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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter December 1, 2020

Bridging the “gApp”: improving neural machine translation systems for multiword expression detection

  • Carlos Manuel Hidalgo-Ternero EMAIL logo and Gloria Corpas Pastor EMAIL logo
From the journal Yearbook of Phraseology


The present research introduces the tool gApp, a Python-based text preprocessing system for the automatic identification and conversion of discontinuous multiword expressions (MWEs) into their continuous form in order to enhance neural machine translation (NMT). To this end, an experiment with semi-fixed verb–noun idiomatic combinations (VNICs) will be carried out in order to evaluate to what extent gApp can optimise the performance of the two main free open-source NMT systems —Google Translate and DeepL— under the challenge of MWE discontinuity in the Spanish into English directionality. In the light of our promising results, the study concludes with suggestions on how to further optimise MWE-aware NMT systems.

1 Introduction

Twenty years after Sag et al.’s (2002) seminal publication, multiword expressions (MWEs) are still a pain in the neck for natural language processing systems, and machine translation is not an exception (see the latest survey by Monti et al. [2018] and the papers in Corpas Pastor and Colson [2020]). Besides their notoriously problematic features such as syntactic anomaly, non-compositionality, and ambiguity, inter alia, a further challenge arises for neural machine translation (NMT): MWEs do not always consist of contiguous tokens (e.g. take his piece of advice into consideration), which seriously hinders their automatic identification and translation (Constant et al. 2017; Foufi et al. 2019; Ramisch and Villavicencio 2018; Rohanian et al. 2019).

In order to overcome the challenges that discontinuous MWEs still pose for even the most robust NMT systems (Zaninello and Birch 2020), we have developed gApp, a text preprocessing system for the automatic identification and conversion of discontinuous MWEs into their continuous form, in order to enhance the performance of NMT systems. Against such a background, the overall structure of this paper is as follows. Section 2 offers a brief literature review to provide the context of the current research. Then, the system gApp is described in Section 3. Section 4 covers the research methodology. In Section 5, the text preprocessing system’s precision and recall will be tested in order to then evaluate to what extent gApp can optimise the performance of the two main free open-source NMT systems —Google Translate and DeepL— under the challenge of MWE discontinuity in the Spanish into English directionality. A discussion of the results will then be presented in Section 6. Finally, Section 7 offers concluding remarks on how this tool can enhance the identification and translation of MWEs by NMT systems.

2 Related work

The quest for optimising the treatment of multiword expressions by current NMT systems has laid a fertile ground for research and debate. In this regard, there is a growing body of literature that has already yielded significant advances in the field of multiword expression detection (Finlayson and Kulkarni 2011; Klyueva et al. 2017; Maldonado et al. 2017; Riedl and Bieman 2016; Zampieri et al. 2019; inter alia), and, more precisely, in the automatic identification of discontinuous MWEs (Al Saied et al. 2017, Al Saied et al. 2019; Alegria et al. 2004; Bejček et al. 2011, Bejček et al. 2013; Constant et al. 2017; Foufi et al. 2019; Moreau et al. 2018; Rohanian et al. 2019; Schneider et al. 2014), as well as in the optimisation of MWEs’ treatment by current NMT systems (Huang et al. 2018; Rikters and Bojar 2017; Wang et al. 2017; Zaninello and Birch 2020).

Against such a background, there currently exist some MWE processing systems which can perform a token-based MWE identification, as shown, for instance, in Alegria et al. (2004), Bejček et al. (2013), Finlayson and Kulkarni (2011), Nagy and Vincze (2014) and Ramisch (2015), among other systems implemented within the framework of the COST action PARSEME (cf. Ramisch et al. [2018]). All of them employ a lexicon lookup method (Ramisch and Villavicencio 2018), i.e. they resort to a predefined lexicon of patterns for the automatic detection of MWEs in running text. Among these tools, some are able to specifically identify discontinuous expressions by employing a gap-length parameter in order to delimit the maximum number of tokens permitted within MWE constituents (Ramisch 2015), using surface realisation schemas (SRS) with the necessary information on the order of the MWE components, their mandatory or optional continuity and their inflectional restrictions (Alegria et al. 2004), and setting the system so that both lexical items in a discontinuous MWE (the preposed and the postposed) concomitantly trigger the identification process (Foufi et al. 2019), among other techniques.

