domain and codomain of σ~ respectively:


As the elements a1,a2,,ai, are in R, we can also define a Bass R-module, which is a lift of N. That is, we consider the Bass R-module


It is clear that applying (R/JR-) to (6.4) will give us (6.3); thus R/JRF=N, where F is flat.

We will make use of results in Subsection 5.1 and the category equivalence in Theorem 5.13.

Lemma 6.3.

Suppose A is covering and F is a Bass R-module. Then the u-contramodule HomR(K,FRK) has a projective cover in the category of u-contramodules.


HomR(K,FRK) is a u-contramodule by Lemma 5.5 (i). Apply the functor (-RK) to (6.4) to get the exact sequence


The above is an 𝒜-precover of FRK by Proposition 4.4. As by assumption 𝒜 is covering, one can extract an 𝒜-cover of FRK from the above sequence in the form


where D0 and D1 are direct summands of K. Now we apply HomR(K,-) to the above sequence, and we claim that it is a projective cover in the category of u-contramodules:


Firstly, HomR(K,D1) and HomR(K,D0) are direct summands of modules of the form HomR(K,K(α))Δu(R(α)) by Lemma 5.4; thus they are projective objects in the category u-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚 (see Proposition 5.12). We will show that ρ:=HomR(K,π) is a projective cover in u-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚. Take f:HomR(K,D0)HomR(K,D0) such that ρf=ρ. By Theorem 5.13, the adjoint functors ((-RK),HomR(K,-)) form equivalences between the subcategories of 𝒢-torsion 𝒢-divisible modules 𝒢𝒟𝒢 and 𝒢-torsion-free u-contramodules 𝒢u-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚. Thus, in particular, the functor HomR(K,-) restricted to the subcategories 𝒢𝒟𝒢𝒢u-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚 is full, so there exists a g:D0D0 such that HomR(K,g)=f. Thus, as πg=π implies that g is an automorphism, we conclude that also f is an automorphism, as required. ∎

Proposition 6.4.

Suppose (A,DG) is a 1-tilting cotorsion pair over a commutative ring, where A is covering. If F is a Bass R-module, then R/JRF has a P0(R/J)-cover for every JG.


By the proof of Lemma 6.3,


is a projective cover of HomR(K,FRK) in the category of u-contramodules. Note that a flat R-module is 𝒢-torsion-free since 𝒢 is faithful and the 𝒢-torsion-free class is closed under direct limits.

By Lemma 5.4, HomR(K,FRK)Δu(F), and by Lemma 5.8, F/JFR/JRΔu(F). Invoking Lemma 5.9, we also get that Tor1R(R/J,F)Tor1R(R/J,Δu(F)) for every J𝒢.

Thus, applying the functor (R/JR-) to sequence (6.5) and using Corollary 5.10, we obtain the exact sequence


We now show that (6.6) is a projective cover of F/JF in Mod-R/J.

Applying Lemma 5.4 to a free module R(α), we get HomR(K,K(α))Δu(R(α)) and, by Lemma 5.8,


Additionally, since the modules D0,D1 are direct summands of a direct sum of copies of K, Corollary 5.10 implies that R/JRHomR(K,Di) is an R/J-projective module for i=0,1.

From the projective cover in (6.5), we know that HomR(K,D1) is a superfluous subobject of HomR(K,D0) in u-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚.

We note that R/JRHomR(K,D1) is a superfluous R/J-submodule of R/JRHomR(K,D0). In fact, an R/J-module is a u-contramodule for any J𝒢, and the image of a superfluous subobject under any morphism in the category is a superfluous subobject. Thus R/JRHomR(K,D1) is a superfluous subobject of R/JRHomR(K,D0) in u-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚. Finally, any submodule of an R/J-module is also a u-contramodule; hence R/JRHomR(K,D1) is superfluous in R/JRHomR(K,D0) as an R/J-submodule.

Thus we conclude that (6.6) is a 𝒫0(R/J)-cover of F/JF. ∎

Theorem 6.5.

