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Publicly Available Published by De Gruyter July 6, 2020

Time-varying NoVaS Versus GARCH: Point Prediction, Volatility Estimation and Prediction Intervals

  • Jie Chen and Dimitris N. Politis EMAIL logo


The NoVaS methodology for prediction of stationary financial returns is reviewed, and the applicability of the NoVaS transformation for volatility estimation is illustrated using realized volatility as a proxy. The realm of applicability of the NoVaS methodology is then extended to non-stationary data (involving local stationarity and/or structural breaks) for one-step ahead point prediction of squared returns. In addition, a NoVaS-based algorithm is proposed for the construction of bootstrap prediction intervals for one-step ahead squared returns for both stationary and non-stationary data. It is shown that the “Time-varying” NoVaS is robust against possible nonstationarities in the data; this is true in terms of locally (but not globally) financial returns but also in change point problems where the NoVaS methodology adapts fast to the new regime that occurs after an unknown/undetected change point. Extensive empirical work shows that the NoVaS methodology generally outperforms the GARCH benchmark for (i) point prediction of squared returns, (ii) interval prediction of squared returns, and (iii) volatility estimation. With regard to target (i), earlier work had shown little advantage of using a nonzero α in the NoVaS transformation. However, in terms or targets (ii) and (iii), it appears that using the Generalized version of NoVaS—either Simple or Exponential—can be quite beneficial and well-worth the associated computational cost.

1 Introduction

In applied econometrics and finance, accurate volatility forecasting is of great importance. Auto-Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity models (ARCH) and Generalized Auto-Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity models (GARCH) have gained prominence and are widely used in financial engineering since they were introduced by Engle (1982) and Bollerslev (1986) respectively. The simple GARCH(1,1) model emerged early on as the most popular and has been the benchmark in applied work for the last 30 years; see Francq and Zakoian (2011) and the references therein.

As noted early on, ARCH/GARCH models with respect to normal errors can account only partly for the degree of heavy tails empirically found in the distribution of returns. Consequently, researchers and practitioners have been resorting to ARCH/GARCH models with heavy-tailed errors, e.g., the t-distribution with degrees of freedom empirically chosen to match the apparent degree of heavy tails in the residuals; see Shephard (1996) and the references therein. However, this situation is not entirely satisfactory since the choice of a t-distribution seems quite arbitrary. Perhaps the real issue is that a simple and neat parametric model such as ARCH/GARCH could not be expected to perfectly capture the behavior of a complicated real-world phenomenon such as the evolution of financial returns that—almost by definition of market efficiency—ranks at the top in terms of difficulty of modeling/prediction.

The Model-free prediction principle was first introduced in Politis (2003) to understand such complex types of data. The Normalizing and Variance-Stabilizing transformation (NoVaS, for short) is a straightforward application of the Model-free principle in prediction of squared financial returns. The original development of the NoVaS approach was made in Politis (2003, 2007 having as its “spring board” the popular ARCH model with normal innovations. Politis (2007) and Politis and Thomakos (2013) showed that NoVaS methods outperform the benchmark GARCH(1,1) model in prediction of squared returns under the assumption of stationarity.

Furthermore, a crucial problem in GARCH modeling is that the GARCH models are not robust with respect to violations from the stationarity assumption, e.g. in the presence of local stationarity and/or structural breaks; see Mikosch and Starica (2004); Polzehl and Spokoiny (2006). Subsequently, the theory of time-varying ARCH/GARCH process was developed for locally stationary time series; see Dahlhaus and Rao (2006). The work of Polzehl and Spokoiny (2006) indicates that time-varying GARCH(1,1) models demonstrates a relatively good predicting performance as far as the short term forecasting horizon is considered. To deal with a time-varying stochastic structure of the data, we hereby propose a time-varying version of the NoVaS transformation. Our interest in this paper is to apply different time-varying NoVaS methods to predicting squared financial returns in situations where (global) stationarity for returns fails such as the aforementioned cases of local stationarity and/or structural breaks.

In this paper, we focus on studying the predictive power of different NoVaS methods to non-stationary data in point prediction of squared returns as well as in volatility estimation. In addition, we use the NoVaS methodology to construct prediction intervals for squared returns for both stationary and non-stationary time series. A comprehensive simulation and real world data analysis are conducted to study the relative forecasting performance of time-varying (TV) NoVaS methods compared to that of the benchmark time-varying GARCH(1,1) model. The evaluation of forecasting performance for the NoVaS transformation and the benchmark GARCH(1,1) models is addressed via the L1-norm instead of the usual mean squared error (MSE) since the case has been made that financial returns might not have a finite fourth moment; see e.g. Politis (2007, 2015.

The literature on volatility modeling, prediction and the evaluation of difference volatility forecasts is huge. Here, we selectively review some recent literature related to the volatility prediction: Mikosch and Starica (2004) for structural changes in volatility time series and GARCH modeling; Peng and Yao (2003) for robust least absolute deviations estimation of GARCH models; Poon and Granger (2003) for assessing the forecasting performance of various volatility models; Hansen, Lunde, and Nason (2003) on selecting volatility models; Hansen and Lunde (2006a) for using a semi-parametric, transformation-based approach to forming predictive intervals; Ghysels, Santa-Clara, and Valkanov (2006) on the use and predictive power of absolute returns; Francq, Roy, and Zakoïan (2005), Lux and Morales-Arias (2010) and Choi, Yu, and Zivot (2010) on switching regime GARCH models, structural breaks and long memory in volatility; Hillebrand (2005) on GARCH models with structural breaks; Hansen and Lunde (2005, 2006b) for comparing forecasts of volatility models against the standard GARCH(1,1) model and for consistent ranking of volatility models and the use of an appropriate series as the “true” volatility; Ghysels, Santa-Clara, and Valkanov (2006) for predicting volatility by mixing data at different frequencies, and Ghysels and Sohn (2009) for the type of power variation that is successful in predicting volatility in the context of mixed data frequencies. Chen, Gerlach, and Lin (2008) for volatility forecasting in the context of threshold models coupled with volatility measurement based on intraday range. Bandi, Russell, and Yang (2008) discuss the selection of optimal sampling frequency in realized volatility estimation and forecasting; Patton and Sheppard (2009) present results on optimal combinations of realized volatility estimators in the context of volatility forecasting while Patton and Sheppard (2015) discuss the signed jumps and the persistence of volatility.

Andersen, Bollerslev, and Meddahi (2004, 2005 examine the analytic evaluation of volatility forecasts, and Andersen, Bollerslev, and Diebold (2007) consider modeling realized volatility when jump components are included. The long line of work of Andersen, Bollerslev, Diebold and their various co-authors on realized volatility and volatility forecasting is nicely summarized in their review article “Volatility and Correlation Forecasting” in the Handbook of Economic Forecasting, see Andersen et al. (2006). Furthermore, the excellent book by Francq and Zakoian (2011) provides a comprehensive and systematic approach to understanding GARCH time series models and their applications whilst presenting the most advanced results concerning the theory and practical aspects of GARCH.

With regards time series that are locally but not globally stationary, Priestley (1965, 1988 and Dahlhaus (1997) were the pioneering works; see Dahlhaus (2012) for a review. In terms of applications to ARCH/GARCH modeling, Fryzlewicz, Sapatinas, and Rao (2006, 2008 and Dahlhaus and Rao (2006, 2007 all work in a context of local stationarity, and develop ARCH processes with time varying parameters.

The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 reviews the work of Politis (2007) on the NoVaS transformation for point prediction of stationary financial returns, and compares the performance of NoVaS to GARCH(1,1) in one-step-ahead point prediction of squared returns under different assumptions (including non-stationarities). Section 3 addresses the comparison of the performance of GARCH(1,1) and NoVaS in volatility estimation; interestingly, NoVaS methods have not been used previously for this purpose. Section 4 presents the novel Model-Free algorithms for interval prediction of squared returns, and illustrates their numerical performance by means of both simulated examples and real world data. Concluding remarks are provided in Section 5.

