1 Introduction

The paper studies the problem of inference of dependency grammars presented in the CDG style from positive examples of dependency trees or structures they generate.

1.1 Generalities on dependency grammars

There is no general agreement on the notion of dependency grammar. Generally speaking, it is a grammar which represents the syntactic structure as a graph of binary relations on words in the sentence, dependencies, and not as a hierarchy of syntagmas (i.e. of phrases referred to their grammatical categories), which is the case of all syntagmatic grammars. These syntactic structure graphs called dependency structures (DS) are sometimes linearly ordered by the precedence order of the words in the sentence, sometimes they are considered without this order. Very often it is claimed that the DS is a tree (called dependency tree (DT)) and, moreover, for the ordered DT, it is often claimed that its arcs do not cross (such DS are called projective). For example the DT in Fig. 1 is not projective (considering only the arcs above the sentence in the DS), whereas the DS in Fig. 2 is a projective DT. In many theoretical papers the dependency relations in DS are not named, whereas in the linguistic and in the NLP literature on dependency grammars, as a rule, they are named.

The DS we consider below are actually directed acyclic graphs (DAG) as they are in general neither trees, nor projective, but they are linearly ordered and use named dependencies (see examples in Figs. 123). The dependency linguistic models (DLM) themselves are conceptually and technically diverse. Basically, there are three main formalisms: dependency grammars (DG) as formal systems generating DS, constraint-based DLM and structure conversion DLM. The first formal DG were defined as formal systems generating projective DT ( Hays (1960); Gaifman (1965), see also a survey in Dikovskij and Modina (2000)). Among such kind of formal DG there are also the Link Grammars ( Sleator and Temperley (1995)) and the Categorial Dependency Grammars ( Dikovsky (2004)) considered in this paper. The constraint-based DLM define DS as models of formulae sets (cf. Maruyama (1990); Kruijff (2001); Duchier and Debusmann (2001)) or using finite automata (or regular expressions) on trees (cf. Eisner (1991)). Numerous systems belong to the third class which defines DS using a standard transformation of syntactic structures of a different nature (constituent structures, feature structures, unordered DT, etc.) defined algebraically or through an automaton or a lexicalized grammar (CF, HPSG, LTAG, LFG, CCG, etc.).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Iterated circumstantial dependency.(fr. *now all the evenings when he took her home he had to enter [M: Proust])

1.2 Categorial dependency grammars

The Categorial Dependency Grammars (CDG) considered in this paper is a unique class of DG directly generating unbounded DS (without tree-constraints, projectivity constraints, etc.), which is well adapted to real NLP applications and is analysed in tractable polynomial in Dekhtyar et al. (2015) for grammars with bounded numbers of non-projective valency symbols.Footnote 1Footnote 2

A CDG is a formal system combining the classical categorial grammars’ elimination rules with valency pairing rules defining discontinuous dependencies. A special feature of CDG is that the elimination rules are interpreted as local dependency constructors. Very importantly, these rules are naturally extended to the so called “iterated dependencies”. This point needs explanation. A dependency d is iterated in a DS D if some word in D governs through dependency d several other words. For instance, in the DS in Fig. 1, the dependency circ is iterated because the main verb fallait (fr. had to) governs through this dependency three words: maintenant (fr. now), soirs (fr. evenings) and quand (fr. when). The iterated dependencies are due to the one of the basic principles of dependency syntax, which concerns optional repeatable dependencies (cf. Mel’čuk (1988)): All modifiers of a noun n share n as their governor and, similarly, all words circumstantial of a verb v share v as their governor. The DG incompatible with this principle, i.e., unfit for expression of iterated dependencies, cannot be considered as linguistically relevant. At the same time, as we explain below, the iterated dependencies are a challenge for grammatical inference, so as to infer a grammar that exactly generates the targeted language to which examples belong.

1.3 Grammatical inference

The idea of grammatical inference is as follows. A class of languages defined using a class of grammars \({{\mathcal {G}}}\) is learnable if there exists a learning algorithm \(\phi\) from finite sets of words generated by the target grammar \(G_0\in {{\mathcal {G}}}\) to hypothetical grammars in \({{\mathcal {G}}}\), such that for any increasing enumeration of finite sublanguages of \(L(G_0)\), the sequence of output grammars in \(\mathcal{G}\) converges to a grammar in \({{\mathcal {G}}}\) generating the target language \(L(G_0)\).

This concept of identification in the limit is due to E.M. Gold Gold (1967). Learning from strings refers to hypothetical grammars generated from finite sets of strings. More generally, the hypothetical grammars may be generated from finite sets of structures defined by the target grammar. This kind of learning is called learning from structures. Both concepts were intensively studied (see surveys in Angluin (1980), Kanazawa (1998), Bonato (2006) and de la Higuera (2010)). Most results are pessimistic. In particular, any family of grammars generating all finite languages and at least one infinite language (as it is the case of all classical grammars) is not learnable from strings. Other negative results have been shown in Costa Florêncio (2012, 2003); Béchet and Foret (2003, 2003) Nevertheless, due to several sufficient conditions of learnability, such as finite elasticity Wright (1989); Motoki et al. (1991) and finite thicknessShinohara (1991), some interesting positive results were obtained. In particular, for every k, k-rule string and term generating grammars are learnable from strings Shinohara (1991) and k-valued (i.e. assigning no more than k types per word) classical categorial grammars (CG) are learnable from so called “function-argument” structures and also from strings Buszkowski (1987); Buszkowski and Penn (1990); Kanazawa (1998). Other classes such as least cardinality grammars are studied in Costa Florêncio and Fernau (2012); Costa Florêncio and Fernau (2010).

In Béchet et al. (2004) it was shown that, in contrast with the classical categorial grammars, the rigid (i.e. 1-valued) CDG are not learnable. This negative effect is due to the use of iterated types which express the iterated dependencies. On the other hand, it is also shown that the k-valued CDG with iteration-free types are learnable from the so called “dependency nets” (an analogue of the function-argument structures adapted to CDG) and also from strings. A similar positive result was also obtained for Link Grammars (which do not express iterated dependencies) Béchet (2003). But, as we explain above, iteration-free DG cannot be considered as an acceptable compromise. Still worse, as we prove in Sect. 3, the CDG with iterated types cannot be learned even from the DS themselves. This means that linguistically relevant CDG cannot be inferred from dependency treebanks (in which the iterated dependencies are of course not marked).

1.4 Main results of the paper

Firstly, in this paper, we follow the results presented in Béchet et al. (2010). We consider two main different approaches to CDG, in the presence of iterated types, with different underlying structured examples. The first one considers functor-argument structures that provide information in a proof-tree manner, but where no dependency name is known; in this case a bound on the number of types may be required. The second one relies on labelled dependency structures, but with a relaxed cardinality constraint. We propose a pragmatic solution of the learnability problem for CDG with iterated dependency types. It consists in limiting the family of CDG to the grammars satisfying a strong and at the same time a linguistically well-grounded condition. Intuitively, in the grammars satisfying this condition, the iterated dependencies and the dependencies repeatable at least K times for some fixed K are indiscernible. For example, in Fig. 1 the dependency circ is repeated three times: for \(K=2\) or for \(K=3\), the underlying grammar can have an iterated dependency allowing more than three repetitions. This constraint, called below K-star revealing, is more or less generally accepted in the traditional dependency syntax (cf. Mel’čuk (1988), where \(K=2\)). For the class of K-star revealing CDG, we present an algorithm which incrementally learns the target CDG from dependency structures with iterated dependencies.

The K-star revealing condition is difficult to check on a grammar. On the contrary, we introduced in Béchet and Foret (2016) a syntactic criterion called simple K-star that can be easily checked on a grammar. In Béchet and Foret (2016) it is studied only on projective CDG. Here, an extension of this concept to the whole class of CDG (not only the projective CDG but also the CDG with non-projective dependencies) is presented and compared to the K-star revealing condition. The class of (projective or non-projective) CDG is proved also to be learnable from dependency structures.

Finally, a new criterion called global simple K-star that introduces iterated types on a more global principle for each inferred type is studied. In fact, this variant corresponds to a different interpretation of the repetition principle. Because the learning algorithm for the class of simple K-star CDG does not produce a global simple K-star grammar, variants of this algorithm are discussed. Table 1 shows a synthetic view of the different positive results presented here.

Table 1 Approaches in the presence of iterated types

1.5 Organization of the paper

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 contains all background notions and facts, in particular, those concerning the Categorial Dependency Grammars and learnability from positive examples. In Sect. 3, functor-argument structures for CDG are defined and several negative results concerning learnability of CDG from these structures are shown. In particular, it is shown that CDG cannot be learned even from dependency structures. In Sect. 4, the main notions of the paper are presented: those of incremental learning and of K-star-revealing CDG. In this section, the inference algorithm for the K-star revealing CDG is also presented and proved. In Sect. 5 we define and study “simple K-star” grammars with a syntactic condition. We also introduce the “global” variants. Section 6 concludes the paper.

2 Background

2.1 Categorial dependency grammars

Categorial dependency grammars may be seen as an assignment to words of first order (unnested) dependency types of the form: \(t=[l_m\backslash \ldots \backslash l_1\backslash g / r_1 /\ldots /r_n]^P\). Intuitively, \(w\mapsto [\cdots \backslash d\backslash \cdots ]^P\) means that the word w has a left subordinate through dependency d (similar for the right part \([\ldots / d/ \ldots ]^P\)). Similarly \(w\mapsto [\ldots \backslash d^*\backslash \ldots ]^P\) means that w may have 0, 1 or several left subordinates through dependency d. The head type g in \(w\mapsto [\ldots \backslash g / \ldots ]^P\) means that w is governed through dependency g. For instance, the assignment of Example 1 determines the projective dependency structure in Fig. 2.

Example 1

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{lll} in &{}\mapsto &{} [c\_copul / prepos\!-\!l] \\ the &{}\mapsto &{} [det] \\ beginning &{}\mapsto &{} [det \backslash prepos\!-\!l] \\ was &{}\mapsto &{} [c\_copul \backslash S / @fs / pred] \\ word &{}\mapsto &{} [det \backslash pred] \\ . &{}\mapsto &{} [@fs] \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

In Fig. 2, a pseudo-dependency S links an anchor and the main word of the dependency structure that has the head type S. Not essential dependencies that end on punctuation marks start by the symbol @ like @fs for the full stop. For the verb was, the type \([c\_copul \backslash S / @fs / pred]\) means that the word has a left subordinate through dependency \(c\_copul\) and two right subordinates through dependencies @fs and pred. It implies the the right subordinate through dependency pred is on the left of the right subordinate through dependency @fs: In types, the lists of right and left dependency names appear in the reverse order as the order of the right and left subordinates.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Projective dependency structure

The intuitive meaning of part P, called potential, is that it defines discontinuous dependencies of the word w. P is a string of polarized valencies, i.e. of symbols of four kinds: \(\swarrow \!d\) (left negative valency d), \(\searrow \!d\) (right negative valency d), \(\nwarrow \!d\) (left positive valency d), \(\nearrow \!d\) (right positive valency d). Intuitively, \(v=\nwarrow \!d\) requires a subordinate through dependency d situated somewhere on the left, whereas the dual valency \(\breve{v}=\swarrow \!d\) requires a governor through the same dependency d situated somewhere on the right. So together they describe the discontinuous dependency d. Similarly for the other pairs of dual valencies. For negative valencies \(\swarrow \!d,\searrow \!d\) a special kind of types \(\#(\swarrow \!d),\) \(\#(\searrow \!d)\) is provided. Intuitively, they serve to check the adjacency of a distant word subordinate through discontinuous dependency d to a host word. The dependencies of these types are called anchor. For instance, the assignment of Example 2 determines the non-projective DS in Fig. 3.