Suppose R is a commutative ring and (A,DG) a 1-tilting cotorsion pair. If A is covering, then ψR:RRG is a perfect localisation, p.dimRG1, and R is G-almost perfect.


That ψR:RR𝒢 is a perfect localisation and p.dimR𝒢1 are by Lemma 4.3 and Proposition 4.4. That R is 𝒢-almost perfect is by Proposition 6.2 and Proposition 6.4. ∎

7 -h-local rings

This section concerns a class of rings which includes the commutative local rings and the h-local rings. We will be looking at -h-local rings with respect to a linear topology on a commutative ring R. The main result of this section is that the -h-local rings can be characterised by the properties of the -discrete modules, as will be shown in Proposition 7.4.

For a commutative ring R, we let MaxR denote the set of all the maximal ideals of R. We will formulate in our setting the results from [8, Section 4], which were proved in the case of a localisation of a ring at a multiplicative subset. All the proofs can be extended easily to the case of a linear topology on a commutative ring R.

Definition 7.1.

A commutative ring R is -h-local if, for every open ideal J, J is contained only in finitely many maximal ideals of R and every open prime ideal in is contained in only one maximal ideal.

A commutative ring R is -h-nil if every element J is contained only in finitely many maximal ideals of R and every prime ideal of R in is maximal.

It is clear that every -h-nil ring is -h-local. We first give a sufficient condition for a ring to be -h-nil.

Lemma 7.2.

Let H be a linear topology on a commutative R. If R/J is perfect for every JH, then R is H-h-nil.


By Proposition 2.6, R/J has only finitely many maximal ideals.

Take a prime 𝔭. Then R/𝔭 is a perfect domain, so is a field (by the final statement of Proposition 2.6), so it follows that 𝔭 must be maximal. ∎

Recall that, for every right linear topology on a ring R, the class of -discrete modules consists of

{MAnn(x)for allxM}.

The following result holds for any linear topology on a commutative ring and is our generalisation of [8, Lemma 4.2].

Lemma 7.3.

Let H be a linear topology on a commutative ring R such that every prime in H is contained in only one maximal ideal. Then, for maximal ideals mn of R and for each H-discrete module M, MRRmRRn=0.


Let ϕ:RR𝔪RR𝔫 denote the localisation map. We will first show that the statement holds for R/J for a fixed J. Take 𝔮 a prime ideal in R𝔪RR𝔫. Then there is a unique prime 𝔭 of R such that 𝔭𝔪𝔫 and 𝔮=𝔭(R𝔪RR𝔫). By assumption, 𝔭 as it is a prime contained in two maximal ideals. Therefore, J𝔭, so JR𝔭=R𝔭.

We will show that, for every prime ideal 𝔮 of R𝔪RR𝔫, the localisation of R/JRR𝔪RR𝔫 at 𝔮 is zero. Fix a prime 𝔮 of R𝔪RR𝔫, and let 𝔭=ϕ-1(𝔮). Then R𝔭(R𝔪RR𝔫)𝔮 as R-modules. Moreover, we know that R/JRR𝔭=0 by the argument in the first paragraph, as desired.

The statement of the lemma now follows easily as every -discrete module N is an epimorphic image of modules of the form αR/Jα with Jα:


The following two propositions are the main results of this section, which generalise [8, Proposition 4.3 and Lemma 4.4]. For the latter, we do not include a proof as it follows analogously from the original proof using Lemma 7.3, our version of [8, Lemma 4.2].

Proposition 7.4 ([8, Proposition 4.3]).

Suppose H is a linear topology over a commutative ring R. The following are equivalent.

  1. R is -h-local.

  2. N𝔪MaxRN𝔪 for every -discrete module N.

  3. N𝔪,𝔪MaxRN𝔪 for every -discrete module N.

Moreover, the above conditions hold when R/J is a perfect ring for every JH.