The text preprocessing tool gApp can also perform an analogous token-based identification of discontinuous MWEs. However, in comparison with previous state-of-the-art systems, gApp represents a considerable advance since it is not only capable of detecting discontinuous MWEs in running text, but can also automatically convert them into their continuous form, which significantly enhances the performance of, to date, the most robust NMT systems —Google Translate and DeepL—, as it will be demonstrated in the following sections.

3 Overview of the tool

The significant challenges posed by MWE discontinuity have made it necessary to develop gApp, a Python-based text preprocessing system for detecting and converting discontinuous MWEs into their continuous form in running text, with a view to enhancing NMT performance. In this regard, gApp comprises a lexicon of somatisms that enter as constituents into semi-fixed verb–noun idiomatic combinations (VNICs) in Spanish. Somatisms are terms referring to human or animal body parts. Some examples of somatic VNICs are sentar la cabeza (lit., ‘to sit the head’; figuratively, ‘to settle down’), tomar el pelo (lit., ‘to take someone’s hair’; fig., ‘to fool someone’), meter la pata (lit., ‘to put the leg in’; fig., ‘to screw it up’), verse las caras (lit., ‘to see each other’s faces’; fig., ‘to confront someone’), etc.

For the automatic identification and conversion of MWEs, gApp employs the free open-source library Spacy, specialised in performing a wide array of advanced NLP tasks, including non-destructive tokenisation, POS tagging, dependency parsing, lemmatisation, and rule-based matching, among others. Regarding rule-based matching, with Spacy it is possible to automatically detect a set of tokens with a specific pattern together with other optional elements that may occur within (and hence split) that MWE (Honnibal and Montani 2017).

Prior to developing identification patterns for gApp, a first necessary step was to establish the kind of n-grams that may appear within the discontinuous form of the somatisms under study. To this end, we followed a corpus-based methodology to query two giga-token web-crawled corpora of Spanish (esTenTen and JSI Spanish Timestamped Corpus), both available through Sketch Engine. The esTenTen corpus contains over 17.5 billion words of general Spanish (European and American varieties), while the JSI Spanish Timestamped Corpus comprises over 11.6 billion words of news articles obtained from their RSS feeds (Kilgarriff et al. 2003).

Analogously to Hidalgo-Ternero’s (2020) corpus-based research methodology, Sketch Engine’s Corpus Query Language (CQL) schemas have been applied in order to retrieve both the discontinuous forms of the somatisms under study (henceforth named relevant results) as well as other concordances containing analogous patterns but unrelated to the idiomatic sequences (irrelevant results), which will eventually determine the necessary restriction for gApp’s detection system so as to optimise its precision and recall. In this regard, the implemented CQL schemas are presented in Tab. 1.

Tab. 1:

CQL schemas for the discontinuous form of the somatisms


CQL schemas

Sentar [1–3 tokens] la cabeza


Meter [1–3 tokens] la pata


Tomar [1–3 tokens] el pelo


Verse [1–3 tokens] las caras


Once the different concordances with both relevant and irrelevant results were analysed, different rule-based matching patterns were developed in order to identify as many relevant results while filtering out as many irrelevant results as possible. By way of illustration, this has been the base pattern employed to detect discontinuous instances of the somatism tomar el pelo with gApp:


matcher.add(‘tomar X el pelo’, on_match, [{‘LEMMA’: ‘tomar’, ‘POS’: ‘VERB’}, {‘POS’: {‘IN’: [‘DET’, ‘ADV’, ‘ADP’, ‘PRON’, ‘PROPN’]}}, {‘OP’: ‘?’}, {‘POS’: {‘NOT_IN’: [‘VERB’, ‘CONJ’, ‘SCONJ’, ‘ADP’]}, ‘OP’: ‘?’}, {‘ORTH’: ‘el’}, {‘ORTH’: ‘pelo’}])