Example 2

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{lll} elle &{}\mapsto &{} [pred]\\ la &{}\mapsto &{} [\#(\swarrow \!clit\!-\!a\!-\!obj)]^{\swarrow \!clit\!-\!a\!-\!obj}\\ lui &{}\mapsto &{} [\#(\swarrow \!clit\!-\!3d\!-\!obj)]^{\swarrow \!clit\!-\!3d\!-\!obj}\\ a &{}\mapsto &{} [\#(\swarrow \!clit\!-\!3d\!-\!obj) \backslash \#(\swarrow \!clit\!-\!a\!-\!obj)\backslash pred\backslash S/@fs/aux\!-\!a\!-\!d]\\ donn\acute{e}e&{}\mapsto &{} [aux\!-\!a\!-\!d]^{\nwarrow \!clit\!-\!3d\!-\!obj \nwarrow \!clit\!-\!a\!-\!obj}\\ . &{}\mapsto &{} [@fs] \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

In Fig. 3, there are two non-projective dependencies. The dependency \(clit\!-\!a\!-\!obj\) links the past participle \(donn\acute{e}e\) to the (accusative) clitic la (\(it_{\mathbf{g}=fem}\)). The dependency \(clit\!-\!3d\!-\!obj\) links \(donn\acute{e}e\) to the (3rd case dative) clitic lui (\(to\;him\)). Each non-projective dependency is associated to an anchor that is shown below the words: the anchor \(\#(\swarrow \!clit\!-\!a\!-\!obj)\) for the dependency \(clit\!-\!a\!-\!obj\) and the anchor \(\#(\swarrow \!clit\!-\!3d\!-\!obj)\) for the dependency \(clit\!-\!3d\!-\!obj\). For the clitic la, the head type is \(\#(\swarrow \!clit\!-\!a\!-\!obj)\) and the left negative valency is \(\swarrow \!clit\!-\!a\!-\!obj\). It means that the word must be the (left or right) subordinate of a word through an anchor \(\#(\swarrow \!clit\!-\!a\!-\!obj)\) and in the same time must be the left subordinate of another word through the non-projective dependency \(clit\!-\!a\!-\!obj\). The auxiliary verb a (has) has two left subordinates through the anchors \(\#(\swarrow \!clit\!-\!a\!-\!obj)\) and \(\#(\swarrow \!clit\!-\!3d\!-\!obj)\). The order of subtypes in the type of the auxiliary verb means that the clitic la must be before the clitic lui in the linear order of the sentence. The left positive valencies \(\nwarrow \!clit\!-\!3d\!-\!obj\) and \(\nwarrow \!clit\!-\!a\!-\!obj\) mean that the past participle \(donn\acute{e}e\) has two left subordinates through the non-projective dependencies \(clit\!-\!3d\!-\!obj\) and \(clit\!-\!a\!-\!obj\). For a word, the order of polarized valencies is not important and does not imply an order of the subordinates. In fact, the order of subordinates is specified by anchors. Anchors are very important because they fix the places where the subordinates of a non-projective dependency can be inserted in the linear order. The polarized valencies are important to define the real non-projective dependency. A positive valency (on the governor) and negative valency (on the subordinate) create a non-projective dependency when the link corresponds to the first available principles for a valency (the name of the dependency) and orientation (from left to right or from right to left). For instance, the non-projective dependency \(clit\!-\!3d\!-\!obj\) between \(donn\acute{e}e\) and lui is a (right to) left non-projective dependency with the valency \(clit\!-\!3d\!-\!obj\). The first available principle is applied here for left \(clit\!-\!3d\!-\!obj\) independently to any other right non-projective dependency or to any other left non-projective dependency with another valency. This is the case for the left non-projective dependency \(clit\!-\!a\!-\!obj\) between \(donn\acute{e}e\) and la. The kind of links in CDG is also reminiscent of polarized axiom links in proof nets as in linear logic and in Lambek grammars analysis, which by the way can also be used as structures for learning categorial grammars Bonato and Retoré (2014).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Non-projective dependency structure

Definition 1

(CDG dependency structures) Let \(W=a_1\ldots a_n\) be a list of symbols and \(\{d_1,\ldots ,d_m\}\) be a set of dependency names, with their dependency nature that can be either local, discontinuous or anchor. A structure \(D=(W, E)\), viewed as a graph of occurrences of the symbols in W, with the labeled arcs E is a dependency structure (DS) of W if it has a root, i.e. a node \(a_i\in W\) such that (i) for any node \(a\in W,\) \(a\ne a_i,\) there is a path from \(a_i\) to a and (ii) there is no arc \((a^\prime ,d,a_i)\).Footnote 3 An arc \((a,d,a^\prime )\in E\) is called dependency d from a to \(a^\prime\). The symbol a is called a governor of \(a^\prime\) and \(a^\prime\) is called a subordinate of a through d. The linear order on W is the precedence order on D.

Definition 2

(CDG types) Let \(\mathbf{C}\) be a set of local dependency names and \(\mathbf{V}\) be a set of valency names.

The expressions of the form \(\swarrow \!v\), \(\nwarrow \!v\), \(\searrow \!v\), \(\nearrow \!v\), where \(v\in \mathbf{V}\), are called polarized valencies. \(\nwarrow \!v\) and \(\nearrow \!v\) are positive, \(\swarrow \!v\) and \(\searrow \!v\) are negative; \(\nwarrow \!v\) and \(\swarrow \!v\) are left, \(\nearrow \!v\) and \(\searrow \!v\) are right. Two polarized valencies with the same valency name and orientation, but with opposite arrow directions are dual.

An expression of one of the forms \(\#(\swarrow \!v)\), \(\#(\searrow \!v)\), \(v\in \mathbf{V}\), is called an anchor type or just an anchor. An expression of the form \(d^*\) where \(d\in \mathbf{C}\), is called an iterated dependency type.

Local dependency names, iterated dependency types and anchor types are primitive types.

An expression of the form \(t=[l_m\backslash \ldots \backslash l_1 \backslash H / r_1/ \ldots /r_n]\) in which \(m,n \ge 0\), \(l_1,\ldots , l_m, r_1,\ldots ,r_n\) are primitive types and H is either a local dependency name or an anchor type, is called a basic dependency type. \(l_1,\ldots , l_m\) and \(r_1,\ldots ,r_n\) are left and right argument types of t, H is called the head type of t. We may write \(t=H\) instead of [H], when t has no argument type.

A (possibly empty) string P of polarized valencies is called a potential.

A dependency type is an expression \(B^P\) in which B is a basic dependency type and P is a potential. \(\mathbf{CAT}(\mathbf{C},\mathbf{V})\) will denote the set of all dependency types over \(\mathbf{C}\) and \(\mathbf{V}\).

CDG are defined using the following calculus of dependency types.Footnote 4  These rules are relativized with respect to the word positions in the sentence, which allows us to interpret them as rules of construction of DS. Namely, when a type \(B^{v_1\ldots v_k}\) is assigned to the word in a position i, we encode it using the state \((B,i)^{(v_1,i)\ldots (v_k,i)}\). In these rules, states must be adjacent.

Definition 3

(Relativized calculus of dependency types)  In the following set of rules on lists of states, the symbol C stands for a local dependency name or an anchor type, but cannot be an anchor in rules \(\mathbf{I^l}\) and \(\mathbf{\Omega ^l}\) (anchors are not iterated); The symbol \(\beta\) ranges over expressions of the form \(l_m\backslash \ldots \backslash l_1 \backslash H/r_1/ \ldots /r_n\)


\(([C],i_1)^{P_1} ([C\backslash \beta ],i_2)^{P_2} \vdash ([\beta ],i_2)^{P_1 P_2}\)


\(([C],i_1)^{P_1} ([C^*\backslash \beta ],i_2)^{P_2} \vdash ([C^*\backslash \beta ],i_2)^{P_1 P_2}\)

\(\mathbf{\Omega ^l}.\):

\(([C^*\backslash \beta ],i)^{P} \vdash ([\beta ],i)^{P}\)


\(([\beta ],i)^{P_1 (\swarrow \!v,i_1) P (\nwarrow \!v,i_2) P_2} \vdash ([\beta ],i)^{P_1 P P_2},\)

if \(i_1 < i_2\) (non-internal constraint)Footnote 5 and

if the potential \((\swarrow \!\!v,i_1) P (\nwarrow \!\!v,i_2)\) satisfies

the following pairing rule \(\mathbf{FA}\):

\(\mathbf{FA}\) (first available):  P has no occurrences of \((\swarrow \!\!v,i)\) or \((\nwarrow \!\!v,i)\) for any i

The rule \(\mathbf{L^l}\) is the classical elimination rule. Eliminating the argument type \(C\ne \#(\alpha )\) constructs the (projective) dependency C and concatenates the potentials. The type \(C=\#(\alpha )\) creates an anchor dependency. The rule \(\mathbf{I^l}\) derives \(k>0\) instances of C. The rule \(\mathbf{\Omega ^l}\) serves in particular for the case \(k=0.\) \(\mathbf{D^l}\) creates discontinuous dependencies. It pairs and eliminates dual valencies with name C satisfying the rule FA to create the discontinuous dependency C.

Now, in this relativized calculus, for every proof \(\rho\) represented as a sequence of rule applications, we may define the DS \(DS_x(\rho )\) constructed in this proof. Namely, let us consider the calculus relativized with respect to a sentence x with the set of word occurrences W. Then \(DS_x(\varepsilon )=(W,\emptyset )\) is the DS constructed in the empty proof \(\rho =\varepsilon\). Now, let \((\rho , R)\) be a nonempty proof with respect to x and \((W,E)=DS_x(\rho )\). Then \(DS_x((\rho , R))\) is defined as follows:

If \(R=\mathbf{L^l}\) or \(R=\mathbf{I^l}\), then \(DS_x((\rho , R))=(W,E\ \cup \ \{(a_{i_2},C,a_{i_1})\})\). When C is a local dependency name, the new dependency is local. In the case where C is an anchor, this is an anchor dependency.

If \(R=\mathbf{\Omega ^l}\), then \(DS_x((\rho , R))=DS_x(\rho )\).

If \(R=\mathbf{D^l}\), then \(DS_x((\rho , R))=(W,E\ \cup \ \{(a_{i_2},C,a_{i_1})\})\) and the new dependency is discontinuous.

We may consider the following simpler version, suppressing word positions, when the context is clear or in examples. Note that the non-internal constraint\({}^5\) is not expressed but left implicit.

Definition 4

(Simplified calculus of dependency types) In this set of rules\({}^4\) on lists of types, the symbol C stands for a local dependency name or an anchor type, but cannot be an anchor in rules \(\mathbf{I^l}\) and \(\mathbf{\Omega ^l}\) (anchors are not iterated); The symbol \(\beta\) ranges over expressions of the form \(l_m\backslash \ldots \backslash l_1\backslash H/r_1/ \ldots /r_n\)


\([C]^{P_1} [C\backslash \beta ]^{P_2} \vdash [\beta ]^{P_1 P_2}\)


\([C]^{P_1} [C^*\backslash \beta ]^{P_2} \vdash [C^*\backslash \beta ]^{P_1 P_2}\)

\(\mathbf{\Omega ^l}.\):

\([C^*\backslash \beta ]^{P} \vdash [\beta ]^{P}\)


\([\beta ]^{P_1 (\swarrow \!v) P (\nwarrow \!v) P_2} \vdash [\beta ]^{P_1 P P_2},\)

if the potential \((\swarrow \!\!v) P (\nwarrow \!\!v)\) satisfies the following pairing rule \(\mathbf{FA}\):

\(\mathbf{FA}\) (first available):  P has no occurrences of \(\swarrow \!\!v\) or \(\nwarrow \!\!v.\)

For a proof \(\rho\) as a sequence of rule applications, \(DS(\rho )\) denotes the DS constructed in this proof.

This simplified calculus enjoys a subformula property adapted to CDG types:

  • each type formula without bracket and potential that occurs on the right on a rule (\(\beta\), \(\alpha\), \({C}^*\backslash \beta\)) also occurs on the left of the same rule;

  • each potential expression on the right of a rule also occurs on the left of the same rule.

Definition 5

(Categorial Dependency Grammar) A Categorial Dependency Grammar (CDG) is a system \(G=( W, \mathbf{C}, \mathbf{V}, S,\lambda ),\) where W is a finite set of words, \(\mathbf{C}\) is a finite set of local dependency names containing the selected name S (an axiom), \(\mathbf{V}\) is a finite set of discontinuous dependency names and \(\lambda ,\) called lexicon, is a finite substitution on W such that \(\lambda (a) \subset \mathbf{CAT}(\mathbf{C},\mathbf{V})\) for each word \(a \in W\). \(\lambda\) is extended on sequences of words \(W^*\) in the usual way.Footnote 6

For \(G=(W, \mathbf{C}, \mathbf{V}, S,\lambda ),\) a DS D and a sentence x, let G[Dx] denote the relation:

\(D=DS_x(\rho )\), where \(\rho\) is a proof of \(\Gamma \vdash S\) for some \(\Gamma \in \lambda (x)\)”. Then the language generated by G is the set \(L(G) =_{\scriptscriptstyle df}\,\{ w{\;\;\mathbf{|\!\!|}\;\;}\exists D~G[D,w]\}\) and the DS-language generated by G is the set \(\Delta (G) =_{\scriptscriptstyle df}\,\{ D {\;\;\mathbf{|\!\!|}\;\;}\exists w~G[D,w]\}\). \(\mathcal {D}(CDG)\) and \(\mathcal {L}(CDG)\) will denote the families of DS-languages and languages generated by these grammars.

Example 3

For instance, the proof in Fig. 4 shows that the DS in Fig. 3 belongs to the DS-language generated by a grammar containing the type assignments shown above for the French sentence Elle la lui a donnée.