(i) (ii). We begin by showing that statement (ii) holds for the cyclic modules R/J with J. By assumption, J is contained in finitely many maximal ideals, so in R/JR/JRR𝔪, 1+J is mapped to a non-zero element of R/JRR𝔪 for only finitely many maximal ideals. Thus there is the natural monomorphism


We will show that ΨR/J is surjective by showing that, for every maximal ideal 𝔫 of R, the localisations (ΨR/J(R/J))𝔫 and (𝔪MaxR(R/J)𝔪)𝔫 coincide. To begin, if 𝔫 is maximal, then for each J𝒢, (R/J)𝔫=0 as there exists an aJ𝔫, and it also follows that (𝔪MaxR(R/J)𝔪)𝔫=0. For a maximal ideal 𝔫, by Lemma 7.3, (R/J)𝔪RR𝔫=0 for 𝔪𝔫. So clearly (𝔪MaxR(R/J)𝔪)𝔫=(R/J)𝔫=ΨR/J(R/J)𝔫, where (R/J)𝔫 is a submodule of 𝔪MaxR(R/J)𝔪, so we are done.

For a -discrete module N, consider a short exact sequence of the following form, where Jα and all the modules are -discrete as the class of -discrete modules is closed under submodules and quotients (that is, it is hereditary pretorsion):


Consider the following commuting diagram formed by taking the direct sum of all 𝔪MaxR(R𝔪R-) applied to (7.1), and ψH,ψN the natural maps sending each element to its image in the localisations, which can be seen to be well defined (that is, contained in the direct sum) considering the isomorphism for each R/J:


Thus ψN is surjective by the snake lemma applied to (7.2). Additionally, as also H is -discrete, the same argument says that ψH is surjective. Thus ψN must be an isomorphism again by the snake lemma applied to (7.2).

(ii) (iii). If J and 𝔫 is a maximal ideal of R not contained in , then clearly J𝔫; hence (R/J)𝔫=0. Therefore, using that every -discrete module M is the image of a direct sum of cyclic -discrete modules, M𝔫=0 for every maximal 𝔫.

(iii) (i). By assumption, R/J𝔪MaxR(R/J)𝔪. The direct sum must be finite as R/J is cyclic. Moreover, if (R/J)𝔫=0 for 𝔫 maximal, then J𝔫. This shows that J is contained in only finitely many maximal ideals. To see that every prime 𝔭 of must be contained only in one maximal ideal, suppose 𝔭𝔪𝔫, where 𝔪𝔫 are maximal, and consider R/𝔭𝔪MaxR(R/𝔭)𝔪. For every 𝔭𝔪, (R/𝔭)𝔪RR𝔭R𝔭/𝔭R𝔭, and R𝔭/𝔭R𝔭 cannot contain two direct sum copies of itself since it is a field. ∎

Proposition 7.5 ([8, Lemma 4.4]).

Let R be a H-h-local ring. Let {M(m)}mMaxR and {N(m)}mMaxR be two collections of modules such that M(m),N(m) are Rm-modules for each maximal ideal m of R. Suppose the modules {M(m)} are H-discrete. Then any morphism mM(m)mN(m) is a direct sum of Rm-module homomorphisms M(m)N(m).

8 When R is a 𝒢-almost perfect ring

In this section, we assume that (𝒜,𝒟𝒢) is a 1-tilting cotorsion pair with associated Gabriel topology 𝒢 and that R is 𝒢-almost perfect (that is R𝒢 is a perfect ring and R/J is a perfect ring for every J𝒢).

The purpose of this section is to show that, under these assumptions, 𝒜 is covering, as a sort of converse to Theorem 6.5.

To prove the next lemma, we recall the following construction. Suppose M is a finitely presented right R-module with projective presentation P1𝜌P0M0, where P0,P1 are finitely generated projective modules. The transpose of M, denoted Tr(M), is the cokernel of the map ρ:P0P1, where (-):=HomR(-,R).

If 𝒢 is a faithful Gabriel topology, then for every finitely generated ideal J𝒢, (-) applied to the projective presentation RnRR/J0 is 0RRnTr(R/J)0, which is a projective resolution of Tr(R/J).

