In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Poem Beginning with a Sentence from Stevens, and: Poem Ending with a Sentence from Stevens
  • William Virgil Davis

Poem Beginning with a Sentence from Stevens

Panoramas are not what they used to be.Perhaps they never were. Even in the Alpsone can easily confuse the view, mistaking

something imagined for something seen,and put a whole geography in doubt aboutit, before adjusting the eye to let the scene

shift with the turn of gaze, until a wholemountain crumbles down around himas he sits in his own ruins and stares at

what he might have, might have, been.

Poem Ending with a Sentence from Stevens

It is very cold. The air, brittle,breaks in my face. Out walkingearly along the water, I watch iceeating the edges of the waves. Kitesof gulls seem frozen in midair.

The seawall has been here for ages,holding the small village in the cupof land. The doors and windowsare closed and locked. They rattlein their broken frames. Smoke rises

from a few chimneys and blowsaway in the wind. My feet followme, imprinted in the thin icy crust.The long silence makes me believethe mind is not part of the weather. [End Page 120]

William Virgil Davis
Austin, Texas