2 Point Prediction

In this section, we compare the performance of NoVaS transformation and GARCH(1,1) in one-step-ahead point prediction of squared returns under different assumptions (including non-stationarities).

2.1 Review of GARCH(1,1) and NoVaS Transformation for Stationary Data

2.1.1 The Benchmark: GARCH(1,1)

Let Y1, …, Yn be an observed stretch from a financial returns time series {Yt, t ∈ Z}. To start with, assume that {Yt} is (strictly) stationary with mean zero, which implies that trends and other non-stationarities have been successfully removed.

The standard ARCH(p) model is described by an equation of the type:


where the series {Zt} is assumed to be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.), and p is a positive integer indicating the order of the model. Engle (1982) assumed that the errors Zt have a N(0, 1) distribution; later on other researchers considered instead a t–distribution (standardized to unit variance) for the errors—see e.g. Shephard (1996).

Let n be short-hand for the observed information set, i.e., n={Yt,1tn}. Under the above ARCH(p) model, the L2 optimal predictor of Yn+12 based on n is


This conditional expectation E(Yn+12|n) is commonly referred to as the volatility. although the same term is sometimes also used for its square root.

A standard GARCH(1,1) model is described by the equation:

(3)Yt=htZtwith ht2=C+AYt12+Bht12

where the series {Zt} is i.i.d. (0,1), and the parameters A, B, C are assumed nonnegative. The quantity ht2=E(Yt2|t1) is the volatility of the GARCH model; it is also the L2 optimal predictor of Yt2 given t1.

Back-solving in the right-hand-side of Eq. (3), it is easy to show that the GARCH(1,1) model is tantamount to the ARCH model of Eq. (1) with p = ∞ and the following identifications:


Under the objective of L1 optimal prediction, the optimal predictor is the conditional median—not the conditional expectation. For an ARCH(p) process, the L1 optimal predictor of Yn+12 given n is


Under the usual causality assumption, the error Zt is independent of t1 for all t. Hence, Median(Zn+12|n)=Median(Zn+12).

Furthermore, the aforementioned equivalence of GARCH(1,1) to a particular ARCH(∞) model implies that Eq. (5) would also give the L1 optimal GARCH(1,1) predictor of Yn+12 by allowing p = ∞ with the ARCH coefficients a, a1, a2, … having the structure given by Eq. (4). Alternatively, under the GARCH(1,1) model we can simply write


Note that if Zt has an (approximately) symmetric unimodal distribution, then Zt2 is a positively skewed random variable. It follows that Median(Zn+12)E(Zn+12)=1. For example, Median(Zn+12)0.45 if Zt is N(0, 1), whereas Median(Zn+12)0.53 if Zt has a t distribution with 5 degrees of freedom. Hence, in both ARCH and GARCH cases, the L1 optimal predictor of Yn+12 is quite smaller than its L2 analog.

The GARCH(1,1) is by far the most popular of the ARCH/GARCH models, and typically forms the benchmark for modeling financial returns. That is why we compare the predictive ability of NoVaS methodology to that of GARCH(1,1) in what follows.

Remark. If the objective is point prediction of Yt2 given t1, should one choose and L2 and L1 optimal predictor? The crux here is that financial returns are governed by a fat-tailed distribution; it is generally accepted that they have a finite variance but it is not clear that they a finite fourth moment. An L2 measure of prediction of the squares is essentially a fourth moment; if it is infinite, it does not make sense to try to minimize it! The paper by Politis (2007) brought attention to this problem and adopting an L1 measure of prediction of the squares, i.e. prediction by conditional median (not mean); see also Ch. 10.4.1 of Politis (2015).

2.1.2 NoVaS Methodology

Let us continue considering a zero mean and (strictly) stationary financial return time series {Yt, t ∈ Z}. The NoVaS methodology attempts to map the dataset Y1, …, Yn to a sample from a Gaussian stationary series.

The starting point is the ARCH model of Eq. (1) that can be re-written as


Engle (1982) assumed that the errors Zt are i.i.d.N(0, 1); this assumption was later challenged by empirical researchers but we re-visit it here. Note that the ratio given in Eq. (7) can be interpreted as an attempt to “studentize” the return Yt by dividing with a time-localized measure of the standard deviation of Yt. However, there seems to be no reason to exclude the value of Yt from an empirical, causal estimate of the standard deviation of Yt; recall that a causal estimate is one involving present and past data only, i.e., the data {Ys, s ≤ t}.

Under this rationale, Politis (2003) defined a new “studentized” quantity as follows:

(8)Wt,a:=Ytαst12+a0Yt2+i=1paiYti2for t=p+1,p+2,,n.

In the above, st12 is an estimator of the unconditional variance σY2=Var(Yt) based on the data up to (but not including[1]) time t; under the zero mean assumption for Yt, the natural estimator is st12=(t1)1k=1t1Yk2.

The definition in Eq. (8) describes the basic normalizing and variance-stabilizing transformation (NoVaS) under which the data series {Yt} is mapped to the new series {Wt,a}. The order p(≥0) and the vector of nonnegative parameters (α, a0, …, ap) are chosen by the practitioner with the twin goals of normalization and variance stabilization.

The NoVaS transformation of Eq. (8) can be re-arranged to yield:


The only essential difference between the NoVaS of Eq. (9) and the ARCH of Eq. (1) is the presence of the term Yt2 in the right-hand-side paired with the coefficient a0. Replacing the term a in Eq. (1) by the term αst12 in Eq. (9) is natural since the former has—by necessity—units of variance; in other words, the term a in Eq. (1) is not scale invariant, whereas the term α in Eq. (9) is.

The target of variance stabilization for the new series {Wt,a} relies on the construction of a local estimator of scale for studentization, and requires the “unbiasedness” condition:


Eq. (10) has the interesting implication that the {Wt,a} series can be assumed to have an (unconditional) variance that is (approximately) unity. Nevertheless, note that p and α,  a0,  …,  ap must be carefully chosen to achieve a degree of conditional homoscedasticity as well; to do this, one must necessarily take p small enough—as well as α small enough or even equal to zero—so that a local (as opposed to global) estimator of scale is obtained.

Politis (2003) provided two structures for the ai coefficients satisfying Eq. (10). One is to let α = 0 and ai=1/(p+1) for all 0 ≤ i ≤ p; this specification is called the simple NoVaS transformation. The other one is given by the exponential decay NoVaS where α = 0 and ai=ceci for all 0 ≤ i ≤ p. The simple and exponential NoVaS schemes are very intuitive as they correspond to the two popular time series methods of obtaining a “local”, one-sided average, namely a moving average (of the last p+1 values) and “exponential smoothing”; see e.g. Hamilton (1994).

With regards the target of normalizing the distribution of the series {Wt,a}, note that


since all the parameters are nonnegative; therefore, the random variable Wt,a is bounded:


So one must be careful to ensure that the {Wt,a} variables have a large enough range such that the boundedness is not seen as spoiling the normality. Thus, we also require


for some appropriate C of the practitioner’s choice. Recalling that 99.7% of the mass of the N(0,1) distribution is found in the range ±3, the simple choice C = 3 can be suggested; this choice seems to work reasonably well for the usual samples sizes.

2.1.3 Basic NoVaS Schemes

We then proceed to choose p and α, a0, a1, …, ap (the parameters needed to identify) with the optimization goal of making the {Wt,a} series as close to normal as possible. To quantify this goal, one can attempt to minimize a (pseudo)distance measuring departure of the transformed data from normality. Recall that it is a matter of common practice to assume that the distribution of financial returns is symmetric (at least to a first approximation) and, therefore, the skewness of financial returns is often ignored. In contrast, the kurtosis is typically quite large, indicating a heavy tailed distribution. Hence, the kurtosis can serve as a simple measure of the departure of a (non-skewed) dataset from normality. Other measures of non-normality can be used, e.g., the Shapiro–Wilk statistic or Kolmogorov distance; see Politis and Thomakos (2008, 2013). In practice, all these measures give similar results; hence, we focus on the kurtosis measure which is also easy to interpret.