Lemma 8.1.

Let R be a commutative ring. Suppose (A,DG) is a 1-tilting cotorsion pair, G the associated Gabriel topology and f.dimRG=0. Then G arises from a perfect localisation, or equivalently RG is G-divisible.

In particular, if RG is a perfect ring, then the statement holds.


For each finitely generated J𝒢, [16, Lemma 3.3] shows that R𝒢RR/JExtR1(TrR/J,R𝒢), and as p.dimTrR/J1, Lemma 3.3 (ii) yields ToriR(R𝒢,TrR/J)=0 for i>0. Thus, applying (R𝒢R-) to a projective resolution of TrR/J, we get the following:


By assumption, f.dimR𝒢=0, so R𝒢RTrR/J is R𝒢-projective. Next consider the following isomorphism which follows as ToriR(R𝒢,TrR/J)=0 for i>0:


The last module vanishes as R𝒢RTrR/J is R𝒢-projective, so R/JRR𝒢ExtR1(TrR/J,R𝒢)=0 for each J𝒢; hence R𝒢 is 𝒢-divisible.

If R𝒢 is a perfect ring, then by Proposition 2.6, F.dimR𝒢=0, so the statement applies. ∎

Remark 8.2.

It has been proved by Leonid Positselski in [20] that if 𝒢 is a perfect Gabriel topology on a ring R such that the rings R/J are perfect for every J𝒢, it follows that p.dimR𝒢1. His proof is a generalisation of [8, Theorem 6.13].

The above remark with Lemma 8.1 allows us to state the following.

Proposition 8.3.

If (A,DG) is a 1-tilting cotorsion pair with associated Gabriel topology G such that R is G-almost perfect, then G is a perfect localisation, p.dimRG1 and RGRG/R is a corresponding 1-tilting module.

Thus, with Proposition 8.3, we can consider the following setting.

Setting 8.4.

We assume that (𝒜,𝒟𝒢) is a 1-tilting cotorsion pair arising from a flat injective ring epimorphism u:RU such that p.dimU1 and Gen(U)=𝒟𝒢 as in the equivalent statements of Proposition 3.2, so that UK (K:=U/R) is the associated 1-tilting module.

Thus, if R is moreover 𝒢-almost perfect, to show that 𝒜 is covering, it is sufficient to show that UK is Σ-pure-split, as then 𝒜 is closed under direct limits using Proposition 2.8. To show that UK is Σ-pure-split, the problem naturally divides into two parts: showing that each of U and K are Σ-pure-split.

8.1 If K is Σ-pure split, then UK is Σ-pure split

Consider a pure exact sequence


where TAdd(UK).

Then X,Y𝒟𝒢 as T𝒟𝒢 and the tilting class is closed under pure submodules, so the sequence vanishes when one applies (R/JR-) for every ideal J𝒢.

Lemma 8.5.

Let R be as in Setting 8.4 such that U is a perfect ring. Applying the functor (-RU) to sequence (8.1), we find a split exact sequence of projective U-modules



Sequence (8.2) is an exact sequence in Mod-U, and it is also pure since (8.1) is pure. Moreover, as TAdd(UK), TRUAdd(U), and thus it is U-projective.

Thus YRU is a flat U-module, and therefore it is U-projective as U is a perfect ring. So the sequence splits in Mod-U and hence in Mod-R. Also note that this implies that XRU is flat in Mod-R. ∎

From now on, t(M) will denote the torsion submodule of a module M with respect to the 𝒢-torsion class 𝒢.

Lemma 8.6.

Let R be as in Setting 8.4 such that U is a perfect ring, and let X,T,Y be as in (8.1). Then


is a pure exact sequence.