Within the method matcher.add(), it is possible to include a rule to the matcher, comprising an ID key, a number of patterns and a callback function (in our case, on_match) with the arguments matcher, doc, id and matches, to act on the matches (Honnibal and Montani 2017). The patterns consist of a list of dictionaries, each of which contains the necessary description of both the exact tokens of the MWE and of those elements that may occur within the sequence. In the case of tomar el pelo, the first dictionary of the pattern includes the attribute ‘LEMMA’ for tomar with verb as its POS tag. For each of the remaining tokens of the MWE (el pelo), the attribute ‘ORTH’ had to be added since none of them allow inflection in this idiomatic sequence. Regarding the gap, the concordances retrieved from the analysed corpora reveal that this MWE can be split by various adverbial, nominal and prepositional phrases such as más (‘more’), tanto (‘so much’), un poco (‘a bit’), una vez más (‘once again’) or any subject, among others. Therefore, the first constituent of the gap was restricted to tokens with the following POS tags in the form of a list: ‘DET’ (‘determiner’), ‘ADV’ (‘adverb’), ‘ADP’ (‘adposition’), ‘PRON’ (‘pronoun’), and ‘PROPN’ (‘proper noun’). For those tokens within the gap whose occurrence is optional, the attribute ‘OP’: ‘?’ was included. Finally, in order to also filter out those elements at the final position of the gap belonging to the irrelevant results, the code {‘POS’: {“NOT_IN”: [“VERB”, “CONJ”, “SCONJ”, “ADP”]}, ‘OP’: ‘?’} had to be incorporated since, according to the concordances retrieved from the analysed corpora, those results containing either a verb, a conjunction, or an adposition directly preceding the bigram el pelo were unrelated to discontinuous instances of the somatism tomar el pelo and had hence to be excluded so as to increase gApp’s precision, as it can be observed in the following instances including irrelevant results:


Sería la última vez que lo verían como Edwin, pero con marcadas muestras de que Pamela ganaba terreno. “Ya tomaba hormonas, tenía el pelo largo y me maquillaba”. Luego vendría la operación y el cambio de nombre definitivo, que logró hace unos doce años.


“Hoy la mujer está súper predispuesta a ver su pelo diferente. Y, sobre todo, a tener un estilo propio”, dice Bebe Sanders, estilista de muchas actrices y modelos. “Se está tomando conciencia de que el pelo tiene tanto protagonismo en el puntaje estético de una mujer que es casi imperdonable no disfrutarlo”, agrega.

Instances 2 and 3 contain concordances with the pattern tomar [3 tokens] el pelo, which can be considered as irrelevant results because they are literal sequences that are not related to a discontinuous form of the somatism tomar el pelo. In instance 2 it is possible to observe the juxtaposition of two main clauses, separated by a comma: “Ya tomaba hormonas, tenía el pelo largo…. In this example, both the verb tomar and the noun phrase el pelo are used in their literal meanings in the two independent clauses, which could hence be translated as “I was already taking hormones, had long hair and wore make-up…”. In instance 3, both tomar and el pelo belong to different clauses joined by the subordinate conjunction que: “Se está tomando conciencia de que el pelo tiene tanto protagonismo…”. In this case, el pelo is also employed with its literal meaning (‘hair’), while tomar is the verbal collocate of tomar conciencia (‘to become aware’). This sequence from instance 3 could hence be translated as “People are becoming aware that hair plays such an important role…”. Despite presenting a similar pattern to the discontinuous form of tomar el pelo, these irrelevant results were properly filtered out by gApp because in instance 2 the first element of the gap is a noun and the final one is a verb, and in instance 3 the first element of the gap is again a noun and the final one consists of a subordinate conjunction. These elements at the initial and final positions of the gap had been set not to be detected and converted by gApp following the predefined patterns for this idiom. Fig. 1 provides a partial overview of the lexicon of somatisms and the rule-based matching patterns.

Fig. 1: Overview of gApp’s rule-based matching lexicon of somatisms
Fig. 1:

Overview of gApp’s rule-based matching lexicon of somatisms

Despite its refined POS tagger, Spacy still proved to show some limitations. For example, when searching for the lemma tomar with the POS tag verb, it was possible to observe that Spacy was not capable of properly detecting instances of tomar in the infinitive, gerund and imperative form with an enclitic pronoun (tomarte, tomándonos, tómales…) as it detected this token with several POS tags different to its original one, i.e. verb. In order to overcome this limitation, an additional alternative first dictionary in that sequence had to be included with the following pattern {“TEXT”: {“REGEX”: “^[Tt][oó]m[aáeé][d-t][d-t]*”}}. With this regular expression, it was possible to also include those instances that had first been mistakenly considered as unrelated to the lemma tomar as a verb.

