In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Publisher’s Note

This new year of 2021 is a year of transition in so many ways in our nation and world—and the Civil War History journal is no exception. Kent State University Press has been fortunate to have an excellent editorial team in Brian Craig Miller, Frank Towers, and Ryan Keating over these last six years. As their terms of service come to an end, we will have much more to say in the upcoming issues of Volume 67 about their leadership and contribution to the field of Civil War studies.

We will also have much to celebrate as we welcome Jim Downs (Gettysburg College) and Crystal Feimster (Yale University) as the incoming editor and associate editor, respectively. For the moment, please note that the email address for submissions has changed as well as the mailing address for books to be considered for review. You can find this updated information both on page 2 of this issue and on our website at

We look forward to continuing Civil War History’s important work, to fostering greater insight and collaboration among our readership. [End Page 5]