CDG are very expressive. Evidently, they generate all CF-languages. They can also generate non-CF languages. For instance, the CDG of Example 4 generates the language \(\{a^n b^n c^n \;|\ n > 0\}\) Dikovsky (2004).Footnote 7

Fig. 4
figure 4

Dependency structure correctness proof

Example 4

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l} a\mapsto \#(\swarrow A)^{\swarrow \!\!A}, [\#(\swarrow A)\backslash \#(\swarrow A)]^{\swarrow \!\!A}\\ b\mapsto [B/C]^{\nwarrow \!\!A}, [\#(\swarrow A)\backslash S/C]^{\nwarrow \!\!A}\\ c\mapsto C, [B\backslash C] \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

Seemingly, the family \(\mathcal {L}(CDG)\) of CDG-languages is different from that of the mildly context sensitive languages Joshi et al. (1991); Shanker and Weir (1994) generated by multi-component TAG, linear CF rewrite systems and some other grammars. \(\mathcal {L}(CDG)\) contains non-TAG languages, e.g. \(L^{(m)}=\{a_1^n a_2^n \ldots a_m^n {\;\;\mathbf{|\!\!|}\;\;}n\ge 1\}\) for all \(m>0.\) In particular, it contains the language \(MIX=\{w\in \{a,b,c\}^+ {\;\;\mathbf{|\!\!|}\;\;}\) \(|w|_a=|w|_b=|w|_c\}\)Béchet et al. (2005), for which E. Bach had conjectured that it is not mildly CS, but later shown to be 2-MCFL Nederhof (2016); Salvati (2015). On the other hand, Dekhtyar and Dikovsky (2004) conjectures that this family does not contain the TAG language \(L_{copy}=\{xx{\;\;\mathbf{|\!\!|}\;\;}x\in \{a,b\}^+\}\). This comparison shows a specific nature of the valencies’ pairing rule FA. It can be expressed in terms of valencies’ bracketing. For this, one should interpret \(\swarrow \!d\) and \(\nearrow \!d\) as left brackets and \(\nwarrow \!d\) and \(\searrow \!d\) as right brackets. A potential is balanced if it is well-bracketed for each couple of positive and negative brackets independently to the other couples of positive and negative brackets.

CDG have an important property formulated in terms of two images of sequences of types \(\gamma\):

Definition 6

(Local and valency projections) For a CDG G with lexicon \(\lambda\) the local projection \(\Vert \gamma \Vert _l\) and the valency projection \(\Vert \gamma \Vert _v\) are defined as follows:


\(\Vert \varepsilon \Vert _l = \Vert \varepsilon \Vert _v = \varepsilon ;\) \(\Vert \alpha \gamma \Vert _l = \Vert \alpha \Vert _l \Vert \gamma \Vert _l\) and \(\Vert \alpha \gamma \Vert _v = \Vert \alpha \Vert _v \Vert \gamma \Vert _v\) for a type \(\alpha .\)


\(\Vert C^P\Vert _l = C\) et \(\Vert C^P\Vert _v = P\) for every type \(\ C^P.\)

Theorem 1

Dekhtyar and Dikovsky (2004, 2008) For a CDG G with lexicon \(\lambda\) and a string \(x, x\in L(G)\) iff there is \(\Gamma \in \lambda (x)\) such that \(\Vert \Gamma \Vert _l\) is reduced to S without the rule \(\mathbf{D}\) and \(\Vert \Gamma \Vert _v\) is balanced.

On this property resides a polynomial time parsing algorithm for CDG Dekhtyar and Dikovsky (2004, 2008).

2.2 Learnability, finite elasticity and limit points

An observation set \(\Phi (G)\) of G is associated with every grammar \(G\in \mathcal {C}\). This may be the generated language L(G) or an image of the constituent or dependency structures generated by G.

Definition 7

(Inference algorithm) Below we call an enumeration of \(\Phi (G)\) a training sequence for G. An algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) is an inference algorithm for \(\mathcal {C}\) if, for every grammar \(G\in \mathcal {C},\) the algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) applies to its training sequences \(\sigma\) of \(\Phi (G)\) and, for every initial subsequence \(\sigma [i]=\{s_1,\ldots ,s_i\}\) of \(\sigma ,\) it returns a hypothesized grammar \(\mathcal {A}(\sigma [i])\in \mathcal {C}.\) The algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) learns a target grammar \(G\in \mathcal {C}\) if on any training sequence \(\sigma\) for G \(\mathcal {A}\) stabilizes on a grammar \(\mathcal {A}(\sigma [T])\equiv G\).Footnote 8 The grammar \(\lim \limits _{i\rightarrow \infty } \mathcal {A}(\sigma [i])=\mathcal {A}(\sigma [T])\) returned at the stabilization step is the limit grammar. The algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) learns \(\mathcal {C}\) if it learns every grammar in \(\mathcal {C}.\) \(\mathcal {C}\) is learnable if there is an inference algorithm learning \(\mathcal {C}.\)

Learnability and unlearnability properties have been widely studied from a theoretical point of view. In particular Wright (1989); Motoki et al. (1991) introduced finite elasticity, a property of classes of languages implying their learnability. The following elegant presentation of this property is cited from Kanazawa (1998).

Definition 8

(Finite elasticity) A class \({{\mathcal {L}}}\) of languages has infinite elasticity iff \(\exists (e_i)_{i\in {\mathbb {N}}}\) an infinite sequence of sentences, \(\exists (L_i)_{i\in {\mathbb {N}}}\) an infinite sequence of languages of \({{\mathcal {L}}}\) such that \(\forall i \in {\mathbb {N}}\; : \; e_i \not \in L_i\) and \(\{e_0, \ldots , e_{i-1}\} \subseteq { L}_{i}\). A class has finite elasticity iff it doesn’t have infinite elasticity.

Theorem 2

(Wright 1989) A class that is not learnable has infinite elasticity.

Corollary 1

A class that has finite elasticity is learnable.

The finite elasticity can be extended from a class to every class obtained by a finite-valued relationFootnote 9. We use here a version of the theorem that was proved in Kanazawa (1998) and is useful for various kinds of languages (strings, structures, nets) that can be described by lists of elements over some alphabets.

Theorem 3

(Kanazawa 1998) Let \({{\mathcal {L}}}\) be a class of languages over \(\Gamma\) that has finite elasticity, and let \(R\subseteq \Sigma ^*\times \Gamma ^*\) be a finite-valued relation. Then the class of languages \(\{ R^{-1}[{L}]=\{s\in \Sigma ^*\;|\; \exists u\in L\wedge (s,u)\in R\} \;|\; L\in {{{\mathcal {L}}}}\}\) has finite elasticity.

Definition 9

(Limit points) A class \({{{\mathcal {L}}}}\) of languages has a limit point iff there exists an infinite sequence \((L_n)_{n \in N}\) of languages in \({{{\mathcal {L}}}}\) and a language \(L \in {{{\mathcal {L}}}}\) such that: \(L_0 \subsetneq L_1 \ldots \subsetneq \cdots \subsetneq L_n \subsetneq \ldots\) and \(L = \bigcup _{n \in N} L_n\) (L is a limit point of \({{{\mathcal {L}}}}\)).

Limit Points Imply non-effective Unlearnability. If the languages of the grammars in a class \({\mathcal {G}}\) have a limit point then the class \({{\mathcal {G}}}\) is unlearnable.Footnote 10

2.3 Limit points for CDGs with iterated types

In Béchet et al. (2004) it is shown that, in contrast with the classical categorial grammars, the rigid (i.e. 1-valued) CDG are not learnable. This negative result is due to the use of iterated types. We recall the limit point construction of Béchet et al. (2004) concerning iterative types and discuss it later.

Limit Point Construction.

Lemma 10

  Let S, A, B be three local dependency names. Grammars \(G'_n, G'_*\) are defined as followsFootnote 11:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l} \begin{array}{ll} &{} C'_0 = S \\ &{} C'_{n+1}= C'_n / A^* / B^* \end{array} \\ \begin{array}{ll} &{} G'_0 =\{a \mapsto A, b \mapsto B, c \mapsto C'_0 \} \\ &{} G'_n =\{a \mapsto A, b \mapsto B, c \mapsto [C'_n] \} \\ &{} G'_*=\{a \mapsto A, b \mapsto A, c \mapsto [S / A^*] \} \end{array} \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

These constructions yield a limit point as follows (Béchet et al. 2004).

\(L(G'_n) = \{c (b^*a^*)^k \;|\; k \le n \}\) and \(L(G'_*) = c \{b,a\}^*\)


Only three rules apply to \(G'_n, G'_*\)  : \(\mathbf{L.}\) (local dependency rule), \(\mathbf{I.}\) and \(\mathbf{\Omega .}\) (\(\omega\)-dependency rules), all of them enjoying the subformula property.

  • \(L(G'_0)\) : (1) it clearly contains c (assigned to S) and (2) only c since no rule applies to \(\{A, B, S\}\).

  • \(L(G'_n)\) (\(n>0\)). We have \(D'_n = C'_{n-1} / A^{*}\) and \(C'_n = D'_{n} / B^{*}.\)

    (1) For \(w \in \{c (b^*a^*)^k \;|\; k \le n \}\) , we have \(w \in L(G'_n)\) by :

    \([C'_n] B \Delta \vdash [C'_n] \Delta\) and \([D'_n] A \Delta \vdash [D'_n] \Delta\) (by \(\mathbf{I.}\) rule) and \([C'_n] \vdash [D'_{n}] \vdash [C'_{n-1}]\) (by \(\mathbf{\Omega .}\) rule)

    (2) Let \(w' \in L(G'_n).\)  We observe that \(w'\) cannot start with an a or a b (an A or B on the left part of a type could not disappear, due to the use of right constructors only); and \(w'\) cannot contain several c (no S under a constructor) ; thus \(w'=c w'',\) where \(w'' \in \{b,a\}^*\). We get \(w' \in \{c (b^*a^*)^k \;|\; k \le n \}\),  from the following assertion proved by induction on n and on the length of types \(\Gamma\) for words \(w \in \{b,a\}^*\) : (i) if \([C'_n] \Gamma \vdash S\), then \(w \in \{(b^*a^*)^k \;|\; k \le n \}\) and (ii) if \([D'_{n+1}] \Gamma \vdash S\) then \(w \in \{a^*(b^*a^*)^k \;|\; k \le n \}\).

    • \(n=0\), (i) is clear from \(L(G'_0)= \{c\}\).

    • (ii), if \(\Gamma =B \Gamma '\), we get the first step (i) with the only possibility of \([D'_{n+1}] B \Gamma ' \vdash [C'_{n}] B \Gamma '\).

    • (ii), if \(\Gamma =A \Gamma '\), we have two possibilities \([D'_{n+1}] A \Gamma ' \vdash [C'_{n}] A \Gamma '\) or \([D'_{n+1}] A \Gamma ' \vdash [D'_{n+1}] \Gamma '\).

    • (i), if \(\Gamma =A \Gamma '\), we get the first step with the only possibility of \([C'_{n}] A \Gamma ' \vdash [D'_{n}] A \Gamma '\).

    • (i), if \(\Gamma =B \Gamma '\), we have two possibilities \([C'_{n}] B \Gamma ' \vdash [D'_{n}] B \Gamma '\) or \([C'_{n}] B \Gamma ' \vdash [C'_{n}] \Gamma '\).

    This implies (i), (ii) by induction on n or a shorter type.

  • \(L(G'_*)\) : (1) it clearly contains \(c\{b,a\}^*\) using \([S / A^{*}] A \Delta \vdash S \Delta\) (\(\mathbf{I.}\) rule) and \([S / A^{*}] \vdash S\) (\(\mathbf{\Omega .}\) rule)

    (2) \(w' \in L(G'_*)\) has exactly one c (at least one to provide S, and no more, as explained above for \(G'_n\)); it cannot start with a (otherwise a type part would remain before S). Therefore, \(w'\in c\{b,a\}^*.\)


Theorem 11

The constructions show the non-learnability from strings for the classes of (rigid) grammars allowing iterative types (\(A^*\)).

We observe that in these constructions, the number of iterative types (\(A^*\)) is unbounded.

3 Learnability from positive examples

Below we study the problem of learning CDG from positive examples of structures analogous to the FA-structures used for learning the classical categorial grammars.

3.1 Original algorithm on functor-argument data

\({F\!\!A}\) Structures. Let \(\Sigma\) be an alphabet. An \({F\!\!A}\) structure over \(\Sigma\) is a binary tree where each leaf is labelled by an element of \(\Sigma\) and each internal node is labelled by the name of the binary rule.

Background - RG Algorithm. We recall Buszkowski’s Algorithm Buszkowski and Penn (1990), called RG in Kanazawa (1998) (see also Moot and Retoré (2012)), where it is defined for the classical categorial grammars with the rules \({/}_{e}\) and \({\backslash }_{e}\) (binary elimination rules, like the local rules of CDG \(\mathbf{L^r}\) and \(\mathbf{L^l}\), without potentials) :

\({/}_{e}:[A{/}{B}] \ [B]\Rightarrow [A]\)        and        \({\backslash }_{e}:[B]\ [{B}{\backslash }A] \Rightarrow [A]\)

The RG algorithm takes a set D of functor-argument structures as positive examples and returns a rigid grammar RG(D) compatible with the input if there is one (compatible means that D is in the set of functor-argument structures generated by the grammar).

