Correction to: Gastric Cancer

In the original publication of the article a blot in Fig. 6b (IB: b-catenin) was missed during the production process. The correct Fig. 6 is given in this correction. The publisher regrets for the error occurred.

Fig. 6
figure 6

FOXM1-mediated β-catenin/Wnt activation and GC stemness requires ASPMiI. a IB analysis showing that OE of DVL3 significantly restored the protein abundance level of β-catenin in FOXM1-deficient NCI-N87 cells. b OE of FOXM1 failed to rescue the protein abundance levels of β-catenin and DVL3 in ASPMiI-deficient NCI-N87 cells. c Wnt-specific luciferase activity in NCI-N87 cells with OE of FOXM1 with or without the concurrent KD of ASPMv1 expression (mean ± SEM, N = 3 biological replicates with two technical replicates). ***P < 0.001, t test. NS, not significant. d LDA demonstrating the tumorsphere-forming efficacy of NCI-N87 cells with control KD, ASPMv1 KD or FOXM1 KD with or without the concurrent OE of FOXM1 (maximum likelihood estimates with 95% confidence interval, N = 4 biological replicates with two technical replicates)

The original article has been corrected.