We claim diagram (8.3) has exact rows and exact columns. This is because the bottom row is exact as (8.1) is pure exact and, by the snake lemma and the fact that XRK=0 as X is 𝒢-divisible, forces the top row to be exact:


To show that the top row is pure exact, it is enough to show that, for every NMod-R, the connecting morphism δ:Tor1R(t(Y),N)t(X)RN is zero. By Lemma 8.5, XRU is a flat U-module, hence also flat as an R-module; thus Tor1R(XRU,N)=0. We want to show that δ=0. Applying (-RN) to the diagram above, we obtain

So εδ=0, and as ε is a monomorphism, δ=0, as required. ∎

Lemma 8.7.

Let R be as in Setting 8.4 such that U is a perfect ring. Suppose that K is Σ-pure split. Then UK is Σ-pure split, that is every pure embedding as in (8.1) splits.


Consider a pure exact sequence as in (8.1). We show that, under the conditions stated in the lemma, the sequence splits. By assumption, the sequence 0t(X)t(T)t(Y)0 splits since, by Lemma 8.6, it is pure exact and t(T)AddK. So t(Y)AddK. Moreover, by Lemma 8.5, YRUAdd(U). Since KU, the sequence


splits. Thus sequence (8.1) splits as X𝒟𝒢 and YAdd(UK). ∎

Our next aim is to show that, in Setting 8.4, when R/J is perfect for each J𝒢, K is Σ-pure split. To this end, consider a pure exact sequence


with T¯Add(K).

Facts 8.8.

The terms in sequence (8.4) are 𝒢-torsion and 𝒢-divisible modules. Hence we can use the category equivalence of Theorem 5.13 between the subcategories of 𝒢-torsion 𝒢-divisible modules and the 𝒢-torsion-free u-contramodules via the adjoint functors ((-RK),HomR(K,-)). We will show that HomR(K,Y¯) is a projective object in u-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚 and moreover that the sequence splits in the category of 𝒢-torsion-free u-contramodules. Thus also the original sequence (8.4) splits in the category of 𝒢-torsion 𝒢-divisible modules.

Moreover, we will use that, for a 𝒢-torsion-free module N, (in particular, a free module R(β)), Lemma 5.4 gives an isomorphism μN:HomR(K,KRN)Δu(N), and these are u-contramodules by Lemma 5.5. Also we use regularly Lemma 5.8, that is M/JMR/JRΔu(M) for any R-module M and every J𝒢. Finally, we also recall that, with the assumption p.dimU1, u-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚 is an abelian category, and the direct summands of modules of the form Δu(R(β)) for some cardinal β are the projective objects in u-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚 as stated in Proposition 5.12.

Before reducing to the local case, we want to make some remarks and state some results about the module HomR(K,Y¯).

Remark 8.9.

The aim of the next results will be to show that the 𝒢-torsion-free u-contramodule HomR(K,Y¯) with Y¯ from sequence (8.4) is a projective object in u-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚; however, most of the results can be generalised to a 𝒢-torsion-free u-contramodule M such that MRK1(R).

The module HomR(K,Y¯) satisfies the assumptions on M as Y¯HomR(K,Y¯)RK by Theorem 5.13 since Y¯ is 𝒢-divisible and 𝒢-torsion. Furthermore, HomR(K,Y¯)RK1(R) as X¯,Y¯1(R) since T¯1(R) and sequence (8.4) is pure-exact.

Lemma 8.10.

Let R be a ring as in Setting 8.4 such that R/J is a perfect ring for each JG. Suppose M is a G-torsion-free u-contramodule such that MRKF1(R) and L is a G-torsion module. Then Tor1R(L,M)=0.


Fix M and L as in the assumptions, and consider the exact sequence


Apply (LR-) to get the exact sequence


Thus, as U is flat, we have that Tor1R(L,MRU)Tor1U(LRU,MRU) which is zero as LRU=0 since L is 𝒢-torsion. ∎

8.2 When R is local and R/J is a perfect ring for each J𝒢

In this subsection, we will assume that R is a local ring with maximal ideal 𝔪 and that R/J is a perfect ring for each J in a Gabriel topology 𝒢.