Sketch of RG-algorithm, computing RG(D):

  1. 1.

    assign S to the root of each structure

  2. 2.

    assign distinct variables to argument nodes

  3. 3.

    compute the other types on functor nodes according to \({/}_{e}\) and \({\backslash }_{e}\)

  4. 4.

    collect the types assigned to each symbol, this provides GF(D)

  5. 5.

    unify (classical unification) the types assigned to the same symbol in GF(D), and compute the most general unifier \(\sigma _{mgu}\) of this family of types.

  6. 6.

    The algorithm fails if unification fails, otherwise the result is the application of \(\sigma _{mgu}\) to the types of GF(D) : \(RG(D)=\sigma _{mgu}(GF(D))\).

3.2 Functor-argument structures for CDG with iterated types

The functor-argument structure and labelled functor-argument structure associated with a dependency structure proof, are obtained as below.

Definition 12

Let \({\rho }\) be a dependency structure proof, ending in a type t. The functor-argument structure associated to \({\rho }\), denoted \(fa _{iter}({\rho })\), is defined by induction on the length of the dependency proof \({\rho }\) considering the last rule in \({\rho }\).

  • if \({\rho }\) has no rule, then it is reduced to a type t assigned to a word w, let \(fa _{iter}({\rho })\) = w

  • if the last rule is: \(c^{P_1} \;[c \backslash \beta ]^{P_2} \vdash [\beta ]^{P_1 P_2}\), by induction let \({\rho }_{1}\) be a dependency structure proof for \(c^{P_1}\) and \({{\mathcal {T}}}_{1}\)= \(fa _{iter}({\rho }_1)\) and let \({\rho }_{2}\) be a dependency structure proof for \([c \backslash \beta ]^{P_2}\) and \({{\mathcal {T}}}_{2}\)=\(fa _{iter}({\rho }_2)\) : then \(fa _{iter}({\rho })\) is the tree with root labelled by \(\mathbf{L^l}\) and subtrees \({{\mathcal {T}}}_{1}\), \({{\mathcal {T}}}_{2}\).

  • if the last rule is: \([c^* \backslash \beta ]^{P_2} \vdash [\beta ]^{P_2}\), by induction let \({\rho }_{2}\) be a dependency structure proof for \([c^* \backslash \beta ]^{P_2}\) and \(\mathcal{T}_{2}\)=\(fa _{iter}({\rho }_2)\) : then \(faI({\rho })\) is \({{\mathcal {T}}}_{2}\).

  • if the last rule is: \(c^{P_1} \;[c^* \backslash \beta ]^{P_2} \vdash [c^* \backslash \beta ]^{P_1 P_2}\), by induction let \({\rho }_{1}\) be a dependency structure proof for \(c^{P_1}\) and \({{\mathcal {T}}}_{1}\)= \(fa _{iter}({\rho }_1)\) and let \({\rho }_{2}\) be a dependency structure proof for \([c^* \backslash \beta ]^{P_2}\) and \(\mathcal{T}_{2}\)=\(fa _{iter}({\rho }_2)\) : \(fa _{iter}({\rho })\) is the tree with root labelled by \(\mathbf{L^l}\) and subtrees \({{\mathcal {T}}}_{1}\), \({{\mathcal {T}}}_{2}\).

  • we define similarly the function \(fa _{iter}\) when the last rule is on the right, using \(/\) and \(\mathbf{L^r}\) instead of \(\backslash\) and \(\mathbf{L^l}\).

  • if the last rule is the one with potentials, \(faI({\rho })\) is taken as the image of the proof above.

The functor-argument structure \(fa _{iter}({\rho )}\) is obtained from \(l\!f\!a_{iter}({\rho })\) (the labelled one) by erasing the labels [c].

Example 5

Let \(\lambda (John)\!=\!N\), \(\lambda (ran)\!=\![N \! \backslash \! S \! / \! A^*]\), \(\lambda (yesterday)\!=\) \(\lambda (fast)\!\) \(=\!A\), then \(s_3=\mathbf{L^l}(John,\mathbf{L^r}(\mathbf{L^r}(ran,fast),yesterday))\) are associated to \({\rho _1}\) below :

figure a

3.3 On RG-like algorithms and iteration

In this subsection, we discuss that an RG-like algorithm cannot converge when applied on rigid grammars where the positive examples are functor-argument structures (without dependency names).

By flat types, we mean types without embedded operators. A grammar is said flat if it assigns only flat types as in next example. A flat structure denotes a structure associated with a proof that has only flat types.

Example 6

We consider the following functor-argument structures :

$$\begin{aligned} s_1 & = \, \mathbf{L^l}(John,ran)\\ s_2 &= \, \mathbf{L^l}(John,\mathbf{L^r}(ran,fast))\\ s_3 &= \, \mathbf{L^l}(John,\mathbf{L^r}(\mathbf{L^r}(ran,fast),yesterday))\\ s_4 &= \, \mathbf{L^l}(John,\mathbf{L^r}(\mathbf{L^r}(\mathbf{L^r}(ran,fast),yesterday),nearby))\\ \end{aligned}$$

An RG-like algorithm could compute the following assignments and grammar from \(\{s_1,s_2,s_3\}\):

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{ll}\mathbf{L^l}(John:X_1,ran:X_1 \backslash S):S\end{array}\\ \begin{array}{ll}\mathbf{L^l}(John:X'_1,\mathbf{L^r}(ran: X'_1 \backslash S / X_2,fast:X_2):X'_1 \backslash S):S\end{array}\\ \begin{array}{ll} \mathbf{L^l}(John:X''_1,\mathbf{L^r}(&{} \mathbf{L^r}(ran:X''_1 \backslash S / X''_2 / X'_2,fast:X'_2):X''_1 \backslash S / X''_2, \\ &{} yesterday:X''_2):X''_1 \backslash S):S \end{array} \\ \begin{array}{|l|c|c|c|} \hline &{}\text{ general } \text{ form } &{}\text{ unification }&{}\begin{array}{l} \text{ flat } \text{ rigid } \text{ grammar }\\ \text{ for } \text{2-iteration } \end{array} \\ \hline John &{} X_1, X'_1, X''_1 &{} {X_1=X'_1=X''_1} &{} X_1\\ \hline ran &{} \begin{array}{l} X_1 \backslash S \\ X'_1 \backslash S / X_2 \\ X''_1 \backslash S / X''_2 / X'_2 \end{array} &{}fails &{} \begin{array}{l} X_1 \backslash S / X_2 ^* \\ \text{ with } X_2=X'_2=X''_2 \end{array} \\ \hline fast &{} X_2, X'_2 &{} X_2 &{} X_2 \\ \hline yesterday &{} X''_2 &{} X''_2 &{} X_2 \\ \hline \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

In the third column unification (without iterated types) fails for ran ; in the last column, we sketch a possible type (with iterated types) if a generalized unification is used instead.

Notice that the next annotated sentence \(s_4\) would not change the type of \(ran\).

In fact, when applied to rigid grammars in the case where the positive examples are functor-argument structures (without dependency names), such an RG-like algorithm cannot converge (in the sense of Gold).

This can be seen, as explained below, using the same grammars as in the limit point construction for string languages in Béchet et al. (2004) and as in Definition 10, involving iterated dependency types. In fact, the functor-argument structures are all flat structures, with only \(/\) operators.

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l} \begin{array}{ll} &{} C'_0 = S \\ &{} C'_{n+1}= C'_n / A^* / B^* \end{array} \begin{array}{ll} &{} G'_0 =\{a \mapsto A, b \mapsto B, c \mapsto C'_0 \} \\ &{} G'_n =\{a \mapsto A, b \mapsto B, c \mapsto [C'_n] \} \\ &{} G'_*=\{a \mapsto A, b \mapsto A, c \mapsto [S / A^*] \} \end{array} \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

Positive structured examples are then of the form :

c, \(\mathbf{L^r}(c,b)\), \(\mathbf{L^r}(\mathbf{L^r}(c,b),b)\), \(\mathbf{L^r}(c,a)\),\(\mathbf{L^r}(\mathbf{L^r}(c,a),a)\), \(\mathbf{L^r}(\mathbf{L^r}(c,b),a)\), ...

Definition 13

We define \(flat _{\mathbf{L^r}}\) and \(flat _{{\mathbf{L^r}}_{[A]} }\) on words by :

\(flat _{\mathbf{L^r}}(x1)=x1\) \(= flat _{{\mathbf{L^r}}_{[A]} }(x1)\) for words of length 1, and

\(flat _{\mathbf{L^r}}(x1.w1) = \mathbf{L^r}(x, flat _{\mathbf{L^r}}(w1))\) ;

\(flat _{{\mathbf{L^r}}_{[A]} }(x1.w1) = {\mathbf{L^r}}_{[A]}(x, flat _{{\mathbf{L^r}}_{[A]} }(w1))\) ;

we extend the notation \(flat _{\mathbf{L^r}}\) and \(flat _{{\mathbf{L^r}}_{[A]} }\) to sets of words (as the set of word images).

Let \({F\!L}(G)\) denote the language of functor-arguments structures of G. We use the same grammars as in the limit point construction for string languages in Sect. 2.3:

Lemma 14

\({F\!L}(G'_n) = flat _{\mathbf{L^r}}(\{c (b^*a^*)^k \;|\; k \le n \})\) and \({F\!L}(G'_*) = flat _{\mathbf{L^r}}(c \{b,a\}^* )\)

This property follows from the similar property on string language in Sect. 2.3, and the above remark that the functor-argument structures are all flat structures, with only \(/\) operators.

Theorem 15

\({F\!L}(G'_n)\) and \({F\!L}(G'_*)\) define a limit point that establishes the non-learnability from functor-argument structures for the underlying classes of grammars (rigid or k-valued) allowing iterated dependency types (\(A^*\)) with at least three words.

These impossibility results are to be contrasted with the case without iterated dependency types (\(A^*\)).

3.4 A limit point for labelled functor-arguments structures

If we drop restrictions such as k-valued, and consider learnability from labelled functor-arguments structures, we have a limit point as follows :

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{l} \begin{array}{l} C_0 = S \\ C_{n+1}= C_n / A \end{array}\\ \begin{array}{l} G_0 =\{a \mapsto A, c \mapsto C_0 \} \\ G_n =\{a \mapsto A, c \mapsto [C_n], c \mapsto [C_{n-1}], \ldots , c \mapsto C_0\} \\ G_*=\{a \mapsto A , c \mapsto [S / A^{*}] \}\\ \end{array} \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

In fact, the functor-argument structures are all flat structures, with only \(/\) operators and always the same label A.

Let \({L\!F\!L}(G)\) denote the language of labelled functor-argument structures of G, we have :

Lemma 16

\({L\!F\!L}(G_n) = flat _{{\mathbf{L^r}}_{[A]} }(\{c \; a^k \;|\; k \le n \})\) and \({L\!F\!L}(G_*) = flat _{{\mathbf{L^r}}_{[A]} }(c \; a^* )\)


Only three rules apply to \(G_n, G_*\)  : \(\mathbf{L.}\) (local dependency rule), \(\mathbf{I.}\) and \(\mathbf{\Omega .}\) (\(\omega\)-dependency rules), all of them enjoying the subformula property. We consider the string languages and show that \(L(G_n) =\{c \; a^k \;|\; k \le n \}\) and \(L(G_*) = (c \; a^* )\)

  • \(L(G_0)\) : (1) it clearly contains c (assigned to S) and (2) only c since no rule applies to \(\{A, S\}\).

  • \(L(G_n)\) (\(n>0\)). We have \(C_n = C _{n-1} / A\)

    (1) By induction \(L(G_n)\) contains \(\{c \; a^k \;|\; k < n \}\); it also contains \(w = c \; a^n\), because : \([C_n] A \vdash [C_{n-1}]\) (by \(\mathbf{\mathbf{L.}}\) rule)

    (2) Let \(w' \in L(G_n).\)  We observe that w cannot start with an a (an A on the left part of a type could not disappear, due to the use of right constructors only); and \(w'\) cannot contain several c (no S under a constructor) ; thus \(w'=c w'',\) where \(w'' \in \{a\}^*\). Clearly if \(\Gamma\) has more that n occurrences of A, \(C_n \Gamma \not \vdash S\), hence \(w \in \{c \; a^k \;|\; k \le n \}\)

  • \(L(G_*)\) : (1) it clearly contains \(c\{a\}^*\) using \([S / A^{*}] A \Delta \vdash S \Delta\) (\(\mathbf{I.}\) rule) and \([S / A^{*}] \vdash S\) (\(\mathbf{\Omega .}\) rule)

    (2) \(w' \in L(G_*)\) has exactly one c (at least one to provide S, and no more, as explained above for \(G_n\)); it cannot start with a (otherwise a type part would remain before S). Therefore, \(w'\in c\{a\}^*.\)

The language characterization extends to the (labelled) functor-argument structures, because types have only \(/\) operator, providing flat structures, and they have the same label A. \(\square\)

Theorem 17

\({L\!F\!L}(G_n)\) and \({L\!F\!L}(G_*)\) define a limit point that establishes the non-learnability from labelled functor-argument structures for the classes of grammars allowing iterated dependency types (\(A^*\)) and at least 3 words.

