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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access November 1, 2019

Recording and Reconstructing the Sacred Landscapes of Sicilian Naxos

  • Jari Pakkanen EMAIL logo , Maria Costanza Lentini , Apostolos Sarris , Esko Tikkala and Meropi Manataki
From the journal Open Archaeology


In recent years, an on-going project investigating the urban landscape of Naxos has surveyed and produced several new digital reconstructions of the settlement’s simple non-peripteral temples, most with highly decorative roofs. Three Archaic sacred buildings of Sicilian Naxos are used to demonstrate different approaches to recording the remains and reconstructing their architectural features. This work reflects changes in digital strategies over the past ten years. Tempietto H is a small shrine located outside the city’s boundaries and the site is currently inaccessible, so its reconstruction is based on excavation documentation and roof terracottas. The visible half of Tempietto C was documented using three-dimensional line-drawing with total stations and photogrammetry; the back-filled south-western part was surveyed with ground penetrating radar. Temple B is the largest sacred structure in Naxos. A geophysical survey gives new data on the eastern extent of the sanctuary. The area has been recorded with handheld and aerial photography to create a three-dimensional model of the sanctuary. A new orthogonal grid of the city was established circa 470 BCE and a rectangular base was placed in the south-east corner of every crossroad. These bases were the starting point for the plan, and their interpretation as altars converts the entire urban plan into a sacred landscape.


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Received: 2019-04-12
Accepted: 2019-08-20
Published Online: 2019-11-01

© 2019 Jari Pakkanen et al., published by De Gruyter

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