Let KURTn(Y) denote the empirical kurtosis of a dataset {Yt, t = 1, …, n}, i.e.,


where Y¯=n1t=1nYt denotes the sample mean.

The following two algorithms can be used to select the optimal parameters for NoVaS; see Politis (2003). Note that the only free parameter in Simple NoVaS is the order p; therefore, the Simple NoVaS transformation will be denoted by Wt,pS. In the Exponential NoVaS, to specify all the ais, one just needs to specify the two parameters p and c > 0, in view of Eq. (10). However, because of the exponential decay, the parameter p is now of secondary significance; thus, we concisely denote the exponential NoVaS transformation by Wt,cE.

Algorithm 2.1.

Simple NoVaS.

  1. Let α = 0 and ai=1/(p+1) for all 0 ≤ i ≤ p.

  2. Pick p such that |KURTn(Wt,pS)3| is minimized.

In the above, the value 3 as a target kurtosis corresponds to the kurtosis of the Gaussian distribution.

Algorithm 2.2.

Exponential NoVaS (Exp-NoVaS)

  1. Let p take a very high starting value, e.g., let pn/4 or n/5. Then, let α = 0 and ai=ceci for all 0 ≤ i ≤ p, where c=1/i=0peci by Eq. (10).

  2. Pick c > 0 in such a way that |KURTn(Wt,cE)3| is minimized.

Step 2 in the above could be better understood as a moment matching criterion, i.e., replace Step 2 by Step 2’ below:

  • 2’. Pick c > 0 such that KURTn(Wt,pS)=3.

This is true because it is generally possible to choose the NoVaS parameters (in this case the value of c) to match the Gaussian kurtosis exactly; see Politis (2007) for the argument based on the intermediate value theorem.

The search in Algorithm 2 is over c∈(0, ∞) which appears formidable; what makes this optimization problem well-behaved is that we know that high values of c can not plausibly be solutions. To see why, note that if c is large, then ai≈0 for i = 1, 2, … and hence Wt,cEYt which has kurtosis much larger than three by assumption. It is apparent that the search for the optimal c will be practically conducted over a discrete grid of c-values spanning an interval of the type (0, s) for some s of the order of one. A practical way to narrow in on the optimal c value is to run two grid searches, one coarse followed by a fine one: (i) use a coarse grid search over the whole interval (0, s), and denote c˜0 the minimizer over the coarse grid search; and (ii) run a fine grid search over a neighborhood of c˜0. Let c0 denote the resulting minimizer from the above algorithm. If needed, the following range–adjustment step may be added.

  1. If c0 as found above is such that Eq. (12) is not satisfied, then decrease c stepwise (starting from c0) over the discrete grid until Eq. (12) is satisfied.

Finally, the value of p must be trimmed for efficiency of usage of the available sample; to do this we can simply discard the ai coefficients that are close to zero, i.e., those that fall below a certain threshold/tolerance level ∈ which is the practitioner’s choice. A threshold value of  = 0.01 is reasonable in connection with the ai which—as should be stressed—are normalized to sum to one.

  1. Trim the value of p by a criterion of the type: if ai < , then let ai = 0. If i0 is the smallest integer such that ai <  for all i ≥ i0, then let p = i0 and re-normalize the ais so that their sum (for i = 0,  1 , …,  i0) equals one.

Remark. Note that the NoVaS approach is not model-based, and therefore Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) or Quasi–MLE is not advisable. In fact, there is a different philosophy at work here. The traditional philosophy starts with assuming a model (typically driven by i.i.d. errors), and using MLE (or related techniques) to fitt it. In a model-free approach such as NoVaS, we do not assume any model as being true; rather, we use the structure of the data at hand in order to devise a transformation that maps our dataset {Yt} to a new dataset {Wt,a} with i.i.d. entries. The criterion of success of the model-free approach is the success of the transformation; this is a different criterion than MLE.

2.1.4 Generalized NoVaS schemes

Simple NoVaS has only one parameter, and the same is (effectively) true for Exponential NoVaS. Although many different multi-parameter NoVaS schemes can be devised, we now elaborate on the possibility of a nonzero value for the parameter α (say α1, α2, …, αK, that span a subset of the interval [0,1]) in Eq. (8) in connection with the Simple and Exponential NoVaS. We thus define the Generalized Simple (GS) and Generalized Exponential (GE) NoVaS denoted by Wt;p,αGS and Wt;c,αGE indicating their respective two free parameters; both are based on Eq. (8).

Algorithm 2.3.

Generalized Simple NoVaS (GS NoVaS)

  1. For k = 1,  …,  K perform the following steps.

    1. Let α = αk and ai=(1αk)/(p+1) for all 0 ≤ i ≤ p so that Eq. (10) is satisfied while all the coefficients a0, a1, …, ap are the same.

    2. Denote by pk the minimizer of |KURTn(Wt,pGS)3| over values of p = 1, 2, ….

    3. If pk (and a0) as found above are such that Eq. (12) is not satisfied, then increase pk accordingly, i.e., re-define pk=1+C2(1αk), and let ai=(1αk)/(pk+1) for all 0ipk by Eq. (10); here, x denotes the integer part of x.

  2. Finally, compare the transformations {Wt;pk,αkGS,k=1,,K} in terms of their performance in a desired task, e.g., volatility prediction, and pick the value of k leading to optimal performance.

Algorithm 2.4.

Generalized Exponential NoVaS (GE NoVaS)

  1. For k = 1, … , K perform the following steps.

    1. Let p take a very high starting value, e.g., let pn/4 or n/5. Then, let α = αk and ai=ceci for all 0ip, where c=(1αk)/i=0peci by Eq. (10).

    2. Pick c in such a way that |KURTn(Wt;c,αkGE)3| is minimized, and denote by ck the minimizing value.[2]

    3. Trim the value of p to some value pk as before: if ai<ϵ, then set ai = 0. Thus, if ai<ϵ, for all i ≥ ik, then let pk = ik, and re-normalize the ais so that their sum (for i = 0, 1, … , pk) equals 1−αk by Eq. (10).

  2. Finally, compare the transformations {Wt;ck,αkGE,k=1,,K} in terms of their performance in a desired task, e.g., volatility prediction, and pick the value of k leading to optimal performance.

Remark. For all empirical work in this paper, we chose K = 8 and αk = 0,  0.1,  0.2, … , 0.7 in connection with Generalized NoVaS—either GS or GE. For the Exponential NoVaS and GE NoVaS algorithms, we employed the choices p=n/4 and ϵ=0.01.

2.1.5 NoVaS Prediction Equation

Suppose that the NoVaS parameters, i.e., the order p(≥0) and the parameters α,  a0,…,  ap have already been chosen. Re-arrange the NoVaS Eq. (8) to yield:




Let g() be some (measurable) function of interest; examples include g0(x) = x, g1(x)=|x|, and g2(x)=x2, the latter being the function of interest for volatility prediction. From Eq.(14) it follows that the predictive (given n) distribution of g(Yn+1) is identical to the distribution of the random variable


where An=αsn2+i=1paiYn+1i2 is treated as a constant given the past n, and the random variable W has the same distribution as the conditional (on n) distribution of the random variable Wn+1,a.

Therefore, the L1 optimal prediction of g (Yn+1) given n is given by the median of the conditional (given n) distribution of g(Yn+1), i.e.,


Specializing to the case of our interest, i.e., volatility prediction and the function g2(x)=x2 yields the NoVaS predictor:


Remark. By construction, the series {Wt,a} is approximately Gaussian but can be correlated. Nevertheless, applied work involving numerous real datasets has invariably shown that the series {Wt,a} is effectively white noise, and hence it is i.i.d. due to Gaussianity; see Politis (2015) and the references therein. As a result, the conditioning on n can be dropped in both Eqs. (16) and (17). In this case, a quantity such as μ2 of Eq. (17) is the unconditional median, and can readily by estimated by the sample median of {Wt,a for t = p+1, …, n}.