The similar question for rigid or k-valued CDG with iteration is left open.

3.5 Limit points for labelled and inlabelled sependency structures

We show that the former limit point constructions also give limit points for the dependency structure languages. Let \({\rho }_k\) and \({\rho }_{*,k}\) denote the following proof trees (with word positions):

figure b

In fact, the dependency structures corresponding to \({\rho }_k\) and \({\rho }_{*,k}\) are the same, let \(DS_k\) denote this dependency structure.

We recall that \(\Delta (G)\) denotes the DS-language of G (the generated structures, see definition 5).

Lemma 18

\(\Delta (G_n) = \{DS_k \;|\; k \le n \}\) and \(\Delta (G_*) = \{DS_k \;|\; k \ge 0 \}\)


These proof trees are generated by grammars \(G_n, G_*\) respectively (this can be shown using the former string language characterization and the discussion concerning these grammars). \(\square\)

Note that \(\cup _{i\ge 1}\Delta (G_i)=\Delta (G_*)\), and that these \(\Delta (G_i)\) form an infinite ascending chain.

Theorem 19

The limit point \(\Delta (G_n), \Delta (G_*)\) establishes the non-learnability from (labelled) dependency structures for the underlying classes of grammars: those allowing iterated dependency types (\(A^*\)).


if we drop the dependency names in dependency structures, and consider the languages generated in this way, then we obtain a limit point in the rigid case, based on the previous limit point construction \(G'_n, G'_*\) in Definition 10 : these grammars generate the unlabelled version of \(\{DS_k \;|\; k \le n \}\) and of \(\{DS_k \;|\; k \ge 0 \}\) respectively.

The similar learnability question from labelled dependency structures for rigid or k-rigid CDG with iteration is left open. It would be interesting to know the amount of information needed to have the possibility to design a grammar learning algorithm in this paradigm, and to understand better the frontier between learnability and un-learnability.

3.6 Bounds and string learnability

A List-like Simulation. In order to simulate an iterated type such that :

$$\begin{aligned}{}[\beta / a^* ]^{P_0} a^{P_1} \ldots a^{P_n} \vdash [\beta ]^{P_0 P_1 \ldots P_n} \end{aligned}$$

we can distinguish two types, one type a for a first occurrence in a sequence and one type \(a \backslash a\) for following occurrences in a sequence of elements of type a (this encodes in fact one or more iterations of a). As in :

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{ccccc} John &{} ran &{} fast &{} yesterday &{} nearby \\ n&{} [n \backslash s / a] &{}a &{} [a \backslash a] &{} [a \backslash a]\\ \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

We have two assignments for \(ran\) in “John ran”,   \(ran \mapsto n \backslash s\) but in “John ran fast, yesterday”, \(ran \mapsto n \backslash s / a\). Unfortunately, this approach increases the number of types in the lexicon: if a type includes N subtypes of the form \(A^*\), the simulation associates \(2^N\) types. For instance, \(x / a^* \! / b^*\) is transformed into x, \(x / a\), \(x / b\) and \(x / a / b\). A similar encoding is given for an extension of pregroups in Béchet et al. (2008).

In the case of structures, note that, however, such a simulation induces a particular and rather unnatural dependency structure (in the example above, every adverb is subordinate to the next adverb rather than directly to the verb). It is more pertinent for theoretical issues on string languages.

Bounds. As a corollary, for a class of CDG without discontinuous dependencies for which the number of iterated types is bounded by a fixed N, the simulation leads to a class of grammars without iterated types, which is also k-valued: the number of assignments per word is bounded by a large but fixed number (\(k=2^N\)). This means that the class of rigid CDG allowing at most N iterated types is learnable from strings. This fact also extends to k-valued CDG, not only to rigid (1-valued) CDG.

4 Incremental learning

Below we show an incremental algorithm strongly learning CDG from structures DS (rather than from strings). This means that \(\Delta (G)\) serves as the observation set \(\Phi (G)\) and that the limit grammar is strongly equivalent (in the sense of Definition 20) to the target grammar. From the very beginning, it should be clear that, in contrast with the constituent structure grammars and also with the classical CG, the existence of such learning algorithm is not guaranteed because, due to the iterated types, the straightforward arguments of subformulas’ set cardinality do not work. On the other hand, the learning algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) below is incremental in the sense that every next hypothetical CDG \(\mathcal {A}(\sigma [i+1])\) “extends” the preceding grammar \(\mathcal {A}(\sigma [i])\) and it is so without any rigidity constraint (the algorithm and results apply without bound on the number of types). Incremental learning algorithms are rare. Those that we know, are unification-based and they apply only to rigid grammars (cf. Buszkowski and Penn 1990; Béchet et al. 2004). They cannot be considered as practical (at least for NLP) because the real application grammars are never rigid. In the cases when k-valued learnability is a consequence of rigid learnability, it is more of theoretical interest because the existence of a learning algorithm is based on Kanazawa’s finite-valued-relation reduction Kanazawa (1998), that may be untractable.

4.1 Grammar order and incrementality

Our notion of incrementality is based on a partial “flexibility” order \(\preceq\) on CDGs. Basically, the order corresponds to grammar expansion in the sense that \(G_1\preceq G_{2}\) means that \(G_{2}\) defines no less dependency structures than \(G_{1}\) and defines dependency structures at least as precise as those of \(G_1\).

Definition 20

(Strong equivalence)  Let \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) be two CDG, \(G_1\equiv _{s}G_2\) iff \(\Delta (G_1) = \Delta (G_2)\).

Definition 21

\(\Delta\) is said to be monotonic with respect to a partial order \(\preceq\) on CDGs iff for any CDG \(G_{1}\), \(G_{2}\):

if \(G_{1} \preceq G_{2}\) then \(\Delta (G_{1}) \subseteq \Delta (G_{2})\).

When this holds \(\preceq\) is said to induce structure-monotonicity.

Such a partial order \(\preceq\) is an element of our definition of incremental learning.

Definition 22

(Incremental learning algorithm) Let \(\mathcal {A}\) be an inference algorithm for CDGs from DS and \(\sigma\) be a training sequence for a CDG G.

  1. 1.

    \(\mathcal {A}\) is monotonic on \(\sigma\) if \(\mathcal {A}(\sigma [i])\preceq \mathcal {A}(\sigma [j])\) for all \(i\le j.\)

  2. 2.

    \(\mathcal {A}\) is faithful on \(\sigma\) if \(\Delta (\mathcal {A}(\sigma [i]))\subseteq \Delta (G)\) for all i.

  3. 3.

    \(\mathcal {A}\) is expansive on \(\sigma\) if \(\sigma [i]\subseteq \Delta (\mathcal {A}(\sigma [i]))\) for all i.

\(\mathcal {A}\) is said incremental w.r.t. \(\preceq\) when it satisfies properties 1, 2 and 3.Footnote 12

Theorem 4

  Let \(\preceq\) denote a partial order that induces structure-monotonicity. Let \(\sigma\) be a training sequence for a CDG G. If an inference algorithm \(\mathcal {A}\) is monotonic, faithful, and expansive on \(\sigma ,\) and if \(\mathcal {A}\) stabilizes on \(\sigma\) then \(\lim \limits _{i\rightarrow \infty } \mathcal {A}(\sigma [i])\equiv _{s} G.\)


Indeed, stabilization implies that \(\lim \limits _{i\rightarrow \infty } \mathcal {A}(\sigma [i]) =\) \(\mathcal {A}(\sigma [T])\) for some T. Then \(\Delta (\mathcal {A}(\sigma [T])) \subseteq \Delta (G)\) because of faithfulness. At the same time, by expansiveness and monotonicity, \(\Delta (G)=\) \(\sigma =\) \(\bigcup \limits _{i=1}^\infty \sigma [i]\subseteq\) \(\bigcup \limits _{i=1}^\infty \Delta (\mathcal {A}(\sigma [i])) \subseteq\) \(\bigcup \limits _{i=1}^T \Delta (\mathcal {A}(\sigma [i]))\) \(\subseteq\) \(\Delta (\mathcal {A}(\sigma [T])).\) \(\square\)

We now define a particular partial order \(\preceq _{cr}\) called “flexibility PO” in the case of CDG flexible types, where \(cr\) stands for “consecutive repetitions”. This PO is the reflexive-transitive closure of the following relation \(<_{cr}\) (basic flexibility relation).

Definition 23

(Basic flexibility relation and flexibility PO)

  1. 1.

    for all \(i \ge 0\), \(0\le j\le m\), \(n\ge 0\): \([l_m\backslash \cdots \backslash l_j\backslash \mathbf{c\cdots \backslash c \backslash } l_{j-1}\backslash \cdots l_1\backslash g/r_1\cdots /r_n]^P\) \(<_{cr} [l_m\backslash \cdots \backslash l_j\backslash \mathbf{c^* \backslash } l_{j-1}\backslash \cdots l_1\backslash g/r_1\cdots /r_n]^P\) and for all \(i \ge 0\), \(0\le k\le n\), \(m\ge 0\): \([l_m\backslash \cdots l_1\backslash g/r_1\cdots /r_{k-1} \mathbf{/ c\cdots / c}/ r_k/\cdots /r_n]^P\) \(<_{cr} [l_m\backslash \cdots l_1\backslash g/r_1\cdots /r_{k-1}{} \mathbf{/ c^*}/ r_k/\cdots /r_n]^P\) where c is repeated successively i times in \(\mathbf{c\backslash \cdots \backslash c\backslash }\) or in \(\mathbf{c/\cdots / c/}\) accordingly (i may be 0).

  2. 2.

    \(\tau <_{cr} \tau ^\prime\) for sets of types \(\tau , \tau ^\prime ,\) if either:

    (i) \(\tau ^\prime =\tau \cup \{t\}\) for a type \(t\notin \tau\) or

    (ii) \(\tau =\tau _0\cup \{t^{\prime }\}\) and \(\tau ^\prime =\tau _0\cup \{t^{\prime \prime }\}\)

    for a set of types \(\tau _0\) and some types \(t^{\prime },t^{\prime \prime }\) such that \(t^{\prime } <_{cr} t^{\prime \prime }\).

    3. \(\lambda <_{cr} \lambda ^\prime\) for two type assignments \(\lambda\) and \(\lambda ^\prime ,\) if \(\lambda (w^\prime ) <_{cr} \lambda ^\prime (w^\prime )\) for a word \(w^\prime\) and \(\lambda (w) = \lambda ^\prime (w)\) for all words \(w\ne w^\prime .\)

    4. \(\preceq _{cr}\) is the PO which is the reflexive-transitive closure of

It is not difficult to prove that the expressive power of CDG grows monotonically with respect to this PO:

Lemma 24

Let \(G_{1}\) and \(G_{2}\) be two CDG such that \(G_{1} \preceq _{cr} G_{2}\). Then \(\Delta (G_{1}) \subseteq \Delta (G_{2})\) and \({{\mathcal {L}}}(G_{1}) \subseteq {{\mathcal {L}}}(G_{2}).\)

In other words \(<_{cr}\) induces structure-monotonicity, and Theorem 4 will apply.

4.2 K-star revealing grammars

As we explain it in Sect. 3, the unlearnability of rigid or k-valued CDG is due to the use of iterated types. Such types are unavoidable in real grammars (cf. the iterated dependency circ, as illustrated in Fig. 1 by three successive circumstantial arguments of one verb). But in particular in the real application grammars, the iterated types have very special properties. Firstly, the discontinuous dependencies are never iterated. Secondly, in natural languages, the optional constructions repeated successively several times (two or more) are exactly those iterated (for example a circumstancial is an optional argument of a verb, but the same verb can occur with successively repeated circumstancial arguments, like verb “fallait” in Figure 1). This is the resource we use to resolve the learnability problem. To formalize these properties we need some notations and definitions. The main definition concerns a restriction on the class of grammars that is learned. This class corresponds to grammars where an argument that is used at least K times in a DS must be an iterated argument. Such grammars are called K-star revealing grammars.

Definition 25

(K-star-generalization) Let \(K>1\) be an integer. We define a CDG \({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G)\), the K-star-generalization of G, by recursively adding for every word w and every local dependency name d the types

$$\begin{aligned}{}[l_1\backslash \cdots \backslash l_a\backslash d^*\backslash m_1\backslash \cdots \backslash m_b\backslash h/r_1/\cdots /r_c]^P \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned}{}[l_1\backslash \cdots \backslash l_a\backslash m_1\backslash \cdots \backslash m_b\backslash h/r_1/\cdots /r_c]^P \end{aligned}$$

when w has a type assignment \(w\mapsto t\), where

$$\begin{aligned} t=[l_1\backslash \cdots \backslash l_a\backslash t_1\backslash \cdots \backslash t_k\backslash m_1\backslash \cdots \backslash m_b\backslash h/r_1/\cdots /r_c]^P, \end{aligned}$$

every \(t_1,\ldots ,t_k\) is either d or an iterated dependency type \(x^*\) and among \(t_1,\ldots ,t_k\) there are at least K occurrences of d or at least one occurrence of \(d^*\). Symmetrically, we also add the corresponding types if \(t_1,\ldots ,t_k\) appear in the right part of t.

