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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter Mouton January 22, 2019

Caring to Teach: Exploring the Affective Economies of English Teachers in Singapore

  • Andrew J. Pereira

    Andrew J. PEREIRA is a research associate with the Office of Graduate Studies and Professional Learning at the Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education (NTU/NIE), Singapore. He was awarded the NTU Research Scholarship and obtained his PhD in English Studies. His dissertation, Governmentality and Education: Media Representations of Teachers in Singapore, was supervised by Dr. Warren Mark Liew. Andrew’s research interest includes educational sociology, discourse studies, critical multimodal literacies, and youth purpose.


The ethical project of education hinges on the ideal of caring relations between teachers and students, an ideal that entails deep emotional commitments on the part of teachers. Drawing on interview data from a larger study of teachers’ lived experiences in Singapore’s secondary schools, this paper examines the cultural politics of caring as an emotional practice in teaching. The ethic of care serves to construct normative accounts of good teaching based on “feeling rules,” and becomes a disciplinary technology for evaluating the professional, social and emotional competencies of teachers. I suggest that this project in turn entails an ideological effort to mobilize teachers’ emotional attachment to this ethical ideal. The ethic of care shapes the subjectivities, beliefs, and practices of English teachers, particularly as they circulate through the neoliberal imperatives of educational accountability regimes.

About the author

Andrew J. Pereira

Andrew J. PEREIRA is a research associate with the Office of Graduate Studies and Professional Learning at the Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education (NTU/NIE), Singapore. He was awarded the NTU Research Scholarship and obtained his PhD in English Studies. His dissertation, Governmentality and Education: Media Representations of Teachers in Singapore, was supervised by Dr. Warren Mark Liew. Andrew’s research interest includes educational sociology, discourse studies, critical multimodal literacies, and youth purpose.


This work was funded by the Office of Educational Research (OER), National Institute of Education (NIE), Singapore under OER5/11 LCY. Opinions stated and conclusions drawn do not represent the views of the Institute but are the author’s own.


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Published Online: 2019-01-22
Published in Print: 2018-11-27

© 2018 FLTRP, Walter de Gruyter, Cultural and Education Section British Embassy

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