The above remark helps clarify the philosophical distinction between model-based and model-free inference. For example, defining Ut,a=Wt,a/1a0Wt,a2 we can re-write Eq. (14) as


which formally looks like the defining equation of an ARCH(p) model. The difference is that in the model-based approach, one assumes that the Ut,a are i.i.d. in an equation such as (18), and then proceeds to estimate the coefficients ai by (say) Maximum Likelihood. By contrast, in the model-free setting of NoVaS, the Wt,a (and therefore the Ut,a as well) are i.i.d. by construction, not by assumption. Furthermore, this construction has already taken place before being able to even write down Eq. (18). In other words, the predictive Eq. (18) is the conclusion of the model-free fitting of NoVaS, where in a model-based setup such an equation would be the starting point.

2.2 Local Stationarity

When we consider time series data Y1,  … ,  Yn spanning a long time interval, e.g., annual rainfall measurements spanning over 100 years or daily financial returns spanning several decades, it may be unrealistic to assume that the stochastic structure of time series {Yt, t ∈ Z} has stayed invariant over such a long stretch of time, i.e., we can not assume that {Yt, t ∈ Z} is stationary. It may be more plausible to assume a slowly changing stochastic structure, i.e., a locally stationary model; see Priestley (1965, 1988, Dahlhaus (1997) and the review of Dahlhaus (2012).

2.2.1 Time-varying GARCH and Time-varying NoVaS

Intuitively, a locally stationary process can be considered as approximately stationary over a short time window which has led to the notion of Time-varying ARCH/GARCH models. In particular, the theory of Time-varying ARCH (TV-ARCH) processes was developed, and the asymptotic properties of weighted quasi-likelihood estimators were studied in detail by Dahlhaus and Rao (2006).

The analysis of a Time-varying ARCH/GARCH model can be based on the premise of local stationarity. For example, in order to predict g(Yt+1) based on t via a Time–varying GARCH(1,1) model, we can simply fit the GARCH(1,1) model of Eq. (3) using the “windowed” data Ytb+1,,Yt; as a result, the coefficients of the fitted GARCH(1,1) model are varying with time. Here, the window size b should be large enough so that accurate estimation of the GARCH parameters is possible based on the subseries Ytb+1,,Yt but small enough so that such a subseries can plausibly be considered stationary.

In a similar vein, we can predict g(Yt+1) by fitting one of the NoVaS algorithms (Simple versus Exponential, Generalized or not) just using the “windowed” data Ytb+1,,Yt. In so doing, we are constructing a Time-varying NoVaS (TV-NoVaS) transformation as discussed in Politis (2015). Recall that in extensive numerical work, Politis and Thomakos (2008, 2013) showed that NoVaS fitting can be done more efficiently than GARCH fitting by (numerical) MLE. Thus, it is conjectured that TV-NoVaS may be able to capture a slowly changing stochastic structure in a more flexible manner; stated in different term, the window size b required for accurate NoVaS fitting could be smaller than the one required for accurate GARCH fitting, thus allowing us to capture the time-varying stochastic structure more accurately.

2.2.2 Structural Breaks and Change Points

A different form of non-stationarity is due to the possible presence of structural breaks, i.e., change points, occurring at some isolated time points. Kokoszka and Leipus (2000) and Berkes, Horváth, and Kokoszka (2004) have studied the detection/estimation of change points in ARCH/GARCH modeling. Mikosch and Starica (2004) and Stărică and Granger (2005) show the interesting effects that an undetected change point may have on our interpretation and analysis of ARCH/GARCH modeling. Polzehl and Spokoiny (2006) show that time-varying models can give a better predictive power for time series with change points.

Fitting ARCH/GARCH models with change points can be quite cumbersome from a practical point of view. So it is of interest to investigate the performance of the aforementioned time-varying GARCH and NoVaS methods given data that are stationary except for breaks. If data over short windows are used, then TV-GARCH and TV-NoVaS should perform generally well except in the immediate neighborhood of the change points. Hence, in the simulations that follow, we also include a structural break model in order to see the effect of an undetected change point on the performance of TV-GARCH and TV-NoVaS predictors for squared returns.

2.3 Simulations and Results

Using simulated data, we can illustrate and compare the one-step ahead prediction performance of NoVaS with that of the benchmark GARCH(1,1) model. Since the stationary case was dealt with in detail by Politis (2007, 2015, in what follows we focus on the non-stationary case using either local stationary models or stationary models with breaks as a Data Generating Process (DGP).

2.3.1 Simulation Design

For the simulation, 500 datasets Y̲n=(Y1,,Yn) were constructed using either a TV-GARCH or a change point GARCH (CP-GARCH) model; these were defined using the standard GARCH model of Eq. (3) as building block with C = 10−5. The i.i.d. errors Zt associated with a GARCH model are often assumed to have a Student t5 distribution. Instead, we use the simple assignment Zt i.i.d. N(0, 1) in the simulation in order to give the GARCH fitting a “head-start”; using a GARCH with normal errors as DGP should facilitate the convergence of the numerical (Gaussian) MLE employed in fitting the TV-GARCH model.

The exact models used to generate simulated data are as follows:

  1. CP-GARCH: For tn/2, let A = 0.10 and B = 0.73; for t>n/2, let A = 0.05 and B = 0.93. These values are close to the ones used by Mikosch and Starica (2004).

  2. TV-GARCH: The value of A decreases as a linear function of t, starting at A = 0.10 for t = 1, and ending at A = 0.05 for t = n. At the same time, the value of B increases as a linear function of t, starting at B = 0.73 for t = 1, and ending at B = 0.93 for t = n.

The difference between the CP-GARCH and the TV-GARCH model is an abrupt versus a smooth transition of the parameters spanning the same values. Some more information on the simulation follows.

  1. The prediction method employed was the conditional median obtained either from a TV-GARCH model with normal errors fitted by windowed Gaussian MLE, or via TV-NoVaS (Simple or Exponential); in either case, two window sizes were tried out, namely b = 125 or 250.

  2. The sample size was n = 1001 corresponding to about 4 years of daily data; so the choices b = 125 and 250 correspond to 6 and 12 months respectively.

  3. Training period for all methods was 250, i.e., the experiment amounted to predicting Yt+12 from the “windowed” data Ytb+1,,Yt for t = 250,  251,  … ,  1000.

  4. Updating (re-estimation) of all methods would ideally be for each t = 250,  251,  …,  1000. To save computing time, updating in the simulation was only performed for t being an integer multiple of 50. In fairness, the performance of predictions was recorded and compared only at the moment of updating the model, i.e., at time points 250,  300,  350, … ,  1000. For each point, we give the mean absolute deviation (MAD) of the prediction error at the update time point averaged over the 500 replications.

2.3.2 Results and Conclusions

Figure 1 shows the MAD of volatility prediction errors of TV-GARCH as compared to that of TV-NoVaS (Simple or Exponential) with data from model CP-GARCH for the 16 time points where the updating and prediction occurred, i.e., the time points 250,  300,  350, …,  1000. The left panel depicts the case b = 125 while the right panel depicts the case b = 250. Figure 2 is similar but using data generated by a TV-GARCH model instead.

Figure 1: MAD of prediction of squared returns obtained by fitting TV-GARCH versus TV-NoVaS; data from CP-GARCH model.
Figure 1:

MAD of prediction of squared returns obtained by fitting TV-GARCH versus TV-NoVaS; data from CP-GARCH model.

Figure 2: MAD of prediction of squared returns obtained by fitting TV-GARCH versus TV-NoVaS; data from TV-GARCH model.
Figure 2:

MAD of prediction of squared returns obtained by fitting TV-GARCH versus TV-NoVaS; data from TV-GARCH model.