Example 7

For instance, with \(K=2\), for the type \([a\backslash b^* \backslash a \backslash S/a^*]\), we add the types \([a\backslash a \backslash S/a^*]\) and \([a\backslash b^* \backslash a \backslash S]\) but also \([a^*\backslash S/a^*]\) and \([S/a^*]\). Recursively, we also add \([a\backslash a \backslash S]\), \([a^*\backslash S]\) and [S]. The size of \(\mathcal{C}^K(G)\) can be exponential with respect to the size of G.

Definition 26

(K-star revealing CDG) Let \(K>1\) be an integer. CDG G is K-star revealing if \({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G) \,\equiv _s\, G\). The class of CDGs that are K-star revealing is noted \(\mathcal {CDG}^{K\rightarrow *}\).

Example 8

For instance, if we define the grammar G(t) by \(A \mapsto [a], B \mapsto [b], C\mapsto t\), where t is a type, then we can prove that:

  • \(G([a^*\backslash S/a^*])\), \(G([a^*\backslash b^*\backslash a^*\backslash S])\) and \(G([a^*\backslash b\backslash a^*\backslash S])\) are all 2-star revealing,

  • \(G([a^*\backslash a\backslash S])\), \(G([a^*\backslash b^*\backslash a\backslash S])\) and \(G([a\backslash b^*\backslash a\backslash S])\) are not 2-star revealing.

We see that in a K-star revealing grammar, one and the same iterated type \(d^*\) may be used in a type several times. Usually, each occurrence is not in the same block as the local dependency name d. Besides this, there should be less than K occurrences of d in a block if there is no occurrence of \(d^*\) and this block is separated from other blocks by types that are not iterated.

4.3 Inference algorithm

A vicinity corresponds to the part of a type that is used in a DS.

Definition 27

(Vicinity) Given a DS D, the incoming and outgoing dependencies of a word w can be either local, anchor or discontinuous. For a discontinuous dependency d on a word w, we define its polarity p (\(\nwarrow , \searrow , \swarrow , \nearrow\)), according to its direction (left, right) and as negative if it is incoming to w, positive otherwise.

Let D be a DS in which an occurrence of a word w has : the incoming projective dependency or anchor h (or the axiom S), the left projective dependencies or anchors \(l_k,\ldots ,l_1\) (in this order), the right projective dependencies or anchors \(r_1,\ldots ,r_m\) (in this order), and the discontinuous dependencies \(d_1,\ldots ,d_n\in \mathbf{V}\) with their respective polarities \(p_1,\ldots ,p_n\).

Then the vicinity of w in D is the type

$$\begin{aligned} V(w,D) = [l_1\backslash \ldots \backslash l_k\backslash h / r_m / \ldots / r_1]^P, \end{aligned}$$

in which P is a permutation of \(p_1 d_1,\ldots ,p_n d_n\) in a standard lexicographical order \(<_{lex}\), for instance, compatible with the polarity order \(\nwarrow< \searrow< \swarrow < \nearrow\).

For instance, the verb fallait in the DS in Figure 1 has the vicinity

$$\begin{aligned}{}[pred\backslash circ\backslash circ\backslash circ\backslash S/a\!-\!obj]. \end{aligned}$$

The vicinity corresponding to donnée (given) in Figure 3 is

$$\begin{aligned}{}[aux]^{\nwarrow \!clit\!-\!3d\!-\!obj \nwarrow \!clit\!-\!a\!-\!obj} \end{aligned}$$

Definition 28

(Algorithm \(\mathbf{TGE}^{(K)}\)) Figure 5 shows the inference algorithm \(\mathbf{TGE}^{(K)}\) which, for every next DS in a training sequence, transforms the observed local, anchor and discontinuous dependencies of every word into a type with repeated local dependencies by introducing iteration for each group of at least K consecutive local dependencies with the same name.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Inference algorithm \(\mathbf{TGE}^{(K)}\)

Example 9

We illustrate the learning algorithm, for \(K=2\), with the following 2-star-revealing CDG \(G_{target}\) as target grammar:

\({ John} \mapsto [N]\)                \({ to\_the\_station} \mapsto [L]\)

\({ ran} \mapsto [N\backslash A^*\backslash S/A^*/L/A^*],\ [N\backslash A^*\backslash S/A^*]\)

\({ seemingly,\ slowly,\ alone,\ during\_half\_an\_hour,\ every\_morning} \mapsto [A]\)

Algorithm \(\mathbf{TGE}^{(2)}\) on \((\sigma [i])\) will add for ran:

\({ ran} \mapsto [N\backslash S]\) for \((i=1)\):

figure c

\({ ran} \mapsto [N\backslash S / A]\) for \((i=2)\):

figure d

\({ ran} \mapsto [N\backslash S / L / A]\) for \((i=3)\):

figure e

\({ ran} \mapsto [N\backslash A \backslash S / A^*]\) for \((i=4)\):

figure f


\({ ran} \mapsto [N\backslash A \backslash S / A^* / L / A^*]\) for:

figure g

The algorithm also assigns from this training sequence :

\({ John} \mapsto [N]\)

\({ to\_the\_station} \mapsto [L]\)

\({ seemingly,\ slowly,\ alone {,\ during\_half\_an\_hour,\ every\_morning}} \mapsto [A]\)

Notice that, given a word, each type assigned at some stage of the algorithm is subsumed by a type in the target grammar:

\([N\backslash S] \preceq _{cr} [N\backslash A^*\backslash S/A^*]\) etc.

\([N\backslash S / L / A]\preceq _{cr} [N\backslash A^*\backslash S/A^*/L/A^*]\)

We will show in the next section that \(\mathbf{TGE}^{(K)}\) learns \(\mathcal {CDG}^{K\rightarrow *}\).

4.4 Learnability properties

The section shows that the class of K-star revealing CDG is (incrementally) learnable from DS ; to prove Theorem 5, we consider the inference algorithm \(\mathbf{TGE}^{(K)}\) (see Figure 5) and introduce further definitions.

Lemma 29

For G a CDG, there exists a grammar \(G'\) such that \(G\equiv _s G'\) and the potentials that appear in the type of G verify the standard lexicographical order \(<_{lex}\) used to define vicinities. The potentials of \(C^K(G')\) are also compatible with the order and \(C^K(G) \equiv _s C^K(G')\).


The types in the lexicon of G with a potential of the form \(P_1\swarrow C P \nwarrow C P_2\) can never be used in a proof of a DS because it would create an internal dependency which are forbidden (see non-internal constraint in Definition 3). Thus, those types can be deleted in G without changing the resulting language. For the other types, the order of the valencies in potentials is not important as long as we do not create internal dependency. For \(C^K(G)\) and \(C^K(G')\), their potentials are the same as the potentials of G and \(G'\). \(\square\)

For the rest of the section, we fix the order for potentials as the one defined by vicinity.

Definition 30

  1. 1.

    Repetition blocks (R-blocks) : For \(d\in \mathbf{C}\),

    $$\begin{aligned} LB_d=\{t_1\backslash \cdots \backslash t_i {\;\;\mathbf{|\!\!|}\;\;}i>0, t_1,\ldots ,t_i\in \{d,d\!^*\}\} \\ RB_d=\{t_1/\cdots / t_i {\;\;\mathbf{|\!\!|}\;\;}i>0, t_1,\ldots ,t_i\in \{d,d\!^*\}\} \end{aligned}$$

    Elements of \(LB_d\) and of \(RB_d\) are called d R-blocks.

  2. 2.

    Patterns: Patterns are defined exactly as types, but in the place of \(\mathbf{C}\), we use \(\mathbf{G}\), where \(\mathbf{G}\) is the set of gaps \(\mathbf{G}=\{<\!\!d\!\!> {\;\;\mathbf{|\!\!|}\;\;}d\in \mathbf{C}\}\). Moreover, for any \(\alpha , \beta , P\) and d, \([\,\alpha \backslash<\!\!d\!\!>\backslash <\!\!d\!\!>\backslash \beta \,]^P\) and \([\,\alpha /<\!\!d\!\!> / <\!\!d\!\!> / \beta \,]^P\) are not patterns. The head, the anchors and the valencies of a type cannot be replaced by gaps. Gaps cannot be iterated.

  3. 3.

    Superposition and indexed occurrences of R-blocks :

    (i) Let \(\pi\) be a pattern, \(\beta _1,\ldots ,\beta _m\) be R-blocks and \(<\!\!d_1\!\!>,\ldots ,<\!\!d_m\!\!>\) be gaps. Then \(\pi (<\!\!d_1\!\!>\leftarrow \beta _1,\ldots ,<\!\!d_m\!\!>\leftarrow \beta _m)\) is the expression resulting from \(\pi\) by the parallel substitution of the R-blocks for the corresponding gaps.

    (ii) Let E be a type or a vicinity. Then \(\pi\) is superposable on E if:

    $$\begin{aligned} E=\pi (<\!\!d_1\!\!>\leftarrow \beta _1,\ldots ,<\!\!d_m\!\!>\leftarrow \beta _m) \end{aligned}$$

    for some \(<\!\!d_1\!\!>,\ldots ,<\!\!d_m\!\!>, \beta _1,\ldots ,\beta _m\), such that all \(\beta _i\) are \(d_i\) R-blocks (\(\beta _i\) are not empty).

A repetition block in \(LB_d\) is the part of a type that can correspond to a list of d dependencies on the left and a repetition block in \(RB_d\) is the part of a type that can correspond to a list of d dependencies on the right. For instance, for the type \([a\backslash b^*\backslash d\backslash d\backslash d^*\backslash h/a]\), the repetition block \(d\backslash d\) corresponds to a list of 2 d dependencies on the left and the repetition block \(d\backslash d\backslash d^*\) corresponds to a list of at least 2 d dependencies on the left. A pattern is a type with gaps that may be filled by a repetion block of a particular dependency name. The main characteristic of a pattern is that two consecutive gaps cannot correspond to the same dependency name. For instance, \([<\!\!a\!\!>\backslash<\!\!b\!\!>\backslash<\!\!d\!\!>\backslash h/<\!\!a\!\!>]\) is a pattern but \([<\!\!a\!\!>\backslash<\!\!b\!\!>\backslash<\!\!d\!\!>\backslash<\!\!d\!\!>\backslash h/<\!\!a\!\!>]\) is not a pattern. A type is obtained from a pattern by replacing the gaps by a repetition block of the same dependency name. For instance the type \([a\backslash b^*\backslash d\backslash d\backslash d^*\backslash h/a]\) is obtained from \([<\!\!a\!\!>\backslash<\!\!b\!\!>\backslash<\!\!d\!\!>\backslash h/<\!\!a\!\!>]\) by replacing the left gap \(<\!\!a\!\!>\) by a, the gap \(<\!\!b\!\!>\) by \(b^*\), the gap \(<\!\!d\!\!>\) by \(d\backslash d\backslash d^*\) and the right gap \(<\!\!a\!\!>\) by a. This substitution is noted : \([<\!\!a\!\!>\backslash<\!\!b\!\!>\backslash<\!\!d\!\!>\backslash h/<\!\!a\!\!>](<\!\!a\!\!>\leftarrow a,<\!\!b\!\!>\leftarrow b^*,<\!\!d\!\!>\leftarrow d\backslash d\backslash d^*, <\!\!a\!\!>\leftarrow a)\). Gaps are introduced only for types that can be iterated. Thus, there is no gap for the heads, the anchors and the valencies of types.

Lemma 31

For every vicinity V there is a single pattern \(\pi\) superposable on V and a single decomposition (called R-decomposition)

$$\begin{aligned} V=\pi (<\!\!d_1\!\!>\leftarrow \beta _1,\ldots ,<\!\!d_m\!\!>\leftarrow \beta _m) \end{aligned}$$


The proposition comes from the fact that a vicinity contains no iterated type, a pattern cannot have 2 consecutive gaps for the same dependency and a repetition block is not empty. \(\square\)

The verb fallait in Figure 1 has the vicinity \([pred\backslash circ\backslash circ\backslash circ\backslash S/@fs /a\!-\!obj]\). The only pattern superposable on this vicinity is:

$$\begin{aligned} \pi =[<\!\!pred\!\!>\backslash<\!\!circ\!\!>\backslash S/<\!\!@fs\!\!>/<\!\!a\!-\!obj\!\!>] \end{aligned}$$

and the corresponding type is obtained through the following substitution:

$$\begin{aligned} \pi (<\!\!pred\!\!>\leftarrow pred,<\!\!circ\!\!>\leftarrow circ\backslash circ\backslash circ,<\!\!@fs\!\!> \leftarrow @fs, <\!\!a\!-\!obj\!\!> \leftarrow a\!-\!obj) \end{aligned}$$

The vicinity of the participle ramenée is:

$$\begin{aligned}{}[aux\!-\!a/l\!-\!obj]^{\nwarrow \!clit\!-\!a\!-\!obj}=[aux\!-\!a/<\!\!l\!-\!obj\!\!>]^{\nwarrow \!clit\!-\!a\!-\!obj}(<\!\!l\!-\!obj\!\!>\leftarrow l\!-\!obj) \end{aligned}$$

Lemma 32

For \(D\in \Delta (G)\) and an occurrence w of a word in D, let \(V(w,D)=\pi (<\!\!d_1\!\!>\leftarrow \beta _1,\ldots ,<\!\!d_m\!\!>\leftarrow \beta _m)\) be the R-decomposition of the vicinity of w. There exists a type t that is assigned to w in the lexicon of \(\mathcal{C}^K(G)\) and can be used in a proof of D for w such that \(\pi\) is superposable on t.


