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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter November 9, 2020

Gr. ἀρτιεπής, ved. ṛtvíya‑ vā́k‑, jav. raϑβiiavacah‑

  • Laura Massetti EMAIL logo


The Homeric compound ἀρτιεπής can be understood as a possessive-compound with a case-form or an adverb in the first member. The compound can be connected to the idea of [CORRECT/RIGHT - SAY], and as such to the expression ἄρτια βάζειν ‘to tell right things’ (Hom.). A collocation [*(H)ar‑ - *u̯eku̯‑] lies at the basis of several IIr. compounds and collocations that are etymologically related to ἀρτιεπής: Ved. ṛtavāká‑, Av. arəm.uxti‑, Ved. [ṛtám - say]. Among others, some striking matches can be identified: Ved. ṛtvíya‑ vā́k‑ and YAv. raϑβiia‑ vacah‑, as well as YAv. vacah‑ - ratumant‑, where the tu‑derivatives parallel the ti‑derivatives (Gk. ἄρτι : *arti‑ or *art‑i‑); YAv. arš.uxδa‑, arš.vacah‑ (OAv. ərəš.vacah‑) which may be interpreted as structural matches, probably containing an adverb as first member of compound.

Online erschienen: 2020-11-09
Erschienen im Druck: 2020-11-01

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