Some conclusions are as follows:

  1. The CP-GARCH model of Figure 1 is stationary up to time point 500 where the break occurs. Hence, time points 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, and 500 in the left panel of Figure 1 corroborate the aforementioned fact that NoVaS (Simple or Exponential) beats GARCH for prediction of squared returns even if the data generating model is (stationary) GARCH as long as the sample size available for model-fitting is small—equal to 125 in this case which is the size of the local window. The corresponding points in the right panel of Figure 1 indicate that GARCH manages to do as well as (or better than)[3] NoVaS when the effective sample size is increased to 250.

  2. Figure 1 shows that the change point at t = 500 wreaks havoc in TV-GARCH model fitting and the associated predictions; this adds another dimension to the observations of Mikosch and Starica (2004). By contrast, both NoVaS methods seem to adapt immediately to the new regime that occurs after the unknown/undetected change point.

  3. Figure 2 shows that TV-NoVaS (Simple or Exponential) beats TV-GARCH for prediction of squared returns even when the data generating model is indeed TV-GARCH. Not only is the MAD of prediction of TV-NoVaS just a small fraction of that of TV-GARCH, but the wild swings associated with the latter indicate the inherent instability of GARCH model-fitting; this instability is prominent even in this simplistic case where the errors have a true Gaussian distribution, and Gaussian MLE is used for estimating just the three GARCH parameters.

  4. As seen in both Figures 1 and 2, the performance of Simple NoVaS is practically indistinguishable from that of Exponential NoVaS although upon closer look the latter appears to be marginally better.

  5. It is possible to also consider Time-varying version of Generalized NoVaS both Simple and Exponential. However, in the context of the present simulation, the results of TV GS NoVaS and TV GE NoVaS are practically indistinguishable from the results of the Simple and Exp-Novas; they were not added to Figures 1 and 2 in order not to clutter the pictures and maintain their readability.

Remark. GARCH model fitting via (numerical) MLE is well-known to be problematic unless the sample size is quite large, e.g. more than 300. However, as discussed in the Remark given at the end of Section 2.1.3, NoVaS fitting is straightforward and does not employ numerical MLE. This is what makes NoVaS outperform GARCH even when the model is GARCH with a moderate sample size; see the left panel of Figure 1 where for the first 500 entries the model is pure GARCH. In this sense, is it expected that TV-GARCH is not performing well with locally stationary data (see Figure 2), since the MLE fitting has to be done over short windows.

3 Estimation of Realized Volatility

In this section, we compare the performance of NoVaS methods versus GARCH models in the estimation of daily realized volatility with real-world time series. Based on the empirical work of Politis (2003, 2007, the NoVaS series {Wt,a} appears to be uncorrelated; this is true for a variety of daily returns including stock prices, stock indices, and foreign exchange. Since {Wt,a} is (approximately) Gaussian, then we can infer that the series {Wt,a} is not only uncorrelated but also independent; therefore, it is straightforward to construct a Model-free estimate of the conditional expectation E(Yn+12|n). In this case, Eq. (13) implies that E(Yn+12|n)=An2E(Wt,a21a0Wt,a2); the NoVaS estimate of realized volatility therefore is


which has validity, e.g. consistency, under the sole assumption that Yt has a finite second moment conditionally on n (and therefore unconditionally as well). To examine the performance of this estimator, we conduct a real-data empirical analysis of estimating the daily realized volatility either using Eq. (19) or fitting a GARCH(1,1) model.

3.1 Real Data and Summary Statistics

We consider two real-world time series; both are intraday 30-min IBM stock returns over different time periods and associated with the daily realized volatility. The sample period of the first dataset is from 07-01-2010 to 07-31-2012 for a total of n = 526 days. The sample period of the second dataset is from 01-02-2013 to 11-10-2016 for a total of n = 975 days. Weekends and holidays are excluded for both series. In Figure 3, we present graphs for the daily realized volatility of the two datasets. The associated daily realized volatility was constructed by summing all 30-min squared returns of one day for IBM stock. Specifically, if we denote by rt,i, the ith daily return for day t, then the daily realized volatility is defined as ht2=defi=1ntrt,i2, where nt is the total number of 30-min intervals during day t of open market.

Figure 3: Daily realized volatility for IBM stock; the top one is daily realized volatility for data from 07-01-2010 to 07-31-2012 and the bottom is for the series from 01-02-2013 to 11-10-2016.
Figure 3:

Daily realized volatility for IBM stock; the top one is daily realized volatility for data from 07-01-2010 to 07-31-2012 and the bottom is for the series from 01-02-2013 to 11-10-2016.

3.2 NoVaS and GARCH(1,1): Optimization and Estimating Specifications

To estimate the realized volatility for our two series, we continue using the TV-NoVaS transformation and TV-GARCH(1,1) models. All forecasts we make are “honest”, i.e., we use only observations prior to the time period to be forecasted. The parameters of NoVaS approach and GARCH(1,1) models are re-estimated as the window rolls over the entire evaluation sample. The window sizes we choose are m = 126 (6 months) and m = 252 (1 year). We compare the performance of the NoVaS approach to the standard GARCH(1,1) with normal errors, and to GARCH(1,1) with errors following a t(v) distribution with degree of freedom estimated from the data. For completeness, we employ all NoVaS algorithms: Simple-NoVaS, Exp-NoVaS, GS NoVaS and GE NoVaS. For Exp-NoVaS and GE NoVaS algorithms, we set pmax=n/4 and the trimming threshold of 0.01 as in Section 2.

In the process of analysis, we always evaluate our estimation using the “true” realized volatility measure given in the previous subsection and report the mean absolute deviation (MAD) and root mean-squared error (RMSE) of the estimation errors et=defht2ht2^, given by:


where ht2^ denotes the estimation of the daily realized volatility for any of the methods used, and e¯=def1nmt=m+1net.

3.3 Results and Conclusions

Our estimation results are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1 gives the results for the series from 07-01-2010 to 07-31-2012, and Table 2 for the series from 01-02-2013 to 11-10-2016. In the second columns of each table are the MADs and RMSEs of TV-NoVaS and TV-GARCH(1,1) with window size 126. The third columns in both tables record the MADs and RMSEs with window size 252. Some general comments:

  • For all methodologies, the MADs and RMSEs of the estimation errors of daily realized volatility are decreasing when the window size is smaller, i.e., 126; this may indicate a non-stationarity in the data.

  • The TV-GARCH(1,1) models with student t innovations outperform the TV-GARCH(1,1) models with Normal innovations for both series; this should not be surprising in view of the mainstream GARCH literature.

  • The performance of TV-Exp-NoVaS is always better than that of TV-Simple-NoVaS. Similarly, TV-GE-NoVaS also performs better than TV-GS-NoVaS. Hence, using exponential weights may be worth it; see also Politis (2007).

  • TV-Exp-NoVaS and TV-Simple-NoVaS both underperform compared to TV Generalized NoVaS, and sometimes even compared to TV-GARCH(1,1) models. Interestingly, TV Generalized NoVaS (both simple and exponential—but especially TV-GE-NoVaS) performs best, giving smaller MADs and RMSEs of estimation errors among all methods used. Therefore, choosing an appropriate non-zero α in Eq. (8) of the NoVaS transformation is crucial for good performance when the goal is to estimate realized volatility although it was not deemed important for the prediction of squared returns discussed in Section 2.

Table 1:

The mean absolute deviation (MAD) and root mean-squared error (RMSE) of estimation errors for the daily realized volatility of IBM stock from July 1, 2010 to July 31, 2012.

Series 2010–2012Window size = 126Window size = 252
GARCH(1,1) with normal error1.418E-042.112E-041.732E-042.292E-04
GARCH(1,1) with t-error1.397E-042.049E-041.706E-042.233E-04
GS NoVaS1.199E-041.689E-041.439E-041.901E-04
GE NoVaS1.115E-041.684E-041.343E-041.908E-04
Table 2:

The mean absolute deviation (MAD) and root mean-squared error (RMSE) of estimation errors for the daily realized volatility of IBM stock from January 2, 2013 to November 10, 2016.

