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Language learning and inclusion in Italy

  • Giovanna Carloni

    Giovanna Carloni is a Research Fellow in Foreign Language Didactics at the University of Urbino, Italy. Her fields of expertise are foreign language teaching methodology, Italian as a second and foreign language didactics, educational technology, CLIL, English linguistics, corpus linguistics, applied corpus linguistics, and corpus-based translation. She is also a teacher trainer of pre-service and in-service CLIL and second/foreign language teachers.

    and Flora Sisti

    Flora Sisti is the Rector’s delegate for Teaching Innovation and Students and Director of CISDEL (Integrated Centre for Didactics and E-Learning) at the University of Urbino where she teaches Modern language teaching methodology and Intercultural communication as Chair Professor. She has published on a range of topics including: CLIL, English Teaching Methodology for Young Learners, Drama in EFL Teaching, E-learning and ICT in EFL Teaching.

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The study of inclusion models has regained attention in light of recent migratory phenomena. In this context, research in the area of second language (L2) teaching methodologies occupies a central role because it examines the most effective teaching approaches to promote the learning of a language that will be instrumental in the inclusion of the migrant [1] in a new socio-cultural context. This work proposes some reflections on the bonds between language and cultural identity, with particular focus on the problematics related to culture shock. The premise is that language plays a key role as an instrument in inclusion because it allows the individual to understand a new reality and to make him or herself understood by others through a narrative process (storytelling). To promote the true inclusion of migrants into the fabric of the society of the adopted country, it is important to pursue a dual objective: to provide migrants with the instruments necessary for inclusion into the host society and, at the same time, educate the members of the host society as regards intercultural relationships. The purpose of this work is to furnish some research-based guidelines suitable to effective L2 teaching and present an example of an experience in the process of inclusion mediated through Italy’s works of art in museums.


Giovanna Carloni wrote Sections 1, 5, and 6 (Conclusion); Flora Sisti wrote the abstract and Sections 2, 3, and 4.

About the authors

Giovanna Carloni

Giovanna Carloni is a Research Fellow in Foreign Language Didactics at the University of Urbino, Italy. Her fields of expertise are foreign language teaching methodology, Italian as a second and foreign language didactics, educational technology, CLIL, English linguistics, corpus linguistics, applied corpus linguistics, and corpus-based translation. She is also a teacher trainer of pre-service and in-service CLIL and second/foreign language teachers.

Flora Sisti

Flora Sisti is the Rector’s delegate for Teaching Innovation and Students and Director of CISDEL (Integrated Centre for Didactics and E-Learning) at the University of Urbino where she teaches Modern language teaching methodology and Intercultural communication as Chair Professor. She has published on a range of topics including: CLIL, English Teaching Methodology for Young Learners, Drama in EFL Teaching, E-learning and ICT in EFL Teaching.


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Published Online: 2019-07-18
Published in Print: 2019-07-26

© 2019 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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