Once the first stage of identification of discontinuous somatisms was completed, it was necessary to develop an additional code for their automatic conversion into the continuous form. To this purpose, with a for loop it was possible to create a first condition if the tool matched any of the predefined patterns within the lexicon of somatisms. In this case, the system was set to detect the first dictionary of the match (called match[1]) and the last one (called match[2]) with the gap as those optional elements within the sequence in reference to the first and last match, i.e. the first token within the gap would be match[1]+1 (called gap1) and the final one would be match[2]-2 (named gap3). Once the gap had been defined, the system was set to automatically print the text from the beginning of the document up to match[1], then match[2], subsequently from gap1 up to gap3, and finally from match[2] up to the end of the document, which resulted in the whole original text with the somatism in the continuous form as the output. If the first condition was not met, i.e. if none of the predefined patterns within the lexicon of somatisms was matched, the system was set not to perform any change in the document.

4 Methodology

After gApp’s mechanism for the automatic identification and conversion of discontinuous somatisms has been introduced, this section presents the research conducted in order to evaluate to what extent gApp can enhance the performance of the NMT systems DeepL and Google Translate. Following Hidalgo-Ternero (2020), the concordances containing the discontinuous somatisms under study have been retrieved from esTenTen corpus and Spanish JSI Timestamped Corpus, comprising a heterogeneous sample in terms of text sources, types and language varieties. In spite of the challenge that noisy input still poses to even the most robust NMT systems (Sperber et al. 2017; Belinkov and Bisk 2018; Anastasopoulos 2019; Niu et al. 2020), concordances containing user-generated content (UGC) were also included in the test so as to mitigate sample bias, which could otherwise arise from solely analysing NMT canonical training data for the somatisms under study. In this regard, a total of 560 cases was examined, considering the continuous and discontinuous forms of the somatisms sentar la cabeza, meter la pata, verse las caras, and tomar el pelo, split by different unigrams, bigrams or trigrams. For each somatism, 70 irrelevant results were compiled, all of which included sequences unrelated to the idiom but whose form may pose some challenges for the automatic identification through gApp, in order to calculate, at a first stage, both the precision and recall of this text preprocessing system.

After the calculation of both parameters, at a second stage, the results concerning the NMTs’ performance for the different concordances were classified within three main categories depending on whether the somatisms under study were presented in their discontinuous form (category 1) or in their continuous form after being automatically converted through gApp (category 2) in contrast to their manual conversion (category 3). DeepL and Google Translate’s outputs for these different scenarios were then manually assessed following a reference-based MT evaluation (Hidalgo-Ternero 2020) with several possible target-text candidates for each of the somatisms in both their continuous and discontinuous forms. In this regard, morphological, syntactic, and/or orthotypographic divergences or source-text/translation inaccuracies affecting other elements in the sentences were not listed per se as errors if they were not related to the phenomenon of MWE discontinuity for the somatisms under study.

5 Results

In this section, the results will be analysed and presented in two stages. Thus, gApp’s precision and recall for each of the somatisms under study will be set out in order to assess to what extent gApp optimises the performance of the two NMT systems —Google Translate and DeepL— under the challenge of MWE discontinuity. In the case of sentar la cabeza, gApp automatically detected and converted 69 forms, 65 of which were true positives and 4 were false positives. In this way, gApp’s precision for this idiomatic sequence was 94.2% (65/69 cases) with a recall of 92.9% (65/70 cases). The NMTs’ results for the continuous and discontinuous form of this somatism are set out in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2: NMT results for sentar la cabeza
Fig. 2:

NMT results for sentar la cabeza

Regarding DeepL’s output, it can be observed that the automatic conversion into the idiom’s continuous form through gApp did not lead to a significant improvement in this NMT’s performance compared to the discontinuous scenario (only 1-case difference, i.e. 1.4%), whereas its manual conversion presented a considerable enhancement (a 6-case difference, i.e. 8.6%). In the case of Google Translate, gApp could approach the manual’s amelioration with a 5-case divergence, i.e. 7.1%, versus a 7-case one, i.e. 10%, respectively. An illustration of the conversion from the discontinuous to the continuous form of sentar la cabeza with gApp is presented in Tab. 2 and the NMTs’ performance before and after this conversion through gApp is shown in Tab. 3.

