Correction to: The Australian Educational Researcher

In the original publication of the article, the Appendix provided in the Supplementary Information was incorrectly published with the blind version. The correct version of the Appendix provided in the Supplementary Information.

And the line reading “However, it is only through large-scale studies, such as Richardson and Watt (2006) with 1653 participants, that we are able to discern how widespread these experiences are, and test the robustness of theories developed.” On page 11, last sentence was revised to “However, it is only through large-scale and longitudinal studies, such as the continuing ‘FIT-Choice’ (Factors Influencing Teaching Choice; project of Watt and Richardson which tracks the trajectories of 2007 future teachers from their entry to teacher education until their mid-career teaching (see for retention rates, Lazarides, Watt, & Richardson, 2020), that we are able to discern how widespread these experiences are, and test the robustness of theories developed.”

The original article has been corrected.