1 Correction to: Computational Methods and Function Theory https://doi.org/10.1007/s40315-020-00357-2

In the last paragraph of Sect. 3 the last sentence “Hence, these time-dependent μan's are given by Eq. (2.9) with the fab's replaced by the corresponding hab's of Eq. (3.3).” has to be replaced by

Hence, these time-dependent μan's are given by Eq. (2.39) with the fab's replaced by the corresponding hab's of Eq. (3.3).

In the first paragraph of Sect. 4 the part “In the linear limit we have, as can be inferred from Eq. (2.39).” of the sentence before Eq. (4.1) has to be replaced by

In the linear limit we have, as can be inferred from Eq. (2.9).