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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter April 24, 2021

Algebraic cycles and intersections of a quadric and a cubic

  • Robert Laterveer EMAIL logo
From the journal Forum Mathematicum


Let Y be a smooth complete intersection of a quadric and a cubic in n, with n even. We show that Y has a multiplicative Chow–Künneth decomposition, in the sense of Shen–Vial. As a consequence, the Chow ring of (powers of) Y displays K3-like behavior. As a by-product of the argument, we also establish a multiplicative Chow–Künneth decomposition for the resolution of singularities of a general nodal cubic hypersurface of even dimension.

MSC 2010: 14C15; 14C25; 14C30

Communicated by Jan Bruinier

Award Identifier / Grant number: ANR-20-CE40-0023

Funding statement: Supported by ANR grant ANR-20-CE40-0023.


Thanks to Yoyo from


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Received: 2020-10-01
Revised: 2021-04-05
Published Online: 2021-04-24
Published in Print: 2021-05-01

© 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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