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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter (A) October 13, 2017

Denn dies ist mir viel wert, Kriton ...

Zu Text und Interpretation von Plat. Crit. 48e4

  • Markus Kersten EMAIL logo
From the journal Philologus


The paper concerns the textual form of the sentence Crit. 48e4. A return to the transmitted infinitive πεῖσαι is proposed; at the same time, it is demonstrated that the sentence is thereby ambiguous. Yet, it can be shown that this ambiguousness does not render the passage meaningless. In fact, the transmitted text is interpretively extremely rich, because with the indefinite infinitive a central problem of the dialogue, the demand ‘to convince or obey’, is accentuated in a distinctive way, namely in respect of the personal relation of the two philosophising friends. For the dramatic effect of the dialogue this passage is of great importance.


Für zahlreiche wichtige Hinweise bin ich Lesley Brown (Oxford) sehr dankbar. Anja Behrendt und Wolfgang Bernard (beide Rostock) danke ich herzlich für lange sokratische Gespräche, während deren ich viel gelernt habe.

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Published Online: 2017-10-13
Published in Print: 2018-10-25

© 2017 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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