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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter March 17, 2015

Particle Markov Chain Monte Carlo Techniques of Unobserved Component Time Series Models Using Ox

  • Nima Nonejad EMAIL logo


This paper details particle Markov chain Monte Carlo (PMCMC) techniques for analysis of unobserved component time series models using several economic data sets. The objective of this paper is to explain the basics of the methodology and provide computational applications that justify applying PMCMC in practice. For instance, we use PMCMC to estimate a stochastic volatility model with a leverage effect, Student-t distributed errors or serial dependence. We also model time series characteristics of monthly US inflation rate by considering a heteroskedastic ARFIMA model where heteroskedasticity is specified by means of a Gaussian stochastic volatility process.

JEL Classification: C11; C22; C63

Funding statement: Funding: Danish National Research Foundation (Grant/Award Number: DNRF78).


A.1 Simulation Results, SV-MA(1) and SVM

In this section, we present simulation results for SV-MA(1) and SVM. We simulate T=1000 observations from these models, and report the true DGP parameters along with PMMH parameter estimates in Table 10. In each case, we also estimate a plain SV model for comparison. Overall, we see that PMMH works very well as parameter estimates are close to their respective true values. In each case the corresponding model outperforms the plain SV model in terms of ML.

Finally, we analyze the performance of PMMH with respect to the number of particles, M. We do this by estimating SV-MA(1) using M=1, M=10, M=100 and M=1000. In all of these cases, we choose N=20000. We see that using very low values of M appear to be insufficient, see Figure 6. For instance, the chain gets stuck on a specific parameter value almost throughout the sample for M=1. For M=100, we get better results. However, the chain still gets stuck for a considerable time. However, we see drastic improvements in the performance of the algorithm for M=1000. We also run the PMMH algorithm for M=2000. We get almost identical results as for M=1000.

Table 10:

Simulation evidence.

ParameterDGP: stochastic volatility with MA(1) errors, SV-MA(1)DGP: stochastic volatility in mean, SVM
log(ML), a=0.75–1,671.2–1,592.4–1,817.5–1,598.5
log(ML), a=0.99–1,673.8–1,592.2–1,817.2–1,598.2
M–H ratio0.420.380.330.37
Figure 6: Estimation results, SV-MA(1) model. Each column shows posterior draws of the parameter of interest for different number of particles, M.
Figure 6:

Estimation results, SV-MA(1) model. Each column shows posterior draws of the parameter of interest for different number of particles, M.

A.2 Particle Gibbs with Ancestor Sampling

In order to ease the notation burden, we consider the plain stochastic volatility (SV) model


where θ=μ,ϕ,σ2. Within the PG-AS framework, we approach estimating eqs [10] and [11] directly by first drawing α1,...,αTpα1,...,αT|θ,YT using the conditional particle filter with ancestor sampling, CPF-AS. Thereafter, we draw pθ|α1,...,αT,YT using standard Gibbs sampling techniques. Let i=1,...,N denote the number of Gibbs sampling iterations, j=1,...,M denote the number of particles, and let pyt|θ,αt,Yt1 denote the density of yt given θ, αt and Yt1. Finally, let α1i1,...,αTi1 be a fixed reference trajectory of α1,...,αT sampled at iteration i1 of the Gibbs sampler. The steps of CPF-AS for the SV model are as follows

  1. ift=1

    1. Draw α1j|α0j,θ for j=1,...,M1 and set α1M=α1i1.

    2. Set w1j=τ1j/Σk=1Mτ1k, where τ1j=py1|θ,α1j,Y0 for j=1,...,M.

  2. else fort=2to T do

    1. Resample {αt1j}j=1M1 using indices δtj, where pδtj=kwt1k.

    2. Draw αtj|αt1δtj,θ for j=1,...,M1.

    3. Set αt(M)=αti1.

    4. Draw δtM from pδtM=jwt1jpαti1|αt1j,θ.

    5. Set α1j,...,αtj=α1δtj,...,αt1δtj,αtj, wtj=τtj/Σk=1Mτtk.

  3. end for

  4. Sample α1i,...,αTi|θ,YT with pα1i,...,αTi=α1j,...,αTj|θ,YTwTj.

Notice that CPF-AS is akin to a standard particle filter, but with the difference that α1(M),...,αT(M) is specified a priori and serves as a reference trajectory. Hence, we use only M1 particles at each step. Furthermore, whereas in the particle Gibbs algorithm of Andrieu, Doucet, and Holenstein (2010), we set δtM=M, in PG-AS, we sample a new value for the index variable, δtM, in an ancestor sampling step, (d). Finally, we can include more unobserved processes in the model of interest. All we need to do is to modify (a), (b), (c), (e), and thus draw particles for each process. At the same time, we still have one sets of weights. Thereafter, we can sample the unobserved process using step 4.


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Published Online: 2015-3-17
Published in Print: 2016-1-1

©2016 by De Gruyter

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