1 Correction to: Philos Stud https://doi.org/10.1007/s11098-021-01607-2

In the original publication of the article, the author has identified some errors and the corrections are listed as follows:

  • On page 7, in the first paragraph “Sect. 2.i” should be “Sect. 2.1” and “Sect. 2.ii” should be “Sect. 2.2”

  • On page 8, in the second paragraph “Tugby (forthcoming)” should be “Tugby (2020)”

  • On page 10, in the final paragraph “(in 4.2” should be “(in 4.2)”

  • On page 11, the first quotation currently reads:

    • “[Structuralism]” after which footnote 10 is placed. Footnote 10 then reads: “Yates actually uses the term ‘‘PPO’’ here, for ‘‘pure powers ontology’’, but the idea is the same – that all fundamental properties are essentially and exhaustively dispositional and so have their identities fixed by the relations in which they stand to other properties, viz. place in a structure. require[s] that entities can be individuated by their places in a structure composed by the entities themselves. (Yates 2018, 4543)”.

    • The correct quote should be as follows:

    • “[Structuralism] require[s] that entities can be individuated by their places in a structure composed by the entities themselves. (Yates 2018, 4543)”.

    • Footnote 10 should come after “[Structuralism]” in the above quote and should read: “Yates actually uses the term ‘‘PPO’’ here, for ‘‘pure powers ontology’’, but the idea is the same – that all fundamental properties are essentially and exhaustively dispositional and so have their identities fixed by the relations in which they stand to other properties, viz. place in a structure.”

  • Page 17, in Sect. 5 “CONTINUTITY” should be “CONTINUITY”

  • Page 19, in Sect. 6 “(Sect. 4.2” should be “(Sect. 4.2)”

The original article was corrected.