Series 2013–2016Window size = 126Window size = 252
GARCH(1,1) with normal error1.362E-043.692E-041.446E-043.617E-04
GARCH(1,1) with t-error1.343E-043.682E-041.390E-043.592E-04
GS NoVaS1.175E-043.252E-041.191E-043.179E-04
GE NoVaS1.114E-043.253E-041.138E-043.175E-04

4 Bootstrap Prediction Intervals

Coming back to the problem of prediction of the one-step ahead squared return Yn+12, it is generally desirable to go beyond a simple point predictor, and instead try to construct a prediction interval that will contain Yn+12 with (conditional) probability 1−α approximately, i.e., asymptotically over large samples. It is well known that in order to capture the variability of estimation/model-fitting, a prediction interval typically involves some form of resampling; see Politis (2015) for a discussion. The construction of bootstrap prediction intervals based on ARCH/GARCH models has been addressed in the literature; see Pan and Politis (2014, 2016 and the references therein. It is of interest to see whether prediction intervals can be constructed in a Model-Free fashion, e.g. based on NoVaS transformation, and compare their performance with the model-based ones.

To fix ideas, we will return to the setup of a stationary series {Yt}; extensions to local stationarity using TV-GARCH and TV-NoVaS are immediate in view of the last section. Recall that the key idea of Model-Free Prediction is to transform a given complex dataset into one that is i.i.d, and therefore easier to handle. In the NoVaS transformation, we transform our dataset to an i.i.d data vector that is standard normal. In Model-Based Bootstrap, confidence and prediction intervals are based on generating one-step ahead pseudo-data using the fitted model equation, and some approximation for the distribution of the errors, e.g., the empirical distribution of the residuals. By contrast, the Model-Free Bootstrap re-samples the transformed dataset that is i.i.d and then transforms the resampled vector back to obtain pseudo-data in the original domain.

4.1 Description of Interval Prediction Algorithms

Based on the NoVaS transformation, the optimal (in an L1 sense) predictor of g(Yn+1) given n was given in Eq. (16), i.e.,


where the second equality is true when the quasi-Gaussian series Wt,a is uncorrelated—and therefore independent—as has been the empirical finding with various types of daily financial returns. In addition, a preliminary approximation to the predictive distribution of g(Yn+1) can be given by the empirical distribution of the random variables {g(AnWt,a1a0Wt,a2)fort=p+1,,n} for. However, as Politis (2015) remarked, such an approximation treats the NoVaS parameters as known, and ignores the variability associated with estimating them; to incorporate this variability, some kind of resampling—in this case the Model-free bootstrap—is inevitable.

Note that the point predictor g(Yn+1)^ is a function only[4] of Yn, …, Ynp+1, i.e., is a predictor of the type of a nonlinear autoregressive (AR) model or a Markov process of order p. Hence, to develop the relevant resampling algorithms, we can borrow some ideas from the work of Pan and Politis (2014, 2016; in particular, we will adopt the “forward” bootstrap methodology, i.e., generate bootstrap series forward in time but also ensure that Yn+1* is constructed correctly; see also Politis (2015).

The basic Model-free (MF) bootstrap algorithm for prediction intervals in the setting of financial returns goes as follows. For concreteness, our construction of prediction intervals below is based on the L1–optimal predictor, i.e., the conditional median, because of its robustness; construction of prediction intervals based on other types of predictors can be done in an analogous manner if so desired.

Algorithm 4.1.

MF Bootstrap Prediction intervals for g(Yn+1)

  1. Use one of the NoVaS algorithms (Simple versus Exponential, Generalized or not, etc.) to create the transformed data {Wt,a for t = p+1, …, n} that are assumed to be approximately i.i.d. Let p, α and ai denote the fitted NoVaS parameters.

  2. Calculate g(Yn+1)^, the point predictor of g(Yn+1), as the median of the set {g(AnWt,a1a0Wt,a2)fort=p+1,,n}; recall An=αsn2+i=1paiYn+1i2.

  3. 3. (a) Sample randomly (with replacement) the transformed variables {Wt,a for t = p+1, …, n} to create the pseudo-data Wp+1*,,Wn1*,Wn*andWn+1*.

    (b) Let (Y1*,,Yp*)=(Y1+I,,Yp+I) where I is generated as a discrete random variable uniform on the values 0,1,,np.

  4. Generate the bootstrap pseudo-data Yt* for t = p+1, …, n using the following equations, namely:


where st1*2=(t1)1k=1t1Yk*2.

  1. Re-estimate the NoVaS transformation based on the bootstrap data Y1*,,Yn*, yielding bootstrap parameters p*, α*, a0*,a1*,,ap*. Let An*=α*sn2+i=1p*ai*Yn+1i2, and calculate the bootstrap predictor g(Yn+1*)^ as the median of the set


using the convention[5] that when 1a0*Wt,a20, we assign 11a0*Wt,a2=.

  1. Generate the bootstrap future value Yn+1* as

  1. Calculate the bootstrap “root”: g(Yn+1*)g(Yn+1*)^.

  2. Repeat step 3 above B times; the B bootstrap root replicates are collected in the form of an empirical distribution whose α-quantile is denoted q(α) .

  3. The (1−α) 100% equal-tailed bootstrap prediction interval for g(Yn+1) is given by


Note that the last p values from the original data, i.e., Ynp+1, …, Yn, are used in both the creation of the bootstrap predictor in Eq. (21) and bootstrap future value in Eq. (22); this is in accordance with the ‘forward’ bootstrap methodology in the work of Pan and Politis (2014) but also with the general Model-free Bootstrap described in Algorithm 2.4.1 in Politis (2015).

Another version of Algorithm 4.1 can also be devised in the spirit of the Limit Model-Free(LMF) Bootstrap of Politis (2015); it would amount to replacing Step 3 (a) above by: (a) GenerateWp+1*,,Wn1*,Wn*andWn+1*as i.i.d. from a N(0, 1) distribution truncated to±1/a0.

4.2 Local Stationarity

The construction of prediction intervals given in Algorithm 4.1 was based on the assumption of stationarity. However, if the returns {Yt} are only assumed to be locally stationary, Algorithm 5 should be applied to each of the windowed (local) datasets, thus yielding Time-varying NoVaS bootstrap prediction intervals. Similarly, the forward bootstrap algorithm for prediction intervals in stationary ARCH/GARCH models was detailed in Pan and Politis (2014); it the returns are only locally stationary, the model-based bootstrap algorithm should be applied to each of the windowed (local) datasets, in effect using the TV ARCH/GARCH model instead.

4.3 Finite-Sample Performance of Model-Free and Model-Based Prediction Intervals

In what follows, we will use real and simulated data to compare the performance of the proposed bootstrap prediction intervals, model-free (i.e., NoVaS) and model-based.

4.3.1 Three Illustrative Datasets

In the work of prediction intervals, we also focus on another three real world datasets of daily returns taken from a foreign exchange rate, a stock price, and a stock index. A brief description of these datasets is as follows; for more details, see Politis (2015).

  1. Example 1: Foreign exchange rate. Daily returns from the Yen versus Dollar exchange rate from January 1, 1988 to August 1, 2002; the data were downloaded from Datastream. The sample size is n = 3600 (weekends and holidays are excluded).

  2. Example 2: Stock index. Daily returns of the S&P500 stock index from October 1, 1983 to August 30, 1991; the data are available as part of the GARCH module in Splus. The sample size is n = 2000.

  3. Example 3: Stock price. Daily returns of the IBM stock price from February 1, 1984 to December 31, 1991; the data are again available as part of the GARCH module in Splus. The sample size is n = 2000.

4.3.2 Simulation

In the following simulation work, we will compare the performance in interval prediction of squared returns by using Simple-NoVaS, Exp-NoVaS, Limit Model-Free with Simple-NoVaS method (LMF Simple-NoVaS), Limit Model-Free Exp-NoVaS method (LMF Exp-NoVaS), Generalized Simple-NoVaS method (GS-NoVaS), Generalized Exp-NoVaS method (GE-NoVaS), Limit Model-Free with Generalized Simple-NoVaS method (LMF GS-NoVaS) and Limit Model-Free with Generalized Exp-NoVaS method (LMF GE-NoVaS) method with that by using GARCH(1,1) models with normal errors. Each interval is constructed based on the windowed data series. So all the methods and models here are still time-varying models. For the window size, we will use 125 and 250, as are worked in the point predictions. For prediction intervals using a GARCH(1,1) model, we use the Algorithm 9.2.1 of Model-Based prediction intervals for Yn+1 from Politis (2015); see also Pan and Politis (2016).

