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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag January 17, 2020

Several non-standard problems for the stationary Stokes system

  • Dagmar Medková ORCID logo EMAIL logo
From the journal Analysis


This paper studies the Stokes system -Δ𝐮+ρ=𝐟, 𝐮=χ in Ω with three boundary conditions:

𝐧𝐮=𝐧𝐠,𝐧×(×𝐮)=𝐧×𝐡on Ω,
𝐧𝐮=𝐧𝐠,𝝉[𝐮𝐧-ρ𝐧+b𝐮]=𝐡τon Ω,
𝐧𝐮=𝐧𝐠,[T(𝐮,ρ)𝐧+b𝐮]τ=𝐡τon Ω.

Here Ω is a bounded simply connected planar domain. We find a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a solution in Sobolev spaces Ws,q(Ω;2)×Ws-1,q(Ω), with 1+1/q<s<, in Besov spaces Bsq,r(Ω;2)×Bs-1q,r(Ω), with 1+1/q<s<, and classical solutions in 𝒞k,α(Ω¯,2)×𝒞k-1,α(Ω¯), with 0<α<1, k.

MSC 2010: 35Q35

Award Identifier / Grant number: GA17-01747S

Funding statement: The research was supported by RVO: 67985840 and GAČR grant No. 17-01747S.

A Appendix

A.1 Holomorphic functions

Lemma A.1.

Let ξ+iη be a holomorphic function in Ω. If ηCk,α(Ω¯) with kN0 and 0<α<1, then ξCk,α(Ω¯).


Suppose first that k=0. The domain with Lipschitz boundary satisfies the property Pα by [40, p. 394]. Therefore, ξ𝒞0,α(Ω¯), by [40, Corollary 3.7].

If k0, we use that fact that βξ+iβη is a holomorphic function for arbitrary multiindex β. ∎

Lemma A.2.

Let ξ+iη be a holomorphic function in Ω, 1<q<, 0<s<. If ηWs,q(Ω), then ξWs,q(Ω).


For the case s, see [40, Proposition 9.2]. Let now s. Since Ws,q(Ω)W1/2,q(Ω), one has ξW1/2,q(Ω)Lq(Ω). The rest is a consequence of the fact that 1ξ=2η, 2ξ=-1η. ∎

Lemma A.3.

Let ξ+iη be a holomorphic function in Ω. If ηBsq,r(Ω), with 1<q,r<, 0<s<, then ξBsq,r(Ω).


We can suppose that ηBsq,r(2). Then jηBs-1q,r(2) by [47, Chapter 3, Theorem 9]. Thus, 1ξ=2ηBs-1q,r(2), 2ξ=-1ηBs-1q,r(2). Proposition 7.6 of [41] gives ξBsq,r(Ω). ∎

Lemma A.4.

Let ξ+iη be a holomorphic function in Ω and 1<q<. If Ma(η)Lq(Ω), then Ma(ξ)Lq(Ω) and there exist non-tangential limits of ξ and η at almost all points of Ω.


If u is a harmonic function in Ω, then Ma(u)Lq(Ω) if and only if Aa(u)Lq(Ω), where


(See [17, Theorem] or [28, Theorem 1.5.10].) Since 1ξ=2η, 2ξ=-1η and therefore Aa(ξ)=Aa(η), we infer Ma(ξ)Lq(Ω). Since Ma(ξ),Ma(η)Lq(Ω), there exist non-tangential limits of ξ and η at almost all points of Ω by [23] and [24, Theorem 1]. ∎

A.2 The Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation

Theorem A.5.

Let Ω be of class Ck,1 with kN, and 1<p,q<, 1/p<sk+1.

  1. If fWs-2,p(Ω), gWs-1/p,p(Ω) and s-1/p, then there exists a unique solution uWs,p(Ω) of the Dirichlet problem

    (A.1)Δu=fin Ω,u=gon Ω.
  2. If fBs-2p,q(Ω), gBs-1/pp,q(Ω) and s<k+1, then there exists a unique solution uBsp,q(Ω) of the Dirichlet problem (A.1).


If s<1+1/p, then (a) is a consequence of [39, Corollary 4.2]. If s, s>1, then (a) follows from [22, Theorem and Theorem]. We obtain the rest by real interpolation. (See [53, Lemma 22.3], [56, Corollary 1.111, Theorem 1.122] and [19, Theorem 6.7].) ∎

A.3 Besov spaces

Proposition A.6.

Let -<tτ< and 1<p,q,r,β<. Suppose that one from the following conditions holds:

  1. τ>t, τ-2/q>t-2/p.

  2. τ>t, τ-2/q=t-2/p, rβ.

  3. τ=t, pq, rβ.

Then Bτq,r(Ω)Btp,β(Ω).


If condition (a) holds, then Bτq,r(Ω)Btp,β(Ω) by [56, Theorem 1.97]. If condition (b) holds, then Bτq,r(Ω)Btp,β(Ω) by [56, pp. 78–79]. If condition (c) holds, then Bτq,r(Ω)Btp,r(Ω)Btp,β(Ω) by [55, Section 3.3.1, Theorem] and [54, Section 4.6.1, Theorem]. ∎

A.4 Stokes system with prescribed pressure

Proposition A.7.

Let kN, 1<p,q<, Ω be of class Ck,1, 1/q<sk+1, s-1/qN0, 1/p<tk, t-1/pN0, and ts+1. Suppose that s+1-2/qt-2/p. Let gWt-1/p,p(Ω), hWs-1/q,q(Ω). Then there exists a unique solution (u,ρ)Wt,p(Ω,R2)×Ws,q(Ω) of the problem

-Δ𝐮+ρ=0,𝐮=0in Ω,𝐮𝝉Ω=g,ρ=hon Ω,

where 𝛕Ω=(n2Ω,-n1Ω) is the tangential vector on Ω. Moreover, Ma(u)Lp(Ω), Ma(ρ)Lq(Ω), and there exist non-tangential limits of u and ρ at almost all points of Ω.


For s<k+1, see [36, Theorem 5.2]. The proof for s=k+1 is the same but we use the new embedding result Ws+1,q(Ω)Wt,p(Ω) (see [12, Theorem 3.8]). ∎


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Received: 2018-06-06
Revised: 2019-05-30
Accepted: 2019-11-25
Published Online: 2020-01-17
Published in Print: 2020-03-01

© 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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