For \(D\in \Delta (G)\) and w a word of D. There exists a type that is associated to w in the lexicon of G and is used in a proof of D. Thus, there exists at least one type associated to w in the lexicon of \({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G)\) that can be used for w in a proof of \(\Delta\). Let t be the minimum length type associated to w in the lexicon of \({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G)\) that can be used for w in a proof of \(\Delta\). The R-decompostion of the vicinity of w in D is \(V(w,D)=\pi (<\!\!d_1\!\!>\leftarrow \beta _1,\ldots ,<\!\!d_m\!\!>\leftarrow \beta _m)\). The vicinity of w in D must match t because we suppose that the valencies of the potential are ordered (Proposition 29). If \(\pi\) is not superposable on t, it means that some part of t does not correspond to V(wD): It must be an iterative type \(x^*\), with \(x\in \mathbf{C}\) that corresponds to no dependency in the match. Because the types assigned to w in the lexicon of \({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G)\) are closed when an iterated type is removed, we could find a smaller type for w in \({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G)\) that can be used in a proof of D that is not possible. Thus \(\pi\) is superposable on t. \(\square\)

Lemma 1

  The inference algorithm \(\mathbf{TGE}^{(K)}\) is monotonic, faithful and expansive on every training sequence \(\sigma\) of a K-star revealing CDG.


By definition, the algorithm \(\mathbf{TGE}^{(K)}\) is monotonic (the lexicon is always extended). It is expansive because for \(\sigma [i]\), we add types to the grammar that are based on the vicinities of the words of \(\sigma [i]\). Thus, \(\sigma [i]\subseteq \Delta (\mathbf{TGE}^{(K)}(\sigma [i]))\).

To prove that \(\mathbf{TGE}^{(K)}\) is faithful for \(\sigma [i]\) of \(\Delta (G)=\Delta ({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G))\), we prove that \(\mathbf{TGE}^{(K)}(\sigma [i])\preceq _{cr} {{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G)\). In fact, we prove that for any type t in the lexicon of \(\mathbf{TGE}^{(K)}(\sigma [i])\), there exists a type \(t_G\) in the lexicon of \({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G)\) such that \(t=t_G\) or \(t=t_1<_{cr}\cdots <_{cr}t_n=t_G\) with \(n>0\), and \(t_1,\ldots ,t_n\) types.

Let t be a type of the word w in the lexicon of \(\mathbf{TGE}^{(K)}(\sigma [i])\). The algorithm \(\mathbf{TGE}\) produces t for the analysis D of a DS. The analysis D is a positive example thus \(D\in \Delta (G)=\Delta ({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G))\). By Proposition 32, if \(\pi\) is the pattern superimposable on the vicinity V(wD), there exists a minimum length type \(t'\) in the lexicon of \({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G)\) assigned to w which can be used in a proof of D. The two superimposings of \(\pi\) for t and \(t'\) are : \(t=\pi (<\!\!d_1\!\!>\leftarrow \alpha _1,\ldots ,<\!\!d_m\!\!>\leftarrow \alpha _m)\) and \(t'=\pi (<\!\!d_1\!\!>\leftarrow \beta _1,\ldots ,<\!\!d_m\!\!>\leftarrow \beta _m)\). For \(1\le i\le m\), \(\alpha _i\) contains either a list of at most \(K-1\) \(d_i\) or \(d_i^*\) and \(\beta _i\) can be any \(d_i\) R-block (a list of \(d_i\) and \(d_i^*\)).

The type \(t'\) is not more general than or not equal to t if \(\exists i, 1\le i\le m\), such that \(\alpha _i = d_i^*\) and \(\beta _i = d_i\cdots d_i\) (\(d_i\) l times and no \(d_i^*\)). It means that the vicinity has exactly l dependencies labelled by \(d_i\) for the position i of the pattern and l must be greater than or equal to K (\(\alpha _i = d_i^*\)). The type \(t''=\pi (<\!\!d_1\!\!>\leftarrow \beta _1, \ldots ,<\!\!d_i\!\!>\leftarrow \alpha _i, \ldots , <\!\!d_m\!\!>\leftarrow \beta _m)\) must be also assigned to w in \({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G)\), associated is more general than \(t'\) (it can be used in a proof of D) but is strictly smaller than \(t'\) which is not possible (\(t'\) has the minimum type length). Thus \(t'\) more general or equal to t. \(\square\)

Lemma 2

  The inference algorithm \(\mathbf{TGE}^{(K)}\) stabilizes on every training sequence \(\sigma\) of a K-star revealing CDG.


Because \({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G)\) has a finite number of types, the number of corresponding patterns is also finite. Thus the number of patterns that correspond to the DS in \(\Delta ({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G))\) (and of course in \(\sigma\)) is also finite. Because the R-blocks are generalized using \(*\) by \(\mathbf{TGE}^{(K)}\) when their length is greater or equal to K, the number of R-blocks used by \(\mathbf{TGE}^{(K)}\) is finite. Thus the number of generated types is finite and the algorithm certainly stabilizes. \(\square\)

Theorem 5

  The class \(\mathcal {CDG}^{K\rightarrow *}\) of K-star revealing CDG is (incrementally) learnable from DS.

This theorem results from the two preceding lemmas, Lemma 1 and Lemma 2.

5 Simple K-star grammars

A K-star revealing grammar G verifies a complex property that is difficult or even impossible to check: \({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G) \,\equiv _s\, G\). We need to define classes of CDG using a more constructive property. This section reconsiders a recent syntactic criterion on categorial grammar types that is easy to check, leading to the definition of simple K-star grammars.Footnote 13

5.1 Simple K-star types and grammar classes

The original definition of “simple K-star” Béchet and Foret (2016) was restricted to CDG with empty potentials and related to consecutive repetitions. We consider it below in the full general case with potentials. Note that considering string languages, the class of CDG with empty potentials generates the context-free languages, but with potentials it goes beyond this class. We also introduce a variant called “global simple K-star” corresponding to a different reading of the repetition principle, when repetitions need not be consecutive in a type.

Definition 33

(Simple K-star) Let \(K>1\) be an integer. Let t denote a categorial type and d denote a dependency name. The type t is said to be simple left K-star on d if for any successive occurrences \(l_1 \backslash l_2 \backslash \cdots l_p \backslash\) on the left where each \(l_i\) is either d or some \(x^*\), there are: (1) at most \(K-1\) occurrences of d and (2) no occurrence of d if there exists at least one occurrence of \(d^*\). The type t is said to be simple left K-star if it is simple left K-star on d, for all d. These two notions are defined similarly on the right.

The type t is said to be simple K-star if it is simple left K-star and simple right K-star.

The CDG G is said to be simple K-star whenever all types in its lexicon are simple K-star.

The class of CDG that are simple K-star is noted \(\mathcal {CDG}^{K\sim *}\).

Example 10

  For a type t, we define the grammar G(t) by the lexicon \(\{a \!\mapsto \! [A], b \!\mapsto \! [B], c\!\mapsto \! t\}\). Then for \(t_1\!\!=\!\![A^*\backslash S/A^*]\), \(t_2\!\!=\!\![A^*\backslash B^*\backslash A^*\backslash S]\), \(t_3\!\!=\!\![A^*\backslash B\backslash A^*\backslash S]\): \(G(t_1),G(t_2),G(t_3)\) are simple 2-star and for \(t_4\!\!=\!\![A^*\backslash A\backslash S]\), \(t_5\!\!=\!\![A^*\backslash B^*\backslash A\backslash S]\), \(t_6\!\!=\!\! [A\backslash B^*\backslash A\backslash S]\): \(G(t_4),G(t_5),G(t_6)\) are not simple 2-star. In fact, for \(G(t_4)\), the type assigned to c contains \(A^*\)and A in \(A^*\backslash A\backslash\) on the left, for \(G(t_5)\), \(A^*\) and A are separated by \(B^*\) and for \(G(t_6)\), there are 2 occurrences of A (separated by \(B^*\)).

Definition 34

(Global Simple K-star) Let \(K>1\) be an integer. Let t denote a categorial type and d denote a dependency name. The type t is said to be global simple left K-star on d if for any successive occurrences \(l_1 \backslash l_2 \backslash \cdots l_p \backslash\) on the left there are: (1) at most \(K-1\) occurrences of d and (2) no occurrence of d if there exists at least one occurrence of \(d^*\). The type t is said to be global simple left K-star if it is global simple left K-star on d, for all d. These two notions are defined similarly on the right.

The type t is said to be global simple K-star if it is global simple left K-star and global simple right K-star.

The CDG G is said to be global simple K-star whenever all types in its lexicon are global simple K-star.

The class of CDG that are global simple K-star is noted \(\mathcal {CDG}^{K\sim _g*}\).

Notice that given K, the set of global simple K-star is still infinite (the set of grammars \(\mathcal {CDG}^{K\sim _g*}\) is infinite): consider for example \(S \backslash A^* \backslash B^* \backslash A^* \backslash B^* \cdots\)

Obviously “global simple K-star” entails “simple K-star”, at each stage of the two above definitions, and a global simple K-star grammar is simple K-star.

Example 11

In Example 10, grammars \(G(t_1),G(t_2),G(t_3)\) are global simple 2-star and \(G(t_4),G(t_5),G(t_6)\) are not global simple 2-star.

Limit point The grammars in Sect. 3.3 are simple K-star (\(\forall K\!\!>\!\!1\)). The class of rigid simple K-star CDG \(\forall K\!\!>\!\!1\) is thus unlearnable from strings. (also for k-valued classes).

These grammars are moreover global simple K-star. A similar unlearnability result thus holds for the class of rigid global simple 2-star CDG (also for any \(K\!\!>\!\!1\) or non rigid class).

5.2 Simple K-star grammars and K-star revealing grammars

A K-star revealing grammar G is a CDG such that its K-star generalisation \({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G)\) is equivalent to itself: \(\mathcal{C}^K(G) \,\equiv _s\, G\). This definition is not constructive because one must prove that two grammars generate the same set of dependency structures. For instance, the following CDG \(G_1\) corresponds to the string language \(xa^*\): \({ x} \mapsto [S/A^*]\) ; \({ a} \mapsto [A]\) . The K-star generalisation of this grammar \({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G_1)\) is: \({ x} \mapsto [S/A^*], [S]\) ; \({ a} \mapsto [A]\) . \(G_1\) and \({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G_1)\) are equivalent because a dependency structure of \(G_1\) can be obtained from a dependency structure of \(\mathcal{C}^K(G_1)\) by replacing the type [S] assigned to x by \([S/A^*]\). For complex grammars the problem is more difficult and may be even not decidable for the full class of CDG (CDG with potentials are beyond context-free grammars); In one direction, equivalence problems are shown decidable for large grammar classes in Sénizergues (2002).

Conversely, the notion of being a simple K-star grammar can be easily checked: each type in the lexicon must be checked independently to the other types. Thus it is simpler to use the class of simple K-star grammars rather than the class of K-star revealing grammars.

Theorem 6

  A simple K-star grammar is a K-star revealing grammar.


Let G be a simple K-star grammar. We have to prove that \({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G) \equiv _s G\) or equivalently that the sets of DS are equal: \(\Delta ({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G)) = \Delta (G)\). Because \({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G)\) has the same lexicon as G except that some types are added to some words, \(\Delta (G) \subseteq \Delta (\mathcal{C}^K(G))\). For the reverse inclusion, we have to look at the types that are added to the lexicon of G in the K-star generalization \({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G)\). Potentially, for a word w and a dependency name d, the following types have to be added:

$$\begin{aligned}{}[l_1\backslash \cdots \backslash l_a\backslash d^*\backslash m_1\backslash \cdots \backslash m_b\backslash h/r_1/\cdots /r_c] \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}{} {\text{and}}\, [l_1\backslash \cdots \backslash l_a\backslash m_1\backslash \cdots \backslash m_b\backslash h/r_1/\cdots /r_c] \end{aligned}$$

when w has an assignment \(w\mapsto t\) where

$$\begin{aligned} t=[l_1\backslash \cdots \backslash l_a\backslash t_1\backslash \cdots \backslash t_p\backslash m_1\backslash \cdots \backslash m_b\backslash h/r_1/\cdots /r_c], \end{aligned}$$

every \(t_1,\ldots ,t_p\) is either d or an iterated dependency type \(x^*\) and among \(t_1,\ldots ,t_p\) there are at least K occurrences of d or at least one occurrence of \(d^*\) (and symmetrically).