We will show that HomR(K,Y¯) (or a 𝒢-torsion-free u-contramodule M such that MRK1(R), see Remark 8.9) is a projective object in u-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚 using the method of Positselski in [19, Lemma 8.2 and Theorem 8.3], although in a much simpler setting.

Remark 8.11.

For each J𝒢, R/J is a local ring; thus it is a perfect ring if and only if its maximal ideal 𝔪/J is T-nilpotent. By [1, Lemma 28.3], this is equivalent to have that N(𝔪/J)N for every non-zero R/J-module N. Moreover, by Proposition 2.6 (iv), every R/J-module has a non-zero socle.

Lemma 8.12.

Let R be a commutative local ring with a non-trivial Gabriel topology G. Then the ring R/J is a perfect ring for each JG if and only if every non-zero R-module M is either in DG or MmM.


Suppose that R/J is a perfect ring for each J𝒢, and let M be a non-zero R-module not in 𝒟𝒢. Then there exists J𝒢 such that M/MJ0. By Remark 8.11, we have the strict inclusion


So it follows that M𝔪M, as required. Conversely, let N be a non-zero R/J-module. Then, as an R-module, N certainly does not belong to 𝒟𝒢. Thus N(𝔪/J)=N𝔪N, and by Remark 8.11, we conclude that R/J is a perfect ring. ∎

Proposition 8.13.

Let R be a commutative local ring with a faithful finitely generated perfect Gabriel topology G such that R/J is a perfect ring for each JG. Let M be a u-contramodule. Then there is a cardinal β and an epimorphism f that makes the following diagram commute:


Consider the exact sequence 0M𝔪MM/M𝔪0. As M/M𝔪 is an R/𝔪-module, there exists a cardinal β such that (R/𝔪)(β)M/M𝔪. Let p:Δu(R(β))(R/𝔪)(β) be the composition of the natural projection map Δu(R(β))Δu(R(β))/Δu(R(β))𝔪 with the isomorphism Δu(R(β))/Δu(R(β))𝔪(R/𝔪)(β) guaranteed by Lemma 5.8.

Consider the diagram


where f exists since all the modules in the above diagram are u-contramodules and Δu(R(β)) is a projective object in u-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚. To see that f is an epimorphism, note that, as Δu(R(β))M/M𝔪 is an epimorphism, it follows that Imf+M𝔪=M. By


and Lemma 8.12, it follows that M/Imf is 𝒢-divisible. However, f is a map of u-contramodules, so also Cokerf=M/Imf is a u-contramodule; thus M/Imf contains no non-zero 𝒢-divisible submodule. We conclude that M/Imf=0, so f is an epimorphism, as required. ∎

The following proposition uses results from Section 5.

Proposition 8.14.

Let R be a commutative local ring with a faithful finitely generated perfect Gabriel topology G such that R/J is a perfect ring for each JG. Then, for every G-torsion-free u-contramodule M such that MRKF1(R), the morphism f as in (8.5) is an isomorphism. In particular, M is a projective object in u-contra.


Let β and f be as in Proposition 8.13. For every J𝒢, R/J is a perfect local ring; hence R/J is a semiartinian module. Consider a Loewy series {Jσ/J}σ<τ of R/J, that is Jσ+1/JσR/𝔪 for every σ<τ, and R/J=σ<τJσ/J.

By Lemma 5.9 and Lemma 8.10, we have Tor1R(R/𝔪,Δu(R(β)))=0=Tor1R(R/𝔪,M). From the diagram in (8.5) where f is an epimorphism, we see that, for every ordinal σ, we have the commuting diagram

We will first show that idR/JRf is an isomorphism by transfinite induction on σ. It is clear in the base case of σ=1. If idJσ/JRf is an isomorphism, then by the five-lemma, as the two outer vertical morphisms of the above diagram are isomorphisms, also idJσ+1/JRf is an isomorphism.

