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An Antinomy Between Regulative Principles: An Aporetic Resolution to the Antinomy of Teleological Judgment

  • Aaron Halper EMAIL logo
From the journal Kant-Studien


The antinomy of teleological judgment has increasingly been understood as a conflict between regulative principles. But it is not clear why regulative principles can be in conflict at all, since Kant otherwise takes the realization that two conflicting principles are regulative to be sufficient to resolve an antinomy. I argue that in Kant’s view regulative principles do not conflict with one another only if they are reducible to reason’s interest in systematicity. Given that the principles of this antinomy do conflict, they must not be reducible to reason’s interest in systematicity. I argue that teleology is thus not reducible to reason’s interest because it is fundamentally unlawful. I then use this irreducibility to account for Kant’s appeal to the supersensible in this context.


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Published Online: 2019-06-06
Published in Print: 2019-06-01

© 2019 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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