As in Section 2, we employ the same TV-GARCH(1,1) and CP-GARCH(1,1) models to generate the simulated datasets. For consistency, two stationary processes are generated by the following two standard GARCH(1,1) models:

  • Model 1. Yt=σtϵt,σt2=.00001+.93σt12+.05Yt12,{ϵt}i.i.d.N(0,1).

  • Model 2. Yt=σtϵt,σt2=.00001+.73σt12+.10Yt12,{ϵt}i.i.d.N(0,1).

Each simulated dataset has size n = 1000, and the window sizes are b = 125 and 250, similar to those used in Section 2 of point predictions. For the three real world data discussed in Section 4.3.1, we use window sizes b = 250 and 500 because their full sample size is bigger. For computational reasons, we chose B = 500 for bootstrap resampling throughout; a practitioner that has to deal with a single dataset could well afford to use a larger B, maybe even 10 times larger.

For each dataset, nb windowed datasets of size b are extracted. For each windowed dataset, one of the bootstrap methods—based on GARCH(1,1) or on different NoVaS algorithms—was used to create B bootstrap sample paths and B one-step ahead “future” values denoted by Y(b+1,j) for j = 1,  2,  … ,  B; The bootstrap prediction interval (Li, Ui) was constructed for the “future” value Y(b+1) of windowed dataset i, here i = b+1, b+2, …, n. The corresponding empirical average coverage level (CVR) and the average length (LEN) of the constructed intervals, and the standard error (St.err) associated with each length of the constructed intervals are calculated as




4.3.3 Discussion of Results

Our results are summarized in Tables 3 and 4 for simulated stationary datasets, in Tables 5 and 6 for simulated datasets generated by CP-GARCH(1,1) and TV-GARCH(1,1) models respectively and in Tables 7–9 for the three real world datasets. Each table has two subtables with different window sizes. The first two lines of each subtable are the results using the Simple NoVaS (Simple-NoVaS) and Exponential NoVaS (Exp-NoVaS) methods. Lines 3 and 4 of each subtable are the results using Limit Model-Free with Simple-NoVaS (LMF Simple-NoVaS) and Limit Model-Free Exp-NoVaS (LMF Exp-NoVaS) methods. Lines 5 and 6 of each subtable are the results of Generalized Simple-NoVaS (GS-NoVaS) and Generalized Exp-NoVaS (GE-NoVaS) methods. Lines 7 and 8 of each subtable are for Limit Model-Free with Generalized Simple-NoVaS method (LMF GS-NoVaS) and Limit Model-Free with Generalized Exp-NoVaS (LMF GE-NoVaS) method. The last line of each subtable gives the results by using GARCH(1,1) models with normal errors.

Table 3:

A stationary process generated by GARCH(1,1) with C = 10−5, B = 0.73, A = 0.10.

Window size 125Nominal coverage 95%Nominal coverage 90%
Limit Simple-NoVaS0.9514.00E-042.34E-040.8992.73E-041.54E-04
Limit Exp-NoVaS0.9544.89E-042.05E-040.8933.12E-041.22E-04
GS NoVaS0.9472.82E-049.98E-050.8962.27E-041.08E-04
GE NoVaS0.9503.57E-042.59E-040.8992.55E-041.54E-04
LMF GS-NoVaS0.9462.52E-041.14E-040.8932.01E-048.70E-05
LMF GE-NoVaS0.9443.06E-048.44E-050.8932.43E-046.47E-05
Window size 250Nominal coverage 95%Nominal coverage 90%
Limit Simple-NoVaS0.9314.10E-042.31E-040.8862.89E-041.60E-04
Limit Exp-NoVaS0.9434.59E-041.70E-040.8943.05E-041.10E-04
GS NoVaS0.9452.86E-041.10E-040.8962.10E-041.21E-04
GE NoVaS0.9485.92E-045.63E-040.9002.81E-041.57E-04
LMF GS-NoVaS0.9432.73E-041.48E-040.8922.09E-041.10E-04
LMF GE-NoVaS0.9482.99E-048.76E-050.8933.11E-041.75E-04
Table 4:

A stationary process generated by GARCH(1,1) with C = 10−5, B = 0.93, A = 0.05.

Window size 125Nominal coverage 95%Nominal coverage 90%
Limit Simple-NoVaS0.9513.06E-031.88E-030.8932.04E-031.18E-03
Limit Exp-NoVaS0.9493.88E-032.02E-030.8862.49E-031.30E-03
LIMIT GS-NOVAS0.9473.13E-031.76E-030.8932.48E-031.27E-03
LIMIT GE-NOVAS0.9493.30E-031.60E-030.8942.81E-031.57E-03
Window size 250Nominal coverage 95%Nominal coverage 90%
Limit Simple-NoVaS0.9495.62E-033.81E-030.8993.94E-032.66E-03
Limit Exp-NoVaS0.9383.64E-031.81E-030.8882.42E-031.22E-03
LIMIT GS-NOVAS0.9462.67E-031.44E-030.8942.09E-037.86E-04
LIMIT GE-NOVAS0.9493.33E-031.31E-030.8992.71E-031.41E-03
Table 5:

Data generated by TV-GARCH models.

Window size 125Nominal coverage 95%Nominal coverage 90%
LMF Simple-NoVaS0.9511.07E-037.81E-040.9067.43E-045.29E-04
LMF Exp-NoVaS0.9451.09E-037.49E-040.8907.12E-044.74E-04
LMF GS-NoVaS0.9448.10E-046.39E-040.8976.83E-045.92E-04
LMF GE-NoVaS0.9479.25E-046.34E-040.8875.15E-043.99E-04
Window size 250Nominal coverage 95%Nominal coverage 90%
LMF Simple-NoVaS0.9449.27E-047.90E-040.8936.54E-044.96E-04
LMF Exp-NoVaS0.9241.12E-037.41E-040.8817.51E-044.97E-04
LMF GS-NoVaS0.9408.71E-046.71E-040.8911.02E-031.00E-03
LMF GE-NoVaS0.9408.11E-045.68E-040.8956.36E-045.84E-04
Table 6:

Data generated by CP-GARCH models.

Window size 125Nominal coverage 95%Nominal coverage 90%
LMF Simple-NoVaS0.9581.73E-031.79E-030.8971.18E-031.21E-03
LMF Exp-NoVaS0.9462.40E-032.58E-030.8941.58E-031.70E-03
LMF GS-NoVaS0.9381.78E-031.72E-030.8961.37E-031.36E-03
LMF GE-NoVaS0.9491.70E-032.03E-030.8899.42E-049.35E-04
Window size 250Nominal coverage 95%Nominal coverage 90%
LMF Simple-NoVaS0.9521.80E-031.42E-030.8921.25E-039.79E-04
LMF Exp-NoVaS0.9412.46E-031.85E-030.8931.66E-031.23E-03
LMF GS-NoVaS0.9564.08E-034.86E-030.9112.84E-033.03E-03
LMF GE-NoVaS0.9431.96E-031.73E-030.8801.28E-031.00E-03
Table 7:

Foreign exchange rate.

Window size 250Nominal coverage 95%Nominal coverage 90%
LMF Simple-NoVaS0.9584.71E-043.97E-040.8983.02E-042.39E-04
LMF Exp-NoVaS0.9645.23E-043.47E-040.9243.15E-042.14E-04
LMF GS-NoVaS0.9464.14E-042.85E-040.92.81E-041.54E-04
LMF GE-NoVaS0.9504.20E-041.82E-040.8862.67E-049.95E-05
Window size 500Nominal coverage 95%Nominal coverage 90%
LMF Simple-NoVaS0.9184.86E-043.03E-040.8626.09E-043.69E-04
LMF Exp-NoVaS0.9545.13E-045.18E-040.9143.14E-043.10E-04
LMF GS-NoVaS0.9464.10E-041.98E-040.8902.66E-041.21E-04
LMF GE-NoVaS0.9503.89E-041.20E-040.9122.56E-046.66E-05
Table 8:

S&P500 Stock index.

