Issue 9, 2021

‘Sweeping rods’: cargo transport by self-propelled bimetallic microrods moving perpendicular to their long axis


A possible application of self-propelling particles is the transport of microscopic cargo. Maximizing the collection and transport efficiency of particulate matter requires the area swept by the moving particle to be as large as possible. One such particle geometry are rods propelled perpendicular to their long axis, that act as “sweepers” for collecting particles. Here we report on the required Janus coating to achieve such motion, and on the dynamics of the collection and transport of microscopic cargo by sideways propelled Janus rods.

Graphical abstract: ‘Sweeping rods’: cargo transport by self-propelled bimetallic microrods moving perpendicular to their long axis

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
11 Jan 2021
09 Feb 2021
First published
10 Feb 2021

Soft Matter, 2021,17, 2369-2373

‘Sweeping rods’: cargo transport by self-propelled bimetallic microrods moving perpendicular to their long axis

A. Arslanova, V. R. Dugyala, E. K. Reichel, N. Reddy, J. Fransaer and C. Clasen, Soft Matter, 2021, 17, 2369 DOI: 10.1039/D1SM00042J

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