Let ρ<τ be a limit ordinal. By induction, idJσ/JRf is an isomorphism for every σ<ρ. Hence, since the tensor product commutes with direct limits, we get the isomorphism idJρ/JRf. Now


As R/J=αJα/J, we have shown that


Now note that the above isomorphism implies that the kernel of f:Δu(R(β))M is contained in Δu(R(β))J for every J𝒢; thus KerfJ𝒢Δu(R(β))J. However, as R(β) is 𝒢-torsion-free, we have, by Lemma 5.4, Δu(R(β))HomR(K,K(β)), which is already 𝒢-separated by Lemma 5.1, so J𝒢Δu(R(β))J vanishes. We conclude that f is an isomorphism. ∎

Proposition 8.15.

Let R be a commutative local ring with a faithful finitely generated perfect Gabriel topology G such that R/J is a perfect ring for each JG. Consider the pure exact sequence with T¯Add(K):


Then the sequence splits. In other words, K is Σ-pure-split.


By Proposition 8.14 and Remark 8.9, we have that M=HomR(K,Y¯) is a projective object in u-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚; therefore, the following sequence of u-contramodules (which is HomR(K,-) applied to (8.4)) splits:


Applying (-RK), we recover the original short exact sequence up to isomorphism, which also splits. ∎

8.3 Final results

We have shown that, for R a commutative local ring, if R/J is perfect for every J𝒢, a pure submodule of a module T¯Add(K) splits. We will now extend this to the global case in this final subsection.

We recall that, since R/J is perfect for each J𝒢, by Lemma 7.2, the ring R is 𝒢-h-nil; hence the equivalent statements of Proposition 7.4 hold. That is, we use in particular that, for every 𝒢-torsion module M, M𝔪MaxRM𝔪, where 𝔪 runs over all the maximal ideals of R.

Proposition 8.16.

Let R be a commutative ring with a faithful finitely generated perfect Gabriel topology G with perfect localisation u:RU such that R/J is a perfect ring for each JG. Then K is Σ-pure-split, where K=U/u(R).


Take 0X¯T¯𝜌Y¯0 a pure exact sequence. By Proposition 7.4,


Additionally, by Proposition 7.5, the morphism ρ is a direct sum of surjective maps (T¯)𝔪(Y¯)𝔪, each of which is also a pure epimorphism. By Proposition 8.15, each (Y¯)𝔪 is in Add(K)𝔪, thus also Y¯Add(K). Thus ρ is a split epimorphism as X¯𝒟𝒢. ∎

Theorem 8.17.

Let R be a commutative ring and (A,DG) a 1-tilting cotorsion pair with associated Gabriel topology G such that R is G-almost perfect. Then RGRG/R is an associated 1-tilting module and RGRG/R is Σ-pure-split, so A is closed under direct limits.


By Lemma 8.1, R𝒢 is 𝒢-divisible, so 𝒢 is a perfect Gabriel topology. Next, if the R/J are perfect rings for J𝒢 and 𝒢 is a perfect Gabriel topology, it follows that p.dimR𝒢1 by Remark 8.2.

That R𝒢R𝒢/R is Σ-pure-split is a combination of Lemma 8.7 and Proposition 8.16. Finally, by Proposition 2.8, we conclude that 𝒜 is closed under direct limits. ∎

The following definition has been introduced in [19] (see also [7]).

Definition 8.18.

A linearly topological ring is pro-perfect if it is separated, complete, and with a basis of neighbourhoods of zero formed by two-sided ideals, such that all of its discrete quotient rings are perfect.

Finally, combining the above theorem with the results in Section 8 and Section 6, we obtain the main result of this paper.

Theorem 8.19.

Suppose (A,DG) is a 1-tilting cotorsion pair over a commutative ring R, G the associated Gabriel topology and R the topological ring EndR(K). The following are equivalent.

  1. 𝒜 is closed under direct limits.

  2. 𝒜 is covering.

  3. R is 𝒢-almost perfect.

  4. R𝒢 is a perfect ring, and is pro-perfect.

Moreover, if these equivalent conditions hold, RRG is a perfect localisation and p.dimRG1.