Because G is a simple K-star grammar, the p successive occurrences \(t_1,\ldots ,t_p\) of t contain at most \(K-1\) occurrences of d and contain no occurrence of d or no occurrence of \(d^*\). It means that \(t_1,\ldots ,t_p\) contain at least one occurrence of \(d^*\) and no occurrence of d: Each \(t_i\) is an iterated dependency type \(x^*\) and from them at least one is \(d^*\). As a consequence, a vicinity of a DS that matches one of the added types also matches t and the DS is also generated by G. G and the grammar obtained by adding the two types are equivalent.

Moreover, the grammar with the two new types is also a simple K-star grammar. The new types verify the condition of the types of a simple K-star grammar. Let \(t'_1\backslash \cdots \backslash t'_q\) be q successive occurrences on the left of one of the new types. If the added \(d^*\) type or \(l_a\) and \(m_1\) aren’t in \(t'_1\backslash \cdots \backslash t'_q\), the q occurrences verify the condition for simple K-star grammars. Otherwise, the condition on t for simple K-star grammars holds for a segment of successive occurrences where \(t_1\backslash \cdots \backslash t_p\) is inserted in \(t'_1\backslash \cdots \backslash t'_q\) or replaces \(d^*\) in \(t'_1\backslash \cdots \backslash t'_q\). As a consequence, \(t'_1\backslash \cdots \backslash t'_q\) must also verify the condition for simple K-star grammars.

Thus, the added types don’t change the DS-language and define a simple K-star grammar. Recursively, the completion algorithm, that starts with a simple K-star grammar G, ends with a simple K-star grammar \({{\mathcal {C}}}^K(G)\) that is equivalent to G: G is K-star revealing. \(\square\)

Corollary 2

The class \(\mathcal {CDG}^{K\sim *}\) of simple K-star CDG is (incrementally) learnable from DS. The class is learnt by the inference algorithm \(\mathbf{TGE}^{(K)}\).

In fact, the class of simple K-star grammars and the class of K-star revealing grammars are not identical. Some K-star revealing grammars are not simple K-star grammar. A very simple reason for this fact comes from the syntactical definition of the simple K-star grammars versus the language equivalence definition of the K-star revealing grammars. It is easy to define a grammar where some part of the lexicon is not used. This part does not create a problem for the definition of a K-star revealing grammar but is a problem for the definition of a simple K-star grammar. For instance, the following grammar is a 2-star revealing grammar (a can never be used) but is not a simple 2-star grammar (2 successive A on the left of \([A\backslash A\backslash S]\)): \({ x} \mapsto [S]\) ; \({ a} \mapsto [A\backslash A\backslash S]\) .

A more interesting example is given by \({ x} \mapsto [S], [A\backslash A^*\backslash S]\) ; \({ a} \mapsto [A]\): It is a 2-star revealing grammar that has only useful types but is not simple 2-star. It is not simple 2-star because the type \([A\backslash A^*\backslash S]\) contains the two successive types A and \(A^*\) on the left. The completion mechanism gives the following grammar: \({ x} \mapsto [S], [A\backslash A^*\backslash S], [A\backslash S], [A^*\backslash S]\) ; \({ a} \mapsto [A]\) ; this grammar is equivalent to the initial one and thus it is 2-star revealing.

Moreover, there exist DS-languages that are generated by K-star revealing grammars but are not generated by any simple K-star grammar.

Theorem 7

Let \(G_2\) be the 2-star revealing grammar:

$$\begin{aligned} { x} \mapsto [A\backslash B^*\backslash A\backslash S], [A^*\backslash S]\quad { a} \mapsto [A]\quad { b} \mapsto [B] \end{aligned}$$

There is no simple 2-star grammar that generates \(\Delta (G_2)\).

Useless types For a CDG, some parts of the lexicon may be useless. It can be all the types associated to a word (a word that doesn’t appear in the language generated by the grammar), one or several types of a word (the word appears in the language but the derivations cannot use these types). It can also be some iterated type of useful types when it is impossible to define a derivation ending in this type. For instance, for the grammar \(x \mapsto [Z^*\backslash S]\), there is only one DS, \([Z^*\backslash S]\) is useful but the left iterated type \(Z^*\) is useless.

We suppose below that we have a simple 2-star grammar that generates \(\Delta (G_2)\) and that has no useless part (in the previous example, a simplified grammar would be \(x \mapsto [S]\)).


The DS-language \(\Delta (G_2)\) is the set of dependency structures that have one main head x and a set of dependent on the left that can be either one a, none, one or several b and one a or that can be none, one or several a. For this grammar, the types associated to a and to b are respectively [A] and [B] (a DS contains the local dependency names A and B for dependencies ending in a and b). The types associated to x are of the form \([t_1\backslash \cdots \backslash t_p\backslash S]\) where each \(t_i\) is A, B, \(A^*\) or \(B^*\). Because the number of b is not bound in the DS-language, there exists at least one type associated to x that contains at least one \(B^*\). The type cannot contain \(A^*\) and it must have exactly two local dependency names A that must be the left and the right ends of the left part of the type (\(t_1=A\) and \(t_p=A\)). The part between \(t_1\) and \(t_p\) can only be occurrences of B or \(B^*\). Because the grammar is simple 2-star and because one of them is \(B^*\), the other cannot be B. Thus the type is \([A\backslash B^*\backslash \cdots \backslash B^*\backslash A\backslash S]\). But it is not possible because \(A\backslash B^*\backslash \cdots \backslash B^*\backslash A\) contains 2 occurrences A separated by iterated types and this sequence is forbidden in a simple 2-star grammar. \(\square\)

The class of simple K-star grammars defines a smaller set of DS-languages than the class of K-star revealing grammars. This is generally not a problem because from a K-star revealing grammar it is always possible to define a simple K-star grammar that is a generalization of the former grammar: some local dependency names are transformed into iterated types. For instance, \(G_2\) can be transformed into the following grammar which is a simple 2-star grammar: \({ x} \mapsto [A^*\backslash B^*\backslash A^*\backslash S], [A^*\backslash S]\) ; \({ a} \mapsto [A]\) ; \({ b} \mapsto [B]\) . This example is in fact global simple 2-star. We may consider for any grammar its global simple K-star generalization as follows:

Definition 35

(Global Simple K-star Generalization)

For any type t, its global simple K-star generalization, written \(gs^{(K)}(t)\) is obtained by applying these rules:

  • for each d on the left, where \(d\backslash\) occurs at least K times or if \(d^*\backslash\) is present, then replace each \(d\backslash\) with its starred version \(d^*\backslash\);

  • for each d on the right, proceed similarly.

The definition is extended to grammars, by replacing each assigned type t by \(gs^{(K)}(t)\).

The grammar G is said to be global simple K-star when \(G=gs^{(K)}(G)\).

We get the following structure language inclusions, for any CDG G:

\(\Delta (G) \subseteq \Delta (gs^{(K+1)}(G)) \subseteq \Delta (gs^{(K)}(G))\), for each \(K>1\).

If G is global simple K-star, then \(gs^{(K)}(G)=G\) and the above inclusions are equalities.

Using directly algorithm \(TGE^{(K)}\) on a global simple K-star grammar will provide a simple K-star grammar but not necessarily a global simple K-star grammar (for example, if a vicinity such as \(S / A / B / A\) is used in a DS and if \(K=2\)). A possible adaptation of this approach to the global variant is to use algorithm \(TGE^{(K)}\) and then apply \(gs^{(K)}\) to the result; an alternative is to adapt the learning algorithm using a different generalization step, applying \(gs^{(K)}\) at each stage.

These adaptations of the algorithm \(TGE^{(K)}\) preserve the global simple K-star property as sketched below.

Lemma 3

(Global Simple Generalization Properties)

  1. 1.

    If G is global simple K-star, then \(gs^{(K)}(C^{K}(G)) \,\equiv _s\, G\)

  2. 2.

    For any types \(t_1,t_2\): if \(t_1 \preceq _{cr} t_2\) then \(gs^{(K)}(t_1) \preceq _{cr} gs^{(K)}(t_2)\)

  3. 3.

    For any grammars \(G_1,G_2\): if \(G_1 \preceq _{cr} G_2\) then \(gs^{(K)}(G_1) \preceq _{cr} gs^{(K)}(G_2)\)


(1) comes from the fact that a global simple K-star grammar is also a simple K-star grammar and thus a K-star revealing grammar. (2) and (3) are straightforward. \(\square\)

Theorem 8

If G is global simple K-star, then for any step i

$$\begin{aligned} \Delta (gs^{(K)}(TGE^{(K)}(\sigma [i]))) \subseteq \Delta (G) \end{aligned}$$

and the application of \(gs^{(K)}\) on the output of \(TGE^{(K)}\) at stabilization is equivalent to G (with the same set of DS).


As a corollary of the above lemma, from \(TGE^{(K)}(\sigma [i]) \preceq _{cr} C^{K}(G)\),

we get \(gs^{(K)}(TGE^{(K)}(\sigma [i])) \preceq _{cr} gs^{(K)}(C^{K}(G))\,\equiv _s\, G\) which implies:

$$\begin{aligned} \Delta (gs^{(K)}(TGE^{(K)}(\sigma [i]))) \subseteq \Delta (gs^{(K)}(C^{K}(G))) = \Delta (G) \end{aligned}$$

We then have \(\Delta (TGE^{(K)}(\sigma [i])) \subseteq \Delta (gs^{(K)}(TGE^{(K)}(\sigma [i]))) \subseteq \Delta (G)\). We thus get a global simple K-star grammar equivalent to G if we apply \(gs^{(K)}\) on the result of the \(TGE^{(K)}\) algorithm at stabilization. \(\square\)

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we propose a new model of incremental learning of categorial dependency grammars with unlimited iterated types from input dependency structures without marked iteration. The model reflects the real situation of deterministic inference of a dependency grammar from a dependency treebank. The definition of K-star revealing grammars is a sufficient condition to insure learnability from dependency structures. It is widely accepted in traditional linguistics for small K, which makes this model interesting for practical purposes. As our study shows, the more traditional unification-based learning from function-argument structures fails even for rigid categorial dependency grammars, in the presence of iterated types with unlimited iteration.

The K-star revealing condition was defined in “semantic” terms. The question was raised whether one can find a syntactic formulation. In this paper, we replace this non-constructive criterion on CDG grammars by a syntactic constructive one called simple K-star that is slightly more restrictive. We show that the new class is learnable from dependency structures.

We also consider several interpretations of repeatable dependency (local with simple K-star condition or global to a type with global simple K-star condition). Another source of variation for the global simple K-star grammars lies in the learning algorithm and the way types are generalized: instead of the local replacements of \(TGE^{(K)}\), these could be dealt globally (on each side), which would lead to somewhat different definitions, orders and algorithm. For example, instead of \([N\backslash A^*\backslash S/A/L/A^*]\) (which A and \(A^*\) at the same time on the right side) we would get \([N\backslash A^*\backslash S/A^*/L/A^*]\) directly (A and \(A^*\) cannot be used at the same time on each side). This variant can be seen as an intermediate between the strict reading of repeatable optional dependencies as consecutive repetitions of \(TGE^{(K)}\) and more flexible interpretations like “dispersed iterations” Béchet et al. (2011).

Other variants are still possible: such as a more global principle on types on the whole grammar (having “super-global” dependencies) where a dependency A is either repeatable every where (\(A^*\)) or never repeatable (A) in the whole grammar.

As further remarks on the inference algorithm: the algorithm presented in Sect. 4 may be improved by deleting types that are subsumed by another one. The resulting grammar would then be strongly equivalent but in a compressed form. We can also think of marking some dependency names as not following the repetition principle, the definition and the algorithm should then be adapted with respect to a given subset.

This work has been developed in the computational linguistic domain. It would be interesting to reconsider these notions in a purely theoretical way (other languages and automaton) or other application domains (such as bioinformatics).

This article contributes on symbolic learning possibilities and impossibilities for CDG. This could be extended to dependency grammars in general or other lexicalized grammar formalisms. As concern the CDG formalism itself, important questions for CDG and their languages were solved in Dekhtyar et al. (2015) but some theoretical questions listed in their conclusion remain open for CDG. One of them is the positioning of CDG in the variety of grammatical frameworks for NLP, going beyond context-free grammars.

On the practical side, works aiming at developping large-scale CDG grammars could integrate Algorithm \(\mathbf{TGE}^{(K)}\) presented in this paper. Such developments would also help to validate the hypotheses introduced (K-star revealing, simple K-star, global simple K-star) for defining restricted classes of CDG.