Tab. 2:

Source-text KWIC extracts with sentar la cabeza before and after the conversion with gApp

KWIC extracts




(original version, before gApp)

Exiliado, Piccolo ha dejado de ser una amenaza para la humanidad y Goku, sin perder su pasión por la lucha, parece haber sentado ligeramente la cabeza tras el nacimiento de su hijo Son Gohan.



form (after gApp)

Exiliado, Piccolo ha dejado de ser una amenaza para la humanidad y Goku, sin perder su pasión por la lucha, parece haber sentado la cabeza ligeramente tras el nacimiento de su hijo Son Gohan.

Tab. 3:

DeepL and Google Translate’s outcomes before and after the conversion of the ST idiom sentar la cabeza with gApp

NMT outcomes


Discontinuous form in DeepL (before gApp)

In exile, Piccolo is no longer a threat to humanity, and Goku, without losing his passion for fighting, seems to have settled down slightly after the birth of his son Son Gohan.


Continuous form in DeepL

(after gApp)

In exile, Piccolo is no longer a threat to humanity, and Goku, without losing his passion for fighting, seems to have settled down slightly after the birth of his son Son Gohan.


Discontinuous form in Google Translate (before gApp)

Exiled, Piccolo is no longer a threat to humanity and Goku, without losing his passion for fighting, seems to have slightly settled his head after the birth of his son Son Gohan.



form in Google Translate (after gApp)

Exiled, Piccolo is no longer a threat to humanity and Goku, without losing his passion for fighting, seems to have settled down slightly after the birth of his son Son Gohan.

As it can be observed in Tab. 3, in DeepL both the source-text (ST) continuous and discontinuous idiom was identified and an appropriate equivalent was provided in the target text (TT). However, that was not the case with Google Translate. Before the conversion with gApp, this NMT could not properly identify the ST discontinuous idiom, which hence led to a literal and inappropriate translation in the target text. It was only after the conversion with gApp that Google Translate could properly detect and offer an adequate equivalent in English for the ST idiom.

As for the somatism meter la pata, gApp automatically converted 68 forms, all of them corresponding to true positives. Therefore, this tool’s precision amounted to 100% (68/68 cases) and its recall equated to 97.1% (68/70 cases). An overview of the NMTs’ performance for the continuous and discontinuous form of this somatism is presented in Fig. 3. When contrasting the data, it is possible to notice that the continuous form of the somatism attained a quasi-analogous outcome for DeepL and Google Translate both through gApp (67 and 66 cases, respectively) and the manual conversion (69 and 68). Nevertheless, when comparing it with the discontinuous scenario, major dissimilarities are to be observed: whereas gApp and the manual conversion could only result in a slight enhancement for DeepL (2.9% and 5.7%, respectively), both did considerably ameliorate Google Translate’s performance for this idiomatic sequence (12.9% and 15.7%, respectively).

Fig. 3: NMT results for meter la pata
Fig. 3:

NMT results for meter la pata

With regard to tomar el pelo (Fig. 4), gApp transformed 73 cases, including 68 true positives and 5 false positives. In this way, the tool’s precision came to 93.2% (68/73) and its recall amounted to 97.1% (68/70 cases) for this somatism. Analogously to the case of meter la pata, the continuous form of tomar el pelo presented a similar performance for the two NMTs both through the automatic (65 and 62 cases) and the manual (67 and 64) conversion. In contrast to the previous somatism, when comparing the NMTs’ performance for the discontinuous and continuous form of tomar el pelo, only minor differences have been observed. DeepL’s performance improved by 18.6% with gApp and by 21.4% through manual conversion, while Google Translate’s outcome improved even less (gApp: 15.7%; manual conversion: 18.6%). In Tab. 4 it is possible to observe an instance of the conversion from the discontinuous to the continuous form of tomar el pelo with gApp. Tab. 5 illustrates the NMTs’ performance before and after gApp.

