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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter May 4, 2019

The Canonization of Translated Literature: A Historical Review on the Chinese Translations of H. C. Andersen’s Tales

  • Wenjie Li EMAIL logo


The influences that translational practice has on other social systems, especially literary polysystems have been attracting scholarly attention from both inside and outside translation studies. Translational activities are considered as a kind of cultural importation bringing new genres and styles of writing to the literary target polysystem. Besides, translation is also believed to be an integral means of canon formation, not only introducing a foreign literary work to the target audience but also making its way to the centre, that is the canon of the target literary polysystem. The present article will suggest a mechanism of canonization of translated literature on the basis of the investigation of influential factors in translation. The mechanism will then be applied to a historical review of the Chinese translations of H. C. Andersen’s tales, hoping to offer some insights into the dynamics and complexity of the canonization of translated literature and the roles that translational activities play in the process. The article also attempts to show that historical accounting of translation should be humanist. Perspectives taken by the narrator and other human factors are vital for the composition of a history of translation.

Award Identifier / Grant number: 18YJC740039

Funding source: Carlsbergfondet

Award Identifier / Grant number: CF15-0017

Funding statement: This study is supported by Social Science Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (18YJC740039) and Carlsberg Foundation (CF15-0017).


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Published Online: 2019-05-04
Published in Print: 2019-04-24

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