(i) (ii) is [26, Theorem 2.2.8] and [15, Theorem 6.11].

(ii) (iii) is Theorem 6.5.

(iii) (i) is Theorem 8.17.

(iii) (iv) In both statements, R𝒢 is perfect, so by Lemma 8.1, 𝒢 is a perfect localisation. Hence, by Proposition 5.11, is closed and separated with respect to the 𝒢-topology. Also, by Lemma 5.4 and Lemma 5.8, /JR/J, so the discrete quotient rings of are perfect if and only if the R/J are perfect for each J𝒢.

The final statements follow by Proposition 4.4 and Lemma 4.3, or Proposition 8.3. ∎

The following is an application of Theorem 8.19 (along with [6, Theorem 8.7]) which allows us to characterise all the 1-tilting cotorsion pairs over a commutative semihereditary ring (for example, for the category of abelian groups) such that 𝒜 is covering.

Example 8.20.

Let R be a commutative semihereditary ring and (𝒜,𝒯) a 1-tilting cotorsion pair in Mod-R with associated Gabriel topology 𝒢. Then, by [16, Theorem 5.2], 𝒢 is a perfect Gabriel topology. Moreover, R/J is a coherent ring for every finitely generated J𝒢, so R/J is perfect if and only if R/J is artinian [11, Theorem 3.3 and 3.4]. As R/J is artinian, there are finitely many (finitely generated) maximal ideals and the Jacobson radical of R/J is a nilpotent ideal. Therefore, in this case, 𝒢 has a subbasis of ideals of the form {𝔪k𝔪MaxR𝒢,k}, and moreover, all the maximal ideals of R contained in 𝒢 are finitely generated.

Moreover, if R is a commutative semihereditary ring, the classical ring of quotients Q(R) is Von Neumann regular. By [24, Example 2, Section XI.4], the classical ring of quotients coincides with the maximal flat epimorphic ring of quotients Qtot(R) (see [24, Section XI.4]). Thus, for a 1-tilting cotorsion pair (𝒜,𝒯) as in the previous paragraph, RR𝒢 is a perfect localisation (and a monomorphism), so by [24, Theorem XI.4.1], RQ(R) factors uniquely through a ring monomorphism R𝒢Q(R). It follows that if R𝒢 is perfect, then R𝒢 coincides with its classical ring of quotients; additionally, R𝒢 is flat over R, so we conclude that R𝒢=Q(R𝒢)=Q(R). Thus if 𝒜 provides for covers, the 1-tilting cotorsion pair is (𝒜,Q(R)/R), R/rR is artinian for every regular element rR, and moreover, Q(R) is a semisimple ring since it is Von Neumann regular and perfect.

In particular, in the case of R=, [6, Theorem 8.7] implies that every 1-tilting class 𝒯 is enveloping as is semihereditary and, for any proper ideal a of , /a is artinian.

On the other hand, the only 1-tilting cotorsion pair in Mod- that provides for covers is (𝒜,/), that is the 1-tilting cotorsion pair associated to the 1-tilting module / which coincides with the trivial cotorsion pair (Mod-,Inj).

Communicated by Manfred Droste

Award Identifier / Grant number: DOR1828909

Funding statement: Research supported by grants from Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca (PRIN: “Categories, Algebras: Ring-Theoretical and Homological Approaches (CARTHA)”); Dipartimento di Matematica “Tullio Levi-Civita” of Università di Padova (Research program DOR1828909 “Anelli e categorie di moduli”) and Fondazione Cariverona, program “Ricerca Scientifica di Eccellenza 2018”, project “Reducing complexity in algebra, logic, combinatorics – REDCOM”.


The authors are indebted to Leonid Positselski for his comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. His valuable suggestions lead to many improvements of this paper.


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Received: 2020-06-08
Revised: 2021-01-21
Published Online: 2021-02-23
Published in Print: 2021-05-01

© 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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