Fig. 4: NMT results for tomar el pelo
Fig. 4:

NMT results for tomar el pelo

Tab. 4:

Source-text KWIC extracts with tomar el pelo before and after the conversion with gApp

KWIC extracts




(original version, before gApp)

Así consta, ha dicho Monago, en el registro mercantil del Reino Unido, que refleja un reporte anual y el estado financiero de la empresa, según informa el PP extremeño en nota de prensa. </s><s> “¿Se le puede tomar a la gente el pelo en campaña electoral?”, ha planteado Monago, quien ha señalado que se están riendo de los extremeños diciéndoles que una empresa de 14.000 euros de capital social va a generar tres_millones de turistas al año y va a hacer rascacielos en Castilblanco.



form (after gApp)

Así consta, ha dicho Monago, en el registro mercantil del Reino Unido, que refleja un reporte anual y el estado financiero de la empresa, según informa el PP extremeño en nota de prensa. </s><s> “¿Se le puede tomar el pelo a la gente en campaña electoral?”, ha planteado Monago, quien ha señalado que se están riendo de los extremeños diciéndoles que una empresa de 14.000 euros de capital social va a generar tres_millones de turistas al año y va a hacer rascacielos en Castilblanco.

Tab. 5:

DeepL and Google Translate’s outcomes before and after the conversion of the ST idiom tomar el pelo with gApp

NMT outcomes


Discontinuous form in DeepL (before gApp)

This is what is stated, said Monago, in the United Kingdom’s commercial register, which reflects an annual report and the financial status of the company, according to the Extremadura PP in a press release. </Monago said that they are making fun of the people of Extremadura by telling them that a company with 14,000 euros of share capital will generate three million tourists a year and will build skyscrapers in Castilblanco.



form in DeepL (after gApp)

This is what is stated, said Monago, in the United Kingdom’s commercial register, which reflects an annual report and the financial status of the company, according to the Extremadura PP in a press release. </Can you make fun of people in an election campaign,” said Monago, who pointed out that they are laughing at the people of Extremadura by telling them that a company with 14,000 euros of share capital will generate three million tourists a year and will build skyscrapers in Castilblanco?


Discontinuous form in Google Translate (before gApp)

This is stated, Monago has said, in the commercial register of the United Kingdom, which reflects an annual report and the financial status of the company, as reported by the Extremadura PP in a press release. </s> <s> “Can people tease people in an electoral campaign?” asked Monago, who pointed out that they are laughing at Extremadurans telling them that a company with 14,000 euros of share capital is going to generate three_millions of tourists a year and will make skyscrapers in Castilblanco.



form in Google Translate (after gApp)

This is stated, Monago has said, in the commercial register of the United Kingdom, which reflects an annual report and the financial status of the company, as reported by the Extremadura PP in a press release. </s> <s> “Can you fool people in the electoral campaign?” asked Monago, who pointed out that they are laughing at Extremadurans telling them that a company with 14,000 euros of share capital is going to generate three_millions of tourists a year and will make skyscrapers in Castilblanco.

The instances in Tab. 5 show distinctly different results before and after the automatic conversion of the source-text somatism for both NMT systems. In the case of DeepL, the ST discontinuous idiom could not properly be detected, leading to an inappropriate omission of the whole sequence, but after the conversion through gApp the continuous idiom could then be identified and an adequate equivalent was provided for the target text. In Google Translate, the ST idiom was detected both in its discontinuous and continuous form. However, before gApp, the prepositional phrase a la gente (‘to the people’) following the head verb tomar led to its erroneous interpretation both as the subject and the object of the source-text VNIC tomar el pelo. This prompted an inappropriate translation outcome with the agent and the recipient concomitantly being the same person “Can people tease people in an electoral campaign?”. After the conversion through gApp, a straightforward analysis of the source text could be performed by Google Translate, which resulted in a more adequate translation outcome “Can you fool people in the electoral campaign?”, with an analogous effect to the impersonal ST sentence “¿Se le puede tomar a la gente el pelo en campaña electoral?”.

Finally, in the case of verse las caras (Fig. 5), gApp converted 76 forms, 70 of which were true positives and 6 were false positives. Consequently, this tool achieved a precision of 92.1% (70/76 cases) and a recall of 100% (70/70 cases). This recall of all the true-positive cases hence resulted in an equal performance of both the automatic and the manual conversion for DeepL (60 cases each) and Google Translate (48 cases each). The comparison of both the continuous and discontinuous scenarios shows that gApp led to a considerable improvement for DeepL (17.1%) and, even more significantly, for Google Translate (22.9%).