Window size 250Nominal coverage 95%Nominal coverage 90%
LMF Simple-NoVaS0.9345.02E-045.69E-040.8803.24E-043.20E-04
LMF Exp-NoVaS0.9565.32E-044.19E-040.8943.31E-042.56E-04
LMF GS-NoVaS0.9464.38E-043.47E-040.8922.86E-042.14E-04
LMF GE-NoVaS0.9484.25E-042.93E-040.9002.87E-041.99E-04
Window size 500Nominal coverage 95%Nominal coverage 90%
LMF Simple-NoVaS0.9291.49E-035.13E-030.8729.68E-043.44E-03
LMF Exp-NoVaS0.9521.61E-034.67E-030.8979.92E-042.81E-03
LMF GS-NoVaS0.9446.78E-044.87E-040.8944.45E-043.18E-04
LMF GE-NoVaS0.9365.86E-043.01E-040.8844.58E-042.75E-04
Table 9:

Stock price series (IBM).

Window size 250Nominal coverage 95%Nominal coverage 90%
LMF Simple-NoVaS0.9581.02E-035.73E-040.9187.83E-044.42E-04
LMF Exp-NoVaS0.9561.08E-036.64E-040.9147.48E-043.81E-04
LMF GS-NoVaS0.9509.17E-044.81E-040.8906.88E-043.89E-04
LMF GE-NoVaS0.9521.01E-035.85E-040.8986.67E-043.43E-04
Window size 500Nominal coverage 95%Nominal coverage 90%
LMF Simple-NoVaS0.9551.25E-031.16E-030.9068.39E-047.67E-04
LMF Exp-NoVaS0.9571.33E-039.84E-040.8798.67E-045.51E-04
LMF GS-NoVaS0.9481.68E-034.55E-040.9041.33E-042.97E-04
LMF GE-NoVaS0.9501.93E-033.07E-030.8961.30E-042.34E-03

For simulated stationary time series data by GARCH(1,1) models, Tables 3 and 4 show that the performance of different NoVaS methods is better than that of GARCH(1,1), that is, NoVaS methods have average coverages very close to or equal to the nominal ones. Remarkably, the Generalized Simple and/or Exponential NoVaS methods beats Simple/Exp-NoVaS as well as LMF Simple/Exp-NoVaS. In addition, there are not significant differences between Limit Model-Free NoVaS and Generalized NoVaS methods when the data is stationary. It is also shown that the window size has little effect—the coverages are still close to nominal ones—for the performance of NoVaS methodology, while the reaction of GARCH(1,1) to the change of the window size is relatively large. We can see that the average coverages get much closer to the nominal ones as the window size is increased from 125 to 250.

Tables 6 and 7 give the results for data generated from time-varying GARCH(1,1) and CP-GARCH(1,1) models with normal errors respectively. It is shown that in each table, all NoVaS methods have the average coverages much closer to the nominal ones than GARCH(1,1) in both subtables for each table. When the window size is increased to 250, GARCH(1,1) models perform better as expected from earlier work of Politis and Thomakos (2008, 2013). Meanwhile, the performance of NoVaS methods is not sensitive to changes in the sample size; this finding is in accordance with the results for point prediction of squared returns of Section 2. However, this effect of window size on GARCH(1,1) under data with nonstationarity is bigger than when the data are stationarity; compare to Tables 3 and 4.

It is also worthwhile to note that Limit Model-Free NoVaS and Generalized NoVaS methods can sometimes capture the nominal coverages exactly with smaller average lengths and standard deviations for the predicted intervals. Also, we can find that Limit Model-Free NoVaS methods perform better than Simple-NoVaS and Exponential NoVaS, while the performance of the Limit Model-Free Generalized NoVaS methods are not as good as the Generalized NoVaS under both simulated datasets.

If we look at the results for the three real world financial series in Tables 7–9, the NoVaS still outperforms the benchmark GARCH(1,1) models. Looking at Tables 5 and 6, GARCH(1,1) performs worse when the window size is increasing from 250 to 500, that is, the average coverages are smaller and the average length and standard errors of the predicted intervals are larger. The possible reason might be that the assumption of stationarity might be broken when the window size is too large, like 500. It is also apparent that the performance of Limit Model-Free Generalized NoVaS methods are indistinguishable from that of Generalized NoVaS although the latter appears to be marginally better upon closer comparison. All in all, when the data is non-stationary, the results from Tables 6–9 are supporting the superior performance of time-varying NoVaS in interval prediction against the benchmark time-varying GARCH(1,1). These results are not only consistent with the results of point predictions in Section 2 and Section 3, but also consistent with the findings of the performance of NoVaS without using time-varying processes; see more in Politis (2015), Chapter 10.

5 Concluding Remarks

The NoVaS methodology for prediction of stationary financial returns was revisited, and its applicability for estimating realized volatility was demonstrated. Working with high-frequency real data, the performance of NoVaS was compared to the benchmark GARCH(1,1) model for volatility estimation. The NoVaS—in particular the so-called Generalized NoVaS—empirically outperformed GARCH (1,1) model with either normal or t errors; this is a new finding.

Moving on to the setting of non-stationary data, e.g., locally stationary time series, a Time-varying (TV) version of NoVaS was constructed and compared to fitting TV GARCH models in the context of one-step ahead point predictions. All types of NoVaS methodologies were included in the comparison, including the Generalized NoVaS which again showed definite advantages. Using DGPs that included change-point and TV GARCH(1,1) models, a comprehensive simulation confirmed that the NoVaS methodology remains successful with nonstationary data, and generally outperforms the benchmark GARCH(1,1) model.

In a remarkable finding, it appears that the TV NoVaS approach for prediction outperforms the fitting of a TV GARCH(1,1) model even when the DGP is indeed a TV GARCH(1,1) model. The reason for this can be attributed to the large sample size needed in order to reliably estimate the GARCH parameters via numerical MLE. With locally stationary data, it is the window size that dictates the effective sample size for model fitting; this window size can not be too large if the practitioner wants to capture the underlying nonstationarity.

Last but not least, a Model-Free algorithm for bootstrap prediction intervals was proposed based on the NoVaS transformation. The applicability of the methodology extends to locally stationary time series using the TV NoVaS notion, and can be compared to model-based prediction intervals based on the GARCH(1,1) model. In extensive empirical work on interval prediction of squared returns using both real world and simulated non-stationary series, it was found that NoVaS gives a higher coverage level (on the average) than the GARCH(1,1) method. In contrast to the latter, the performance of NoVaS does not depend much on the window size which is reassuring.

In conclusion, the TV NoVaS methodology is robust against possible nonstationarities in the data, and generally outperforms the GARCH benchmark for (i) point prediction of squared returns, (ii) interval prediction of squared returns, and (iii) volatility estimation. With regards to target (i), earlier work had shown little advantage of using a nonzero α in the NoVaS transformation. However, in terms or targets (ii) and (iii), it appears that using the Generalized version of NoVaS—either Simple or Exponential—can be quite beneficial and well-worth the associated computational cost.

Corresponding author: Dimitris N. Politis, Department of Mathematics and the Halicioğlu Data Science Institute, University of California – San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0112, USA, E-mail:

Award Identifier / Grant number: DMS 16-13026

Award Identifier / Grant number: Unassigned


Many thanks are due to the Editor and an anonymous reviewer for their thoughtful comments. Research supported by NSF grant DMS 19-14556.


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Received: 2019-09-11
Revised: 2020-03-22
Accepted: 2020-04-24
Published Online: 2020-07-06

© 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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