Fig. 5: NMT results for verse las caras
Fig. 5:

NMT results for verse las caras

After all 560 cases have been analysed and classified, the final results are displayed in Fig. 6. For DeepL, the conversion into the continuous form through gApp led to an amelioration of 10% (28-case difference), whereas its manual conversion increased its accuracy by 13.2% (37-case divergence). Regarding Google Translate’s performance, a further differential improvement can be perceived: 14.6% (41 cases) with gApp and 16.8% (47 cases) with the manual conversion.

Fig. 6: Final results for DeepL and Google Translate
Fig. 6:

Final results for DeepL and Google Translate

Finally, the global results (Fig. 7), combining both NMTs’ outcomes, show an ultimate contrastive enhancement of 12.3% (69 cases) with gApp and of 15% (84 cases) with the manual conversion.

Fig. 7: Global NMT results
Fig. 7:

Global NMT results

6 Discussion

The overall NMT results show that gApp’s preprocessing system nearly attains the manual conversion for the discontinuous somatisms under study with only a 2.7% difference. This quasi-analogous performance is chiefly due to gApp’s refined detection system both in terms of final average precision (94.8%) and recall (96.8%), which means that only 5.2% of the global irrelevant results could penetrate the system and solely 3.2% of all the total relevant results could not be automatically identified.

In order to attain these high accuracy rates in terms of precision and recall some refinements needed to be implemented in gApp’s matching system. In spite of its advanced NLP pipeline, Spacy still encountered serious difficulties to automatically detect those cases in which the head verb occurred with an enclitic pronoun, which led to an erroneous POS tagging of these somatisms and, thus, resulted in non-identification. This obstacle hence necessitated the inclusion of regular expressions to also encompass all those relevant results. Despite the insertion of regex, Spacy was still unable to properly detect some instances containing orthotypographic mistakes (such as the absence of written accents when they were due or the non-capitalisation of proper names, inter alia) or rare words (such as Vd., abbreviation of usted, i.e. Spanish second person singular pronoun employed in formal forms of address), which emphasises the need for optimising state-of-the-art POS taggers both regarding non-canonical UGC and rare and out-of-vocabulary words (Derczynski et al. 2013; Neunerdt et al. 2013; Gui et al. 2017).

In spite of these limitations in gApp’s detection system, the overall NMT results permit us to observe that the tool still offered a considerable enhancement in the translation of somatisms in relative terms, i.e. when comparing the discontinuous versus the continuous scenario after the idiom’s automatic conversion, with an average amelioration of 10% (28-case difference) for DeepL and 14.6% (41-case divergence) for Google Translate. Nevertheless, this amelioration was still far from an optimal performance in absolute terms: whereas the continuous form through gApp attained a final average accuracy rate of 90.7% (254/280 cases) for DeepL, in the case of Google Translate its overall performance could only amount to 75.4% (211/280 cases). Two somatisms were particularly challenging for this latter NMT system: verse las caras, with an accuracy rate of 68.6% (48/70 cases) for the continuous form through gApp and, specially, sentar la cabeza, with a final score of 50% (35/70 cases). These results hence accentuate that, despite eliminating the obstacle of discontinuity, a thoroughly accurate performance still necessitates a further optimisation of the NMT systems regarding MWE identification in all its facets.

7 Conclusion

The text preprocessing system gApp has proved to optimise NMT performance for the somatisms under study, with an ultimate average enhancement of 12.3% for the analysed NMT systems. It has also proved to attain quasi-analogous results to the manual conversion, which in contrast achieved a global 15% improvement. These promising results with semi-fixed VNIC somatisms in the Spanish into English directionality invite to further expand gApp’s detection lexicon and conversion mechanism in order to examine to what extent it can also lead to NMT enhancement for other MWE categories affected by discontinuity as well as for other NMT systems.

Additionally, the present study can also lay the groundwork for further research to determine the scalation of this model to other language-dependent text preprocessing systems for the automatic conversion of discontinuous MWEs in syntactically flexible languages, in order to enhance MWE-aware NMT systems.


This paper has been carried out in the framework of various research projects on language technologies applied to translation and interpretation (ref. FFI2016-75831-P, UMA18-FEDERJA-067, CEI-RIS3 and EUIN2017-87746). It has also been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education (FPU16/02032).


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Published Online: 2020-12-01
Published in Print: 2020-11-25

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